
Wednesday, July 01, 2020

How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle! O KHAT, thou wast slain in thine high places

Should DAP And Amanah Trust Dr Mahathir Again?
by Nathaniel Tan,

“KILLING Renfri is the lesser evil.”

“Evil is evil, Stregobor.. Lesser, greater, middling …. It’s all the same.” — The Witcher

Let’s start by being fair. The last two joint statements by DAP and Amanah made many decent points.

The first statement said they had to consult with other party leaders before taking a formal stance on whether to support Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Shafie Apdal as Pakatan Harapan’s candidate for prime minister. This is a wise and correct step.

In the second statement, they rejected any form of cooperation with Perikatan Nasional. This of course is in principle the correct position to take, and principle should always be what matters the most.

So again: for the record, I concur that it is the correct stance that no one party should be in discussions with Perikatan Nasional alone – if at all it really must be done (highly doubtful), it should be done together as a coalition.

Where it gets a little more interesting is the manner in which the second statement very conspicuously named some individuals, thus directly referencing PKR president Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim in a somewhat accusatory manner.

In other words, it’s more “friendly fire” within Pakatan.

Just like in my last article, I am not here to argue for or against either Anwar or Shafie as candidate for prime minister.

I do feel however, that some serious questions must be raised regarding ongoing support for Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

I cannot stress enough that this is not personal. I have stated repeatedly that Dr Mahathir has made many contributions to the nation. In fact, in 2018, I was invited to be part of a forum because the organisers had identified me (albeit mistakenly) as being “pro-Mahathir”.

The second statement by DAP and Amanah insisted that Dr Mahathir and his faction must be a part of any attempt to stage a countercoup (or in their words, “restore the people’s mandate”).

On one hand, of course, there is a defensible logic to this. Dr Mahathir was the clearly stated candidate for prime minister in 2018, so if we keep looking backwards in an attempt to “restore” the past, then yes, there is some logic to insisting on keeping Dr Mahathir.

Do we want to restore the past though?

I have been supportive of the various configurations of what is now Pakatan Harapan since about 2007. I have never, to date, campaigned for or been supportive of any of their opponents in any election.

Coming from this perspective, I think there are at least four questions that DAP and Amanah cannot afford to be blind to.

First, how should we evaluate Dr Mahathir’s recent two years in power?

Second, what does Dr Mahathir really want for the nation, especially with regards to race and politics?

Third, what were his real intentions, leading up to the Sheraton Move?

Fourth, what is the plan post-Dr Mahathir?

Let’s start with his most recent term as prime minister. What were the big achievements? A finance minister of Chinese descent? An attorney general of Indian descent?

These are not insignificant, but surely what these appointees achieved is more important than their race.

If I were to ask you, off the top of your head, what Dr Mahathir or any of these appointees achieved, what jumps to mind? Many ministers did a pretty decent job, but as far as deep, memorable, and lasting changes go, the list seems thin.

I won’t pretend that I “represent the masses”, but I have read the news almost every day for years now, and I honestly can’t think of achievements that really stand out.

KTemoc Kongsamkok: Auta

I seem to recall a lot of tentative beginnings and false starts, and a lot of feet dragging.

I have written ad nauseum about how too much power is concentrated in the hands of the Prime Minister.

It’s not healthy to “absolve” ministers of responsibility, but from my observation, I think many Pakatan former ministers would have liked to have done a lot more, but may have felt that their hands were tied by what Dr Mahathir did and did not want.

Everything King MiNUS touched (touches) turned(s) to poo (see below image)

This leads us into the second question: what did Dr Mahathir really want?
Yes, he wanted to get rid of Datuk Seri Najib Razak. Everyone agreed easily about that.

How much did they agree about beyond that, however?

It is now on the record that Dr Mahathir said: Anwar cannot be prime minister because he leads a multiracial party.

This immediately raises two painfully obvious red flags. How can you “promise” to give power to Anwar in six months, given that Anwar would still at that point be leading a multiracial party?

Another red flag: does Shafie not also lead a multiracial party?

Shafie for PM, Anwar and Mukhriz as DPMs, says Tun M | The New ...
Anwar cannot be PM because he leads a multiracial party
Shafie Apdal CAN be PM even though he leads a multiracial party
Don't you dare ask me about my Boi-Boi

The way some politicians can twist words and arguments in mind-bending pretzels is nothing short of disgusting sometimes.

I think everything Dr Mahathir did in the last two years is absolutely consistent with his firm belief that keeping the races politically separate – the way it was in the “golden era” when he was prime minister for the first time – is the only viable way for Malaysia.

He has never, ever given any indication whatsoever that he believes anything else.

Amanah is essentially a monoethnic party, so we’ll leave them aside for now. For the DAP, perhaps it is time to come face to face with some real questions: how committed are you to the idea of multiracial leadership?

Do you concur with Dr Mahathir that only a Malay leading a Malay-only party can lead Malaysia? If so, this implies that you concur that the Barisan Nasional model is more or less the correct model, and that all the Malays in your party really are there for cosmetic representation.

Whichever your stance is, please communicate it honestly to the rest of Malaysia.
I try to avoid living in the past. But in the context of the third question of this article, it seems we are doomed to revisit the lead-up to the Sheraton Move.
There are many theories or stories of what happened around then, and I cannot vouch that any of them represent the solid truth.

The theory that I feel gained the most acceptance is that Dr Mahathir was indeed planning for a realignment.

Following up from the previous point, if he believed that the only way forward for Malaysia was to have a strong Malay-only party leading the government, then it goes to reason that he had to find a way to absorb a lot of Umno into his party, Bersatu.

There was only one irresolvable difference: Umno wanted to join en bloc, along with Najib, Datuk Seri Dr Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, and many others that Dr Mahathir was completely allergic to; while Dr Mahathir only wanted to accept selected factions within Umno.

He hates Najib far more than he does Anwar, because Najib did NOT help Mukhriz become an UMNP VP

He was stubborn and dead set on this. To him, it was personal.

I suspect that Dr Mahathir would have been happy to drop PKR, DAP, or both, if it meant getting most of Umno and/ or PAS on board. He would have basically been happy to rule over what is now the Perikatan government, with the sole difference that he would have excluded Najib’s faction.

Why else would he have elevated Anwar’s mortal enemy Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali to such a high position? Are we to believe that someone as sly and powerful as Dr Mahathir had no knowledge whatsoever about the negotiations that led to the Sheraton Move?

The way things panned out, I think it is perfectly believable that he was perfectly happy to go along, right until the point where he realised he had miscalculated how stubborn Umno was about only joining en bloc.

When Dr Mahathir refused to budge, Umno simply took advantage of the fact that he had vastly overplayed his hand by resigning, brokered a new deal with Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin instead, and the rest is history.

The question is: did Dr Mahathir refuse to go along because of “loyalty” to DAP and Amanah? Or because he would not get his way?

Is he so obsessed about his vendetta now because the rakyat’s mandate was betrayed? Or because he feels he was personally betrayed?

Maybe the leaders of DAP and Amanah believe a different version of history. Or maybe they want some things so bad that they’ll believe any fiction that may help them achieve those goals.

He's my Brader

He's a 
grubby gullible greedy Cinapek

In the old version of Politics 1.0 today, it is always the same questions of who is actually riding who, and who is going to backstab who.

As someone with a lot of love for DAP and Amanah, it is painful to watch what is going on. It’s a bit like someone who keeps going back to an abusive lover.

I’m sure they think they have some upper hand, or some ace up their sleeve that they can use as leverage. But think back to history – who has ever successfully “used” Dr Mahathir?

History shows beyond doubt, he is only ever a man who uses, never a man who is used.

This brings us to the final question: what happens post 94-year-old Dr Mahathir?

Are DAP and Amanah in such a rush that this most simple, burning question is so blatantly ignored?

The notion that somehow Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir will hold the same sway as his father is practically laughable.

Have we become so delusional to think that Mukrhiz as a “replacement” will hold the same sway and aura as his father?

If you think that a bit more time under Dr Mahathir will allow you to consolidate yourselves sufficiently, I only ask again to think back to the last two years.

I don’t know what Dr Mahathir thinks of Amanah, if he thinks of them at all. But I truly doubt that in his heart of hearts, he wants to see a strong DAP.

Don’t get me wrong. I believe that in that same heart of hearts, Dr Mahathir is sincere in his wish for a better Malaysia.

I appreciate that. At the same time, I do respectfully disagree with many of his beliefs. And I do not think that things will end well for DAP and Amanah if they keep trying to go along with his vision, or if they think that they can control or influence it.

I know he has this rather unique aura, in no small part because he in some senses delivered what Anwar was unable to for over 20 years.

That said, if you insist on going backwards instead of forwards, then be drawn to the flame at your own risk.

At the rate things are going, some are already calling this the end of Pakatan. Coalitions without real foundations historically break up very soon after general elections.

How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle! O KHAT, thou wast slain in thine high places.

I am distressed for thee, my brother KHAT: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.

How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished! - 2 Samuel 1:25-27 

This will surely upset many. For others though, maybe it is as good a fate as any for any coalition that is not truly a coalition in every sense of the word, nor one bound in well-defined shared values and principles. If a couple must split, best to do it before they have kids – not after.
If that happens, what is important is what we build from the ashes. If we keep looking to the same old structures, systems, and approaches – then all we will reap is the same old results.


  1. "If that happens, what is important is what we build from the ashes."

    Mamak can initiate the burning BUT he can't do anything about the ashes!

    That's the point that many of u refuse to acknowledge.

    Almost everyone is thinking about mamak's dynastic building. All seem to forget how much time mamak has!

    Even if he can manage to twist some arms, corner for some favours, can his supposedly flag carrier sustains his lasting effort?

    That 阿斗 son of his, is his biggest disappointment. Such that every Tom, Dick, and Harry of the bolihland political forum would want to emphasize this point subtly - that mamak is bootstrapping this son of his politically. If this mamak weakling is a man of substance, he should have already stand out from the shadows of his father. Yet, he isn't. & mamak KOWNS it!

    Thus, whatever mamak plans NOW, only one thing is sure - the collapse of umno. Inevitable it would also lead to the demise of ketuanan agenda, which might not be what mamak wants.

    The funniest thing is that the end result is beyond mamak to manipulate. & those Johnny come lately ketuanan champions have zilch skills as honed through hard-earned experiences. All of them r silver-spoon fed, living on the efforts of the earlier umno pioneers while the real hard works of governing the country r been done mostly by the Nons.

    See how fine is the ash?

    Let mamak finishes his work, internationally or otherwise. This is his last contribution for the country.

    Meanwhile, DON'T count too much on manmanlai. He would be an even greater disappointment than mamak!

  2. "Dr Mahathir is sincere in his wish for a better Malaysia"

    I seriously doubt that. To him, the most important is to carry out his own agenda and if it results in a better Malaysia, well, that is a bonus!

  3. Besides plastering his blogs with pictures of people he hates and inserting his own hateful words to mislead people into thinking that was what the real writer wrote.....KT has a sly habit of trying to "summarize" the other people's blogs by plastering his own title at the top....then hiding his hands......

    "How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle! O KHAT, thou wast slain in thine high places"

    ......KT will claim that his inserted title summarizes what Nathaniel wanted to say, but of course he didn't say that. In fact Nathaniel did not mention Lim Kit Siang at all.

    DAP/LKS has fallen? Slain? How's that? Where did Nathaniel say that?

    At one time DAP had low single digit MPs, today they have 42. MCA the Jellyfish party used to have many dozens of MPs but won only one seat in GE14.

    At the PN conference yesterday it was embarrassingly obvious which party had fallen, in the group photo...Wee KHAT Siong grinning at the edge of the group one of 14 party presidents....the self-proclaimed representative of Chinese 1957 MCA headed one-third of the cabinet Ministries, but after the Sheraton Shake they were given ONE, and even that is the Jaga Kereta Ministry with no power to effect any meaningful change....

    And when GE15 comes around who will the non-Malays vote for?
    PN-Muah Fart Karat or PH...? Who will Nathaniel vote for I wonder?


      And I do not think that things will end well for DAP and Amanah if they keep trying to go along with his vision, or if they think that they can control or influence it.

      At the rate things are going, some are already calling this the end of Pakatan. Coalitions without real foundations historically break up very soon after general elections.

      ... what is important is what we build from the ashes ...


      How are the mighty fallen in the midst of the battle! O KHAT, thou wast slain in thine high places.

      I am distressed for thee, my brother KHAT: very pleasant hast thou been unto me: thy love to me was wonderful, passing the love of women.

      How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished! - 2 Samuel 1:25-27

      IS APPROPRIATE? wakakaka
