
Sunday, June 28, 2020

Mahathir's message for Chinese & Indian Malaysian gullible guppies

Star Online:

MCA sees red over Dr M’s remarks

KUALA LUMPUR: MCA has expressed outrage at a statement by Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, who said that the Chinese are a “wealthy lot” and that it was “unhealthy” that they lived in urban areas.

Party president Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong (pic) said the former prime minister had not updated himself with the statistics of wealth distribution among the ethnic groups in Malaysia.

He said there were enough recent reports to show that the Chinese, in all levels of income, had already declined.

“I am not sure if Dr Mahathir is pretending not to know, or whether he is merely playing the racial card, ” he said.

Dr Wee also regretted that DAP failed to respond to Dr Mahathir’s remark on wealth distribution.

Don't look up Chye-Chye, don't look up

“Surely DAP knows that the remarks by Dr Mahathir is erroneous, or is DAP now so afraid of telling Dr Mahathir off?” said Dr Wee, who added that Dr Mahathir should stop perpetuating the myth that Malaysian Chinese were rich, as such stereotyping was harmful to racial harmony.

He said many ordinary Chinese were struggling to keep their jobs.

In an interview with the Hong Kong-based Asia Times, Dr Mahathir said Malaysian Chinese were a “wealthy lot”, with the majority of them living in urban centres, and that it represented an “unhealthy trend”.

Dr Wee said each day, tens of thousands of Malaysian Chinese crossed over to Singapore to work.

“These are ordinary wage earners who go to work there to earn an honest living, and are certainly not wealthy.

“The pasar malam stallholders and the smallholders in plantations are not rich either, ” he said.

Meanwhile, the Federation of Chinese Associations Malaysia (Huazong) said no one should perpetuate such a misleading and discriminating narrative of the Malaysian Chinese.

Its president Tan Sri Goh Tian Chuan said such stereotyping could lead to the disruption of unity and harmony among the different races, and could ultimately harm the country.

“Politicians should always be cautious when they speak in public, and refrain from making such an inflammatory remark.

“It may go out of control and incite hatred and animosity against Chinese businesses, and rip the nation apart, ” he said in a statement yesterday.

The attainment of wealth, he said, was largely attributed to hard work and determination to improve one’s life, other than the policies of the government of the day.

Due to the limited opportunities in the public sector, be they government departments, agencies or government-linked companies, the Chinese were left with few choices but to venture into the private sector, he added.

“It is deeply regretful that all these years, the community had to endure such unfair and discriminatory remarks such as ‘the Chinese are rich’, ‘the Chinese are an ungrateful lot’, ‘the Chinese are outsiders’, ‘what else do the Chinese want?’, ‘balik tongsan’ (go back to China) and ‘the Chinese are squatters’ hurled at them by unscrupulous politicians looking for political mileage at the expense of racial unity and harmony.

Mahathir: “.. Orang asing berasa selesa dengan negara kita dan mereka ingin tinggal di sini. Nak tak nak pun, kita terpaksa terima, kalau tidak kita tidak akan mencapai kemerdekaan."

(The foreigners [meaning Chinese and Indian Malaysians] felt comfortable in this country and wanted to stay. Like it or not, we were forced to accept or we would not have achieved independence) 

“If exploited by extremists, such hostile and hurtful remarks may ruin the beloved nation that we have all built together and zealously protected after all these years, ” he said.

Goh also urged politicians to stop exploiting race and religious issues for political gain, and instead strive for a fairer economic policy to foster greater unity and harmony among Malaysians of different races and religions.


  1. conman is consistent, what abt backdoor pm n hadi? do they agree with conman or wowo wee?

  2. Wee KHAT Siong and MCA are the gullible guppies. And KT, for swallowing the bovine crap coming from his mouth.

    In PH's 22 months:
    Did the Chinese and Indians suddenly become poor?
    Did they suddenly emigrate overseas by then tens of thousands?
    Were they suddenly forced to seek employment and education opportunities overseas?

    (In fact hundreds rushed back for GE14 to kick MCA out)

    No, these things befell the Chinese and Indians over DECADES when BN was in power, yes even during Toonsie 1.0, when MCA was in power with him. MCA was Toonsie's gullible guppies for DECADES. Which party abused the NEP for self interest? It was UMNO with the support of MCA, MIC and to a lesser extent Gerakan.

    DAP was virtually the lone voice but MCA did not stop the rot. They were happy to be Menteri Jaga Kereta, got PKFZ and TARUC matching grant.
    Today Wee KHAT Siong is Menteri Jaga Kereta again....

    More importantly why is Wee KHAT Siong targeting DAP now? They are not in power,can't do anything.

    MCA is now "in power", or at least they think they are. So tell us what MCA is doing, with its powerful Jellyfish Minister and two deputies to help poor Chinese.

  3. As KT say...must give time lah, Toonsie only said this a short while ago.....

    But Toonsie 1.0 also said the same thing, ie Chinese were rich FOR DECADES to force NEP initiatives favouring the bumiputra, but in actual fact it only benefited the rich UMNO-putras.

    MCA at that time kwai-kwai swallow Toonsie's words like baby birds with their mouths open while their mother vomited food down their throats...

    Bank Bumi, Proton 1.0, Maminco, Forex, HICOM....etc all happened during MCA's watch while the Chinese were being screwed. MCA had many ministers and deputies, all keep quiet, heads down, Buat Tak Tahu, play Sudah-Aku-Punya.

    Today Wee KHAT Siong is back in power, tell us what he will do....?

  4. wakakaka everyone jumping on the bandwagon to slam sorry ass, there is a hokkien saying for such a person like mr wee, chiak kay ngwa kay, chiak ark ngwa ark, can't recall mr wee making any comments when sorry ass was still in umno/bn making racially charged innuendos or when moo mentioned he is malay first and by the way dap had already admonish sorry ass, mr wee slow to react as usual

  5. Now that MCA is with PN and Muah Fart Karat let's see Wee KHAT Siong correct the mistakes of the NEP that his party is responsible for over DECADES.

  6. Wee KHAT Siong stupidly lists the past mistakes of MCA:

    1. Why do thousands of Chinese work in Singapore? Because the RM is 1/3 Sing dollar. Did the RM crash in the 22 months? Or did it decline over the decades when MCA was in power?

    2. Why do thousands of Malaysian children, mostly Chinese, attend school in Singapore? Because they have little faith in our local system? And which political party has held the Deputy Education Minister position from the 80s right up till May 2018? Was it DAP?

    3. Did the Chinese all lose their civil service and GLC jobs and were forced into the private sector during PH's 22 months? Or has this been the case for decades? Who caused the civil service to be dominated by Malays....DAP...?

    4. Toonsie didn't just become racist last week. He has been racist all his life. Who was his partner in BN for 22 years? MCA or DAP...?

    Wee KHAT Siong is talking rubbish and KT is the Mother Guppy.

    1. with all your kind and helpful enlightenment, surely DAO can NOW reprimand Mahathir? No balls? Wakakakaka

    2. Be patient KT, it won't take MCA...ha ha ha...
