
Monday, July 20, 2020

Origin of Malay dislike for the UEC

This was what had been posted on 18 July 2020, quoting a news article from Malaysiakini that PM hopes for government recognition of UEC, says Huazong:

Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin personally hopes that the government will one day recognise the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC), said the Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (Huazong).

The association said the premier expressed this aspiration during a meeting with Huazong representatives at the Parliament building yesterday.

In its statement today, the association said that Muhyiddin expressed the government’s willingness to negotiate with Huazong and other Chinese civil society groups on the UEC issue, but had urged all parties to understand the country’s policies and circumstances.

It said the prime minister told the meeting that the government and Chinese civil society groups could use national policies and current conditions as a foundation for further negotiation and study.

This would lead to a win-win solution for all parties, said the statement, which added that Muhyiddin expressed hope the issue could be “deradicalized” and handled in a rational manner

So what were written?

Muhyiddin ... personally hopes

the government will one day

but had urged all parties to understand the country’s policies and circumstances

hope the issue could be “deradicalized” and handled in a rational manner ...

Before the dust could settle, whoa, the ultras (ranging from Muhyiddin's own Youth Division to ISMA to Mahathir), all came out in droves to attack the issue as if Muhyiddin had already okay-ed the UEC. And in the gleeful pack of excoriate-rs has been none other than my visitor 'TS', wakakaka.

'TS' saw fit to pen (see for yourself in the 18 July posting on UEC mentioned above) such remarks as:

KT's Guppy-Tail is wagging because of Muhyiddin's "personal hope". But instead KT is putting the spotlight and pressure on MCA, which now holds the Deputy Education Minister post.

When in Opposition and holding no government position MCA's Ti Lian Ker was so "panas" about UEC. He offered advice to Teoh Nie Ching, who was then Deputy Education Minister, asked her to keep quiet about UEC

What the hell can a 2-MP MCA do when a 42-MP DAP and "in" government did NOTHING? Puhleeeze lah, don't compare buah langsat (MCA) to buah bangsat (DAP).

Ferocious as a Tigress prior to GE14, mewing as a kitty when deputy to Maszlee

ISMA came out with a fierce Jangan tunduk tuntutan Hua Zhong (don't submit to Hua Zhong's demand, as if there had been any demand). And WTF has ISMA, an Islamic organisation which monitors its b
ête noires, namely, the influences of 'liberalism', 'Shia presence' and 'Christianization' in Malaysia, has to do with vernacular education?

Just sheer hatred, suspicions and disdain for non-Malays and their interests. Guess who started all these?

And right behind them (or perhaps even ahead of them, came the man who started the hatred towards UEC. Mahathir talked about 'Malay sensitivity' as  an excuse for dismissing the UEC. The Edge Markets reported:

In an interview with Sin Chew Daily published today, Dr Mahathir said his administration also has to resolve the issue of unequal wealth distribution in the country before getting into UEC recognition.

"Recognising UEC is easy, just sign. But we need time to bring two to three racial groups, including natives in Sabah and Sarawak, onto a same position of economic development. They (Malays) feel that they are getting lesser, and this kind of imbalance is getting bigger," he said.

What kerbaus - his administration??? Wakakaka.

And that usual lie of his that They (Malays) feel that they are getting lesser, and this kind of imbalance is getting bigger, when many Malays including/especially his sons are already multi-billionaires. Just yesterday, we read about the appointment of the CEO of Prasarana - of course it has to be a Malay, not that we resent Muhammad Nizam for getting the post.

KTemoc Konsiders ........: Mahathir imbued Mukhriz with invincible ...

Mahathir and Sons | weehingthong

It's just that under a Mahathir-ised Malaysia (with all his BTN-ised policies), non-Malay plebeians can only dream of obtaining any government or GLC positions, or of achieving their interests (eg. government recognition of the UEC).

Dream Dream Dream that's all!

The UEC is a standardised test for Chinese independent high school students organised by the UCSCAM (United Chinese School Committees Association of Malaysia) since 1975. This Malaysian Chinese educational Certificate is accepted by overseas countries such as the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ, etc on top of Chinese speaking nations like China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan.

It seems that the only country not accepting the Malaysian UEC is Malaysia.


Under Mahathir and his sad divisive policies, the Malaysian government has long been indoctrinated, whatever, however, as ever*, not to recognize, or dare not recognise the UEC, which has already been recognize by 400 foreign tertiary educational institutions throughout the world, including universities in France, Germany and Russia, let alone the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, NZ and Chinese speaking nations like China, Hong Kong and Taiwan.

* Yes, as ever, because it all started back in 1975 with Mahathir, when he was Education Minister, He threatened the Chinese educationists about issuing the UEC.

Dr Kua Kia Soong enlightened us on the UEC via FMT:

The litany of reasons given by the government for not recognising the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) through the years gets more and more bizarre.

They used to say that the UEC’s curriculum was not up to mark. The latest reason is the answer given by Deputy Education Minister P Kamalanathan in the Dewan Rakyat that the Cabinet, in a meeting on Nov 6 last year, had decided not to recognise the certificate.Dr Kua quoted Kissy-Hand-some Kamala saying:

“For now, the government can’t recognise UEC as it is not based on the national curriculum and education philosophy. This is a reality that needs to be accepted as it’s related to the nation’s interests and sovereignty.”

Dr Kua also went back into history to inform us that Mahathir was the man who first threatened the Chinese schools on the UEC and warned them not start this private line of educational accreditation.

Dr Kia said via FMT:

At independence in 1957, there were 86 Chinese secondary schools in Malaya.

It was only after the 1961 Education Act that many of these schools were forced to become English-medium (yes, not Malay-medium) at the time. Only 14 Chinese secondary schools remained as “independent” schools.

It was after the “Independent Schools’ Revival Movement” in the 1970s that the number of MICSS climbed to 60 schools.

In 1975, when the MICSS decided to hold its first Unified Examination, the Chinese education leaders were summoned to Parliament by then Education Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and were told in no uncertain terms to cancel the examination “or else…!”

The Chinese education leaders carried on regardless of the consequences and the UEC has been held every year since. To date, there has never been a leak in any UEC examinations and the curriculum and marking of exam scripts are carried out every year with professional precision.

Finally, Dr Kua gave a flying kick into the face of our so-called Education Ministry by telling us:

Malaysians should also know that there are hundreds of non-Chinese students in the MICSS and more than 80,000 non-Chinese students in Chinese-medium primary schools of Malaysia.

This is in sharp contrast to Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM) that does not admit ANY “non-Bumiputeras” into this public institution even though “non-Bumiputera” taxpayers have also paid for this institution.

Does UiTM violate national sovereignty? This Bumiputeras-only policy definitely violates the International Convention for the Eradication of Racial Discrimination (ICERD).

Strangely thus far, the DAP has been unusually quiet on Putrajaya's rejection of (former the late Sarawak CM) Adenan's recognition of the UEC, though Lim Guan Eng has urged Adenan to hire Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) holders for the state civil service.

But to recapitulate, it started with Mahathir's very very strong and fierce opposition against the UEC, and which now is still perpetuated by his 'UMNO-descendants'.

Muhyiddin is currently in a politically precarious position, so it's little wonder he has his PMO spelt out that there was NO promise of recognising the UEC, and which was exactly what has been reported - but alas, leave it to the ultras like ISMA and Mahathir to come out with 'Malay sensitivities' and 'economic disparities' what with all those filthy rich Chinamen virtually owning all Malaysian towns and cities. 

Related - read how Mahathir sings the same song over and over again vis-a-vis the UEC:

UEC - the Chinese education certificate that strangely terrifies some Malays


  1. "Before the dust could settle, whoa, the ultras (ranging from .... to ISMA to Mahathir), all came out in droves to attack the issue"

    You wrote in the present tense...but there is No trace of Mahathir having said anything on the current UEC dustup.
    Your Edge article is 1 year old..conflating 1 year old news as current is called Fake News.

  2. As expected KT rushes in to put all the blame on Toonsie, as the originator of non-UEC recognition, BTN and anything else that is wrong for Malaysia.

    That may be true, Toonsie did start a lot of wrong things but KT refuses to blame Jibby as the originator of Lynas, Jibby was the one who approved its construction, but KT selectively blames Toonsie (again) for not cancelling its licence.

    You Can Never Win With KT.....Heads I Win Tails You Lose....

    When Will This End....? I know the answer....Never......ha ha ha.

  3. DAP did nothing.....?

    KT's QUOTE
    What the hell can a 2-MP MCA do when a 42-MP DAP and "in" government did NOTHING?

    Teoh Nie Ching put her reputation, her party and her job as Deputy Education Minister on the line for UEC recognition. Here is a sample of what she said. Remember, she was a first term Deputy Minister, with no experience in government, taking on a monster Ministry filled with immovable hard core BN supporters.

    On the flipside....

    Has ANY MCA politician in the 60 years dared to make a pledge to deliver UEC recognition "by the end of the year"....?

    This pledge (which she made within two months of being made Deputy Minister) by Teoh was certainly naive of her to make but we have to give her full credit for bravery. MCA, on the other hand kicked the UEC can down the longkang for 60 years, even introduced KHAT and dumbing down of our education standards.

    Deputy minister pledges official recognition for UEC by year-end
    08 Jul 2018

    Deputy Education Minister Teo Nie Ching has pledged to have the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) officially recognised by the government before the end of this year. According to a Malaysiakini report, Teo said that it would not be necessary to bring the matter to Parliament, seeing as a similar recognition was granted to the A-level certificate without debating it in Dewan Rakyat.
    I have to ‘go home’ if UEC is not acknowledged
    2nd January 2020
    Deputy Minister of Education, Teo Nie Ching said that she would lose the support of her voters if the government does not fulfil its manifesto promise to acknowledge the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC). According to her, it also meant that she can ‘stop working and go home’ if the UEC is not recognised by the government.
    Teo Nie Ching apologises for PH’s failure to recognise the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC).

    Deputy Education Minister Teo Nie Ching says Pakatan Harapan (PH) will not recycle its promise to recognise the Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) as it is aware the move would affect the government’s credibility.

    “I admit that the progress (for UEC recognition) does not meet everyone’s expectations. I want to apologise, but we will not give up,” she was quoted by Sin Chew Daily during a dialogue on the 2020 Budget in Kuala Lumpur last night.

  4. And if this is how KT "supports" a democratically elected 42-MP party in government I wonder how he will "support" a back-door 2-MP party in government?

    Two months after her appointment Teoh pledged to deliver UEC recognition "by year's end". This was certainly naive of her, considering the MOE is full of hardcore BN supporters, and Bapak Kasut Hitam as Minister.

    Now we are into the fifth month of Mah Hang Song being appointed as Deputy Education Minister. What has he done about UEC? Why is it that Muhyiddin has to meet Huazong and give the press interview and give statements?

    MCA Boh Lam Phar.....?????

    After diverting TARUC matching grant back to the MCA-dominated Board of Trustees MCA now a castrated lamb?

    QUOTE by KT on Aug 8, 2019
    .....As someone said, 'The DAP politicians who became ministers and deputy ministers turned from being lions to lambs'.

    It's not just Bapak Kasut Hitam's perpetual eff-ups that she had to parry and fend off but she also discovers her bizarre new found silence and kuai kuai compliance, an amazing belakang pusing from her pre GE14 vivacious but vitriolic vicious verbalisation during her election campaigns.

    She had then voiced her determination to annihilate MCA and Gerakan but alas, now is quiet and timid as a mouse under the proximity of cats.

    UEC? Zilch, Nie Ching.

    Khat? Podah, she has been far too eager to 'wrap' up everything A.S.A.P, but shamelessly lied in saying a 'consensus' has been reached with Chinese and Tamil vernacular NGOs when there were still tons of details not yet discussed.

    When push comes to shove, she shows her true colours and characters.

    'New' Malaysia?

  5. Ktemoc - ferocious as a Tiger from May 8 2018 - February 2020 to criticise each and all Harapan Government actions and inactions , especially Mahathir , DAP etc.

    Now tame as a kitten on PN and MCA actions and inactions.
    Keep excusing MCA's complete silence, as if it is acceptable their Ministers and Deputy Ministers are just seat warmers.

  6. MCA continues it's decades-old tradition of Boh Lam Phar in the Education Ministry. The useless Mah Hang Song can't even manage a small disbursement to Missionary Schools.

    Where did the RM1.2m meant for us go? Missionary schools ask Ministry of Education
    Monday, 20 Jul 2020

    KUALA LUMPUR, July 20 — The Ministry of Education has been urged to respond to queries regarding an RM1.2 million allocation which was supposedly meant to have been channelled to missionary schools in the country.

    Malaysiakini reported Federation of Christian Mission Schools Malaysia (FCMSM) committee member Khor Yong Yin as saying that all 438 government-aided missionary schools have not received any of the funds, or been otherwise approached by any contractor for maintenance works.

    "We saw a total of RM1.2 million out of RM50 million issued but we were not notified which schools received the money and we do not know the relevant process," he was quoted saying.

    Earlier this week, Deputy Education Minister Datuk Dr Mah Hang Soon said a total of RM1.2 million out of the RM50 million earmarked under Budget 2020 had been allocated for the missionary schools as of February 14.

    Khor added he had met Dr Mah in April to discuss the budget allocation for missionary schools, but no mention was made concerning the money being channelled to the government-aided schools.

    He was thus surprised when Dr Mah provided documentation in black and white to prove that the monies had been channelled to the schools

    Khor said FCMSM submitted a list on how the RM50 million were distributed to needy schools, and hopes the allocation will be used on the government-aided schools instead of government schools.

    Khor also said the government should transfer funds directly to the schools’ boards, instead of sending the money to the state education department.

  7. KT always say Education is of paramount importance to the Chinese. I fully agree.

    Now it is confirmed that public funds can be given to political parties for their education institutions.....but we knew that for a long time already because for decades public funds have been channeled to MCA-controlled TARUC.

    MCA has always championed the separation of their university TARUC from Politics, even though TARUC's Board of Trustees is headed by Wee KHAT Siong, and now public funds, albeit small, is channeled to PAS-managed pre-schools.

    Can MCA please bang cabinet table to get some money for all political parties including DAP, PKR and Amanah to open their schools? Or does Mah Hang Soon serve only the MCA-Chinese?

    After GE14, MCA wanted so desperately to be in government, nah, sudah dapat, apa boleh buat? Boh Lam Phar, submit to Muah-Fart-Karat and lick the scraps they throw off the table.

    Deputy minister says RM100,000 for PAS preschools well deserved
    Diyana Ibrahim
    9 Jul 2020

    IT is not wrong for Putrajaya to fund PAS’ preschools, said a cabinet member from the Islamist party.

    De facto deputy minister of religious affairs Ahmad Marzuk Shaary said the Islamic Development Department (Jakim) did not breach any law in handing over RM100,000 to Pusat Asuhan Tunas Islam (Pasti).

    Salur wang Jakim kepada Pasti: Pas tiada beza dengan Umno
    July 7, 2020

    Tindakan Timbalan Menteri (Agama) menyalurkan wang Tabung Musaadah Jakim terus kepada Pusat Asuhan Tunas Islam (Pasti) yang dimiliki oleh Pas dikesali dan didakwa ia tidak jauh beza dengan cara Umno.

    “Wang cukai yang dibayar oleh rakyat, namun digunakan untuk kepentingan parti sendiri.

    “Tindakan ini tidak jauh beza dengan cara UMNO membina kekayaan pemimpin dan parti menggunakan wang negara,” kata Ketua Pemuda AMANAH, Shazni Munir Mohd Ithnin.

    Timbalan Menteri (Agama), Ahmad Marzuk Shaary menyerahkan cek bernilai RM100,000 kepada Pasti yang diterima oleh Sharhan Humaizy Halim dan rakan-rakannya baru-baru ini.

    Ekoran itu, ia disahkan boleh oleh menterinya, Datuk Dr Zulkifly Al Bakri.

    “Pemuda AMANAH sudah pun menjangkakan respon positif daripada YB Menteri Agama dalam pemberian sumbangan kepada sekolah Pasti yang dimiliki penuh oleh Pas,” kata Shazni dalam satu kenyataannya.

    Bagi beliau, sekiranya Pasti layak mendapat bantuan tersebut, seharusnya sumbangan itu turut disalurkan kepada mana-mana tadika milik swasta yang lain.

    “Tempoh perintah kawalan pergerakan selama lebih 3 bulan amat memberikan kesan yang mendalam kepada semua tadika swasta di Malaysia,” katanya.

    Menurut beliau, ada tadika yang langsung tidak menerima sebarang yuran bulanan sedangkan mereka harus menanggung kos operasi seperti biasa.

    Gaji guru perlu terus dibayar dan bayaran sewa harus diselesaikan tepat pada waktunya juga.

    “PN bolehlah berhujah dengan alasan pengusaha tadika swasta mendapat pelbagai insentif daripada kerajaan seperti Program Subsidi Upah (PSU), Program Pengekalan Pekerjaan (ERP), Geran Khas Prihatin (GPK), Bantuan Prihatin Nasional (BPN) atau kemudahan pinjaman perniagaan tanpa faedah.

    “Tetapi mengapa Pasti mendapat ‘keistimewaan’ ini?” tanya beliau kesan dengan tindakan seolah-olah menyalurkan wang rakyat kepada kantung parti sendiri itu.

    “Kami percaya ianya bukan dipilih berdasarkan kepada kelayakan semata-mata, tetapi agensi atau pihak manakah yang mempunyai kepentingan dan akses terus dengan pejabat menteri.

    “Justeru, tidaklah menghairankan kerana Timbalan Menteri Agama sendiri adalah Ahli Parlimen Pas,” katanya.

  8. the main reason i think y conman always win during election is bec he read the malay mass mind correctly. one can always choose to blame mahathir if he hv no ball to tell the truth.
