
Wednesday, May 06, 2020

China says HK will never be calm unless violent protesters removed

MM Online:

China says HK will never be calm unless violent protesters removed

An anti-extradition bill protester is detained by riot police outside Mong Kok police station in Hong Kong September 2, 2019

Reuters pic 

BEIJING, May 6 — China’s Hong Kong affairs office warned today that the city will never be calm unless “black-clad violent protesters” were all removed, describing them as a “political virus” that seeks independence from Beijing.

The strongly worded statement comes amid mounting concerns among democracy activists that China is tightening its grip over the former British colony, while a lockdown to prevent coronavirus infections has largely kept their movement off the streets.

The Hong Kong and Macau Affairs office warned that China’s central government will not sit idly by “with this recklessly demented force in place” and that China’s central government has the greatest responsibility in maintaining order and safeguarding national security.

“The scorched-earth action of the black-clad violent protesters is a political virus in Hong Kong society and a big enemy to ‘one-country-two-systems’,” the office said in a statement today.

“As long as the protesters are not removed, Hong Kong will never be calm,” it said.

The Asian financial hub was rocked in 2019 by months of massive, and sometimes violent, political protests over a now-withdrawn extradition bill that would have allowed people to be sent to mainland China for trial.

Many young protesters dressed in black fought running battles with Hong Kong police as the demonstrations evolved into calls for greater democracy.

Why the "Surge" of Protests in 2019 will Continue in 2020 | Time

Protesters said Beijing was seeking to erode the “one country, two systems” style of governance that guarantees broad freedoms for Hong Kong since its return to Chinese rule in 1997.

Beijing rejects criticism that it is seeking to encroach on the city’s much-cherished freedoms.

Hong Kong riot police dispersed a crowd of 300 pro-democracy activists, some wearing black, late last month — the first sizable protest since the government imposed a ban on public meetings at the end of March to curb coronavirus infections.

The arrests of 15 activists in April, including veteran politicians, a publishing tycoon and senior barristers, thrust the protest movement back into the spotlight and drew condemnation from Washington and international rights groups.

Beijing’s top representative office in Hong Kong on Saturday condemned what it described as extreme radicals for holding illegal assemblies over the Labour Day holiday and accused them of undermining the rule of law.

A war of words has intensified in the past few weeks, with Beijing’s top official in Hong Kong urging the local government to work to enact national security legislation “as soon as possible”, fuelling worries over what many see as encroachment on the territory’s freedoms.

Fear that Beijing is flexing its muscle over Hong Kong risks a revival of anti-government protests after months of relative calm amid social distancing rules to curb the spread of the coronavirus.

Hong Kong protesters fire arrows at cops and choke city for 4th ...

Hong Kong’s economy recorded in the first quarter its deepest annual contraction since at least 1974, as the coronavirus pandemic dealt a heavy blow to business activity, already in decline following the anti-government protests.

The Hong Kong and Macau Affairs office said that while there were many factors contributing to Hong Kong’s economic woes, the main problem was anti-government protests.

“Hong Kong’s biggest trouble comes from within, that is the violent forces openly calling for and engaging in ‘lanchao’,” said the office, referring to a scorched-earth tactic. — Reuters

The protests have come mainly (though not completely) from idealistic youths. Initially they protested against an extradition bill which frightened them enormously. Then from there (perhaps seeing the success of their protests) they went for broke and now demand full independence - nothing wrong with that though it's a la bajak rindu bulan (Chinese saying: Sai3 Gu2 Barng3 Gueh1 - an impossible dream).

Amazing nature landscapes: moon over me | eyesOfOdysseus

Years back, as 1997 approached the British were wondering how to shed off 7 million of their slant eyed yellow skin citizens, having experienced the trauma of African Indians (British citizens) pouring out of Uganda, Ghana, etc into Mother England. Their families in India and Pakistan subsequently joining them in the UK were further headaches for the British - nasty racist jokes like the "OHMS" ("On Her Majesty Service" punned into enveloped dole for "Only Hindus, Muslims & Sikhs") and "How do I know a bus is just around the corner" (Answer: "I can smell curry") became rife in the 70's. Thus, an additional 7 million Chinese migrating from HK to UK a la the African Indians would have been just too much for the British to bear.

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Their (then-PM John Majors') solution? A man called Chris Patten, the last GG of HK.

Much against the 1997 Handover agreement between Margaret Thatcher and Deng Xiaoping (though it was Chinese Premier Zhao Ziyang who signed it), HK Governor-General Chris Patten deliberately introduced the idea of democracy and independence for HK (but in reality and politically an impossibility) - his covert aim was to tell HK-ers: "Look you can be independent - there's no need to migrate to UK". The Chinese (Mainlanders) were of course furious, as democracy and independence were NEVER part of the Handover Agreement signed by Thatcher and Zhao, but the die were cast, and HK-ers bought that Patten lie outright, partly because the HK-ers themselves wanted it that way rather than migrate to UK.

Hong Kong handover: 20 years on

Britain ruled Hong Kong for 156 years but without any iota of independence and democracy

Though the more senior and elderly HK-ers have been more realistic (pragmatic) and accepted a new master (from colonial Britain to its original Chinese master), the Youths and younger generations decide they want to be free of China.
As mentioned, Britain ruled Hong Kong for 156 years but during that period  there was no clamour by pro-democracy activists for independence and democracy, wakakaka.

Strangely (or perhaps not), today (prior to the violent protests), HK-ers enjoy far more liberty and privileges than the times their parents had under the British, but that's not good enough for the younger HK-ers who want independence, no doubt fueled by Patten's sinister agitation. For example, look at Macau - she is no different from HK other than size, and it's quite peaceful there where even the casinos and the way of life still operate under a benign Beijing.

But the reason why Beijing has thus far tolerated the HK exceedingly violent protests has been the issue of Taiwan. Beijing wants to show Taipeh through the HK SAR (Special Autonomous Region) model that 'One nation, Two systems' can work peacefully without too many interference from Beijing. If Taiwan ever 'returns' to China, then the HK-ers should be more careful in their violent protests. HK is nothing more than a pimple on China's behind, and thus far their eff-ups have been indirectly saved by Taiwan (China's concerns over its willingness to 'return' back to the political embrace of China).

But in a protest, waving a foreign flag is shameful. If those HK-ers had waved their own Island flag (below) I would have respected them. But to wave foreign flags like the Union Jack and Stars & Stripes would be akin to Chinese Malaysians waving the flag of China and Indians waving the flag of India - outright lackeys of foreign powers.

Waving hong kong flag isolated on a white Vector Image


  1. I don't know about Indians, but A huge number of Chinese Malaysians wave the CCP-flag , in their minds, though they may be worried about getting into trouble if they physically wave a CCP flag.

    The Superman dude who publicly sided with the CCP over Malaysia, with regard to the CCP's claim over Malaysian EEZ waters , was merely being politically incorrect, but most Chinese Malaysians are aligned with him.

    1. you seem to know a lot about Chinese Malaysians, wakakaka

    2. When Lee Chong Wei was playing Lin Dan for the Gold Medal at the Beijing Olympics I did not know a single Malaysian Chinese who wanted Lin Dan to win.

      But Lin Dan vs a player from any other country is a different matter.

    3. Definitely know more than an Aussie hanging out in Sydney.
      Most Chinese Malaysians are pro-CCP first, Malaysia not even second.

    4. Wakakakaka…

      With u as one of the exception.

      Know who butters yr bread & on which side first!

    5. I just saw an example on a social media platform yesterday.

      One Chinese Malaysian made a very mild and factually correct comment that the CCP's action and policy is less than perfect.

      The overwhelming majority of the other Chinese Malaysians on the platform, hundreds of them piled on the person, accusing him of being a lackey of Western powers and a traitor to the Chinese race.

      Poof...pordah to GroupThink.
      I can see that most Chinese Malaysians have completely lost the ability to vjew the CCP with any sense of objectivity or facts.

    6. "When Lee Chong Wei was playing Lin Dan for the Gold Medal at the Beijing Olympics I did not know a single Malaysian Chinese who wanted Lin Dan to win."

      That says it all. We all (Malays, Chinese, Indians, dll) we ALL want our Chong Wei to win. Against China. We want our team to win against the team from China. We Chinese, yes, those 4th-class citizens in this Tanah Tumpah Darah Ku, hehehe, we want Team Malaysia to win against Team China.

      But we all know where our roots come from. The Malays know where they come from, the Indians knows too although Madey likes to claim that he has only one tablespoon of Indian blood in him, hehehehe.

      So rooting for our motherland is not disloyalty which one OCBC here seems to imply with his "CCP in their minds". His beloved America is the world's rogue nation, but this OCBC is defending the per the Chinese saying...fingers that bend backward, going against the grain.

      The West did not want to ‘democratize the world’ or for China to bring free speech or liberty. That's just utter rubbish. Look at how they liberate Middle East and Africa.

      So, it's never about liberty, freedom or human rights. It's all about crises initiatives, political control, installing puppets, economic control, stealing resources, geopolitics, military industrial complex, banking dominance, and one of the most important of all, the prolonging of the unsustainable bully petrodollar system.

      China, Russia and Iran are just some giants that happen to stand in the way. We all know what happens to smaller resource-rich countries or those that sit on strategic points in their grand plan of monopolizing the world.

      The rest of the narratives one reads or watches on Western "lamestream" media are just excuses, pretexts and wishful justifications of their masters’ inhumane ways to enrich themselves and achieve total world dominance.

      In spite of its horrendous history of a century of humiliation and incredible suffering at the hands of these Western hordes and yet still the bullying continuing up to this day, in actual fact, the Chinese mostly like the Americans and all things American - Star War, Disney Land, Starbucks, Iphone, NBA...

      China is never afraid of the US. In the 1950s, impoverished as it was then, China managed to push back the Americans to South Korea using mostly rifles.

      It is America that is afraid of every other country...afraid that the countries of the world will stop using the USD, causing America to collapse, unable to service its mountain of debts even as it is now. This is what Murica is afraid of : NO LONGER RELEVANT TO THE WORLD.

      Yes, China simply refuses to back down to the US' strident demand to dismantle its longer will it merely be the hewer of wood and drawer of water. China is determined to shoot further up the food chain and reserve a seat at the big table, so that its people will have even better standard of living and poverty eradicated completely.

      If Trump and his cohorts of neocons warmongers continue to bully and pointing the fingers of blame, China will grit its teeth and stand its ground. There's a famous Chinese old lyric which goes like this : "When friends come, we have wine. When wolves come, we have guns"

    7. thats lyrics from "my motherland", there is a version sang by xi second wife. its iyric is well written but we know most chinese cant stay away from hatred, thats y the writer talk abt gun.

      raed the lyrics of small deng ie teresa song abt national army 君在前哨,"with you protect us at frontline, i will cherish myself more".

      taiwan is abt cherish n love, ccp is full of hatred n want to bully, so diff.

    8. "we know most chinese cant stay away from hatred, thats y the writer talk abt gun"


      Another 断章取义 - a very typical 台毒 propaganda tactic.

      U choose to ignore the whole stanzas of the lyric! What happened to the first portion?

      Ooop… nonchinese with lousy 台毒 style Mandarin trying to con readers using his 南魔萬 England!

      Teresa only sang about romance & reminiscence - a total disconnection & detachment from reality. A form of escapism. BTW was she a representative of Taiwan or Chinese?

      Mfer, what happened to fighting together at the front line?

      Remind me about those atrocities committed by those Taiwanese 蝗军 enlisted in the Japanese army in their march in SEA.

      Ooop… can u complete the translation of Teresa's full song stanza? I'm dying to see what kind of shit can u postscript to a lamenting song!

      Who is about cherish & love & will willingly sacrifice to earn them?

      Ha… What does a nonchinese know ANYTHING about China/Chinese except his overwhelming hatred for them!

    9. Hehe, bat-lover, there isn't any need to get your knicker all in a twist over some lines of a simple old lyric...

      These lines are part of a song written for the Chinese movie "Battle on Shangganling Mountain" (1956). It remains a popular and famous patriotic song in mainland China.

      Another translation in English for part of the song :

      "This is the beautiful Motherland
      This is the place where I grew up
      On this expansive stretch of land
      Everywhere there is wonderful scenery to behold

      How flower-like are the young ladies
      How big and determined are the hearts of the young men
      In order to usher in a new era
      They've woken the sleeping mountains
      And changed the face of the river

      This is the heroic Motherland
      This is the place where I grew up
      On this stretch of ancient land
      There is youthful vigor everywhere

      Great mountains, great rivers, a great land
      Every road is broad and wide
      If friends come, there is fine wine
      But if the wolves come
      Those who greet them have hunting guns

      This is the mighty Motherland
      This is the place where I grew up
      On this stretch of warm and friendly land
      There is peaceful sunshine everywhere"

      Thanks CK...for clearing up that batshit blabbering of bat-lover. By now, he ought to know better than shooting from the hip or indulging in his silly, petty, manipulative attempt to score points.

      By the way, my mom loves listening to the divine Teresa Teng and I have to admit that her easy-listening melodious voice is quite captivating.

  2. hk will be calm if ccp get lost n all ccp propagandist go back to their motherland.

    1. It's not so much about independence or dmocarcy - HK-ers just prefer to suck British baLLS, wakakaka

    2. mainlander dun suck american n australian ball? how many move to their bro land in africa?

    3. Mfer, can u see the logic of yr farts ke?

      Guess not!

      U betul2 want to be suci-ed.

    4. which university r u both from? tsinghua or beida?

    5. Mine is definitely nth class better than yours, as shown!

  3. I know many Malaysians who are PRs (even citizens) of Oz, UK, USA, Canada etc who still consider themselves Malaysians, heck even blog about Malaysian affairs from afar ha ha ha, complain, complain, complain about this and that, rindu and want to bring back the good ol days.

  4. "But the reason why Beijing has thus far tolerated the HK exceedingly violent protests has been the issue of Taiwan."

    It's a myth propagated by the HK demoNcratic puppeteers, with the earlier 台毒 dreamers playing the supporting fiddler! Many outside political, social analysts have a fixation to this idea too!

    China DOES NOT need to show ANY political favour for Taiwan. In fact, the mainland govt's main consideration, as far as Taiwan is concerned, is how to unite the island into her fold with minimum bloodshed. The 1-country-2-systems has NEVER been declared as a planned solution for that unification by the leaders. But many Taiwanese want to play that 1-country-2-systems theme!

    The key in HK political tolerance is actually rooted in the TRILEMMA of economics.

    Many governments have tried to simultaneously pursue all three goals but have floundered comprehensively. It is impossible to have all three of the following financial tools working at the same time:

    *1 a fixed foreign exchange rate

    *2 free capital movement (absence of capital controls)

    *3 an independent monetary policy

    China maintains *1&3 in manipulating her fiscal policies to sustain her economic growth while using HK to keep a strategical hand on *2 bcoz of the dominant position of the US$ in international trades!

    Thus, maintaining HK as China's free capital market outlet, diligently bypass the curse of trilemma!

    But, then not many people realise this peculiar economic play as orchestrated by the China economic planners.

    1-country-2-systems for HK is the political legacy of Deng Xiaoping. China will keep to that promised timeframe as long as there r no excessive malcontents display by any hkers to displace the 1-country clause. 2-system is time constrained & can be tolerated as long as 1-contry principle is not violated.

    With the increasing weakening of the US$ in international trade transactions, the *2 position of HK is getting less & less relevant to the China economic planning.

    Carrie Lam is a weak administrator. She has been viewed more & more as the main player causing the increasing violences exhibited by the HK 废青.

    Thus, strong words have been issued by the China’s Hong Kong affairs office. This time NOW, the police cramping down of the riots WOULD be thorough & draconian, even in the face of western demoNcratic condemnations.

    1. hker will tolerate ccp as long as 2 sys not infringed. hker can ignore locpg bs bec the moment containment start, ccp china will be under lockdown again n back to mao era, in which hk again become the only port n financial centre where ccp china can access.

      in short, hker can just tell ccp to go fuck themselves wakaka

    2. The CCP's plan for Taiwan is a blockade, and invasion if that fails.
      There is no Plan B.
      If the Invasion of Taiwan by 2047 fails, the CCP itself will be History.

    3. Wakakakakaka…


      By who?

      When almost every other countries in the world ARE been critically wounded sopo-lly by the coronavirus pandemic. They need external buyer for their services & goods.

      China IS the only country that is capable of buying & selling as proven in the supply of medical equipments & drugs. & yet u proposed containment to isolate her out!

      Maybe trump in his irrational stage of fearing losing his reelection mindset would arm-twisting some of his diehard allies. But who & how many? Ooop… that barking dog from Oz w/o the supports of the majority Ozzie!

      China has established a huge internal consumption market with sizable middle income buying power. The recent internal consumption data, after the relaxing of the lockdown, proves conclusively the her economic viability & resiliency.

      China has been self-sufficient in foods supply for many yes now. Besides, China has enough stockpile of foods, fuel for sufficient period of time.

      HK as an outlet for China's external world trade during containment!


      Trading with who? Just like in yr reminiscent bygone yrs of cold war!

      The port activities of HK ranks 7 with the top 5 all Chinese!

      Shanghai's stock market is worth more than Hong Kong's, with a market capitalization of $2.7 trillion compared with $2.3 trillion in Hong Kong.

      Hong Kong economy surpassed by neighbour Shenzhen for first time in 2018.

      Mfer, u r one hell of a bygone era lamenter - not only know-nothing about sopo analysis but also totally survive under&inside a depilated economic well.

      The TARGETED unification plan for Taiwan will be swift & immediate even before yr uncle Sam is ready to mobilized his diseased Pacific fleet once again.



      China never offers a 50yrs concession to Taiwan under any unification consideration.

      President Xi is strong willed & the unification WILL happen before his term completed!

    4. Who would have thought an invisible, not even a living organism, could bring the US to its knees. From now onward, these terms will be used to define the 'before' and 'after' of such a tumultuous event : BC and AC - Before Covid19 and After Covid19.

      In a matter of weeks, the strong become shit and the shithole countries get going, hehehe.

      " If the Invasion of Taiwan by 2047 fails, the CCP itself will be History"....such anal, utterly lame kind of analysis...a mere few weeks could cause such an upset, what more 27 bloody long YEARS down the road. Kepala hotak dia lah...hehehehe, anything to smite China even though it is utter rot.

      By the by, very lucid analysis by CK ! Well noted

    5. by who? lu dah every other countries in the world ARE been critically wounded sopo-lly by the WUHANvirus pandemic.

      self sufficient mean ccp eat rice n the people eat grass, this happened during great leap forward.

      honeywell start producing mask within 5 weeks, using the aerospace facility, n u see how the american slowly stop their order from china, ccp is chopping own hand own foot if dare to touch twn hk, that said,i believe ccp can win the war of boosting.

    6. DemoNcratic 井蛙!

      No need to waste time on u. Time will tell whose hands/legs r getting chopped!

      Right at this time, yr uncle Sam is still unable to supply the needed ppe, ventilators, the reactant for testing etc etc!

      Ooop… u didn't realise that the microfibre used by Honeywell, 3M & any other manufacturers, in producing medical class face mask has to come from China?

      Stay croaking under yr fart filled well!

    7. yes u r correct, usa eu now having problem to get supply on almost anything, thats how they acknowledge the true face n intention of ccp china. lets see ... i believe we r young enough to see who is right.

    8. Mfer, the bet IS on!

      1st, the source of the covid-19 will be confirmed via scientific investigations very soon.

      US will be proven to be the origin of covid-19 as more & more super flu deaths were been unearthed as masked for covid-19 as early as Sept 2019!

      Yr uncle Sam can no longer indulge in playing that blaming game.

      & u, with yr farts about Yunnan bat & Wuhan wet market!

      2nd, the unification of Taiwan into China will be completed before President Xi's term with minimum bloodshed.

      US & his allies will be acting just liken to their superficial wordplays during the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation!

      NATO could blow gases while US shouting empty words of threats!

      U can shut up & sulking quietly inside yr fart filled well forever!

    9. "...usa eu now having problem to get supply on almost anything, thats how they acknowledge the true face n intention of ccp china"

      Mmm...what twisted perverted thinking, hehe. FYI, true intention of China is to faithfully and dutifully produce for the demand and the need of their clients/customers, as the Chinese workers in the millions diligently wake up in the morning to rush to their factories and manufacturing plants working their fingers to their bones to put food on the table, to educate their children, to provide a roof over their heads. It's a win-win deal for the American bosses..they get dirt cheap labour costs, they don't dirty their air and louse up the environment in the US of A, their Americans public get such affordable-priced goods.

      Bat-lover gone truly batty, wa ka ka ka
