
Sunday, May 17, 2020

Former law minister Liew Vui Keong and his True Objective


Ex-law minister says MCO may have no legal basis

A former minister questions how social distancing can be enforced as there is no law on it 

PETALING JAYA: Former law minister Liew Vui Keong has questioned the validity of the movement control order after he said he was unable to find Covid-19 listed as a scheduled infectious disease.

Liew said that his research into the Prevention and Control of Infectious Diseases Act showed that it was “very unclear” whether the government had defined Covid-19 as an infectious disease in the schedule.

“I think it (MCO) is illegal and this is something which I want to bring to the courts to ask them to determine whether it is valid,” he said in an online forum hosted by Pakatan Harapan tonight.

“I have checked on the website of the Attorney-General’s Chambers whether they have gazetted it (Covid-19) and I don’t think they have. If Covid-19 is not part of the schedule, how can you use that as a reason to stop us from meeting in Parliament? This government has a lot to answer for,” he said.

Last month, the Dewan Rakyat secretary had written to MPs to say that the House would convene for only one day on May 18 because of the MCO, in force since March 18 to stem the spread of Covid-19. The order, which restricts public gatherings and calls for other measures such as social distancing, has been extended in phases until June 9.

Liew Vui Keong, former minister for law 

Liew also expressed concern about the government’s requirement that people practice social distancing (keeping at least one metre away from each other). He said it could not be enforced as there are no laws to define the requirement.

“I want to wake up our new law minister. Wake up, wake up! Look at Singapore. They have already passed a law to define what is social distancing,” said Liew.

“If there are no laws to say what is social distancing in Malaysia, how can you ask the police to arrest people for not complying with this social distancing order? You can’t do that.”


kaytee notes:

For a momentary instant I thought what a fantastic discovery on a point of law by former Law Minister Liew Vui Keong, to wit, that he has taken serious deep research out of health safety concerns in order to patch up a loophole which may negate the important and vital-to-our-health policy of MCO and 'social distancing'. 

But I am somewhat disappointed that his real aim has been (presumably 'ONLY') to argue against the PN government's instructions to stop parliamentarians from meeting in Parliament, and not so much to 'patch up' any legal loopholes?

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In other words, it's not a point of law for legal sake that he has been concerned about but ONLY a selfish desire to argue for his Atuk's demand for the full duration of parliamentary session on 18 May 2020.

Has he realised that in so doing, to achieve his real political aim, he may have eff-ed up the real health safety aspects of keeping Covid-19 at bay?

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While arguing for and insisting on observing-adhering to the law is indeed good, and there's no denying it, his expressed motive (as in his "how can you use that as a reason to stop us from meeting in Parliament") has somewhat put his arguments in the worst of light, that by a very selfish man.

And while on the topic of legal propriety and fairness, why hasn't the former Law minister comment on similar covid-associated seeming legal injustice like what happened to single mum B. Lisa Christina? Poor Lisa was jailed for 30 days for violating the MCO whilst Nurulhidayah Ahmad Zahid, daughter of Ahmad Zahid, got away for the same offence, nay, a worse one because Nurulhidayah showed her defiant arrogance when caught on camera for breaching the official lockdown? And what about the mentally-affected Indian man who was fined a ludicrously humongous RM40,000 or 1 year's jail for hanging a dog - a likely act of insanity? Where the eff was YB mantan Menteri Liew Vui Keong?

And shall we now go ahead and ignore MCO as well as eff up the requirement to 'social distance' on Liew's arguments? 

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  1. Kaytee,these politicians are always fucking themselves in the backsides,just as Azmin got fucked in the video.MCO and social distancing save lives.Period.Politicians always say or do things to try to score political points or to discredit their opponents.

    In this case,Liew would be better off if he had suck Azmin's tiny birdie,and kept his weeny mouth shut.If he had kept his fucking mouth shut,the people would not have know that this is a fucking Donald Trump twin brother.

    1. too right mate, bunch of morons, wakakaka

  2. Liew's point is not to ignore MCO or the health issues. His point is for Parliament to sit so that the MCO law can be passed.

    KT as usual has his knickers in a knot, trying to argue his way around Liew's valid legal point. Liew is a lawyer with UK qualifications. What about KT?

    1. kt is definitely more well learned, he know how to balance hatred n law by talking moral, or balance hatred n moral by talking law.

    2. Wakakakakaka..

      Keep showing yr 南魔萬 England AGAIN?

      C&P while 断章取义 - a typical 台毒 propagandist tactic.

      U probably don't know the ACTUAL contextual basis of how the original constructor of that sentence frame his idea!

      Served u right, mfer!

      I'm enjoying yr 南魔萬 England no ends. Keep to it.

  3. If MCO is not kosher, isn't the very first step is to pass the law in Parliament so that it can be enacted legally ? Just like what Singapore had done for its own version of MCO known as Circuit Breaker ?

    The rest of the moaning and bitching by this blogger is just that...moaning and bitching. The real selfish one is MooMoo and his bunch of goons. Putting our country into disrepute where reams and reams were written about the worst possible shenanigans to rival that of Orange Buffoon in its land of Fake Democracy.....1MDB kleptocracy is enough damage as it is, and now this hijacking of a legally elected government by pointedly avoiding Parliament sitting to prove once for all if PN really have the majority.

    Now if this MCO is confirmed illegal, there will be ramifications obviously, not least the thousands arrested, locked up as well as fined...these unfortunates should get their due compensation and the officers involved punished. Let's hope this backdoor Govt doesn't resort to the usual DUmno trick of retrospective backdating of rulings.

  4. Hello KT, Canada has 338 MPs spread across six time zones yet they can have meetings on Zoom twice a week.

    You should spend some time questioning Takiyuddin and Khairy than Liew Vui Keong.

    Covid-19 forces Canada Parliament to go virtual
    17 May 2020

    CANADA’S parliament has gone virtual through the pandemic, assembling MPs across six time zones and giving a rare peek at Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s bookcase, a deer head and a stifled opposition.

    Every Tuesday and Thursday over the past month 338 Canadian MPs logged into Zoom from home to question ministers in lieu of holding a daily in-person question period.

    1. wakakaka, why tell me? You should inform your MP

  5. Law Minister admits it. The May 18 sitting was just a sham, not for the sake of democracy but merely to "fulfill an obligation". Form over substance, but KT chooses to attack Liwe Vui Keong who was trying to keep democracy alive.

    Law minister: One-day Parliament sitting was to fulfill constitutional obligations
    19 May 2020

    KUALA LUMPUR, May 19 — The one-day Parliament sitting was convened yesterday with the purpose of fulfilling the constitutional obligations enshrined under the Federal Constitution, Datuk Takiyuddin Hassan said.

    “.....the Parliamentary sitting which had taken place is us fulfilling a constitutional obligation,” said during RTM’s Bicara Naratif programme here last night.
