
Friday, July 31, 2020


India uses arrival of new Fighter jets to warn China

The first five Rafale fighter jets bought from France in a multi-billion-dollar deal landed in India on Wednesday and the defence minister used their arrival to launch a veiled warning to neighbouring China over territorial tensions.

A water-cannon guard of honour greeted the five jets when they landed at the Ambala air base in Haryana state. An intense nationwide spotlight on the combat jets has been sharpened by a deadly border standoff with China.

India has bought 36 Rafale fighters from France in a deal estimated to be worth US$9.4 billion. All are scheduled to be delivered by the end of 2021.

Defence Minister Rajnath Singh said the combat jets’ arrival marked “the beginning of a new era in our military history”.

The jets will make the Indian Air Force “much stronger to deter any threat that may be posed on our country”, he added in a series of tweets.

He did not directly name China but media and observers said his comments were clearly aimed at the neighbouring giant.

“If it is anyone who should be worried about or critical about this new capability of the Indian Air Force, it should be those who want to threaten our territorial integrity,” Singh declared.

Indian and Chinese forces have been in a six-week-long standoff on their Himalayan border since a hand-to-hand battle in which 20 Indian troops were killed. China also suffered casualties in the showdown but has not given figures.

The two sides blame each other for the clash in the Ladakh region and have since moved thousands of troops there while pursuing talks that they say aim to ease the tensions.

India acknowledges it is behind China and other key nations in military firepower, and the purchase of the Rafale jets is one of many made in a bid to bolster its 1.4 million-strong army.

New Delhi has also been eager to update its ageing fighter-jet force amid tensions with nuclear-armed neighbours China and Pakistan.


  1. Bullyland claims territories of 23 countries, even though it only has borders with 14

    The total area of China’s claims on other countries exceeds the size of modern China itself, but Beijing refuses to budge on its claims. Many are based on unsubstantiated (outside China) and unprecedented “historical precedents” dating back centuries. And while China only has land borders with 14 countries, it is claiming territory from at least 23 individual nations. These include Indonesia, Malaysia and Brunei, maritime territory which is 1000 kilometres from the closest Chinese soil (well outside the internationally recognised 200 kilometre EEZ).
    The following is a list of China’s current claims against other countries, all of which it has made painfully clear it is willing to go to war over:

    Afghanistan. Afghan province of Bahdashan (despite treaty of 1963, China still encroaches on Afghan territory).
    Bhutan. Bhutanese enclaves in Tibet, namely Cherkip Gompa, Dho, Dungmar, Gesur, Gezon, Itse Gompa, Khochar, Nyanri, Ringung, Sanmar, Tarchen and Zuthulphuk. Also Kula Kangri and mountainous areas to the west of this peak, plus the western Haa District of Bhutan
    Brunei. South China Sea especially Spratly Islands
    Burma. China claims large areas of Burma on historical precedent (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368). There are unspecified border disputes with Burma.
    Cambodia. China has, on occasion, claimed parts of Cambodia on historical precedent (Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644)
    India. Aksai Chin (part of Jammu and Kashmir), Demchok, Chumar, Kaurik, Shipki Pass, Jadh, and Lapthal Shaksgam Valley, South Tibet (part of India-controlled Arunachal Pradesh), Trans-Karakoram Tract
    Indonesia. Parts of the South China Sea.
    Japan. Parts of the East China Sea, particularly the Senkaku Islands. Also, on occasion, the Ryukyu Islands, on the grounds that the completely independent Kingdom of Ryukyu was once a vassal state of China. The Kingdom of Ryukyu terminated tributary relations with China in 1874.
    Kazakhstan. There are continual unilateral claims by China on Kazakhstan territory, despite new agreements, in China’s favour, signed every few years.
    Kyrgyzstan. China claims the majority of Kyrgyzstan on the grounds that it was unfairly forced to cede the territory (which it had formerly conquered) to Russia in the 19th century.
    Laos. China claims large areas of Laos on historical precedent (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368)
    Malaysia. Parts of the South China Sea, particularly the Spratly Islands
    Mongolia. China claims all of Mongolia on historical precedent (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368). In fact, Mongolia, under Genghis Khan, occupied China.

  2. .....con't..
    Nepal. China claims parts of Nepal dating back to the Sino-Nepalese War in 1788-1792. China claims they are part of Tibet, therefore part of China.
    North Korea. Baekdu Mountain and Jiandao. China has also on occasion claimed all of North Korea on historical grounds (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368).
    Pakistan. Territory is still unilaterally claimed by China, despite China signing numerous agreements.
    Philippines. Parts of the South China Sea, particularly Scarborough Shoal and the Spratly Islands
    Russia. 160,000 square kilometres still unilaterally claimed by China, despite China signing numerous agreements. Most of Siberia.
    Singapore. Parts of the South China Sea.
    South Korea. Parts of the East China Sea. China has also on occasion claimed all of South Korea on historical grounds (Yuan Dynasty, 1271-1368).
    Taiwan. China claims all of Taiwan, but particular disputes are: Macclesfield Bank, Paracel Islands, Scarborough Shoal, Senkaku Islands, parts of the South China Sea and the Spratly Islands.
    Tajikistan. China claims parts of Tajikistan on historical precedent (Qing Dynasty, 1644-1912).
    Vietnam. China claims large parts of Vietnam on historical precedent (Ming Dynasty, 1368-1644). Also: Macclesfield Bank, Paracel Islands, parts of the South China Sea and the Spratly Islands.

    Additionally, China recently taunted Hillary Clinton about claiming territorial rights on Hawaii, and claimed that Chinese sailors had settled peacefully in Australia centuries before European discovery. And let’s not forget the supposed 1418 map that “proves” China discovered the Americas (and the entire world) long before Columbus.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      AGAIN doing yr favourite past time of c&p - w/o proper research!

      Just tambak & fart.

      Oooop…… have u read yr synopsis with the c&p trash?

      Obviously NO! Hence all the contradictory rubbish used to fill yr ego.

      U can sleep on it bcoz u won't know how many, out there in the real world, r laughing no end.

    2. Blind mice scrapping the bottom of the barrel. A grotesque mishmash of rubbish scooped up in an embarrassing effort to be presented as "facts".

      Advice : better stick to local politics and social commentary to avoid red face and foot in mouth

  3. The Rafaels from democracy France are not match for socialist CCP's Chengdu J-20

  4. These curry puffers r really blurred & bodoh-sombong!

    Have his pilots well acquainted with this fighter's workability & fighting maneuverability?

    India has not bought any of this type of fighters before. Thus, it would take considerable SOME TIME before his pilots r comfortable with many of the plane's capabilities.

    Besides, these Rafale fighters r at least a generation behind J15 & no match with the air power capabilities of J20 used by the Chinese.

    The surface-to-air DF missile attack/defense system stationed near Tibet border is also another headache that these fighters r going to find challenging.

    Moreover, Rafale fighter has a limited range & mechanical tolerance over the high attitude of Himalayan range.

    If war really breaks out in the Himalayan border again, these Indian Rafale fighters would be easy meat! Liken to those wasted Indian soldiers in the recent Ladakh region skirmish.

    1. india now hv s400 missile, delivery in advance by winnie pooh buddy the polar bear, with russian n france support at border, n usa aus sea10 ready to fight bully2 at south sea, ccp must now seek iranian help. it was reported that iran frogman can easily sink any aircraft carrier.

    2. 犬养 mfer, u know nothing about weaponry familiarity & operation!

      Besides, for a military weaponry blur, u won't know the variant of S400 missile system bought by curry puffer from Russia.

      No country, outside Russia has a stockpile of the top-ended S400 missile system. Not even China who has bought a few packages a few yrs back.

      U didn't known the Russian S-400 deployment in Syria has to be manned by Russian operators. It's too sophisticated for personnel who has not gone through the proper training!

      Wakakakakaka… continue yr wet dream lah!

      Better still, now that 岩里政男 has gone to met his maker down that firely deep hole, u should partition Abi to let his epitaph sit inside Yasukuni Shrine (靖国神社). Yr 蔡妹妹 would be very please for u!

    3. russia said they delay china order due to pendemic, as if india no wuhanvirus, moreover so many russian operator is at standby mode in india, looking forward a sino india war so that russian can continue demand more freehold land from ccp, a only dare to bully weak regime that close both eyes when russian invade n seize perhaps more than 10 times territory the 10x size of taiwan.

      i dun know if china can operate s400, but i am pretty sure russian will definitely not hesitate to fire india s400 into china.

      btw, how many war ccp is ready to fight? south sea, sino indian border, taiwan strait, senkaku, hk, tibet xinjiang ....1.4b is over populated so xi intend to reduce it by half?

    4. Written with scripts drawn from yr wet dream, 犬养 mfer?

      "russian can continue demand more freehold land"


      The Sino-Soviet border conflict in March 1969 in the vicinity of Zhenbao (Damansky) Island on the Ussuri (Wusuli) River, near Manchuria, resulted in China received several hundred islands on the Argun, Amur, and Ussuri rivers, including Damansky (Zhenbao), Tarabarov (Yinlong) and approximately 50% of Bolshoy Ussuriysky Island (Heixiazi Island) near Khabarovsk.

      Ooop… this fact was lost in yr wet dream!


      From the earlier delivered S400 system to China, PLA weaponry experts have improved on the electronic jamming module. If the arming electronic can be 'improved', that also mean there is a way to counter-jam its operation!

      Hence Russia delayed subsequent delivery & China, the buyer just not complaining!

      Curry puffer can hire as many mercenary Russian operators at standby mode in India. Money wasted, just like showoffing the newly arrived Rafael!

      China WOULDN'T start any war until been aggressively provoked!

      If it comes to REAL war

      1) The Indian can be easily taken care off by the guarding PLA. Natural Himalayan range & Nepalese supports as secondary. Pakistan will also launch support attacks in the Kashmir region.

      The curry puffer will then know what's HOT!

      2) Taiwan strait, Senkaku!!??

      The US Pacific fleet won't come near within Taiwan strait. But uncle Sam's airforce would like to try.

      Here is a secret sourced from the Dark Web.

      "US Growler electronic warplanes rendered totally out of control by electronic jamming devices positioned on islands and reefs in the South China Sea.

      Former commander Scott Swift of the US Pacific Fleet finally acknowledged that the US military had lost the best time to control the South China Sea. He believes that China has deployed a large number of Hongqi 9 air defense missiles, H-6K bombers, and electronic jamming systems on islands and reefs. The defense can be said to be solid. If US fighter jets rush into the South China Sea, they are likely to encounter their ‘Waterloo."

      Taiwan can be completely 武统 within 3 days w/o sweat!

      3) HK, Tibet & Xinjiang???

      R u carrying arm to fight for these regions? Croaking on heat DON'T count, ok?

      No need to move the whole 1.4B. The currently serving PLA will do the defences ANYWHERE within the China border.

      U can look for a population reduction by half some where else! Maybe more than half in yr wet dream.

    5. Latest from the Dark Web!

      War it will be! In the SouthChinaSea.

      To start a war IS always the best election brownie used by various past US president to strengthen their reelection chances. In fact, it's closer to 90% that a war time president would get reelected.

      Trump would be game to try it with his falling rating & cheering on by the military Hawks & weaponry suppliers.

      It would be a chance to test the patience & possible fire power of the Chinese navel forces.

      The most possible ignition point will be an accident happened near a isolated SouthSea shoal.

      黄岩岛 (Scarborough shoal) would be the most likely chosen target.

      It's a disputed item between China & Philippines. It's sparsely patrolled by Chinese maritime forces due to an ongoing understand between the Chinese & Pinoy.

      The moment that orchestrated accident happens, war would be imminent.

      & the Taiwan unification starts!

    6. taiwan unification is fine, no russian japs american will die, only chinese. n only a chinese can get so exciting knowing he now can kill another chinese with good excuse, chinese no ball to kill a american n japs n russian, thats patriotism with chinese kharacteristics.

    7. That's yr understanding of a farted Taiwan unification!

      Who is resisting the unification?

      A bunch of indoctrinated BANANAS, cheered on by their foreign masters who sit&watch far far away, to fight their ideological war!

      Like u, they ain't no Chinese. Many of them t proud of their foreign sounding name, while hatefully trying all out to hide their bornt features.

      Liken to those melayu palsu terlampau melayu. Otherwise, they won't be recognized as 'honorary' whites in the land of demoNcracy!

      Too bad for them to be the sacrificial cannon ashes. Too little to remove them from the land of Taiwan!

    8. many reject unification, german korean etc, but only chinese wanna kill chinese to achieve that. even melayu dun do that.

    9. Who r they to interfere in the INTERNAL politic of China?

      Has China kiaepo about theirs?

      犬养 mfer, when it suits u, these turncoats r Chinese or whatever as the situation demands!

      "Only Chinese wanna kill Chinese to achieve that"


      Taiwan unification into motherland has been painfully negotiated & planned PEACEFULLY by the wised CCP planners for a long long time! But those turncoats, with the supports of their masters in playing geopolitics, have been writing a script of bloody confrontation. Thinking that their 主子 would support them military.

      It's those 'honorable' white bananas (what an oxymoron species) that r looking to spill Chinese blood!

      What an farted insight from a self declared nonchinese!

  5. After decades of mis-management by BN Defence Ministers (since the 80s Badawi, Rithauddeen, Jibby, Albar, Jibby Scorpene, Badawi again, Zahid Hamidi, Hishamuddin) our air force was found to be severely lacking. Tukang Masak revealed that only 4 out of the 18 Sukhoi SU30s could fly, because of poor maintenance and no spare parts.

    Now that India is phasing in modern jets we can buy their Sukhois cheap cheap, for spare part, like kereta potong, just change the flag at the tail, and hire their maintenance crew. They have plenty of SU 30s - 272. We can even pay them with palm oil, and offer sweetener Zakar Naik.

    P/S Why Jibby bought submarines when we needed fighter jets still remains a mystery; the subs were nowhere in sight when we were searching for MH380, Abu Sayaff pirates were kidnapping people, Bully was rampas-ing Southern Seas...etc
