
Saturday, July 11, 2020

Huawei effs US spying on Europeans

Extracts from finance-twitter:

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Under Trump administration, the trade war against China has morphed into tech war. The U.S. has been pressuring – even threatening – it’s allies to exclude Huawei from 5G infrastructure, claiming its presence on the networks would enable Chinese espionage. 

Allies, including Australia and New Zealand have already banned the company from their domestic networks.

Huawei and ZTE Corp have been the subjects of an investigation that looked into whether their equipment could pose a threat to U.S. interests. Since then, the U.S. has been warning its allies, especially the members of the so-called Five Eyes, a group of five English speaking countries – U.S., Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Great Britain – against using Huawei technology for critical infrastructure.

Still, the U.S. has not been able to provide any evidence over allegations that China uses Huawei as their spying tools. 

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In its retaliation against American hate-campaign against the company, Huawei slapped the U.S. government with a lawsuit, arguing that a law that bans United States federal agencies from buying Huawei products is against its very own Constitution.

Besides lawsuits against the U.S., Huawei had retaliated against the U.S. when it brought its war with the U.S. to the phone industry’s biggest trade show – MWC Barcelona – where 100,000 participants were given another side of the story. Besides telling a packed main auditorium that the U.S. had absolutely “no evidence” to back their “spying” claims, Huawei also dropped two bombshells:

Reminding the audiences to a US federal law that compels U.S. tech companies to provide law enforcement officials with the requested data stored on servers – even if they are located on foreign soil – Huawei’s rotating Chairman Guo Ping said the real reason the U.S. declares war on Huawei was because the U.S. spy agencies could not spy beyond Huawei equipments.

Cartoons: Donald Trump and China

The other reason being Huawei, after investing heavily in 5G research for the past 10 years, has positioned the company roughly a year ahead of its competitors. Hence, the U.S. had no choice but to keep the company out of the world’s reach by portraying the Chinese solution as a security threat. In doing so, the U.S. can retain its ability to spy until the country, which has fallen behind, can catch up.

After the latest plan to blacklist Huawei completely in Britain, Paul Harrison, head of international media at Huawei, posted a series of tweets and revealed the actual situation – the U.S. “fell asleep at the 5G wheel years ago and they’re fighting to claw back market position.” He said that Huawei has been in the U.K. market for 20 years and has “helped telecom providers drive the U.K. to become a 5G global leader.”

Mr. Trump Goes to China | Trump cartoons, Political cartoons ...


  1. no need evidence one, everyone now imitate ccp superior model, ban tis ban tat then mentioned national security. finance twat not only stupid, oso slow on uptake.

    1. Finance-twitter is at least one stage higher than yr frequent stupid chant!

      He can back up his write with evidences, deductible logic & simple reasonings.

      Whereas, u can only fart with one-liner statement made out of regurgitated shits from that well dwelling of yrs.

    2. what evidence? everyone now know huawei is a hi tech co with chinese kharacteristics that cant even continue making phone when trump ban them using usa technology, whats the uk expert forgot to tell is without usa tech, huawei dun even hv the capability to screw a piece of 5g equipment on the wall wakaka.

    3. Typically katak living under a fart filled well.

      犬养 mfer, technological advances have no monopoly!

      Yr uncle Sam can shout now, loudly too, bcoz

      ONE - he got the first move technical advantages, not necessary built by teams from his home ground. Many r been obtained via blackmailing & material inducements.

      TWO - he twisted the arms of many others via his military power & US dollar dominance. Liken to ASML of Netherlands.

      THREE - there r too many of his minion nations, depending on his world policeman resources & leadership. Look no further than Japan & Korea.

      China would have her own chip fabrication foundry & manufacturing facilities NOW if yr uncle Sam didn't use underhanded tactics to obstruct ASML to deliver the purchased & paid for photolithography systems.

      But for a dickhead, living ONLY inside a well, u would never for yr miserable life to know that modern inventions r a integrant of multiple researches & efforts from multiple people & countries.

      Do u know that within the patents used in ASML's photolithography systems there r China patents there too.

      China has been handicapped before by US & her allies. USSR too played her out.

      But the resiliency of the Chinese in solving unsurmountable obstacles has been proven time & again - against all odds too.

      China will have her own CPU manufacturing facilities soon. It would be built on alternative carbon nanotube material using home grown ultra-high precision laser lithography unlike ASML's EUV lithography machines.

      BTW, if Huawei wants to play tough then the current 5G advancements can be grounded. Huawei csn just refuses to allow any other companies/countries in the world to use his patented technologies.

      Ericson, Nokia & Samsung won't be able to move a nut immediately on their 5G equipments w/o Huawei's agreement.

      They have to reinvent the wheel or find alternative technologies to circumvent the technical hurdles currently facing them. If they can, it would be at least 2-3yrs down the road!

      But Huawei won't do that. Neither would the China administration stands to that low a level as exhibited by yr uncle Sam.

      Yr uncle Sam is a basket case in 5G telecommunication. There r NO capable 5G manufacturer in all of US!

      Too many China bashers can only listen to cheers & chorus from US & his allies. They can't think for a moment, that within those loud noises, how many r actually the cries of desperation & unsustainable vanity!

      Just wait lah.

      Who is having the LAST laugh is still pending, 犬养 mfer!

    4. we can wait n hv to wait, xi is one that cannot wait. china lead the world in number of zombie, n dam, that suppose to mitigate flood. however we know zombie n wise leader is a oxymoron, a dam cant make money n control flood at the same time, n one can never become hi tech thru stealing n copying, at least not at a time when u boost yrself hi tech.

      u r right usa dun do 5g, nókia n erisson not american so whats the point to kacau huawwi if not from the national security pov, its another oxymoron ccp lover need to tell us. dun wait n dun laugh, tell us.

    5. Batty is again wandering to places where the prudent fear to tread, mentioned, you can't fix stupid and an extremely stupid one at that too...hanya tau parroting shit which he had first swallowed with vomiting the dreadful mess to foul the air. Podah la

    6. we r discussing topic abt china n chinese, its not for any tom dick n jerk.

    7. This 犬养 mfer is high on fart induced hallucinations! Thus, such irrational chants of nothingness!


      He is wishing the Three Gorges Dam is going to burst its embankment. The 台毒水炮 have been chanting endlessly that the satellite photos of the dam r showing embankment deformation!

      They CAN'T read & interpret satellite photos about distorted land topology. Just like they can't estimate building size vis-a-vis Uyghur inmates population within those oft-quoted satellite photos of the same!

      Truly moron & talking about zombies!

      Besides his bolihland religious zombie pals, he is in the same mold of the demoNcratic zombies that that Formosa is so famous for.

      Anything coming out of the western propaganda press/demoNcratic dickheads r Gospels to be regurgitated & followed through & through. No question asks.

    8. one of the funniest fantasies of Taiwan was (I read this from an American-owned blog in Taiwan specialising on Taiwan-China affairs) that Taiwan might launch an air raid to demolish the Three Gorges Dam during the 2008 Olympic Games to embarrass Mainland China

    9. bodoh, i am not talking abt mao self masterbation "till a smooth lake rises in the narrow gorges" which might induce great risk during war time, my remark is china hv 29k dam which ccp officer treat it a biz like selling property, n thats y more n more flood everywhere, an insult to chinese ancestors laozi zhuangzi philosophy that educate us to appreciate nature. ccp propaganda is full of shit.

      taiwanese hv to show ball to survive but can u deny 3 gorges dam is a risky one? the one that most probably bomb the dam is either russian/japs, or ccp itself. no read contemporary history what russian japs did to chinese? oz no china history book kah?

    10. U r not talking about dam?

      Then, what the f*ck is the second part that follows?

      Yr trademark of illogically confusion!

      "china hv 29k dam which ccp officer treat it a biz like selling property"

      "3 gorges dam is a risky one?"

      犬养 mfer, what risk if not taken to eliminate the possible floods caused by the Yangtzejiang/Yellow River along that span of river valleus that had been shown time & again in the history of China!

      If those dans weren't built then the current series of floods happening in China now WOULD be even more severe - with more life's & properties lost.

      Chinese have been fighting against nature, be it regreening of the desert, taming of the floods, all through their long history! There r risks but a necessary bet to lessen future toils.

      "(3 Gorges Dam) great risk during war time"

      !!! How about Hoover Dam in US?

      Besides, if the evil invader (only those moronic 台毒 dickheads can think of such evil schrme) can penetrate that deep into China territory & commit a atrocious crime against humanity!

      U r a TRUE insult to Chinese philosophisers, like Laozi & Zhuangzi. Their thinkings educate us to appreciate nature but never object to challenge/change nature to suit bigger goods!

      But how could a nonchinese who is showing biasness & hp6 Chinese history know.

      Don't ever quoted Chinese thinkers AGAIN!

      U know NUTS & yet wanted to twist their thinkings to yr f*cked & biased hypocritical pseudo-altruism!

  2. Whoever wrote the article, and Ktemoc who highlighted portions of the article obviously know ZERO about key concepts of IT security.

    One, the critical issue is NOT whether there is "absolutely “no evidence” to back their “spying” claims" ....

    The key decision point is Risk Assessment. What is the level of risk and likelihood of occurrence ?

    In IT security, by the time you have actual Evidence of a serious security breach, it is WAY Too Late.

    Your organisation or nation would have suffered Serious or Fatal damage.

    Anyone who deals with network equipment will know that the extent you can trust your Equipment provider is critical,
    Because you inevitably need to allow your equipment supplier to access your facilities and log into your system for maintenance and troubleshooting.

    For countries that suck CCP cock, including Malaysia, obviously Huawaei is no problem at all.

    Countries that may one day find themselves in a serious foreign policy or even military confrontation with the CCP, need to think long and hard about allowing Huawei to run the backbone of their Telco services.

    Solemn promises by Huawei CEO that he would never allow Huawei networks to pass intelligence to the CCP or carry out sabotage, may be worth less than used toilet paper in times of crisis involving the CCP's vital interests.

    What would is he going to do the day armed CCP agents walk into Huawei control centres ?

    1. Monsterball is telling us he's far superior than those nations' experts, for example, the British ones who had already advised the UK govt to go ahead, but now Boris and his pro US advisers are u-turning due to Taikoe's pressure and threats

    2. UK IT security experts were well aware of the security risks of using Huawei network equipment.

      The UK government last year made a primarily business and foreign-policy oriented compromise.

      One, avoid antagonising the authoritarian CCP dictatorship,
      Two, tap into Cost effective Huawei 5G hardware.
      The compromise was to use Huawei equipment But keep Huawei them out of the most critical core controlling systems that are at the heart of their Telco network.

      Since the Covid-19,crisis that has exposed the untrustworthy aspects of CCP's decision making process, the UK govevernment has had a hard rethink about using Huawei.

      As I said, the Huawei compromise the UK made last year was NOT according to their security experts' advice

    4. This old moneyed mfer knows FART about Risk Assessment, especially in IT fields!

      Maybe he is using is old moneyed methodology to assess something he doesn't understand & yet pretends to know!

      BTW, can mfer,like u, use yr common sense in a modern logical analysis instead of relying on that same old archaic cow sense that made yr fortune?

      Risk assessment depends on many factors - currently know & future extrapolation.

      The UK indecision on banning Huawei 5G equipments as postulated by the National Cyber Security Centre, an arm of GCHQ is based on future extrapolation.

      The German knows very well about the spying channels built into their leaders' mobile phone by the US r very real. That's currently know!

      So, mfer, which scenarios r more REAL & URGENT, using yr argument?

      Huawei or US equipment suppliers?

      The known factors in RISK ASSESSMENT overrule all other future considerations!

      In a future extrapolation of a Risk Assessment, the level of risk and likelihood of occurrence r just projections based on simulations. The simulations r just series of possibles & impossibles.

      The spurious claim put on Huawei equipment IS only good enough to con general public & cheer China bashers. It stands on very flimsy ground.

      Espionage channels in technical ewuipment can be hardwired or software embedded.

      If it's hardwired, then a proper tear-downed of the parts used CAN locate the incriminating parts by skillful technicians/experts.

      Exactly bcoz of this part-by-part analytical dissection, no spying organisation, worth it's salt, would use this method.

      Once found out, & it can, the consequences would be huge. Especially politically!

      Software embedded spying subprogram is more difficult to discover. Only a programmer of calibre & well versed in that particular field can do a proper dissection to uncloak that small subroutine.

      Even then, there must be a disclosure of the original base programming to start with.

      This was what had been done to Merkel's iPhone despite the fact that her iPhone must have been properly vetted by the German intelligence.

      In the case of Huawei equipment, the HW dissection is a simple procedure that doesn't warrant much discussion. If Huawei did that, then soon everyone will know. Yet, right till now, there is NOT a single trace of that HW evidence.

      Huawei has also OPENLY disclosed the SW programming used in her equipment for public examination. Again, there is NOT a single evidence of spying subroutine!

      In short, Huawei's equipment is CLEAN as a whistle - as far as spying espionage is concerned.

      UK IT security experts were well aware of the security risks of using Huawei network equipment. Bcoz, they find none, hence the earlier suggestion to use Huawei.

      Their later change of mind can only be arm twisting by uncle Sam via Boris!

      There is claim that with the possible shortage of CPU due to US technical banning, Huawei 5G network equipment would face supply shortage. Thus adding the risk profile of using Huawei.

      This claim plays on public ignorance that the banned CPU is ONLY used in high end series of Huawei mobile phones. The 5G network equipments DON'T use CPU of that level & they r been supplied by multiple channels!

      Old moneyed mfer, do keep reading yr western propagandas lah. Perhaps, u like their smell too!

      A piece of advice - no for u - keep out of issues u least understand & just relying on 3rd parties infos, especially western medias.

      Most of the time, they make u look, sound & been dressed up like a clownish cur, barking for yr master!


      Wskakaka... for commercial export reasons Germany tries to pretend China does not spy on their country, but sometimes it is impossible to deny......

    6. Hear hear ! ... very well put CK !

      TrumpAss Kisser biting the dust where he knows only to vomit out his Western Mastah's propaganda write, hehehe. Let's see him perform another slinking away with tail tucked in...he failed to counter the fake story of Tiananmem Square 'massacre' perpetuated for decades now, ever since Julian Assange spilled out the truth and now having to pay for his whistle blowing.

    7. its not a threat or security problem when ccp is yr fren, its oso not a threat to outsources all ppe medical supply production to china when ccp is on yr side. uk expert either tok kok or a dedak eater. y not west europe shift their mfg to emperor putin russia, n buy russia jet fighter?

    8. Wakakakakaka…

      Old moneyed mfer, when have u been trained to just read title to understand the news. Especially yr quoted

      U know what's a suspect?

      Commercial espionage?

      What has it gotten to do with Huawei?

      Besides, why just target China?

      Espionage happens all-over the world by every countries work to protect their INTERESTS?

      Just like u in yr old moneyed business!

      Playing double standards?

      Tough luck!

      Try harder by quoting something more relevant & substantially meaty lah.

      Unless, like that 犬养 mfer, u have just starting to share that same fart filled well with it. All around u r just FART!

    9. Wow ! Two dudes here competing hard to show who can suck CCP harder...of course the rewards must be worth it...

    10. Indeed u said it all!

      "its not a threat or security problem when ccp is yr fren, its oso not a threat to outsources all ppe medical supply production to china when ccp is on yr side."

      Ain't that's WHAT happened in reality?

      犬养 mfer, yr reverse fart smells equally bad no matter which ends of yr orifices it comes out!

      West Europe WOULD have shifted their manufacturing activities to Russia, & buy russia jet fighter if not bcoz of NATO & yr uncle Sam's big military stick in controlling & governing the minds & wills of the Western Europe!

      Outsourcing all the ppe medical supply production to china is just simple business decision of skill labours with easy material availability in in one stop location!

      Just ask WHY not any other country BUT China?

      What so special about China that the continuity supply of majority of the products (almost of any nature that the western world demands) outweighed the never-imagined threat or security problem?

      犬养 mfer, u r just a f*cked 事后孔明 of zilch substance. U r also a tok-koker with a CCP bashing vengeance.

    11. Wow!!

      Indeed proven now that fart filled well has a second dweller.

      Never ever crossed his mind that what that old moneyed mfer said about others applied more apt to his demoNcratic cock sucking, preferably uncle Sam's.


      His continuing supply of uncle Sam's business contracts of 3D nature?

    12. everything changed when xi lead ccp to become a bully, even to the extent to takeover the bully 1 by indoctrinate the zombie n ccp lover a china dream that wolf warrior based. so make sure u 3 join pla when ccp start a war with the world.

    13. 犬养 mfer, u know NUT about bully!

      Yr uncle Sam is the one true blooded bully whom u refused to address.

      Just for a technical patent right of ∼7% in CPU fabrication, he is arm-twisting all other countries NOT to deal with China with equipment utilising that much of US patent!

      CCP will not start a war when she is not been provoked!

      Unlike yr uncle Sam, causing inhumane wars all over the world, just to prove his military might!

      Using yr f*cked advice, u should join those 台毒 morons to fight when the taiwan reunification into China starts. & that time is SOONER than u change yr mating croak under that fart filled well.

  3. 5,000 year old civilization knows that the only way to catch up with 500 year old civilization is to SPY SPY SPY COPY COPY COPY, from their governments, universities and corporations. Below is just a sample list.

    But these old spying techniques required human bodies, and they can (and usually are) caught.

    So spying and stealing secrets via hidden Huawei equipment or software would be no surprise....

    1. Blurred mfer, did u find out WHO upload that wikipedia page?

      Monkey sees, monkey does!

      Everything happen NOW in China r been obtained via spying!

      Would that make u laughing out loud in yr wet dream?

  4. Who can forget the early days when Bully's attempts at copying industrial technology and designs from overseas had hilarious results, the example here how Bully copied foreign luxury cars....Rolls, Porches, Mercedes....what a laugh......but nice try Bully, today please stick to making good Protons for Toonsie....ha ha ha....

    1. U forget to quote the similar scenarios happened in US, when yr uncle Sam tried copying Nazi German's rocket technology.

      Ditto with japan - with the tin canned car.

      Ditto with UK when the pommie stealer the idea of hovercraft from China.

      Ditto with many historical facts about porcelain, paper, compass etc etc that the west were trying all means to copy.

      Can still laugh in yr wet dream?

    2. This blind mice is so dripping wet behind the ear...too embarrassing that he claims to be of Chinese descent...good that it was established that he is just an out and out Banana, hehehe, the so-called democracy of the West which he fervently lauded hardly exist and he foolishly without shame sucks up to his Western Mastah. Remember his 'Mao killing of 30 millions' and his 'Xinjiang 1 million concentration camps' were all completely debunked and demolished, and he hardly raise a whimper to counter at all. Malu la. And now he goes for yet another target...China 'spy spy spy and copy, copy and copy'. Mmm...let's demolish this blind foolish man's getting to be fun, hehehe

      Steve Jobs: "We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas"

      “Steve Jobs spinning off from Picasso’s quote “Good artists copy, great artists steal” he continues, “We have always been shameless about stealing great ideas.”

      The clip comes from a documentary called Triumph of the Nerds which chronicles the rise of the PC beginning in the 1970s and continues through the IBM PC and Apple Macintosh revolution through the 1980s and the mid 1990s, ending at the beginning of the Dot-com boom with the release of Windows 95.”

      Industrial espionage is common among countries. US stole British technologies during industrial revolution; US stole German technologies after WW2. Japan stole US technologies, later S Korea then Taiwan.

      Find out why Samuel Slater, known as the “Father of American Industry”, was labelled by the Brits as Slater the Traitor !

      But if you really want to know which country was the springboard of many innovations and inventions, read this : ( excerpts)

      “We were all taught in school that the printing press with movable type was invented in Germany by Johannes Gutenberg in about the year 1550. Not so. China not only invented paper but also the printing press with movable set type, which was in common use in China 1,000 years before Gutenberg was born. Similarly, we were taught that Englishman James Watt invented the steam engine. He did not. Steam engines were in widespread use in China 600 years before Watt was born. There are dated ancient texts and drawings to illustrate and prove the Chinese discovered and documented “Pascal’s Triangle” 600 years before Pascal copied it, and the Chinese enunciated Newton’s First Law of Motion 2,000 years before Newton.


    3. China had printed paper money almost 1,500 years ago, done in ways to prevent counterfeiting. Wrapping paper, paper napkins and toilet paper were all in general use in China 2,000 years before the West could produce them. They were the first to invent and develop a full mechanical clock with a true escapement, many centuries before the Swiss had done so. The Chinese invented an ingenious seismograph still in use that tells not only the severity but the direction and distance of earthquakes. The Chinese invented hot-air balloons, the parachute, manned flight with kites, the wheelbarrow and matches. They invented hermetically-sealed laboratories for scientific experiments. They invented belt and chain drives, the paddlewheel steamer, the helicopter rotor and the propeller, the segmental-arch bridge. They invented the use of water power and chain pumps, the crank handle, all the construction methods for suspension bridges, sliding calipers, the fishing reel, image projection, magic lanterns, the gimbal system of suspension. China not only invented spinning wheels, carding machines and looms, but was the world’s leader in technical innovations in textile manufacturing, more than 700 years before Britain’s 18th century textile revolution.

      Chinese expertise with fine porcelain was so advanced millennia ago, that even today it is admitted their ability has never even been equaled in the West, much less surpassed. The Chinese discovered not only magnetism but magnetic remanence and induction, as well as the compass. They invented gunpowder, smoke bombs, the cannon, the crossbow, plated body armor, fireworks, flamethrowers, grenades, land and sea mines, multi-stage rockets, mortars and repeating guns. China had irrigation canals that were also used for transport, and the Chinese invented the canal locks that could raise and lower boats to different levels 1,500 years before the Americans built the Panama Canal. China has earthquake-proof dams functioning today that were built around 250 BC.

      China designed and built the world’s largest commercial ships, which were many times longer and ten times larger in volume than anything the West could build at the time. In the late 1500s the largest English ships displaced 400 tons, while China’s displaced more than 3,000 tons. Western ships were small, uncontrollable and fragile, and useless for travelling any distance. Thousands of years ago, Chinese ships had watertight compartments that permitted them to continue journeys even when damaged. Moreover, Chinese ships not only had multiple masts, but China invented the luff sails which permit us to sail almost into the wind, just as sailboats do today, and were therefore not dependent on wind direction for their travel. Their luff sails contained sewn-in bamboo battens that keep the sails full and aerodynamically efficient, as racing sailboats use today. The Chinese invented the ship’s rudder – something the Europeans never managed to do, able to steer themselves only with oars, and European sails permitted them to travel only in the direction of the wind, which meant a ship would have to remain in place, sometimes for months, awaiting a favorable wind.

    4. Well, stiff crap, Bully should have registered Earth, Wind and Fire at the Patent Apple.....

      5,000 year old civilization must stop moaning, throwing tantrum and instead drag itself out of the stone and iron age and learn from a 50-year old company (the largest in the world today) based in a 500 year old civilization.

      Apple is renowned for stealing other people's ideas....but they are also famous for jealously patenting everything they can think of under the sun, to prevent others from stealing theirs. Such arrogance. They even succeeded to patent a "Rectangle with a rounded corners"

      Apple finally gets its patent on a rectangle with rounded corners
      But is it too broad to use?

      By Matt Macari Nov 7, 2012

      There's been a lot of talk over the last couple of years — especially by Samsung during the course of its recent patent infringement trial — that Apple has obtained design patent coverage on rectangular devices with rounded corners. While that may not have been true before, it is now. The US Patent and Trademark Office issued patent no. D670,286 to Apple yesterday and it really does cover the outer edge shape of a device. There's no other way to look at it.

    5. Blurred mfer, r u proposing doing everything with dollar sign in our f*cke mind?

      Like yr uncle Sam's acolytes!

      Patent Earth, Wind and Fire at the Patent Office!

      Soon u will he paying through yr nose just to fart. As farting has been trademarked!

  5. China was 1,000 years ahead of the West in anything to do with metals – cast iron, wrought iron, steel, carbon steel, tempered steel, welded steel. The Chinese were so skilled at metallurgy they could cast tuned bells that could produce any tone. Long before 1,000 A.D., China was the world’s major steel producer. I believe it was James Petras who noted that in about 1,000 A.D. China was producing about 125,000 tons of steel per year, while 800 years later Britain could produce only 75,000 tons. (1) The Chinese invented the blast furnace, the double-action bellows to achieve the necessary high temperatures for smelting and annealing metals. They invented the manufacture of steel from cast iron. Thy excelled in creating metallic alloys, and very early were casting and forging coins made from copper, nickel and zinc. The entire process of mining, smelting and purifying zinc, originated in China. The Chinese developed the processes of mining itself, and the concentration and extraction of metals.

    The Chinese invented saddles and the riding stirrup. China’s food production was orders of magnitude ahead of the world for more than 1,000 years, its advances in agriculture the enabling cause of Europe’s agricultural revolution that first permitted it to begin feeding itself adequately. The Chinese were wearing fine silk and cotton clothing and using toilet paper while centuries later Europeans were still wearing animal skins.

    A millennium ago, the Chinese conceived and developed the science of immunology – vaccinating people for diseases like smallpox, knowing how to extract and prepare the vaccine so as to immunise and not infect. They discovered the circadian rhythm in the human body, blood circulation and the science of endocrinology. The Chinese were using urine from pregnant women to make sex hormones 2,000 years ago, understanding how they acted on the body and how to use them. Many centuries-old Chinese medical books still exist, documenting all this and much more. Around 1550, China compiled a huge 52-volume Chinese Traditional Herbal Medicine encyclopedia that described almost 2,000 herbal sources and 10,000 medical prescriptions. Among them is chaulmoogra oil, which is still the only known treatment for leprosy.

    Here’s the full article : History of Chinese Inventions–The Present and the Future–Recent Chinese State of the Art Innovations

  6. Spying and counter-spying are happening in every second in every corner of the world, it's just as routine as having your daily meals. How's it that when China spied it is dirty while others who spied are legitimized?

    There are a lot of inventions by the Chinese now benefiting the whole world only they were invented during the time when there were no law for copy or intellectual rights such as the compass, paper, gun powder and explosive. In reality, the west had copied or "stolen" a lot of Chinese inventions too.

    1. Yes, no law was broken then, but today it is different, so what is your point?

      And yes China is free to ban and sanction foreign companies if they are suspected of spying on China. I didn't say they couldn't.

    2. I see US is the real BIG BULLY, fabricating evidence (until today there is no evidence whatsoever to prove Iran had WMD) to wage war against Iran in the process putting millions of ORDINARY IRAN CITIZENS into decades of suffering. Maybe it was also the reason that turned affected normal people into extremists and terrorist.

      Until today no evidence can be produced Huawei have the alleged "backdoor" You mean the whole world IT experts are inferior to the Chinese? If that's the case why do the Chinese need to steal their inferior technologies?

  7. Everyone is off tangent trying to protect Bully......nobody is disputing Bully inventions in the past, no laws were broken then.

    And if there were laws broken Bully is free to sanction the party concerned.

    But we are now talking about espionage when there are laws in place and it is illegal to spy and steal ideas from others.

    1. Off tangent?

      Blurred mfer, SIMPLE!

      Proved yr claimed espionage!

      Proved yr stealing of ideas from others!

      Don't just quote with statements!

    2. The blind mice club of bananas here are very consistent in parroting the Western propaganda. Never once did they come out to censure or to castigate the Big Bully and its cohorts of the West, not once ever. In the face of truths revealed from Wikileaks, these blind mice will simply pretend ignorance, making absolutely no reference at all to the revealed facts, not even a feeble attempt to counter. Instead, they renew their hatred by bringing up other targets of attacks...Xinjiang or Tibet or Mao so-called murders of millions or SCS. And now onto IP stealing and Espionage. In each and every one of their attacks, they simply refuse/unable to counter the arguments proffered against their unsubstantiated attacks, simply because they don't have the facts to support their wild accusations and attacks.

      So, China in beating back the bullying tactics of the West by taking actions to protect themselves, like ensuring that they wipe out terrorism in Xinjiang, or to prevent the US predatory encroachment on its very doorstep at the South China Sea, China is now labelled as a Bully ! To stop a Big Bully from further hurting you, you are now labelled as a Bully too, lol. Obviously this particular blind mice is taking a leaf out of that Nazi Joseph Goebbels....repeat a lie thousands and millions of times will make a lie into a truth.

  8. "Dissemination of a lie that is to be indoctrinated as the truth is easy. It works on repetition. Even if something is a scandalous lie, if we hear it often enough, it will register as 'commonsense'."

    The above quote is perfectly put ! This is the Anglo sphere playbook to demonize China...trumpeting zero facts and unsubstantiated 'evidence' in its massive world-wide dissemination through its corrupt corporate media owned by a handful of media moguls who are actually in cahoots with their politicians, all in tandem with the CIA overseeing and supervising the whole shenanigans, with the Brits M16 displaying its underhand tactics of devious 'outwardly-gentleman manners' but endless devilish scheming just beneath the surface.

    Hence we see how they try to destabilize China through color revolution in Hong Kong ( the long overdue security law put paid to this though, haha ), the now-failed attempt to cry wolf on 'human rights abuse' about the Uyghurs in Xinjiang ( China today imposed bans on three U.S. lawmakers and one ambassador entry into Xinjiang ) and the escalation of aggression in the South China Sea by deploying B-52 Bomber along with 2 aircraft carriers.

    By the by, it would do well to know the reason WHY the US refuses to ratify UNCLOS. If you had read up on the history of the SCS, you would know that the US also owns rocks and sandbars it could lose if it ratified UNCLOS.

    And here's one write up in support of China's historical claim of SCS :

    Now this issue of espionage :

    Throughout the 2014 the US government has repeatedly insisted that it does not engage n economic and industrial espionage. So critical is this denial to the US government that in August of 2014, an NSA spokesperson emailed to The Washington Post that "The department does NOT engage in any domain, including cyber."

    After that categorical statement to the Post, the NSA was caught spying on plainly financial targets such as the Brazilian oil giant Petrobas...the NSA widely monitors international payments, banking and credit card transactions, according to documents seen by SPIEGEL. Whistleblower Edward Snowden shows that the spying is conducted by a branch called "Follow the Money" (FTM). The collected information then flows into the NSA's own financial databank, called "Tracfin", which in 2011 contained 180 million records.

    But even intelligence agency employees are somewhat concerned about spying on the world finance system, according to one document from the UK's intelligence agency GCHQ concerning the legal perspectives on "financial data" and the agency's own cooperation with the NSA in this area.

    The collection, storage and sharing of politically sensitive data is a deep invasion of privacy, and involved "bulk data" full of "rich personal information", much of which is not about our target", the document says.

    A secret 2009 report issued by Director of National Intelligence James Clapper explicitly show that it steals the trade secrets of foreign companies on behalf of - or give intelligence collected to - US companies to enhance their international competitiveness or increase their bottom line.

    The US Government's Secret Plans to Spy for American Corporation...this report recommends "a multi-pronged, systematic effort to gather open source and proprietary information through overt means, clandestine penetration (through physical and cyber means) and counterintelligence". In particular, the DNI's report envisions "cyber operations" to penetrate "covert centers of innovation" such as R&D facilities".

    Edward Snowden opens a fascinating window into the mindset of America's spies as they identify future threats and lay out the actions the US intelligence community should take in response.

  9. You do realize that the NSA is spying by hacking into NOT ONLY Huawei telecom gear but Cisco and Juniper ?

    You do realize that telecom gear is used by more than government agencies ? Like almost every large corporation owns their own communication and security network. Everyone seems to by spying and doing industrial espionage. Americans, Taiwanese...You do realize that Taiwan Chinese are the Chinese the US backs and not the PRC ?

    Read the report " Industrial espionage part and parcel of US foreign policy". Isn't that's what the US government is doing with Huawei and ZTE plus about 140 other Chinese companies ? Right in plain sight for all to see in the name of national security.

    It seems the US government even sells its spying capabilities to companies willing to buy spy tools for sale by the US intel agencies. " The CIA secretly bought a Swiss company that sold encrypted devices and rigged them to spy on clients".

    The company, Crypto AG, sold gadgets and software to spies, diplomats, military officials, and private companies for decades. CIA agents secretly listened in on all communications that used the company's devices, and the CIA will leak out the reports, calling it the "the  intelligence coup of the century".

    BTW, Huawei currently has a billion dollar plus law suit against Verizon for using its patents without authorization.
