
Saturday, May 02, 2020

Trump is now sheeeeet skad


Trump now says he hopes US Covid-19 deaths stay below 100,000

Donald Trump previously estimated the Covid-19 death toll in US to be around 60,000 to 70,000

AP pic

WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump on Friday seemingly increased his estimate of possible deaths in the United States from the coronavirus, telling a White House event he hopes for less than 100,000 fatalities, a higher upper limit than the 60,000 to 70,000 deaths he discussed on Monday.

“Hopefully we’re going to come in below that 100,000 lives lost, which is a horrible number nevertheless,” Trump said.

Projections have varied for how many lives Covid-19, the respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus, would claim. Anthony Fauci, a top infectious disease official, had said in March that Americans should be prepared for 100,000 deaths.

“So, yeah, we’ve lost a lot of people. But if you look at what original projections were – 2.2 million – we’re probably heading to 60,000, 70,000,” Trump said at a press briefing on Monday.

On Wednesday the number of deaths passed 60,000, eclipsing the number of Americans killed in the Vietnam War. By Friday afternoon, at least 63,260 people had died, according to a Reuters tally of state and local government reports.


  1. lousy democracy, can only hope, unlike ccp china, xi said 4k mean even yama king n saint peter must abide by.

    1. Poor monkey show with the ONLY China bashing tool, conditioned ad nauseum using that magical disappearing acts of the China administration!

      Congenial conditioning is a branch of modern cocooning behavioural science - lies repeat long enough will be accepted as truth! The unfortunate fact is those liars ignore the fact that the technique works ONLY with ignorant crowds with similar herd thinking.

      Pity…… but how could a bigoted shits stirrer understand. He is only responsible to spread but not keeping the score!

      Keep farting, hope against hope that u can entice more outsiders than yr choirboys/girls of the brainless kind!

  2. Here lies the grim truth of WHY trump resists whole nation testing & contact tracing!

    Not readily prepared due to big-headedness in early disease window stage due to the misconception of a O-M175 confined disease.

    No money & personnel reserved, due to PURE economic matrices, for an unforseen pandemic even though crowned with the WEF ranking of top pandemic preparedness!

    Deep rooted western stubbornness for herd immunity readiness as proven in those past dark western pandemics.

    Black Death wasn't defeated by ANY cure. The devastating 1918 influenza pandemic wasn't resolved via ANY cure. Neither is the 2009 swine flu pandemic!

    Even with the upward adjustment of the death toll, there r still widespread resistances by ALL these WASP nations in conducting full-scale testings & concrete tracings.

    Perhaps, deep down when facing with the challenging compromise of health cost vs economic cost, these nations choose money more than human lives - the olds, the destitutes, the sicks & the minorities ARE dispensable in the light of the bigger good for the controlling group!

    1. These forked tongues politicians emerged to cry crocodile tears and profusely offer sympathy and condolences to the family of the dead ones. But within these buayas, they hide their glee and as CK aptly puts it " the olds, the destitutes, the sicks & the minorities ARE dispensable in the light of the bigger good for the controlling group! "

      The only one that comes up smelling good is Andrew Cuomo the mayor of NY and it was a thousand pity he's not running for the presidency. Only wretched monkeys will run and the system will forever be controlled by those same group of billonaire tycoons.

    2. correction : Andrew Cuomo the Governor of NY

  3. Trump's problem is nothing compared to Muhyiddin's. President election is not till November.

    Muhyiddin's problem on the other hand, is here and now. His party Bersatu is about to be swallowed by UMNO. His cabinet is a Joke and Incompetent. He dares not convene Parliament properly.

    The latest blunder is the so-called 6 month moratorium on bank loans and hire purchase. Totally mismanaged. This is what happens when you appoint a banker as FM. His first priority of course is to save the banks who are facing a tsunami of non-performing loans. The loan moratorium is actually a bail-out of the banks, safe-guarding their profits, only delaying it by six months, while the little man still has to pay up.

    The FM also forgot that thousands of loan and hire-purchase agreements are still in force. Unless a new over-riding law is passed by parliament an avalanche of lawsuits is impending.

    We have not done what Singapore did - introduce A new Bill aimed at protecting individuals and companies unable to fulfil their contractual obligations because of the Covid-19 pandemic. This new umbrella law was passed by the Singapore parliament very early on.

    But in Malaysia Parliament is practically dead. One day sitting on May 18 just to tick the attendance box, knock-off early due to puasa, and only four day debate in July (instead of the normal eight). By that time there will be chaos and we will be dead in the water.
