
Friday, July 24, 2020

DAP let down family of Teoh Beng Hock


Teoh Beng Hock's family will never get the justice Malaysians need

"If you get back the power next time, please don’t forget Teoh's family, who have been waiting for 11 years."

- Teoh Lee Lan, sister of Teoh Beng Hock

let down severely & disappointingly by the DAP when it was in government (with 42 MPs) 

Anyone who reads my columns understands that financial corruption, especially when it comes to politicians, holds very little interest for me. This is because a country can recover from a kleptocracy, but it rarely does from a theocracy.

In numerous articles, I have attempted to hammer the point that religious extremism is the existential threat facing this country. In Malaysia’s case, it is worse because race and religion are not mutually exclusive.

Eunuchs in Ancient China - Ancient History Encyclopedia

kt has often said: for thousands of years Chinese have dealt with or cope with corruption, most times successfully but they had never with anti-Chinese-ism

Nearly every issue in this country is turned into a racial issue, which then morphs into a religious issue. One such example is the murder of Teoh Beng Hock, which I have been obsessed with over the past decade.

Like the horrors of mass graves at Wang Kelian, Beng Hock's case exposes the underbelly of political power in Malaysia in a way that should shock most of its citizens, but instead, it just becomes a talking point for politicians.

In 2014 Kit Siang in his article, titled "Malaysians will not rest until justice is done for the killing of Teoh Beng Hock" wrote that DAP and Pakatan Rakyat would continue to highlight the injustice of Teoh Beng Hock’s unresolved murder

What utter bullshit from him! 

Just a year later, in 2015, DAP leader Lim Kit Siang shook hands with Rohaizad Yaakob, a top Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) official to show the opposition’s solidarity with the MACC (at whose building Teoh BH "died" mysteriously)

The propagandising of Beng Hock's death and that of someone like firefighter Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim is similar, in the sense that both are essentially racial narratives and show how the state favours one over the other.

When people say that Adib is a hero for all Malaysians, the question becomes: are all Malaysians equal in this country? Heroes transcend the banalities of race and politics - the truly great ones anyway - so let's not play this game. In other words, you will not see the state turning Beng Hock into a martyr for obvious reasons.

Indeed the death of a young Chinese man is consigned to communal politics instead of a national narrative because the people who gain political mileage from this tragic event have neither the political acumen nor political will to frame this as a national dialogue.

At the height of the media coverage of the death of Beng Hock, then New Straits Times group managing editor Zainul Ariffin Isa, as reported by The Edge Markets, wrote an op-ed piece in Berita Harian.

In his piece, he suggested that there was "an agenda to discredit government institutions like the judiciary, police, and MACC". The institutions, he had to highlight, were staffed predominantly by Malays.

Zainul also alleged that some Selangor Pakatan Rakyat politicians at the time had attributed some investigations into them as being racially motivated. He also asked why the Selangor MB, who was also a Malay, doubted the ability of his own people to act fairly.

When DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng (below) attempted to shift the blame for the failure to get justice for the family of Teoh Beng Hock to current Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin, this is just another example of how totally ineffectual Pakatan Harapan political operatives were in solving long-standing issues which are important for a certain section of their supporters.

He was more interested in eff-ing up TAR-UC than Teoh Beng Hock's unsolved case

The fact of the matter is that Harapan - specifically its non-Malay political operatives - is to blame for the inaction of the state when it comes to discovering the truth behind the murder of Teoh Beng Hock.

How dare Guan Eng peddle the nonsense that it was “agreed” by the cabinet to reopen the investigation but the then home minister, Muhyiddin, was not interested in pursuing the case.

Indeed, linking the inaction on Teoh's death to the then Harapan government with the political manoeuvrings of the Sheraton Move is deceitful in the extreme.

The fact is, Guan Eng has no problem writing to the then attorney-general (AG) about unfreezing the assets of a plutocrat but he dragged his feet on pressuring his cabinet on the Beng Hock case.

Federal Territory Armada chief Zahin Zainal (centre) shows a copy of the documents before submitting it to  the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), in Putrajaya. -NSTP/MOHD FADLI HAMZAH

Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) Youth wing (Armada) has urged the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) to look into reports that former Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng had allegedly ordered the Attorney-General's Chambers to unfreeze a tycoon's bank accounts.

Federal Territory Armada chief Zahin Zainal said the "shocking news" linking Guan Eng to former Attorney-General Tan Sri Tommy Thomas, which surfaced yesterday, is serious and warrants a probe by the MACC.

"This exposé (claims) that Guan Eng allegedly instructed Thomas to cancel the freezing of an account belonging to a 'property boss' linked to the 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) controversy."Today, we are lodging a report with the MACC. We want them to initiate an investigation to determine if what was reported is true or otherwise. Such abuse of power should not have happened," said Zahin today. 

He couldn't go beyond having cosy breakfast chats with a "friend" who backstabbed Harapan and holding press conferences where he assured everyone that a timeline was being set to finally get justice for Beng Hock.

Forget about the whole “reclassification” of the case under then AG Tommy Thomas (below), which resulted in a flurry of correspondence between Beng Hock’s family lawyers and the AG's Chambers.

The only thing you need to know is that the then AG was correct in his statements that the reclassification did not mean that the evidence-gathering process had stopped or that investigation into the death was discontinued.

The reality is that it was up to the political apparatus to ensure that justice, through proper, legal and administrative means, was finally delivered to Malaysians through Beng Hock's family.

All this blame-shifting is merely a means for political operatives to disavow their actions - or inactions, as is the case when it comes to important issues for their supporters. If Muhyiddin was not doing enough to start investigations, then what were all the other Harapan ministers, whose portfolios were connected to the Home Ministry or the state security apparatus, doing?

Why were the MPs, who claimed that this was an important issue, not pressuring their colleagues in the ministry to finally shine a spotlight on this issue? Keep in mind that the murder of Beng Hock could have been used as a launching pad for reform when it comes to the issue of deaths in custody.

Where were all the high-profile ministers who had no problem lurking around when it came to the memorials for Beng Hock (below), but suddenly found themselves “voiceless” in the New Malaysia that we were promised?

It must be a spit on the face for Beng Hock’s family that the personalities involved in the death and farcical investigation of his murder seeped into the Harapan bureaucracy and were strutting around as if their sins had been washed away.

This, of course, is not unusual. Remember when we thought that M Indira Gandhi's case would finally be resolved with Harapan in power. Inspector-General of Police Abdul Hamid Bador may have wanted to achieve a “happy ending” for all involved.

However, it was the public statements of M Kulasegeran, who had championed the issue before Harapan become the government, which revealed to us how the bureaucracy was working when Harapan was in power.

It was reported: Human Resources Minister M Kulasegaran (below) says he can no longer get involved in M Indira Gandhi’s custody case, as he is now a cabinet minister. "However, I am still trying to do things behind the scenes, although I was advised to stay out of the issue since I am no longer Indira’s lawyer. I could have done much more if I was still in practice, but now I have been told to ‘mind my own business’."

Keep in mind what the 95-year-old maverick said when he accused the MACC of selective prosecution and warned them that he would expose their wrongdoings.

It says a lot about Harapan when the person who led the government can now threaten to expose the alleged malfeasance of the MACC if they continue harassing his political operatives and totally ignore the fact that Mahathir supposedly has “evidence” of wrongdoing, which should be reported to the “relevant” authorities.

Do you think Beng Hock’s family will ever get any justice when the people who advocate for that are eventually told to mind their own business or shift the blame for their failings?

The tragedy is that Beng Hock is a martyr for a stillborn New Malaysia.

KDap 'Bloody Useless' 

Janji kepada keluarga Teoh BH dicapati

S THAYAPARAN is Commander (Rtd) of the Royal Malaysian Navy. A retired barrister-at-law, he is one of the founding members of Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan


  1. Capt Pandai say TBH is a racial / religious issue. So what is the solution Thaya....? Can DAP or Guanee alone solve racial / religious issues?

    Nearly every issue in this country is turned into a racial issue, which then morphs into a religious issue. One such example is the murder of Teoh Beng Hock, which I have been obsessed with over the past decade.

    1. Unfortunately, there is no solution so long as the Malay-Muslim coomunity fills that they must "defend" race and religion. This, despite the Malays controlling most of the levers of power.

      To me, it is an entitlement mentality and there is no reasoning with such closed thinking.

    2. If you said no solution due to malays muslim issue then how come this case settle in a time when malays controlling most of the power and not when pakatan is in power?who control the pakatan?is it not DAP?

      So when malays mulsim in a muslim country feels that they must defend their race and religion it is close thinking and having entitlement mentality???so what,the malays and muslim should not be proud of their true identity???is that what you are saying??There is nothing wrong with defending our true identity and if you have a problem with that than you are just being racist!

    3. Indoctrinated ketuanan freak, how twisted righteousness in yr fart!

      "So when malays mulsim in a muslim country feels that they must defend their race and religion it is close thinking and having entitlement mentality???so what,the malays and muslim should not be proud of their true identity???"

      There is NOTHING untowardy IFF u dickhead stick to the letters of the word!

      What in actuality is ketuanan freaks like u, when arguing yr case in this way, have taken a page out from the Aryan core of the Nazism.

      If u can't see that fact, then how about putting yr thinking cap in the head of the Yehudi, exercising his 'god given right' to marginalize the Palestinians.

      When it's issues concerning melayu, everything goes.

      When it's issues concerning the Nons, the melayu sensitivities must be prioritized over all other considerations!

      When what u r doing as now happening everyday within & without of bolihland, u r indeed a racist who is trying to con yr way out.

      BTW, why malays mulsim in a muslim country? Then the malays and muslim?

      Have u forgotten that Malay must be a Muslim but Muslim is not necessary Malay?

    4. Who actually is being racist here ?

      We now have a PM who is infamous for saying he is Malay first and Malaysian second when the non Malays population is in the hefty 40%. He dared claimed at his first speech of being PM that this is a multiracial country and that he is a PM for all. Would he be brave enough to say he is a Malaysian first and a Malay second ?

      Malaysia is the only country in the world whose majority population enjoys affirmative action aside from South Africa (which suffered from a century of racial oppression at the hands of a minority) 

      And in the recent “Malay Dignity Conference,” we have one Malay academic who declared — with a straight face — that “Malaysia is for Malays”.  In any other democratic country, this would be seen as racism at its worst and can even be legally challenged.

      Malaysia’s racial politics is openly, unabashedly explicit and institutionalized. This had been going on for the at least 50 why should we be surprised by such indoctrinated " ketuanan freaks" who without fail, will retort with " they must defend their race and religion " at every turn.

  2. The ONLY readable part of this whole rant is just this small paragraph.

    "The reality is that it was up to the political apparatus to ensure that justice, through proper, legal and administrative means, was finally delivered to Malaysians through Beng Hock's family."

    Even then, this ex soldier is short in further clarification!

    Up to the political apparatus?

    He must have forgotten that who (more correctly race) controls tightly & relentlessly the political apparatus that he so promoted unashamedly.

    It must be a spit on the face for Beng Hock’s family that the mickey mouse involved in the death and farcical investigation of his murder has been recently 'promoted' to be the solicitor general. A reward for his gimmicky court performance, perhaps?

    Maybe he SHOULD rethink the fact that his 'chequered' military service within a ketuanan narrative inspired political apparatus such that he could only retired as a commander of the Royal Malaysian Navy!

    1. ready carefully lah, he was lamenting PH (DAP)'s uselessness during its time as govt, and that Guan Eng got his priority all eff-ed up

    2. I read what he has written but skewed to attack ph.

      The lopsided political apparatus doesn't happen only in ph. It happens everyday since the formation of Malaya & later m'sia.

      If lge has the support of just a significant portion of the melayu within ph, & not necessarily those outside ph, don't u think his priority won't be 'all eff-ed up' as u claimed?

  3. y people always thot dap will do thing differently?

  4. if I want to sound good and intelligent I would target dap too, it's convenient and safe, you won't get into trouble

    1. Why the heck no?is it not DAP who raise this issue relentlessly but when they come in power they just busy themselves with their political agenda?

    2. Wakakakakaka…

      Will u give yr full hearted support to DAP to resolve tbh's murder case?

      cf skewed political apparatus lah!

      DAP is just an easy scapegoat for ketuanan freaks, like u!

  5. Why is the PM in power at the time of Teoh's death, probably an approver of the cover up of the investigation, and arguably a sponsor of the activities that led to Teoh's death, being given a Free Ride by this Captain Tamby as well as Ktemoc?

  6. when DAP was doing the right and truthful thing, only then you Raykats complain.

    when DAP doing corruptions, building invisible expensive tunnel, stoke racial disharmony, nobody from Raykats says anything. weird. our moral compass is 180 degrees different.

  7. Food 4 tot this good argumental n reasoning article !
