
Monday, June 15, 2020

US guilty of human rights violations


Panama finds 70 bodies in mass grave from 1989 US invasion

PANAMA CITY: Panamanian authorities have discovered in a mass grave dozens of victims of the 1989 US invasion to depose former dictator Manuel Antonio Noriega, the public prosecutor’s office said Thursday.

“So far 70 bodies have been found,” the office said in a statement.

Authorities began exhuming a mass grave at a Panama City cemetery in January following the reopening of 14 inconclusive investigations into civilian deaths during the invasion.

The aim is to identify the remains and the causes of their deaths.

Work was suspended due to government measures taken to prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus, but restarted this week.

Sixteen exhumed bodies were taken to Panama’s forensic science institute for analysis.

“The digging is continuing while respecting the biosecurity protocols for this type of work,” the statement added.

In December 1989, 27,000 US soldiers invaded Panama to depose Noriega, a former Washington ally who was wanted by a Miami court to face accusations of drug trafficking.

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Officially 500 people died but some rights organisations claim the true figure was in the thousands.

In 2016, under then-president Juan Carlos Varela, Panama created a commission to count and identify those who died during the invasion.

Noriega, who ruled 1983-89, surrendered in January 1990 and was jailed for drug-trafficking and the disappearance of opponents in the US, France and Panama.

After prison stints abroad he died in Panama in 2017.

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in 2018 found the US guilty of “human rights violations” and ordered it to “provide full reparation”.

Victims have demanded that the US, which committed to cooperating with the investigations, recognise the invasion, compensate the country and provide information about mass graves.

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President Laurentino Cortizo said last year that Panama would look into asking Washington for reparations, while recognising that the two countries have a “fluid” relationship.

The US is Panama’s main trade and diplomatic partner.


  1. A mass grave from that period of unknown origin is found, and Ktemoc's headline screams "US guilty of human rights violations"

    Judge, Jury and Executioner has already pronounced "Guilty"

    Mind you, the Noriega regime itself was known to have carried out "disappearances" , so don't jump to conclusions.

    1. did you read the entire article? No? As usual, jumping to your biased pro this or that conclusions

  2. One need not go far to see the most egregious abuses of human rights by the US, on its very own people in that shinning land on the hill, that beacon of hope and equality in a 'democratic' United States of AmeriKKKa, from sea to shinning sea.

    The raging protests by the blacks triggered by the murder of George Floyd appear not to have abated and I was grateful to be wrong in my initial cynicism that this protest will quieten down and the racist American whites will continue merrily the abuse. The voices are now screaming for full scale reform..."Enough is Enough".. but look at the depth of the systemic racism - two hundred fifty years of slavery, ninety years of Jim Crow, sixty years of separate but 'equal', thirty-five years of racist housing policy.

    The protest has spread to over 50 countries and on every continent except Antarctica. One very powerful image is searing : it shows a picture of a Congolese man staring at the severed hand and foot of his 5 year old daughter - the punishment for not collecting enough rubber for Belgian King Leopold II. Today people are complaining because a statue of King Leopold has been taken down in Antwerp.

    As for the human rights abuses and bullying on the international stage, America is unsurpassed, as so well narrated by former New York Times reporter Stephen Kinzer, author of “Overthrow: America’s Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq.” in this video 'One hundred years of U.S meddling and regime change' :

    1. How many million Chinese died at the hands of your BELOVED CCP ?

    2. Between 18-45 million Chinese died during Mao's Great Leap Forward and the resulting Great Chinese Famine. No one knows for sure the actual number of course....state secret.

      For comparison...
      Total Military deaths in WW2 estimate is 21-25 million.
      Total Military deaths in WW1 estimate is 10 million.

    3. Old moneyed mfer, what's up figure? With proofs!


      ccp said one, not us, we follow ccp number.

    5. All u blurred demoNcratic mice, › document


      Mfers, take yr times to study this CIA confidential document that was been declassified in 1961.

      "Between 18-45 million Chinese died during Mao's Great Leap Forward and the resulting Great Chinese Famine."

      Where did u get yr numbers? Disclosed by yr demoNcratic fairy in yr wet dream?

      What was clearly STATED in ""?

      Conjectures? Guesstimates? Where r the studies done by those named?

      What did CCP say about WHAT numbers?

      Wakakakakaka…… so pittance of thought!

      Indeed, no one knows for sure the actual number of course!!

      But what had been mentioned in CIA's estimate & causalities in that official report?

      "state secret"??!!?

      How to jive with that document ( so 'happily' put out by that 犬养 mfer?

      Maybe yr stated secret in yr wet dream!

      Or all of u, mfers, r going to say that CIA has been paid by CCP China to dress up the NUMBERS of Chinese death during Mao's Great Leap Forward and the resulting Great Chinese Famine!

      Mfers, like u, r so eagerly to pick ANYTHING to blackgoating China that u all have forgotten how to exercise that half-dead neurons to analyse & dissect FARTS throwing in yr way.

      Do some PROPER researches lah before u fart AGAIN!

    6. thats y the phrase "how many millions" n "18 to 45 millions", bec thats what ccp said, if u hv question, ask ccp.

      to me, any number given by ccp we shd x2 min, n if using chinese kharacteristic approach, its quite close to factual if we x5.

    7. 犬养 mfer, what did kt tell yr pal of equally blurred?

      "did you read the entire article?"

      "how many millions" n "18 to 45 millions""!!!


      To u anything comes out of from the 台毒水炮 is gospel x5!

      & based on which source is usually those 台毒水炮 fabricated & farted about if not the good old CIA!

      Is CIA confidential paper NOT good enough now?

      Or r u now exercising yr nonchinese characteristics of 不爱脸 to do another one of yr silly 抛砖引玉 act?

      Ain't this a typical learn nothing by a know-nothing!!!

  3. u mean we shd read cia n not ccp? another jerk.

    1. 犬养 mfer, all I have to say to u is do keep on parading yr 南魔萬 England comprehension!

      Ain't u guy like to uphold the 'truthfulness' of the demoNcratic findings as been showcasing by yr uncle Sam?

      What make u want to quote CCP & tambah soyce & pepper to season yr twist? Running out of quotable facts/numbers?

      Oooop…. Still keeping to yr stupid calling other stupid! U lost yr mirror?

    2. i said x2 n x5, lu bodoh tak tahu baca.

    3. Haven't I say about yr lousy wordsmith skill? Coupling with yr 南魔萬 England usage, anything can be twisted intentionally WRONG!

      Siapa tu tak tau baca?

      Too much Jack Daniel with yr dangdut pals?

  4. Three blind mice, see how they run

