
Saturday, July 25, 2020

Europeans always give in to Jewish rights, regardless

MM Online:

KLM forced woman to move from Orthodox Jewish man, says watchdog

The Dutch Board for Human Rights ruled KLM ‘made a gender discrimination against the couple by failing to provide a discrimination-free environment during a flight’. — AFP pic 

THE HAGUE, July 24 — Dutch airline KLM discriminated against a woman by forcing her to move seats on a plane when an Orthodox Jewish man refused to sit next to her, a rights watchdog ruled.

The case was brought by Dutch MP Ronald van Raak after the incident happened while he and his wife were travelling from New York to Amsterdam in May 2019.

Some ultra-Orthodox Israelis chafe at coronavirus restrictions

photo representative only 

The Dutch Board for Human Rights ruled KLM “made a gender discrimination against the couple by failing to provide a discrimination-free environment during a flight”.

In a judgment today, it said the couple were “confronted with an Orthodox Jewish man, who refused to sit next to the wife because of her gender because of his beliefs.”

KLM cabin crew asked the van Raaks to “cooperate in solving this problem” in order to “make the boarding process as smooth as possible”, the rights board said.

“However, the Orthodox Jewish man was not held accountable for his behaviour, nor was it made clear to him that there were discriminatory aspects,” it ruled.

“Also, the Orthodox Jewish man or company he was part of was not asked to cooperate in solving the seating problem that arose from his position.”

Socialist MP van Raak said he was satisfied with the ruling and called on KLM to change its procedures.

“This is in the public interest that every woman should be able to count on not being discriminated against on a KLM flight,” ANP news agency quoted him as saying.

KLM, which is part of the Franco-Dutch Air France-KLM company, was not immediately available for comment.


  1. Again KT's title is misleading. He quotes one example of discrimination by a Dutch airline favouring an Orthodox Jew and KT plasters it across all Europeans of being discriminatory, favouring Jews, just to "prove" his point, whatever it is.

    Europe has been the Destination of Choice for refugees, the discriminated, the persecuted, over the centuries. Not only for Jews centuries ago but over the recent decades Muslims from the Middle East and Africa. Why....? Because European countries like Germany, Scandinavian countries, France, Holland etc welcome and treat them well, often at the expense of the locals, some of whom are none too happy.

    KLM was in a no win situation. If they had forced the Orthodox Jew to sit next to the woman there could have been a worse situation, as he was part of a travelling Jewish group. It is obviously easier to ask the woman (and perhaps her husband) to move, rather than a larger group.

  2. These belligerent religious people should be made to refused permission to use any airline with exception the Zionist carrier.

  3. So, what's your point ?
    It's not some policy issue.

    The airline staff faced a difficult on-the-spot situation. The flight had to take off, come what may.

    They weren't intentionally discriminating against anyone.

    They made a decision at that moment, and whichever way it went, somebody or another would have screamed "unfair" in the aftermath.

  4. This Dutch couple, the husband is a former Dutch Senator and currently an MP with a PhD in Humanities, is obviously of high standing and supposedly educated.

    If the Othodox Jew had protested about having to sit next to van Raak's wife, why didn't he just offer to switch seats with his wife? Problem solved no? The von Raak's just want to buat kacau. They may have won the discrimination case but I have no respect for them.


    1. gross offence for anyone to discriminate against a female in Europe

    2. Like offering a seat to an elderly person, it’s called Humanity, like what he got a PhD in.

    3. Bull, Ktemoc.

      Discrimination against women, and the low status of women within Islamist communities in Europe is usually tolerated, in the name of respecting community religious and cultural mores and values.

      Perhaps criticised and frowned upon, but little or no action has
      been taken against Islamist communities which engage in such discrimination.

    4. Kerbau, were we talking about your Islamic community?

    5. TS, elderly in story? Bastard could have been a strapping 21-yr old

      Read again:

      “However, the Orthodox Jewish man was not held accountable for his behaviour, nor was it made clear to him that there were discriminatory aspects,” it ruled.

      “Also, the Orthodox Jewish man or company he was part of was not asked to cooperate in solving the seating problem that arose from his position.”

    6. Ktemoc made a broad statement on European values. "gross offence for anyone to discriminate against a female in Europe"

      I pointed out that the Europeans have been very inconsistent.

  5. Why should the airline personnel pander to the Jew who happened to hold some sort of belief which affects the right of another person on the plane ? Kalau tak suka duduk dengan perempuan, just get off your ass and look around for another seat... persuade someone else to change seat with you. Asshole behavior la
