
Monday, June 29, 2020

Mahathir and his anti-Chinese racist games


PKR, DAP leaders criticise Dr M for perpetuating 'rich Chinese' narrative

Editor's Note: Updated with PKR's Lee Chean Chung's comment

Kekayaan 3 Anak-Anak Dr. M

PKR and DAP leaders have criticised former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad for perpetuating the narrative that Chinese Malaysians in the country are rich.

PKR's Semambu assemblyperson Lee Chean Chung said the issue of income inequality should be looked at through objectively and through a fact-based approach.

"Racialising this issue is the old narrative that does not help in resolving the economic gap between the rich and the poor," he said in a statement.

Citing economist Mohammed Abdul Khalid's book The Colour of Inequality, Lee said 93.71 percent of economic inequality is intra-ethnic while only 6.39 percent is inter-ethnic.

"A good example is the Amanah Saham Bumiputera where eight percent of shareholders control 74 percent of the share value while another 74.7 percent of shareholders only own 3.2 percent of the share value.

"Similarly, 75 percent of shareholders in Amanah Saham Nasional only own 500 units or less," he said.

Lee said old prejudices would only lead to archaic policies.

"The old policies which shaped the country for 60 years, including during Mahathir's 22 of administration, had evidently failed to effectively overcome the economic disparity.

"The rich become richer and the poor remain poor," he said.

No way! This Msian businessman hutangs almost as much as 1MDB?

Lee said seven out of 10 Chinese workers are wage earners and the intra-ethnic disparity for the community is the most severe.

"I believe economic disparity cannot be resolved if we only focus on the racial factor. The analysis of various factors including social, economic, education and class are important to achieve economic prosperity and fair distribution.

"Only through a modern and professional policy analysis can all Malaysians, including Malays, Chinese, Indian and people of Borneo can move forward in prosperity and fairness," he said.

Meanwhile, DAP's Sungai Pelek assemblyperson Ronnie Liu has accused Mahathir of pitting the Malays against the Chinese in the latter’s bid to woo Malay support.

In a Facebook posting, Liu (below) warned that the former prime minister’s “highly inflammatory” words could lead the Malays to turn against the Chinese community.

“#TunM (Mahathir) is up to no good again. He is now using the same old trick to win Malay support.

“This is not the first time that Tun M has called the Chinese rich as if it's a crime. To claim that the Chinese own all the towns will inevitably stir up sentiments of the Malays.

“Who are you trying to fool, Tun M? Or do you still believe the Malays are so gullible that they will turn to support you just because you have pitted them against other fellow Malaysians?”
 Liu’s post read.


  1. rich chinese love conman. poor chinese love lks.

  2. within 24 hours DAP leaders have responded to Toonsie's racist comments, but Wee KHAT Siong has yet to explain why MCA was a partner with Toonsie's UMNO for DECADES in the 70s, 80s, 90s and naughties....

    PNB was established in 1978, and Toonsie is largely responsible for their ineffectiveness in combating wealth distribution among the Malays. And MCA the "Towkay's Party" followed this example, being dominated by the rich few. That is why today there are still so many poor Chinese, while many professionals have emigrated overseas, like KT ha ha ha....

  3. Wee KHAT Siong accused DAP of being afraid and dare not speak up against Toonsie's racist remark last week.

    See...response within 24 hours...and Wee KHAT Siong never explained why MCA was a partner with Toonsie 1.0 for DECADES and only now attacking his racist remarks. Was Toonsie not a racist in the 70s, 80, 90s and naughties? Did he suddenly become a racist only last week?

    Guan Eng reminds Malaysians not to judge each other by skin colour
    29 Jun 2020

    KUALA LUMPUR, June 29 — DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng today reminded Malaysians to not divide themselves based on the colour of their skin but on common principles of upholding justice, freedom, prosperity for all, fighting corruption and abuse of power.

    He said, corruption is committed by culprits of all colours.

    “Malaysians must make sure that the government works for us and our children by giving us equal opportunity.

    “Only together we can be stronger to fight those who try to steal our children’s future,” he said in a Facebook post today.

    The former finance minister added that Malaysia is not colour-coded and similarly, skin colour does not guarantee who is rich or poor.

    “The Chinese community is upset at this simplistic labelling as being rich when there are many Chinese who are not.

    “There are also many non-Chinese who are rich. The colour of your skin is not the final determinant of your wealth,” he said.

    Yesterday, former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had in a statement said the Chinese are a ‘wealthy lot’ and that it was ‘unhealthy’ that they lived in urban areas.

    DAP was criticised by MCA president Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong, for not speaking up against the remark. Wee also accused DAP of being afraid of Dr Mahathir and did not dare speak up against the Langkawi MP.

  4. For DECADES as Toonsie's children and cronies were accumulating wealth, Jibby was in the cabinet, as was Wee KHAT Siong, his predecessors and MCA. Why did they not expose the corruption? Did MCA suffer from the same Omerta rubbish? Or were they doing the same thing? Many a Towkay today owe their wealth to MCA.

    Toonsie did not suddenly become anti-Chinese last week. He has been anti-Chinese all his life. So why was MCA his supporter for DECADES?

  5. Ayam quoting Financetwitter, with no "edits or paraphrasing", as is the practice by some on this blog...ha ha ha...the last para says it all.

    Lim Kit Siang has stopped singing “Malaysian Malaysia” since the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government was toppled by Muhyiddin Yassin and Azmin Ali. Once an idealist, the “Sheraton coup” finally woke him up to the dirty reality of UMNO-Malay politics. Muhyiddin has shown that for lust of power, there’s no red line that he cannot and would not cross.

    While Mahathir Mohamad has his reservation about working with a crook like former PM Najib Razak, Muhyiddin does not. The leaked one-minute audio recording of a voice resembling that of Muhyiddin suggested that UMNO leaders – including Najib – be tempted to join Bersatu with promises of positions has proven that principle is as rare as dinosaurs in the Malay’s latest politics.

    Pakatan Harapan supporters have been bashing Lim’s Chinese-based DAP party and progressive Islamist party Amanah for choosing former PM Mahathir over PM-in-waiting Anwar Ibrahim as the new prime minister in a plan to snatch back the government from Muhyiddin and Azmin. Do you really think a seasoned politician like Mr. Lim has gone mad overnight?

    Do you think DAP didn’t realise the anger of Chinese voters for supporting Mahathir? Do you think DAP didn’t know that Mahathir cannot be trusted? Do you think the powerless and party-less Mahathir could easily hoodwink the entire top brains of DAP? Do you think DAP hadn’t figured out the risk of supporting Mahathir, with a snap election that could be called anytime?

    If DAP and Amanah were corrupt and power-hungry, as many angry supporters have concluded, would it not be easier for both parties to crawl to Muhyiddin and join his backdoor government? If a lapdog MCA could get 1 minister and 1 deputy minister post despite having only 2 MPs, surely DAP (42 MPs) and Amanah (11 MPs) could easily get half a dozen ministryships.

    After all, didn’t PKR chief whip Johari Abdul reveal that not only his boss Anwar met with PM Muhyiddin, but also Hamzah Zainuddin and practically every leader from the “other bloc” (referring to the backdoor Perikatan Nasional government) except crooked Najib Razak? So why didn’t the big happy family – DAP, Amanah and PKR – join the corrupt and evil regime?

    It’s no-brainer that the desperate backdoor PM Muhyiddin would welcome DAP and Amanah with red carpet. How hard it is to create a dozen useless new ministries (on top of the already bloated 72 ministries) for the two power-hungry parties in exchange for 53 MPs, which would give the prime minister a super two-thirds majority and in the same breath allows him to rule until 2023?

  6. Muhyiddin’s excuse to quit PH was that the coalition was seen as being dominated by DAP-Chinese. But that is no longer the case in the Malay-Muslim Perikatan Nasional coalition. So, is there one compelling reason why DAP and Amanah must shamelessly stick with an old man like Mahathir, who is left with only 4 loyalists? People love to mix with the winners, and avoid losers.

    For DAP and Amanah to willingly take the risk of getting bitten by Mahathir for the second time means there are something which is not privy to the general public’s consumption. As explained by Kit Siang recently, DAP and Amanah have not “abandoned” their long-time ally PKR president Anwar. The first choice for the 9th Prime Minister was, and is still Anwar.

    But too bad Anwar was unable to secure support from either Sabah (9 MPs) or Sarawak (18 MPs). So, the next agreeable option was the Mahathir-Anwar combo, a proposal which was initially denied by Anwar’s boys only to be admitted by Anwar at a later stage after DAP said the dispute can easily be verified by referring to the minutes. Why was there a need to lie in the first place?

    In the 2008 General Election, Pakatan Rakyat (predecessor of Pakatan Harapan) won 82 parliamentary seats. Back then, Islamist party PAS was part of the coalition. In the 2013 General Election, the same Pakatan Rakyat did slightly better by winning 89 seats. Again, PAS was their ally. After spending so much time and resources, the Opposition still failed to win the federal government.

    In the recent 2018 General Election, PAS conspired with UMNO to create three-cornered contests which ultimately backfired. The mighty Barisan Nasional regime finally collapsed after 61 years. The new factor that had contributed to the success, whether you like it or not, was the alliance between Mahathir’s Bersatu (PPBM) with PKR, DAP and Amanah.
    Najib Razak and Hadi Awang - Opposition Break-Up and RM90 Million

    Even without friendly-Sabah-Warisan’s 9 seats, the Pakatan Harapan (Bersatu, PKR, DAP and Amanah) successfully grabbed 113 parliamentary seats, sufficient to form a simple-majority government. Can someone say for sure that without Mahathir, the Pakatan Harapan could topple the Barisan Nasional government anyway two years ago?

  7. In 2018, there were mega issues like the 1MDB scandal and unpopular GST (goods and services tax) to be leveraged on. In the next election, what issues could Pakatan Harapan trumpet to rally the rural Malay voters? To add salt into injury, even urban Malays have been poisoned with the anti-DAP-Chinese sentiments fanned by UMNO and PAS over the last 2 years.

    More importantly, even when the 1MDB scandal and GST bread-and-butter issue were presented to the Malay community in 2018, UMNO under the leadership of scandal-plagued Najib could still charm 4-million gullible Malay voters. PAS, despite its support for Najib, won 2-million hardcore votes. In the next election, PH will face UMNO-PAS’ combined 6-million supporters.

    Do you know that Pakatan Harapan has never won more than 6-million popular votes in the past three general elections? Pakatan Rakyat / Harapan won 3.8-million popular votes in 2008 (under Wan Azizah), 5.6-million votes in 2013 (under Anwar Ibrahim) and 5.8-million votes in 2018 (under Mahathir Mohamad). So do you think PH, let alone PKR, can beat the forces of UMNO-PAS?

    You can throw celebrations and “syok sendiri (self-indulgent)” in the MalaysiaKini English section claiming Pakatan Harapan (or PKR) without Mahathir can win the next general election hands down. But the sentiment is exactly the opposite among the Malay community. The Malays on the ground, even among some well educated urbanites, are ready to vote either UMNO or PAS.

    For the last 20 years, Anwar has failed to sell the homemade cookie called “Reformasi” to the rural Malays. In fact, there was once when his campaign truck was attacked in the rural areas. Miraculously, not a single soul dared to disrespect Mahathir when the old man went to campaign in Felda settlements, known to be the epicentre of UMNO hardcore supporters.

    Mr. Mahathir is a very angry and injured tiger. He must be given a purpose, without which he will be forced or pushed to rejoin the corrupt, racist and extremist alliance of Bersatu-UMNO-PAS. Imagine how powerful Perikatan Nasional will be if Mahathir joins them in the next 15th General Election. It’s better to keep him close to you than to lose him to the enemy, which is already very powerful.

  8. The 94-year-old Mahathir is the No. 1 troublemaker. But this is precisely why he is useful to create havoc to the opponent’s side. More crucially, he can still pull strings to make the impossible possible. History has shown he can destroy as well as rebuild. Laugh at him as much as you like, but try to ask some rural Malays today whether they will vote for Anwar or Mahathir.

    It certainly didn’t help Anwar’s crusade to become a PM after a leaked voice recording of a voice resembling Muhyiddin, who said that the Agong (King) doesn’t like Anwar. It was already bad that Anwar could not win rural Malay voters. It gets worse that he could not win the support of Sabah and Sarawak. And it’s definitely worst for even the monarch to refuse to endorse him.

    After Muhyiddin’s shock betrayal, anything is possible. Lim Kit Siang has learned what an idiot he had been all this while looking to create a paradise called “Malaysian Malaysia”. As long as the majority of the people vote along racial and religious lines, which will definitely happen in the next general election, it’s useless to continue screaming “Reformasi” for another 20 years.

    One can be philosophical about the untrustworthiness and betrayal of Mahathir Mohamad, Muhyiddin Yassin, Azmin Ali, Najib Razak, Hamzah Zainudin and whatnot. But aren’t all of them the same? The simple fact that PKR had initially tried to lie that there was no second option (Mahathir-Anwar combo), only for Anwar to admit there was, speaks volume about the trustworthiness of the ally.

    DAP and Amanah knew that instead of waiting for miracles to happen, they must explore options to first grab back the power given by the people. Even if Mahathir is to betray them in 6 months, there’s at least 6 months of hope. DAP and Amanah aren’t power-hungry. At worst, with limited choice, they just want to try again the winning formula of having Mahathir to swing rural Malay votes.

    If one cannot accept the cooperation between DAP-Amanah and Mahathir together with Sabah Warisan, can he/she accept the cooperation between PKR and Muhyiddin and Azmin together with racist UMNO and extremist PAS? Sure, one can say they will never vote for DAP and Amanah again. Go ahead, vote for UMNO, Bersatu (Muhyiddin faction), PAS, MCA or MIC. What could possibly go wrong?

  9. PODAH, only after Wee Ka Siong insulted Guan Eng and UMNO's Melaka CM Sulaiman Md Ali also joined in before the ball-less bloke dares to speak up - boe laam phar

  10. Stupid are those

    who back Tun Dr M 100% as HIS Death is IMMINENT...
    who thinks Tun Maruah Melayu Krap is Justified...
    who thinks Tun Dr Munafiq Islam Sons & Family WILL BE FREE FROM Prosecution when TUN DIES
    who thinks Tun and Anwar are the only Answer to Malaysia ILLS....
    Who STILL ALLOWED Selangor Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Amirudin Shari of PKR and AZMIN SCUMBAGS People to Stay as MB of Selangor and NOT FAST TRACK HIS SACKING......WHAT ARE YOU WAITING ANWAR???...COLLAPSE OF SELANGOR??? SACK HIM PRONTO..>SHOW POWER!!!



    No Islam Supremacist arab Malay Run Administration, State or Nation is ANY GOOD IN THIS WORLD....64 Years and counting for Malaysia.....
