
Saturday, June 06, 2020

Carrot Head like a bull in Chinashop on George Floyd's murder


Biden: Trump 'despicable' for invoking George Floyd

Trump news, commentary and analysis - CNN

'Hopefully George is looking down right now and saying this is a great thing that’s happening'

Media captionTrump

US President Donald Trump has been condemned by his likely Democratic challenger for invoking George Floyd's name as he touted US jobs figures.

Mr Trump said Mr Floyd, an unarmed black man allegedly murdered by a Minneapolis police officer, is "looking down" and "saying this a great day".

Former US Vice-President Joe Biden said the remark was "despicable".

Mr Trump spoke while celebrating a surprise US jobs rebound and calling for "equal justice under the law".

Mr Floyd, who was unarmed and in handcuffs, died on 25 May after a policeman knelt on his neck for nearly nine minutes. The officer involved was charged with murder and three colleagues stand accused of aiding and abetting.

After the Killing of George Floyd, Fury at America and Its Values Spreads  Globally | The New Yorker

The death triggered protests against racial discrimination across the US and world. On Friday, Minneapolis banned the police neck restraint allegedly used on Mr Floyd, and California pledged to follow suit.

What did Trump say?

Speaking in the White House Rose Garden on Friday, Mr Trump said: "Equal justice under the law must mean that every American receives equal treatment in every encounter with law enforcement regardless of race, colour, gender or creed.

"They have to receive fair treatment from law enforcement. They have to receive it.

"It doesn't matter which skin colour you have"

Media caption

"We all saw what happened last week. We can't let that happen.

"Hopefully George is looking down and saying this is a great thing that's happening for our country. A great day for him. It's a great day for everybody."

Mr Trump, a Republican, added: "This is a great, great day in terms of equality."

The president's critics said he was crassly suggesting Mr Floyd would be posthumously celebrating positive jobs figures.

Mr Trump's defenders said the context of his comments make clear he was referring to his call for equal treatment of all Americans by police.

What did Biden say?

The Democratic presidential candidate hit back during a campaign speech in Dover, Delaware.

He said: "George Floyd's last words, 'I can't breathe, I can't breathe' echoed all across this nation and quite frankly around the world.

'Fifty plus years later we're still dealing with the same thing'

Media caption

"For the president to try to put any other words in the mouth of George Floyd I frankly think is despicable."

Mr Biden has been sharpening his attacks on the president as the 3 November White House election looms.

While campaigning in his home state of Delaware on Thursday night, he said Mr Trump brings out the "worst" of some Americans and "there are probably anywhere from 10 to 15 percent of the people out there, they're just not very good people".


  1. The 5,000 year old cucumber must teach the 500 year old carrot the civilized way. Don't be a bully, now jostling for a fight with India.....

    All the neighbours are upset... bully simply draw so many dash lines, never respect decision of the International Tribunal of the Hague, Taiwan and Japan upset in the East, ASEAN (and HK ha ha ha) upset in the south, Xinjiang, Tibet, Pakistan and India upset in the West....

    But that Kimchi boy still fren fren.....

    New Delhi (CNN)Chinese troops have moved into a tense, disputed section of the Himalayan border shared by China and India, according to a high-ranking Delhi official.

    Speaking to CNN-affiliate News18, Indian Defense Minister Rajnath Singh said Tuesday a "significant number" of Chinese troops had moved to the Line of Actual Control (LAC) between the two countries.

    "It is true that people of China are on the border. They claim that it is their territory. Our claim is that it is our area. There has been a disagreement over it ... India has done what it needs to do," Singh said during the interview.

    "We don't want any country to bow before us, and we will not bow before any country," Singh added.

    1. So, be very clear.

      Who's bowing to who? Who's jostling for a fight?

      That Line of Actual Control (LAC) is a disputed border claimed by both countries, due to yr auntie pommie's Tibet incursion legacy!

      I believe u know fart about that legacy as much as the differences between a 5,000 year old cucumber & the 500 year old carrot.

      To u, both r just vegetable. No?

  2. Bully and Rampas policy...."I'll Belt You Modern Slaves Down The Road"

    The Blacks Beh Tahan Any Longer. No, not the ones in Minneapolis, the ones in Zambia, Africa.....44% of their debt is to Bully.

    Three Chinese nationals were murdered and burned in Zambia, in a week when racial tensions were running high

    Analysis by Jenni Marsh and Chiwoyu Sinyangwe CNN

    Updated June 6, 2020

    Lusaka, Zambia (CNN)The trail of blood outside the warehouse door was the only immediate sign that a murder had taken place.

    But CCTV footage seized by police, and seen by CNN, revealed a brutal afternoon of carnage.

    At midday on Sunday, May 24, three Zambian attackers with iron bars entered the grounds of a Chinese-owned textile warehouse in Lusaka. Police said they were pretending to be potential customers. But the trio did not want to do business.

    Over the next 17 minutes, the CCTV footage shows, they beat two men and one woman to death in the courtyard, before dragging their bodies into the adjoining warehouse.

    That's where the footage ends. According to police, the attackers then dismembered their bodies and used flammable materials from the Blue Star clothing business to set their bodies and the building ablaze, burning them so severely that it took Zambian authorities three days to retrieve their charred remains from the rubble.

    Before fleeing, the attackers raided the property for valuables. A blood-stained machete was found by police.

    The gruesome murder of 52-year-old Cao Guifang, the wife of the textile warehouse owner -- who was in their home province of Jiangsu, in eastern China, when the attack happened -- and her two male employees, Bao Junbin, 58, and Fan Minjie, 33, came at the end of a week when anti-Chinese sentiment in the Zambian capital was nearing boiling point.
    In the days leading up to the murder, Lusaka Mayor Miles Sampa had accused Chinese bosses in the capital of "slavery reloaded," used the derogatory term "Chinaman," and, stoking racial divides, reminded the public in a video posted on his Facebook account that "black Zambians did not originate coronavirus. It originated in China."

    There are an estimated 22,000 Chinese nationals living in Zambia, operating 280 companies, mostly spread between Lusaka and the copperbelt in the north. Beijing owns about 44% of Zambia's debt, which has led to fear among some Zambians that China has too much control over the country.

    .........the crime came as a reminder of the violent outbursts some Chinese have faced while living in Zambia, a key partner for China along its coveted Belt and Road project.

  3. Our Kong Kali Kong Menteri Tiong-kok is also totally silent. What is our official position on Hong Kong?

    Are we officially on Beijing's side? Don't interfere because it is their domestic affairs? What about Uighur then? Is that a domestic affair too?
    Or Bully's claim over the South Seas?

    He is also sooooo quiet over the evidence of USD10 billion traced from Chinese company to Kuwait, and billiona paid for 1MDB's purchase of the Ayer Itam land in Penang and the Gas Pipeline projects which never got built. If not true then he should deny it and sue the accuser.

    And Jellyfish Menteri Wee KHAT Siong is also quiet, after receiving TARUC matching grant, money that was ALREADY approved by Guanee in the 2019 and 2020 budgets.

  4. Quite a fair bit of Americans believe that Orange Buffoon has "gone around the bend" They said stuff like

    - he is in profound psychological crisis now

    - he has lost touch with reality

    - he is not able to anticipate the consequences of his actions

    - he is insane

    - he is maniacal

    - he is demented

    - he is crazy

    - he is stark, raving mad

    I think Orange Buffoon is not that much mad as just grossly incompetent. He's in the wrong job, should have just stick to TV reality show and keep on building towers and be bailed out again and again and escape paying taxes.

    The most powerful nation in the world can ill afford to have some one like him to take the lead...recycling the same blunt instruments over and over again - lying, blame shifting, bullying, narcissistic boasting and ceaseless whining. He is totally tone deaf which translates to being callous, and his tempestuous tantrums are now legendary, much given to lashing out randomly.

    After his initial outburst of warning the protesters that he will set "vicious dogs and ominous weapons" on them, he went into a shouting match with the state governors about the necessity to "dominate" the protest situation by sending in the military. Now, on 5th June, he took to the stage on national TV to give an unscripted rambling stream of disjointed speech and at one point saying that now-infamous line " Hopefully George is looking down and saying this is a great thing that's happening for our country ".

    But the frightening part is that a whopping 42% of Americans actually think he is doing a good job. He has a hard core base of delusional, clueless, cult members, worshiping the very ground he walks. Nothing the Orange Buffoon says or does will make them change their minds. As for those business group who supported him, those corporate CEOs...their greed overwhelmed them, hoping for more tax breaks, more loopholes and more ways to increase their already massive bank accounts/shareholder values.

    1. but he is not hitler, xi is.

    2. Ya-loh, yr 蔡妹妹 is 观音菩萨 reincarnated!

    3. tsai is xuanzang that make use of monkey trump to whack all the devil monster dictator nazi communist fascist n finally pilgrimage to the west.

    4. So, now u turn back on yr idol!

      What's making?

      Usually demoNcratic plays as in most other human political endeavors. Right?

      What that proves of u & yr farted ideology?

      Cocooned mindset cultivated within a fart filled well & yet want to claim moral high ground!

    5. Hei Batty, go organize a huge rally to demand tSai to declare independence from bad, evil China and stop supplying semiconductors to Huawei, wa ka ka ka ka

      Don't just brood here endlessly with impotent rage LOL

    6. ah jerk, no need declare, all survey indicate that majority said they r taiwanese, not chinese. u think twnese r stupid like a jerk go kacau a hitler?

    7. 犬养 mfer, haven't u forgotten that Taiwan is NOT a nation?

      Declaration of been a Taiwanese is just like saying u r a nonchinese in bolihland!

      Sensible people in Taiwan r NOT stupid. Only 台毒 morons & dickhead like u r.

  5. Just as George Floyd can't breathe, the WORLD TOO CAN'T BREATHE ! A great piece by Andre Vltchek :

    ‘The World Can’t Breathe!’ Squashed by the U.S, a Country Built on Genocide and Slavery

    By: Andre Vltchek for VT

    [Original blocked by Face book]

    More than two centuries of lies are now getting exposed. Bizarre tales about freedom and democracy are collapsing like houses of cards.

    One man’s death triggers an avalanche of rage in those who for years, decades and centuries, have been humiliated, ruined, and exterminated.

    It always happens just like this throughout the history of humankind – one single death, one single “last drop”, an occurrence that triggers an entire chain of events, and suddenly nothing is the same, anymore. Nothing can be the same. What seemed to be unimaginable just yesterday, becomes “the new normal” literally overnight.


    For more than two centuries, the country which calls itself the pinnacle of freedom, has been in fact the absolute opposite of that; the epicenter of brutality and terror.

    From its birth, in order to ‘clear the space’ for its brutal, ruthless European settlers, it systematically liquidated the local population of the continent, during what could easily be described as one of the more outrageous genocides in the human history.

    When whites wanted land, they took it. In North America, or anywhere in the world. In what is now the United States of America, millions of “natives” were murdered, infected with deadly diseases on purpose, or exterminated in various different ways. The great majority of the original and rightful owners of the land, vanished. The rest were locked up in “reservations”.

    Simultaneously, the “Land Of The Free” thrived on slavery. European colonialist powers literally hunted down human beings all over the African continent, stuffing them, like animals, into ships, in order to satisfy demand for free labor on the plantations of North and South America. European colonialist, hand in hand, cooperated, in committing crimes, in all parts of the world.

    What really is the United States? Is anyone asking, searching for its roots? What about this; a simple, honest answer: The United States is essentially the beefy offspring of European colonialist culture, of its exceptionalism, racism and barbarity.

    Again, simple facts: huge parts of the United States were constructed on slavery. Slaves were humiliated, raped, tortured, murdered. Oh, what a monstrous way to write the first chapters of the country’s history!

    The United States, a country of liberty and freedom? For whom? Seriously! For Christian whites?

    How twisted the narrative is! No wonder our humanity has become so perverse, so immoral, so lost and confused, after being shaped by a narrative which has been fabricated by a country that exterminated the great majority of its own native sons and daughters, while getting insanely rich thanks to unimaginable theft, mass-murder, slavery and later – the semi-slavery of the savage corporate dictatorship!

    The endemic, institutionalized brutality at home eventually spilled over to all parts of the planet. Now, for many decades, the United Stated has treated the entire world as full of its personal multitude of slaves. What does it offer to all of us: constant wars, occupations, punitive expeditions, coups, regular assassinations of progressive leaders, as well as thorough corporate plunder. Hundreds of millions of people have been sacrificed on the grotesque U.S. altar of “freedom” and “democracy”.

    Freedom and democracy, really?

    Or perhaps just genocide, slavery, fear and the violation of all those wonderful and natural human dreams, and of human dignity?


    Then one single death of a man whose neck got crushed by the knee of a ruthless cop. And the country has exploded. Hundreds of thousands of pro-democracy fighters and activists are now flooding the streets of Minneapolis, Washington D.C., New York City, Atlanta, Los Angeles, and other U.S. cities.

    (continue next )

  6. The death of Mr. George Floyd is a symbol, really, as black people get murdered in the most despicable way, almost every day. From January 2015 to date, for instance, 1,250 African-American citizens have been shot and killed by the police, in our democratic U.S.A.

    In the “Country of Freedom”, 2.3 million human beings are rotting away alive in the increasingly privatized prisons. The U.S. prisoner rate is the highest in the world. Holding people behind bars is big business. Minorities form a disproportionately high percentage of the detainees.


    And that is not all. Actually, the entire world has already become one huge prison. Look around: the whole planet is now being monitored, policed in that very special and thorough U.S. way; policed, brutalized, and if it dares to protest – pitilessly chastised.

    Essential terms are all being twisted. The country abusing its own people, as well as the entire world, is defined by its own corporate mass media and propaganda system, as “free” and “democratic”. Those nations that are defending their own people against the brutal diktat of the empire, are insulted, called ‘regimes’ and ‘dictatorships’.

    I have already described this madness in my 800-page book, “Exposing Lies of the Empire”, after witnessing some of the deadliest trends being spread by the United States in some 160 countries.

    The murder of George Floyd unleashed resistance; it opened many eyes. In the United States, and everywhere else. Mr. Floyd, African-Americans, Native Americans and other oppressed people in the United States are brothers and sisters of those billions of men and women who are to this day, colonized, brutalized and murdered by the Empire, all over the world.

    Let this be the beginning of a new wave of the global liberation struggle!

    Now more and more people can finally see what few of us have been repeating for years: The entire world has its neck squashed by the U.S. boot. The entire world “cannot breathe”! And the entire world has to fight for its right to be able to breathe! "

    1. count how many indian died a floyd, in ccp china lagi teruk, the army just shoot. no one in the world understands y american riot for
      one cucu pendatang.

    2. There are thousands of George Floyd equivalents in Xinjiang and Tibet, but nobody raises a whisper.
      All for chasing a bagful of CCP silver.

    3. Keep helping to spread yr western demoNcratic urban legends lah!

      Also the satellite photographs of the Tibet/Xinjiang concentration camps of millions inmates!


      Why keep broadcasting all over the blog that u guys r just demoNcratic minion born yesterday?

    4. " no one in the world understands y american riot"

      So only Batty understands, hehe. Care to elaborate ?

      "There are thousands of George Floyd equivalents in Xinjiang and Tibet, but nobody raises a whisper."

      So TrumpAss Kisser care to furnish that thousands numbers in Xinjiang and Tibet ? What whisper that you are alluding to ? Nobody raises a whisper ? Didn't you just echoed your master repeatedly that 1 million in Xinjiang were incarcerated in "concentration camps'? Y'know....camps as in Nazi camps where starvation and tortures are the order of the day. More like a bagful of U$ silver for you, hehehehe

      The other blind mice is not too far behind too...

      "Three blind mice, three blind mice,
      See how they run, see how they run,
      They all ran after the farmer's wife,
      Who cut off their tails with a carving knife,
      Did you ever see such a thing in your life,
      As three blind mice?"

      Beware the carving knife when your demon-crazy gets out of hand, hehehehe

  7. i know nothing much abt usa, i only know many black, chinese, muslim embrace the american dream as if their own. many want to move there, if unsuccessful, they choose a quite similar one like australia. even when ccp ask chinese to shun oz, this people still grip strongly the oz whiteass.

    having said that, there is one thing i like abt american is when their idiot president kick ccp china enperor ass, n how he enrage the ccp lovers.

    thats my america dream.

    1. "there is one thing i like abt american is when their idiot president kick ccp china enperor ass, n how he enrage the ccp lovers."

      Not surprising in the least Batty should say this. You are like those Evangelicals who formed part of his hardcore suppose base. Even if Buffoon were to shoot someone right in front of their eyes, they will still worship him blindly ...because he did 3 things very dear to their heart : a big NO to abortion, a big NO to LGBT and 100% support of Isreal and moving their capital to Jerusalem. So Buffoon can do absolutely no wrong in their eyes, evem if they know he's an idiot and he's full of shit.

      So Batty has the same fanaticism of these religio-nuts. As long as idiotic Buffoon 'protect' his Formosa and diss the Chinese leader, he's in orgasm. Hehehehe. All that spewing about democracy shit is just that, SHIT. sama-sama with Batty's other 2 blind mice here. Andre Vltchey's great article will just fly over their brainwashed heads and become just a jumble of words, hahahaha

    2. Wakakakakaka… an American dream based on something u know nothing much about!

      Walau-eh, talk about blurred! How about just pure diarrhea regurgitated?

      "when ccp ask chinese to shun oz, this people still grip strongly the oz whiteass."

      R u not confusing HK pommie lovers & 台毒 Yankee doodles with the mainlander Chinese?

      Have u done a proper research how many of those Chinese looking Ozzies r from mainland China & when have they moved there?

      How about out of 5.6% of the Chinese Ozzie, 3.7% originated from HK, 1.2 from Taiwan, 0.65 SEA & 0.05 from China!

      犬养 Mfer, see who's yr oz whiteass lovers?

      I bet there r more nonchinese 犬养 katak like u in oz than the 0.05% of mainlander!

    3. i am not talking abt hker twnese msian that uphold democracy, i am talking abt ccp lover, at least we all know one that is from msia wakaka.

  8. Showcasing yr 南魔萬 England AGAIN?

    1st, u have zilch proof of any record about mainland Chinese 'rushing' to "grip strongly the oz whiteass".

    So, I provide u with Oz population statistics to disprove yr farted fake news.

    Now, out of the blue, u want to twist what AGAIN?

    That, deep down a notchiness mfer only know how to bark as if been taught improper by its godparent!

    1. show me one, one enough, son or daughter of the ccp top leaders r from either peking tsinghua n not from university in the west.

      u show me one i do likewise show u ten.

    2. Simple!

      President Xi jinping is the son of Chinese Communist veteran Xi Zhongxun. He graduated with a major in chemical engineering at Beijing's Tsinghua University.

      So, 犬养 mfer, is this a good enough example?

      Or r u going to raise another fart about 红二代's educational standing?

      Now show yr bluff about HOW many mainland Chineses 'rushing' to "grip strongly the oz whiteass?

      Maybe before u fart AGAIN, u should seriously ponder that motive of yrs to send yr daughter to Formosa to be further indoctrinated with the same kind of toxic demoNcratic dogmas that have wrecked & derailed a decent normal human thinking!

    3. current batch leader la, xi dad era the princeling cant even go to hk, i throw brick first see whether u got even one jade, xi daughter harvard, now go search one prince or princess that attended peking/tsinghua, like i said, one enough.

      if cant even find one, then my guess...actually is conclusion r perfectly correct.

  9. Now u want to twist yr question AGAIN after been caught red handed!

    Or u don't even know how to twist a proper question using yr 南魔萬 England?

    犬养 mfer, first u r no wordsmith. So how to play with words? Second neither is yr hp6 Mandarin help! So, can only con the Chinese illiterates & yr katak choir team.

    抛砖引玉 (Yr f*cked translation :throw brick first see whether u got even one jade)

    The correct Chinese interpretation:


    Trying to use an unsubstantiated opinion/question to extract a better/favorable answer/fact from the questioner.

    So, after getting shit on yr face for that lousy question, u still want to do 死鸡撑饭盖!

    Have yr elders ever told u about the curse of 连祖宗的脸都丢完了?Maybe, nonchinese doesn't understand what face/honour is!

    During Xi's dad era, there r not that many foreign trained professionals. Due to the sopo conditions of China then, only the best of the best were been sent oversea. The Peking/Tsinghua etc were to provide proper high quality educations to the 高考 bests after the prime selection for those going for oversea educations.

    It's ALSO not the state policy to allow 'princelings' to take any prime cuts in any of their endeavours! They have to prove themselves like everybody else.

    However, as in every cultures, connections open doors. So too in China.

    Thus to avoid local favouritism, many 红二代, who r highly qualified, r been sent oversea to further their education. Those so so 'princelings' just have to survive on their parents' hard-earned favouritism.

    Xi's daughter is educated in Harvard bcoz of her academic calibre. & during her Harvard yrs nobody knew who she was!

    There r many 红二代 been educated in Peking/Tsinghua. But they r anonymous until they get their 2nd degree from oversea institutes.

    So 犬养 mfer, if u insisting of playing this game then first just settle our initial contest!

    "u show me one i do likewise show u ten."

    Where's the TEN?

    Let me give u an advice - applying to all yr demoNcratic katak choir team.

    Many of u ONLY know hp6 sopo-economical issues & yet just want to shout LOUDLY after been induced by yr masters' farts/chants/fake news. Never in yr fart clouded mind u ever thought of using whatsoever half dead neurons left to think & analyse before that frenzy chanting. At the end, u r making bloody fool of yrself while gaining no point in any arguments!

    犬养 mfer, do begin yr answer NOW! I'm waiting.
