
Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Dei Nancy Pelosi, beautiful sights to behold in your neighbourhood


It’s Payback Time – China Trolls Trump To Stop “Hiding”, Mocks “Beautiful Sight” Of Looting & Burning In America

As riots continue, Gov. Tim Walz says state of Minnesota is ...

Riots – WCCO | CBS Minnesota

Man arrested for bringing bombs to Minneapolis riots over racism ...

When Hong Kong was plagued with a series of protests last year, which were triggered by the introduction of the Fugitive Offenders Amendment Bill, it attracted the attention from superpower United States – the champion of human rights, freedom of speech and democracy. First started in mid March 2019, the ongoing protests took a short break due to the Covid-19 outbreak.

Demonstrations in Hong Kong were mostly peaceful – until last year. After months of taking to the streets, the supposedly peaceful protests promoted by the pro-democracy movement turned violent after some hardcore activists clashed with the police. A government’s ban on face masks and police brutality sparked a further escalation of the already tension situation.

Even after the controversial extradition bill was dropped, the anger continued as protesters shifted focus to police abuses, including teenagers being shot by the authorities. Marches quickly morphed into pitched battles, as demonstrators blocked roads, threw bricks, set fires and vandalized subway stations or stores or any properties that they perceived to be pro-Beijing.

Still engaged in a trade war with China, U.S. President Donald Trump deliberately chose to add fuel to the fire when he signed into law a bill that supports pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong. The Human Rights and Democracy Act mandates an annual review – to check if Hong Kong has enough autonomy to justify its special trading status with the United States.

While Beijing was furious at Trump’s interference in the internal affairs of Hong Kong, hundreds of protesters carried Amerian flags as they marched to the United States consulate in the former British colony to express gratitude for the legislation aimed at protecting human rights in Hong Kong. China has claimed the U.S. as the “black hand” in instigating the anti-government protests.

But it didn’t take long for Donald Trump to taste his own medicine. Now, the U.S. is experiencing the same Hong Kong violent protests in its own backyard. Chaotic scenes erupted as peaceful protesters turned violent across major cities in America after the death of George Floyd, a 46-year-old African American who died in Minneapolis police custody.

Apparently, George Floyd was killed last Monday (25 May), after a 44-year-old white police officer – Derek Chauvin – knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes, despite Floyd pleading that he could not breathe. Floyd was arrested after he was suspected of trying to purchase cigarettes with a US$20 counterfeit bill. Mr Chauvin has since been charged with third-degree murder and manslaughter.

In a country with history where a single death can spark a revolution, the death of George Floyd couldn’t come at a worse time, especially to President Trump. It was already bad that the black man had lost his job as a security guard because of layoffs in the COVID-19 pandemic. He didn’t just die, but the way he died in what critics said was caused by police brutality.

Pleading for his life, the way Floyd died was captured on video and triggered angry people into the streets across the country – from Minneapolis to Detroit to New York to Atlanta, and from Los Angeles to Kansas City to Las Vegas and other cities. Clearly the nationwide violent protests are more massive than Hong Kong’s. And China happily seized the opportunity.

Comparing the widespread unrest in the U.S. to the pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong, Chinese officials have accused Washington of hypocrisy. Foreign ministry spokesman, Lijian Zhao, criticized – “Why does the U.S. beautifies the so-called Hong Kong independence and violent elements as heroes and fighters while it calls its own people protesting against racial discrimination ‘rioters’?”

Zhao continued – “Why does the U.S. point fingers at the constrained law enforcement by Hong Kong police, but turn a blind eye to what happens at home while using shooting and even the National Guard against the protesters?” Lecturing American politicians, he told the U.S. to eliminate racial discrimination and protect the lawful rights of minorities. But the mocking has just begun.

In 2019, House Speaker Nancy Peloci called pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong “a beautiful sight to behold”. But over the weekend, the same phrase – “beautiful sight” – was trending on Chinese social media, but over the looting and burning of American buildings. China’s Global Times newspaper, ran an editorial entitled – “Watch out! ‘Beautiful sight’ in HK is spreading across the U.S.”

Global Times mocked and ridiculed American politicians’ reaction to Hong Kong protests last year – “Obviously, they didn’t expect such a beautiful sight to expand so fast that it could be seen now from their own windows. The protests in the U.S. are like a mirror that reflects the shame and disgrace of U.S. politicians as well as the deep-rooted political dysfunction and chaotic values in the U.S.”

Editor Hu Xijin sarcastically wrote – “I highly suspect that Hong Kong rioters have infiltrated American states. Attacking police stations, smashing shops, blocking roads, breaking public facilities, these are all routine in their protests. Vicious HK rioters obviously are masterminds of violent protests across the U.S. Let’s wait and see which country will encounter more chaos.”

But the mocking and ridiculing didn’t stop there. In response to Trump’s tweets about the Secret Service protecting the White House (and rushed him to bunkers) as protests spread to the official residence of the U.S. president, Mr. Hu tweeted – “Mr. President, don’t hide behind the Secret Service. Go to talk to demonstrators seriously. Negotiate with them, just like you urged Beijing to talk to Hong Kong rioters.”

“I can’t breathe,” – wrote Hua Chunying, a spokeswoman for China’s Foreign Ministry, in a tweet on Saturday – a reference to the final words uttered repeatedly by a handcuffed George Floyd while gasping for air as white Police Officer Derek Chauvin knelt on his neck. Her tweet was in retaliation at her U.S. counterpart, State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus.

Morgan Ortagus had earlier posted a tweet condemning Beijing’s plan to impose a national security law on Hong Kong – “This is a pivotal moment for the world. It will go down in history. Freedom loving people around the world must stand with the rule of law and hold to account the Chinese Communist Party, which has flagrantly broken its promises to the people of Hong Kong.”

Trump has announced that he would strip Hong Kong of its special privileges over the Hong Kong security law. But with protests in at least 140 cities across the U.S., China Daily said – “Better give up that dream and come back to reality. Violence is spreading across the US … US politicians should do their jobs and help solve problems in the US, instead of trying to create new problems and troubles in other countries.”

Joining the party were Russia and Iran. Hitting back at the U.S. who often criticises Russian deplorable human rights, Dmitry Polyanskiy, a Russian diplomat at the U.N. in New York, has accused America of double standard – “Why US denies China’s right to restore peace and order in HK while brutally dispersing crowds at home?”

Similarly, Iran also highlighted the U.S.’ hypocrisy. Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif, posted to Twitter an edited screenshot of a 2018 statement by American officials criticizing the country’s protests – “Some don’t think #BlackLivesMatter. To those of us who do: it is long overdue for the entire world to wage war against racism. Time for a #WorldAgainstRacism”.


  1. hker jiayou, dun imitate the american looter that rob cash from atm machine, load a 65 inches tv from a store not belong to his dad, but dare not touch anything in white house.

    hker shall continue throwing egg into the liaison office, its a symbol of authoritarian that need to be egged n removed. hker jiayou.

    hker is honor, pride n always observe law, just ignore ccp propagandist n dog like stupid twatter n zero star.

    1. 犬养 mfer, u keep forgetting that HK 废青 don't speak 普通话!

      Maybe next time when u meet up with them & say jiayou. Hopefully u would just get yr face redecorated instead of been hit with a hammer like some of those bystander 普通话 speaking mainlanders.

      Indeed, HKers r honor, pride & always observe law. Thus closed to 300k have signed the petition to support the national security act!

      Maybe u SHOULD go & join those HK 废青. But lately they have been quite. VERY quiet!

      In preparing to run like dogs to yr 蔡妹妹's Formosa. The pity is even yr 蔡妹妹 is having second thought NOW in accepting them.

      Where would u be, mfer?

      Suci-ed & join yr dangdut pals as their minion instead of their drinking partner would be yr only consideration left.

    2. my message is for mainlanders, zombie know only one language.

      hker jiayou, kick xi assss n balll.

    3. Oooop… forgetting to add that HK 64 Vergil is coming up soon.

      I'm very sure those HK废青 would have their last March of violence despite the demo application has been turned down.

      Put yr f*cking words into action, join them & show yr fireworks!

      Remember - last march before curtain dropped forever for them.

    4. 64? yes we remember the massacre, sorry no fireworks for a coward that only dare kill student but not japs n american.

      we will pray very hard here in msia ccp eat shit.

    5. See, so simple!

      That's what a 犬养 mfer would normally do.

      Talk only, as if praying like those 轮子 will help to eliminate that guilt that impressionable blur-sotongs r dying on the front line for yr ego!

      Wakakakakaka… praying in bolihland, hiding behind the skirt of yr dangdut pal! No need to have yr face redecorated by those HK 废青.

      Mainlanders DON'T need a croak from u! Just admit that yr 南魔萬 England is playing on u AGAIN lah.

    6. one can only pray if not allow to vote out a emperor, so hker would hv to patiently wait for a mao resurrection to lead their revolt. similarly here we wait for our conman mahathir, diff is we do it the civilised way, we use vote, a universal value accepted by all except zombie.

    7. Exactly talking like those 64 provocateurs.

      Chai Ling had said at her interview on May28 with Phillip Cunningham that "ALL she actually are hoping for is bloodshed, the moment when the government is ready to brazenly butcher the people. Only when the Square is awash with blood will the people of China open their eyes. Only then will they really be united. But how can I explain any of this to my fellow students?"

      She would be the first on that front line.

      Yet she ran away like a bitch on heat when the bloodshed, she so encouraged fervently, happened. She was not even ANYWHERE near Tiananmen Square!

      Then in later yr, in another interview she said "I want to live. Anyway, that's how I feel about it. I don't know if people will say I'm selfish." when been asked why she ran away at that hour.

      Pray at far away bolihland while shouting jiayou to those blurred impressionable HK 废青 to ran amok ,& riots!

      U used vote?

      No. U used fart - thin & transparent but fragranted with foul smell!

      How hallow & callous of a nonchinese u r!

    8. Yes, CK...Chai Ling in that Cunningham interview is very telling.

      After the dust have settled, years later, her 'compatriots' who were also brainwashed by the CIA and the NED, now have admitted that she had left them in a lurch by 'disappearing just like that'. She made her escape hidden in a suitcase, smuggled out with the help of her handlers in CIA.

      There will always be some Si Kitul in any community. Here alone, we have 3 blind mice, hehehehe

  2. The CCP still does not acknowledge it has more than 1,000,000 Uyghurs locked up in Xinjiang , but wants to talk big.

    Iran shot dead hundreds of protesters last year.

    1. Recalcitrant liar, keeps up with yr urban legend.

      U r doing fine in been laughed off the head!

    2. TrumpAss Kisser, having 'lost steam' to counter Wikileaks on Tiananmen, shift focus to the fake 1-million Uighers, hehehehe

      Looks like we need another Wikileaks for this, though it won't be Assange and Snowden, they having to run for their lives from their land of FREEDOM of Speech and Liberty, wa ka ka ka. But sadly Assange was caught and will have to face a series of false charges. CIA now busily fabricating 'evidence' sweat for these devils are old hands at this la.

  3. BIG OPPORTUNITY for a 5,000 year old civilization to show a 500 year old one how to handle internal security issues in a civil way.

    Pelosi should be looking looking to China for pointers, but what does she see?

    Same same....bully and rampas. Where is Genghiz Khan and his grandson Kublai?

    1. indeed, look at China - no nid to send troops to kill protesters

    2. HK Polis = Minneapolis Polis

    3. Moron, keeps to yr 'history'!

      Same same?

      Uncle Sam sent in soldier to clear the WH peaceful demonstrators w/o warning so that trump can have his photo shot - with Bible upheld!

      HK policemen had to give triple warnings before firing a tear gas canister. & yet still got molotov-cocktailed!

      What more can bevsaid about a meme-ed mfer that is been cocooned with nth yrs of auntie pommie indoctrination!

    4. whole world know ccp send tank to kill student. tis round they gonna use dongfeng, xi no face if again many tank man.

    5. Yr version of the urban legend repeated nth times via WASP controlled western media!

      Oui … yr 南魔萬 England is on show AGAIN lah.

      Ooooop… toad has no face, so no need to worry. Right?

  4. AmeriKKKa...."a beacon of hope to oppressed people everywhere"

    Mwaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    AmeriKKKa..."like a jewel, s shining city on a hill where all things are possible"

    Mwaha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

    1. america is a shithole, ditto ccp china. trump n xi is buddy sucking each other dick now kena kick in the ass n ball.

    2. Yr beloved 蔡妹妹 thinks otherwise about but uncle Sam ler!

      Why don't u put through yr suggestion to her?

      U might never be able to see yr Formosa again - 蔡妹妹 forbids u now while yr failing ego restricting u to visit any territory under the great wall!

    3. tsai is a trump dog, twnese will vote her out next, hmmmm but tis is her final term, unless she change the consti to lifetime like emperor xi did, meanwhile, twnese would buy more mk48, to explode liaoning into a scrap.

  5. Let's see how a 5,000 year old civilization handles this one...

    Between the UK, US, Canada, Oz and NZ they can absorb a few million Hongkongers, and I'm sure Beijing will let them leave with their tantrum, threats or trade bully behaviour...ha ha ha..

    Let's see shall we....?

    P/S....and I would not be surprised if Singapore give citizenship to high nett worth individuals as well...

    UK to change immigration rules for Hong Kong citizens if China passes law

    Britain will change its immigration rules and offer millions of people in Hong Kong "a route to citizenship" if China imposes new security laws, Boris Johnson has said.

    Writing in the Times, Mr Johnson said the UK would "have no choice" but to uphold its ties with the territory.

    China is facing mounting criticism over its planned law. Many people in Hong Kong fear it could end their unique freedoms, which the rest of China does not have.

    The UK is already in talks with allies including the US and Australia about what to do if China imposes the new law - which would make it a crime to undermine Beijing's authority - and people start fleeing Hong Kong.

    In the Times on Wednesday, the prime minister confirmed that if China passes the law, people in Hong Kong who hold British National (Overseas) (BNO) passports will be allowed to come to the UK for 12 months without a visa. Currently they are allowed to come for six months.

    Around 350,000 people in Hong Kong currently already have a BNO passport, but 2.6 million others are also eligible.

    Passport-holders would also be given further immigration rights, including the right to work. This "could place them on a route to citizenship," Mr Johnson said.

    'Britain will not walk away'

    The prime minister added that the immigration changes "would amount to one of the biggest changes in our visa system in British history". "If it proves necessary, the British government will take this step and take it willingly.

    "Many people in Hong Kong fear their way of life, which China pledged to uphold, is under threat.

    "If China proceeds to justify their fears, then Britain could not in good conscience shrug our shoulders and walk away; instead we will honour our obligations and provide an alternative."

    Mr Johnson said China's national security law would "dramatically erode" Hong Kong's autonomy.

    As part of an agreement signed at the time, it enjoys some freedoms not seen in mainland China - and these are set out in a mini-constitution called the Basic Law.

    There has been widespread international criticism of China's proposed law and the UK government's announcement marks a step up in Britain's opposition to it.

    On Tuesday, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said the UK was in talks with countries in the Five Eyes alliance about how to handle a potential "exodus" of people from the area.

    He urged China to reconsider its plans which, he said, would threaten Hong Kong's autonomy and prosperity.

    Senior MPs from Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand have urged the United Nations to appoint a special envoy to Hong Kong to monitor how the new law affects human rights.

    Earlier this week, seven former UK foreign secretaries urged Mr Johnson to form a global alliance to co-ordinate a response.

    1. BNO Passport Holders currently can visit Britain for 6 months; Boris Johnson in all his kerbau pomposity will extend that to 12 months - BIG deal woh, wakakakaka

    2. no one wan hk, anyone evem with tiny brain will choose australia.

    3. KT is so cruel....

      First he HENTAM Britain for discriminating against the Hongkongers during their 156-year rule, treating them as 2nd class citizens, and Chris Patten for "deceiving" the Hongkoners that HK would be "democratically sovereign" after the handover.

      But it is the 5,000 year old civilization that is breaking the agreement to wait the 50 years, not Britain.

      So Britain now wants to honour their promise (ie Britain will not walk away) and agree to take in Hongkongers as citizens, finally treating them as equals, no more second class.

      But KT HENTAM this too.

      So does KT have some kind of hatred for Britain like he has for Toonsie and LKS....? Ha ha ha....just saying....

    4. "breaking the agreement to wait the 50 years"

      Wow… !!!??

      Blurred history mfer, under the basic law, national issues covered under the new nation security laws SHOULD have been enacted after 1997.

      Yet, after 21 yrs the passing of that law is still outstanding!

      According to the 1country2systems principles, the Central govt has the right to enact those laws after consultation with the People's Congress if the SAR couldn't pass the laws!

      The Central govt is doing exactly that - according to the 1conuntry2systems agreement!

      Who's breaking the agreement? For 50 yrs?

      U never read & understand ANY clauses covered under the 1country2systems agreement. Yet u just want to fart, based on yr pure guessing & demoNcratic influences.

      Yr auntie pommie should have honoured those promise there & then in 1997. Instead she walked away giving them with a nth class BNO passport of spurious nationality!

      This time round yr auntie pommie is playing her usual politkus game by 'promising' an extended 12 month stay in UK with possible citizenship.

      Wakakakakaka… the pommie is super fluid with their usage of mother tongue.

      With the projected UK sopo scenes, u will be conned off yr spurious 'syiok-sendiri' while those HK pommie lovers will be worse than nth class citizen this time round.

    5. If Britain did betray Hongkongers and is trying to correct the (perceived) broken promise of 1997 by offering them a way out now why hentam as well?

    6. Only a genuflecting serf would allow the master to fool him/her twice w/o batting an eyelash!

      What hentam?

      Just a reminder to forewarning a split tongue snake oil seller!

  6. I DO sincerely hope that Boris, who has just missed his death from covid-19, would do what he said!

    3 millions of pommie lovers could help further burdened the half dead UK economy. Boris would be seeing his second term faster than he says election!

    For HK, this is a welcome gesture long delayed for those pommie lovers. Good ridden & free up all the jobs & lands for those who stayed.

    The new HK would be different. It would be eventually integrated with Shenzhen, while Macao & Hainan retaking over her previous finance & Freeport services.

    But, knowing the pommie's inherent dirty trickery, the leaving pommie lovers would most likely remain BNO holders. Except this time, scattered all-over the world - their mother England dream trashed!

    1. me oso hope the same so that hk can now cram all ccp lover from msia n oz.

    2. 3 million eternally grateful (& rich) voters up for grabs....siapa cepat dia dapat..Britain, Oz, Canada, NZ, USA....ha ha ha...

    3. tis 5 eyes only pick those kaya one la, rohingya type hv to wait. but hk is now spacious enough to collect n recycle msia n oz rubbish wakaka.

    4. Don't talk!

      Exercise yr wet dream power to collect & recycle media & oz CCP supporters lah.

      Need a recommendation to yr backdoor govt & that Morrison guard dog?

    5. u go apply from carrie, tell her u r a ccp dog, i heard thats the only criteria to qualify. bila mau balik?

    6. 犬养 mfer, aintvu the one that raise yr f*cked question?

      No teloq such that now u want other to be yr mouthpiece!

      Or u know deeply that suci-ed would be yr only choice lift?

  7. Would any decent home want to harbour cockroaches and other vile insects?

    If these 'democratic' Western countries are really sincere and not just making their usual Angmo-shit talk, and make good their 'promise' to take away these cockroaches and parasites, then China owe them one and be eternally grateful.

    But my own suspicion is that nothing will come out of it. At most, a sort of visa extension up to 12 months and nothing concrete thereafter. Maybe only the chief rioters the likes of Joshua Wong will get citizenship in the US and be given some stipend to head some newly created NGO to continue barking noises at China at its master's behest. Just like Cui Leng of the Tiananmen 'Massacre', she who was the chief provocateur then, was smuggled out of China by the CIA in a suitcase to the US and was given an NGO outfit to head. All same-same tactics out of CIA playbook. We give our endless thanks to Assange and Snowden for the Wikileaks revealing the horrendous perfidy of these fake 'freedom loving democrats'.

  8. As expected, Bully Beh Tahan Leow.....threatens "corresponding measures"....what does that mean......drawing more dash-lines?....freeze assets and block outflow of wealth....?

    Or take Britain to an International Court? But Bully does not recognize international courts, like when the court in The Hague ruled in favour of Philippines over disputed Southern Seas, Bully simply throw tantrum and rampas anyway.

    QUOTE (CAPS mine)
    Boris Johnson promises UK will provide Hong Kongers path to citizenship after national security fears

    By James Griffiths and Chermaine Lee, CNN
    June 3, 2020

    ....Boris Johnson said in an op-ed published in the South China Morning Post Wednesday, "would curtail (Hong Kong's) freedoms and dramatically erode its autonomy," contravening the Sino-British Joint Declaration which laid the groundwork for the city's handover from British to Chinese rule in 1997. Should it come to pass, the United Kingdom will "uphold our profound ties of history and friendship with the people of Hong Kong," by changing immigration laws to allow more Hong Kongers to settle and work in the country.

    "This would amount to one of the biggest changes in our visa system in British history. If it proves necessary, the British government will take this step and take it willingly," Johnson said.

    .....At present, the some 350,000 people currently holding BNO passports can travel to the UK visa free for six months. The new system, Johnson said, will "allow any holder of these passports from Hong Kong to come to the UK for a RENEWABLE PERIOD of 12 months and be given further immigration rights, including the right to work, which could place them on a route to citizenship."

    That idea has already been met with outrage by Beijing, which accused London of breaching its treaty obligations, even as a foreign ministry spokesman argued that the Sino-British Joint Declaration was "completely fulfilled" and no longer in effect.

    "All Chinese compatriots residing in Hong Kong are Chinese nationals, whether or not they are holders of the British Dependent Territories Citizens passport or the British National (Overseas) passport," spokesman Zhao Lijian said last week. "China reserves the right to take corresponding measures."

    In his op-ed, Johnson said it was China who was "in direct conflict with its obligations under the Joint Declaration, a legally binding treaty registered with the United Nations."

    "Instead of making false allegations -- such as claiming that the UK somehow organized the protests -- or casting doubt over the Joint Declaration, I hope that China will work alongside the international community to preserve everything that has allowed Hong Kong to thrive," he said, referring to China's continued insistence that last year's pro-democracy demonstrations in Hong Kong were orchestrated by foreign agents.

    1. why Boris Johnson's 12 months visas ONLY "renewed" - why not make those so-called refugees into citizens? wakakaka

    2. bec not all hker wan to be british, its pretty fair to both side a 12 months trial period. some hker might pick msia, not all chinese love whiteman land like oz.

    3. This mfer maybe knows something about the fluidity of Boris England!

      But, as a diehard pommie lover, he can't rebute his master mah.

      A well meme-ed tommyknocker of the pommie kind!

    4. Why 12 months renewable work-visa ?

      Because if KT care to do just a teeny bit of research, to become a naturalized British citizen you need to fulfill 12 months residency.....has been the rule for everyone.

      Even Australia has a variation to this rule: apply to get PR first, live and work there for 3 years out of 5 (something like that), then only can apply to become naturalized citizen, unless you have a ton of money.

      After so many years with one leg on either side, has KT got his citizenship yet?....Ha ha ha....

      The important thing here is that Hongkongers get to live and work permanently in Britain while their application is in the queue. Up till now they could not.

    5. Do a better research lah before u fart AGAIN!

      What u have written applies to NORMAL citizenship application!

      The exodus of pommie loving HKies to UK could only classified as refugees, the 'political' kind!

      Do a proper research on what's the status of a refugee in UK if it's been granted.

      Boris is talking BIG but the feels at home is very different especially when there r huge unemployment layoff & companies shutdowns.

      A sudden infused of even 500k HKies into UK WOULD definitely putting heavy burdens on ALL sopo structures of UK. There will not be enough jobs, houses just in that instant.

      12 months renewable work-visa?

      Provided these HKies got the jobs in the first place!

      The home ground would tremble that the Tory is favouring refugees (BNO holders) in lieu of the locals.

      Boris would be toasted & the next UK govt would reverse that hated policy.

      Where thou would those HK pommie lovers be?

      Similar argument applies to US, Oz or anywhere on earth except SAR HK!

      A flashed back of an unique HK phenomenon just after 1997.

      Due to the 'fears' of communist harsh rules, many HKies, especially professionals, have migrated to many other parts of their dreamed world.

      Yet slowly, many of them returned back to HK to start a 'new' live! Wakakakaka… new lives back in old HK that they have just left!

      Simple reasons - dreamlands offer lousy lifestyle. Low paying job even though highly skilled. Glass ceiling for career advancement. Too many restrictions!

      Won't be surprised, this time round same thing will happen. But would the sanitized HK ever want them back - that's the million dollar question hanging in the air for pommie lover like u to ponder.

    6. "But Bully does not recognize international courts, like when the court in The Hague ruled in favour of Philippines over disputed Southern Seas, Bully simply throw tantrum and rampas anyway."

      This explanation was given before. But looks like these bunch of banana angmo wannabe are keeping to the Nazi Goebbel's tactic that if a lie is repeated endlessly and relentlessly come rain or shine, their lies would become truth/facts which will " become known throughout the whole world ", LOL

      The PCA arbitration is illegal because it violates UNCLOS article 299. UN clarified on the day when PCA arbitration was out that PCA has nothing to do with UN.

      Just because this outfit rented a small office space in a corner in the UN building does not make it officially part of UN as it fraudulently tried to pass itself off as being part of the UN Organization. But this tiny pigeonhole office are witnessed to lots of money changing hands and lawyers are laughing all the way to the banks just to print out a scrap of paper proclaiming victory !

    7. "Boris is talking BIG but the feels at home is very different especially when there r huge unemployment layoff & companies shutdowns.

      A sudden infused of even 500k HKies into UK WOULD definitely putting heavy burdens on ALL sopo structures of UK. There will not be enough jobs, houses...."

      "A flashed back of an unique HK phenomenon just after 1997"

      Spot on, CK. These Angmo-Democrazy blind mice are good at spouting the angmo-sai shitty talk. Parroting faithfully these Western spiel without lifting a finger to do own research and some home-grown thinking. Closing their eyes tightly on any contrarian POV that even come with supporting evidence to boot. They only believe what they want to believe. Oh wait...isn't that's up the aisle of fanatic religio-nut cases ? wa ka ka ka

    8. After Brexit there will be a slowdown, even decline in numbers of workers, white and blue collar, from the continent. Just the right time for Hongkongers to fill up....ha ha ha...

      Just Poland alone....800k
      Republic of Ireland...350k

      Total....nearly 3 million

    9. Boris Johnston just BS posturing

    10. With the continental wide unemployment tides spreading all over, with all yr farted insight, r u honestly thought that those existing UK resided European 'guest workers' would return back to home?


      U r N OT only a history bluff. But a born yesterday economy green hand!

      More likely just regurgitating what the pommie master farts about. Without thinking!
