
Monday, July 20, 2020

DAP missed "golden moment" to re-investigate" Teoh Beng Hock's mysterious death at MACC Building

Extracts from Malaysiakini:

Teoh’s family waiting for 11 years

During the memorial ceremony, Li Lan (Teoh BH's sister) also reminded DAP to learn from its past experience in power and seek justice immediately for her brother if they come into power again.

“If you get back the power next time, please don’t forget Teoh's family who have been waiting for 11 years,” she said.

Last year, disappointed by the Harapan government for not providing a clear investigation to Teoh’s untimely demise, Li Lan urged the then federal government to "done talking, please act" during the 10th memorial service.

Teoh BH perished mysteriously at MACC HQ in Shah Alam on his wedding day, after a night of interrogation at MACC's hands 

In 2014 Kit Siang in his article, titled "Malaysians will not rest until justice is done for the killing of Teoh Beng Hock" wrote that DAP and Pakatan Rakyat would continue to highlight the injustice of Teoh Beng Hock’s unresolved murder

What utter bullshit from him! 

Just a year later, in 2015, DAP leader Lim Kit Siang shook hands with Rohaizad Yaakob, a top Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) official to show the opposition’s solidarity with the MACC (at whose building Teoh BH "died" mysteriously)



  1. MCA oso promise to help TBH's family. MCA oso kena scolded when there was no progress. Why KT only point out DAP? Must be pure hatred...ha ha the meantime....

    "Lee Lan even cast doubt on Wee KHAT Siong's sincerity..."

    MCA Youth: Reopen probe into Teoh Beng Hock's case immediately
    Friday, 05 Sep 2014

    PETALING JAYA: The MCA Youth Legal Bureau urges the police to immediately reopen the investigation into political aide Teoh Beng Hock's death.

    The Court of Appeal on Friday overturned a Coroner's open verdict in an inquest into Teoh's death five years ago, ruling out the possibility of Teoh committing suicide.

    "Such findings of the Court of Appeal only raise more questions in the minds of not just the family and friends of the late Teoh Beng Hock but members of the public who have been following the case closely," said MCA Youth Legal Bureau chairman Choo Wei Sern.

    Choo said that some of the questions raised were what actually transpired at the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency (MACC) the night Teoh died, what caused his death, and if Teoh was murdered.

    "These are questions that the police must answer and the answers lay in a thorough investigation that must go to the rock bottom of the matter," said Choo.

    "It is important that the police, as well as the authorities involved, leave no stone unturned in the investigation and they shall do so swiftly in order to restore public confidence in the police and the authorities involved.

    "Not only that, the police must carry out its duties professionally in order to bring the culprits before the courts of justice, in order to achieve justice for the family, relatives and friends of the late Teoh Beng Hock," said Choo.

    Keep Your Donations, Punish Culprits Instead, Teoh’s Family Tells Govt
    November 20, 2014

    KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 19 – The family of slain political aide Teoh Beng Hock wants the government to ensure his killers are punished and not give donations to ease the pain. Beng Hock’s sister Lee Lan said although they appreciated the gesture by Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim in wanting to donate them a sum of money, it was not what they wanted.

    “Datuk Seri Shahidan took our memorandum, expressed his sympathy and promised to pass the message to the Prime Minister. “He wanted to donate money, but we refused it. We thank him for the gesture, but we hope the government show’s the same level of sincerity in bringing the criminals to book,” Lee Lan told reporters at Parliament today.

    Lee Lan and her mother had turned up there to meet several politicians in their quest for justice. They also met with Deputy MCA president Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong, who said the party had always supported efforts to punish Beng Hock’s killers. Lee Lan, however, cast doubts on Ka Siong’s “sincerity”. She questioned why the police had yet to probe the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commision (MACC) officer implicated in Beng Hock’s murder.

    “What is more disappointing is, the officer has been promoted despite the Court of Appeal ruling that Beng Hock was murdered. “It’s been more than three months since the ruling, but the police are still dragging their feet. “My mother keeps asking why Beng Hock ended up dead after going to the MACC as a witness and no one is being held responsible for his death.”

  2. The Golden Moment is now with MCA.....KT must be secretly wishing MCA will solve TBH case, like he was Gullibly wishing PN will recognize UEC....

  3. Not True. Investigation was re-opened by PH government, pressured by 42 DAP MPs ha ha ha....

    Now let's see MCA push it forward in the Muah-Fart-Karat government. Or will the new AG re-TUTUP the case...?

    Probe into Teoh Beng Hock's death reopens
    By Dawn Chan - November 18, 2019

    SHAH ALAM: A special investigation team, set up by the Selangor police’s criminal investigation department and its Bukit Aman counterpart, has summoned five people, including several politicians, to have their statements recorded as the probe into the 2009 death of political aide Teoh Beng Hock reopens.

    Selangor police chief Datuk Noor Azam Jamaludin said those called included Seri Kembangan state assemblyman Ean Yong Hian Wah as well as lawyer and former Kota Alam Shah state assemblyman M. Manoharan.

    “We will also be calling up Tricia Yeoh, who had raised issues in an article titled “Seeking Fresh Leads To Teoh Beng Hock’s Death” which appeared in the New Straits Times on July 17 this year to assist in investigations.

    “We will also call several public witnesses including the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to have their statements recorded and further assist us in this case,” said Noor Azam.

    Yeoh is a contributor with the New Straits Times.

    Noor Azam said this following a July 16 order by Attorney-General Tan Sri Tommy Thomas to reopen the case, which was classified as a Sudden Death Report, to be re-investigated under Section 342 of the Penal Code (Wrongful Confinement).

    The special investigation team, added Noor Azam, would be tasked with conducting investigations following the ruling by the Court of Appeal that Teoh’s death was a criminal offence; that he had fallen from a building due to an unlawful act; his death was driven by someone or several unknown persons including a MACC officer and that he had been detained in a constructive manner.

    Noor Azam said the investigation paper would be referred to the Attorney-General’s Chambers for further action from time to time.

    Teoh served as political secretary to Ean Yong, who was then a Selangor executive council member.

    Teoh was found dead on the fifth floor corridor of Plaza Masalam in Shah Alam, Selangor, on July 16, 2009, after giving a statement at the former MACC office located on the 14th floor of the same building.

    On Jan 5, 2011, the coroner’s court ruled that Teoh’s death was neither suicide nor homicide.

    This led to Teoh’s brother, Meng Kee, filing an appeal against the open verdict, which was dismissed by the High Court on Dec 1.

    Meng Kee filed a second appeal to the Court of Appeal on Feb 10, 2012.

    The Court of Appeal‎, had on Sept 5, 2014, set aside the coroner’s open verdict.

    A three-man panel, chaired by judge (then Datuk) Tan Sri Mohamad Ariff Md Yusof, ruled that‎ Teoh’s death was caused by multiple injuries from a fall from the 14th floor of Plaza Masalam due to or accelerated by unlawful acts by unknown persons inclusive of the MACC officers involved in his investigation.

  4. Why re-classify case as wrongful confinement instead of murder? Tommy explains:

    AG on Beng Hock case: Classification procedural, evidence not yet sufficient

    Published 17 Jul 2019

    Attorney-General Tommy Thomas explained that the classification of Teoh Beng Hock's case as wrongful confinement instead of culpable homicide was merely an administrative procedure.

    In a letter to lawyer Ramkarpal Singh, who is representing Teoh's family, Thomas explained there was still insufficient evidence to proffer a culpable homicide charge but added that this will not stop investigators from gathering more evidence.

    "The instruction from this Chambers to the police to open an investigation paper classified under Section 342 of the Penal Code is merely an administrative procedure.

    "This decision was necessary because despite numerous rounds of scrutiny by officers in Chambers, most recently in March 2019, of the evidence collected from investigation into possible homicide following the Court of Appeal's finding, the present state of evidence is insufficient to proffer a charge under Section 304 or 304A of the Penal Code.

    "This recent classification does not however in any way prevent investigators from looking into the truth or as to who were involved in his death," he said.

    Section 342 concerns wrongful confinement, which carries a prison term of up to a year, or RM2,000 fine or both.

    Section 304 concerns culpable homicide which carries a prison term of up to 30 years and a fine if done with the intention to cause death or up to 10 years, or a fine or both if done with the intention of causing bodily harm that is likely to cause death but not to the extent of having intention to cause death.

    Section 304A concerns causing death by negligence which carries a punishment of up to two years, a fine or both.

    Thomas, in the letter dated July 8, said an investigation under Section 342 is consistent with the Court of Appeal's finding that "Teoh was not free to leave MACC's premise although he was never placed under arrest".

    He also assured that the case could be reclassified if and when new evidence comes to light.

    "Please be assured that should there be sufficient evidence uncovered by the police, the public prosecutor is not prevented by reason of such an administrative classification from bringing a charge under culpable homicide or any other suitable charge in order to bring those responsible to justice," he said.

    Teoh was found dead at Selangor MACC headquarters in July 2019 after being questioned by MACC officers as a witness.

    The Coroner's Court gave an open verdict after it could not establish whether Teoh was murdered or committed suicide.

    The Court of Appeal, in September 2014, set aside the open verdict and concluded that a person or persons were responsible for Teoh's death.

    In a consent judgment at the Kuala Lumpur High Court, the government also agreed to pay Teoh's family RM600,000 for negligence.

    However, Teoh's family is refusing to back down as the MACC officers, who are allegedly responsible for his death, have yet to face action.

    Ramkarpal, who is also the Bukit Gelugor MP, had in a letter on June 28 asked if the classification of Teoh's case as wrongful confinement meant that the AGC was ruling out homicide.

  5. KT's title is misleading. DAP successfully pressured the PH government to re-open the TBH case.

    The Door Which Was Stubbornly Kept Shut by MCA/BN Is Now Open.

    Now the "Golden Moment" is for MCA to push the case forward, from wrongful confinement, gather more evidence to re-classify as murder.....then seek prosecution of the guilty party.

    But instead MCA/PN promoted the senior federal counsel in the TBH case to become Solicitor General.

  6. Just look at the case of that blurred fireman been accidentally killed by a reversing ambulance vis-a-vis TBH's murder lah!

    The intention of a ketuanan agenda govt IS as clear as the bright day!

    DAP couldn't do a thing. Neither would MCA/Gerakan!

    TBH's case can ONLY be resolved fairly when ALL the melayu in bolihland wake up to the true teaching of Islam.

    That's only been NEVER!
