
Monday, May 25, 2020

Mahathir said he doesn't like DAP and doesn't like Anwar

Malaysiakini (extracts):

Did Mahathir betray those who voted for him?

“There is this proposal for us to leave Pakatan Harapan. Another proposal I made was whether we want to think this through or follow others. So, I want to know whether we leave now or give it some time.

“Because for me, support from Umno is so fickle that if we give it a little time, they will like me. So, there’s not much difference, not much difference. The only thing is I don’t like DAP, I don’t like Anwar, and the rest are the same.

“But it is only a matter of time. Whether or not we determine the time or we take action today?” 
- Malay Mail (19 May 2020) - In leaked clip, Dr M heard trying to delay Bersatu from leaving Pakatan, despite ‘dislike for DAP and Anwar’Mahathir promises 'very big trouble' for ruling coalition

Proarte: Former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad betrayed the rakyat because he undermined the election manifesto after winning the 2018 general election. If that is not a betrayal, I do not know what is.

Mahathir betrayed the rakyat because he failed to name a date when he would hand over power to PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim which the rakyat expected him to do after two years.

Anwar was the rightful PM but because of his conviction for sodomy by Najib Abdul Razak using the same Mahathir script of 1998, Mahathir was given the privilege of being a “seat warmer” PM for Anwar.

Mahathir wanted to leave office in a blaze of glory after the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (Apec) summit in November (even then the exact date was not specified) and then see Pakatan Harapan collapse with Muhyiddin Yassin being PM and perhaps Azmin Ali or Mukhriz Mahathir as deputy PM.

It was just the timing of the betrayal which was of concern to Mahathir. He revealed his thoughts at the treacherous Bersatu meeting on Feb 23 - I don't like DAP and I don't like Anwar".

He never planned to hand over power to Anwar from the very outset and merely “used” him. Such is Mahathir's wicked nature.

Mahathir has learnt that he does not have any real affection from the Malays whom he supposedly fought for. He was “loved” only because he had power and the ability to buy support.

It was Mahathir who taught Najib that “cash is king”. Muhyiddin and co-conspirators who showed their finger to Mahathir had pulled the rug from under his feet and brought forward the timeline of the ultimate betrayal of the rakyat.

They stole power from Mahathir and gave it to themselves, leaving Mahathir sulking in a corner like a spoilt child expecting sympathy from the very people he betrayed. Such is Mahathir's megalomania and disconnect from reality.

Mahathir is now regarded as the ultimate scumbag of the nation, and he really should retire from politics. His party Bersatu think nothing of him and call him a cantankerous liar. The best option for everyone is to ignore what he says and let Mahathirism die a well-deserved natural death.

Harapan minus Bersatu (no compromise on that), must revive the New Malaysia spirit which saw us overthrow a wicked, racist and kleptocratic government in 2018.

We did it once, and with renewed vigour and with Harapan sanitised off kleptocrats, racist, Muslim bigots (ie, Mahathrists), we will overcome and realise the dream of a New Malaysia and reach the “mountain top”.

Scam Job Billionaire: Like it or not, the reason why Malaysia is suffering under this prolonged lockdown has got everything to do with Mahathir's unscrupulous behaviour and the lack of leadership.

Harapan was supposed to be the beacon of hope for Malaysia and Mahathir was supposed to bring change for the better. But all that changed the moment Mahathir tasted power.

We, the rakyat, have generously given Mahathir the benefit of the doubt despite his old age and disastrous track record and patiently allowed him two years to turn this country around.

But he turned the country upside down, playing political cat and mouse within Harapan, making flip-flopping policy, accepting fake degree holders, playing race politics, allowing Umno members into Harapan through the Bersatu backdoor, destroying Malaysia’s reputation on the world stage, souring our country's trade relationship with key partners and wasting precious resource indulging in his 40-year-old failed national car project and Look East policy.

Instead of being upset with the new government, I do think Malaysians should teach this selfish Mahathir a lesson by rallying behind the new government and express our gratitude to the Agong for pulling the plug on Mahathir's craziness to wanting to be PM8 despite being 95.

Billions of ringgit will be wasted to clean up this mess that Mahathir has left behind and that is excluding the cost of other failed economic policies. And now he still thinks this country needs him to lead?

Mahathir will go down in history as the greatest self-serving power-hungry con job PM. His unscrupulous decision to open the Bersatu backdoor to welcome Umno members into Harapan was intended for his selfish political interest to enlarge the membership for Bersatu to rival PKR and DAP in GE15 so that his son Mukhriz will have the power and support within Harapan to be appointed as PM to continue the Mahathir legacy.

His sole intention to allow Umno members to cross over was never done for the betterment of Malaysia or the Harapan coalition, but for his selfish political interest.

The only explanation to why a man of his age is willing to do something so shameless and despicable to destroy the political coalitions that supported him, to sacrifice the wellbeing of Malaysians, our economy, aspiration of our youth and even his reputation, is down to his addiction to fame and his need for a political power to protect his family’s interest, which includes having Mukhriz to be his successor and to protect his family’s billion-dollar fortune from his political enemies.

Now that Mahathir is aware his treacherous and ludicrous plan has backfired and Malaysians are turning against him, he is most certainly going to weep piteous crocodile tears to gain consolatory sympathy while he seeks his next plan to bring down the new government at all cost just to succour for his son and self-interest.

If you believe in God and karma, you will perhaps believe that all these happened for a reason and there must be some divine forces trying to deny Mahathir from writing and faking a glorious and triumphant ending to his otherwise lacklustre political career that is filled with bigotry, racism, arrogance and costly mistakes.


  1. i dun think anwar or dap likes mahathir. so whats the problem?

    1. I hate to call you stupid for asking such a stupid question, wakakaka

    2. is fine, u often engage in name calling when other disagree with u, or when u have difficulty to answer simple question.

    3. Wakakakakaka…

      "I hate to call you stupid for asking such a stupid question" - it

      Liken to trying to try awaking a sleep pretender who keeps shouting stupid here & there in his make believe wet dream!

    4. so u think dap n anwar like mahathir before 509 or after? u can try answer on kt behalf. jawab jgn tak jawab tok3tok4 tokskytokearth.

    5. Tsk, tsk...sakit hati ke ? got hurt that KT call you bodoh ? wa ka ka ka. Padan muka la...your stupidity is legendary and yet you refuse to be at least be humble.

      Mark Twain : "No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot "

    6. ah jerk, i suggest u learn something beyond the usa, or make reference not to one american, then thats some progress which u may able to extricate yr head from the tightly packed sand that currently encased it, n not let yr arse expose to other ccp lover, though u all do share the same flavor. yes i know its hard for any tiny brain, but dun give up, okay?

      or u oso no answer?

    7. Mfer, haven't u ALREADY gotten the answers yrself?

      Many too, u have replied yrself too!

      "jawab jgn tak jawab tok3tok4 tokskytokearth."

      Is that the best u can chant?

    8. see? tok3tok4 again.

    9. No fear..I have plenty of answers, hehehehe. Only worried that your batty brain can't absorb any beyond your Formosa obsession, lol

      BTW...what's this "Jerk" stuff ? dated la, so 70s...I wasn't even born then. Be cool like CK...Mfer is the way to go. Batty Brain too. KT's " you're Stupid" flows too, hehehehe.

      Why are you suddenly so adverse to America ? You have been echoing their BS demoncrazy with all the shits about liberty, freedom, human rights bla bla bla. My hammer is good for all such it USA, Oz, Umno/PUS, Madey, Najib, RpuKi...and lovingly reserve a good katok on TrumpAss Kisser and Batty Brain, wa ka ka ka

    10. Indeed, who's tok3tok4 again while croaking in that fart filled well!

    11. plenty of answer? but end with nothing abt everything as in this comment.

      learn how to defend ccp n china without mentioned us of a, that would like i said, represent progress. or else, just a jerk with tiny brain, whatever the date.

    12. Wakakakakaka…

      "plenty of answer? but end with nothing abt everything as in this comment."

      Just proved conclusively yr level of 南魔萬 England comprehension mah. U understand, u understand. Otherwise, it's just chasing the tail for u.

      U have said it many times yrself about the key ingredients of yr demoNcracy as represented by yr USofA.

      A progress of what?

      Nice one for a change - just a self-jerking katak with no brain, croaking its wet dream chant under that Gary filled well.

    13. i said democracy that suit one country with essential elements like freedom, humam rights, minority protection, rule of law, chk n bal. jangan main bodoh, or u memang bodoh?
