
Friday, May 29, 2020

Western provocations 'gaa jau' (加油) to Hong Kong protesters


Removal of special status by US ‘double-edged sword’, says HK govt

A man wearing a face mask looks at night view of Hong Kong’s business district on May 28

(AP pic)

HONG KONG: Hong Kong’s government warned Washington that withdrawing its special US status, which has underpinned the city as a global financial hub, could be a “double-edged sword” and urged the US to stop interfering in internal affairs.

The statement came as US President Donald Trump is due to announce later on Friday his response to the Chinese parliament’s advancement of national security legislation for Hong Kong, which democracy activists and Western countries fear could erode the city’s freedoms.

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The former British colony enjoys a high degree of autonomy under a “one country, two systems” formula since it returned to Chinese rule in 1997.

“Any sanctions are a double-edged sword that will not only harm the interests of Hong Kong but also significantly those of the US,” the city’s government said late on Thursday.

It added that from 2009 to 2018, the US trade surplus with Hong Kong was the biggest among all its trading partners, totalling US$297 billion of merchandise and 1,300 US firms are based in the city.

Beijing says the new legislation will tackle secession, subversion, terrorism and foreign interference in the city.

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It could see Chinese intelligence agencies set up bases there.

The plan has ignited the first big protests in Hong Kong for months, as thousands of people took to the streets this week, prompting police to fire pepper pellets in the heart of the city’s financial district to disperse crowds.

The US Department of State said in a report on Thursday it could “no longer certify that Hong Kong continues to warrant (differential) treatment” from Beijing.

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Trump’s top economic adviser Larry Kudlow warned that Hong Kong, which has enjoyed special privileges under US law based on its high degree of autonomy from Beijing, may now need to be treated like China on trade and other financial matters.

In a separate statement on Friday, published in several local newspapers, Hong Kong leader Carrie Lam urged “fellow citizens” to “join hands to pursue our dreams while putting aside our differences”.

She said the legislation was needed because of a “terrorist threat” and because organisations advocating “independence and self-determination” have challenged the authority of Beijing and local governments and pleaded for foreign interference.

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The five demands of last-year’s pro-democracy protest movement included universal suffrage and an independent inquiry into police handling of the protests, but not independence.

A minority of protesters waved “Hong Kong independence” flags.

Independence is anathema for Beijing.

The security legislation, along with a bill to criminalise disrespect for China’s national anthem, are seen by protesters as the latest attempt by Beijing to tighten its control on the city.

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The security legislation, expected to be enacted before September, was condemned also by Britain, Australia, Canada and others.

Britain said it will give greater visa rights to British national overseas passport holders from Hong Kong unless China suspends its plans.


kaytee notes:

I'm delighted that Britain has promised (not a la KHAT-aSS, I hope) it will give greater (what does it mean by 'greater'?) visa rights to British national overseas passport holders from Hong Kong unless China suspends its plans.

For sure China won't be deterred from its path of national security. Anyhow I reckon it'll be a Win-Win-Win situation for all - Britain gets Chinese who want to be Poms, China gets rid of Chinese who don't want to be Chinese, and those protesters finally get to go where they want in the first place, ie. migrate legally to Mother England. 


  1. I've said before with Brexit (but KT mocked me then), Britain can still pull some influence with the commonwealth countries and territories and also with USA.

    Black, brown or yellow skin it doesn't matter. Rich HongKongers can move their wealth to Motherland Britain.

    If Singapore is smart they can take over HK as financial center for the British and other western corporations.

    China's Belt and Road will diminish post Covid-19; it is nothing more than a re-package of Japan's Greater East Asia Co-prosperity Sphere of the 30s and 40s. The only difference is instead of warships and guns, they use money, lots of it.

    1. Chinese civilization is supposed to be 5,000 years old, be patient lah whats another 27? Leave HK alone till 2047, like you promised.

      Hong Kong: What is the BNO and what does the UK move mean?

      Around 300,000 in Hong Kong hold a British National (Overseas) passport

      The UK has said it is considering more rights for holders of a special passport issued to some people in Hong Kong.

      The territory, which used to be a British colony, was handed back to China in 1997. Anyone born before then is eligible to apply for a British National (Overseas) passport, known as a BNO.

      If China implements a controversial proposed security law, people holding the BNO, could get a "path to citizenship", the UK said.

      The BNO passport is essentially a travel document that does not carry citizenship rights with it - although you are entitled to some consular assistance outside of Hong Kong and China with it.

      It was issued to people in Hong Kong by the UK before Hong Kong was handed over to China.

      Around 300,000 people currently hold a BNO passport, allowing them to visit the UK visa-free for six months. An estimated 2.9 million people are eligible for a BNO passport, said the British Consulate General in Hong Kong.

      Though it gives the passport holder the right to remain in the UK for up to six months, it doesn't automatically allow them to reside or work there. They also aren't allowed to access public funds, including things like government benefits.
      BNO holders cannot pass this status on to their children.

      China on Thursday formally approved a plan to impose controversial national security legislation in Hong Kong. It could go into effect as early as the end of June.

      Hong Kong was handed back to China, on a number of conditions. These include the region's high level of autonomy and maintaining certain rights like freedom of speech that do not exist in mainland China.

      But this new plan, if put into law, would make it a crime to undermine Beijing's authority in Hong Kong, and many are concerned it could end Hong Kong's unique status.

      The move triggered a wave of criticism around the world, with many - including Chris Patten, the last governor of Hong Kong - urging the UK to stand up for the territory.

      Under current rules, BNO holders are allowed to stay for six months

      Later on Thursday, UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab said the country would move to scrap the six-month stay limit for BNO holders if China goes on to officially implement the law.

      Mr Raab said that BNO passport holders would be allowed to "apply to work and study for extendable periods of 12 months and that will itself provide a pathway to future citizenship".

      As a way to help people in Hong Kong who would rather not stay there if the new security laws are implemented, it might prove more symbolic.

      For starters only a small percentage of people in Hong Kong currently have a BNO.

      But also, the people who the security laws are aimed at - the young anti-mainland protesters who have been getting into violent confrontations with police for months - are not likely to be eligible for the BNO because of their age.

      Additionally, though the BNO gives the passport holder the right to visit the UK for up to a year potentially, it's not clear what other benefits the extension might bring, or if the UK would make it any easier administratively for those already in the country to apply for work or study.

      On social media, some Hong Kongers dismissed it as a gesture that amounted to little more than a 12-month tourist visa.

      Effectively, it means that those who come to stay in the UK for a year, and who have the funds to be able to extend this enough, could eventually be eligible to apply for citizenship.

      It cuts out some of the administrative hoops BNO holders would have had to jump through before this move if they wanted this path.

    2. arithmetic with chinese characteristics : 1997+50=2020

    3. In binary base lah, mfer!

      Read the basic laws lah - 50yrs of SAR provided HK remains peaceful & following ONE country principle!

      Otherwise, it's void!

    4. void under chinese kharacteristic interpretation, using a dialectical approach, exicuted by a pooh pooh.

    5. Irrational & illogical diarrhea from too much fart inhaling!

      Keep croaking, 犬养 katak.

  2. Belt and Road = Greater Easr Asia Co Prosperity Sphere.

    Instead of Banzai, we shall sing Wan Shui Xi Jin Ping.

    1. When those people living within the B&R regions r having a decent prosperity instead of the current exploitations by those western bloodsuckers, they will sing praise to China.

      What do u want but the continuation of that exploitation to earn yr old money!

  3. make hk a shenzhen, no more common law, no more hkd, no more hker, no more begging a special usa status, move toward 1c1s, jiayou jiayou, welcome ccp lover from msia n oz, let chinese who love to be chinese move out from msia n oz. bila mahu balik?

  4. Why so many foreigners want to kacau Hong Kong ?

    Denying Hong Kong residents the right to speak up to ask for self-detemination.

    1. U can say that AGAIN!

      Especially to that 犬养 katak croaking under that fart filled well.

      Oooop… don't forget to repeat the same to u too!

    2. kt ck n ah jerk most probably r not foreigner, they r the very flexible yr type chinese.

    3. Definitely better than a gang of 犬养 katak, which r a mixed of onerous liars & rigid demoNcratic cult acolytes, croaking their western demigod tunes!
