
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Trump self-praises his actions after US death toll of 23,200


Trump virus briefing goes off track with reelection video

Despite a death toll of 23,200, Trump insists his administration has superbly mitigated the damage

AP pic

WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump startled White House reporters on Monday by airing a video at his daily coronavirus briefing that sounded like a campaign reelection advert.

Despite a US death toll of 23,200, Trump insisted his administration had superbly mitigated the damage, at one point even claiming that his actions saved “tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of lives”.

To the shock of reporters gathered for his briefing on the pandemic, Trump played a self-congratulatory, anti-media video during the press conference.

Several news outlets, which have taken to broadcasting most or all of the lengthy events live, quickly cut away.

Asked why he aired the video, Trump was curt: “Because we’re getting fake news.”

Trump has jousted with journalists for years, but his airing of the video appeared to mark a new point of conflict with the press corps.

CNN anchor John King, who spent years covering the White House, said that “to play a propaganda video at taxpayer expense in the White House briefing room is a new – you can insert your favourite word here.”

Afterwards, Trump repeatedly insisted he took the right step in banning flights from China in late January, and expressed flashes of anger at reporters who asked him tough questions.

“We really have done this right,” Trump said.

“The problem is the press doesn’t cover it the way it should be.”

Trump also raised alarms when he discussed his desire to rapidly reopen the shuttered US economy, saying he had the ultimate authority to decide when states should command businesses to reopen, rather than the states themselves.

“The authority of the president of the United States, having to do with the subject we’re talking about, is total,” he said.

Trump’s video featured clips that highlighted his decisive action and included Democratic governors Andrew Cuomo of New York and Gavin Newsom of California praising his response.

But it did not show Trump downplaying the threat of the virus as he did repeatedly in January and February.

The pandemic has prevented Trump and his likely Democratic election rival, former vice-president Joe Biden, from hosting traditional campaign events like rallies and town halls.

While Biden shelters at home, like most Americans, and airs webcasts from his basement studio, Trump has relished using his pulpit at the White House briefings.


  1. Trump is daily subject to all kinds of checks and balances to his authority.

    Unlike CCP Emperor Winnie the Pooh, whose word is The Law


      Trump also raised alarms when he discussed his desire to rapidly reopen the shuttered US economy, saying he had the ultimate authority to decide when states should command businesses to reopen, rather than the states themselves.

      “The authority of the president of the United States, having to do with the subject we’re talking about, is total,” he said.

    2. Wakakakaka…

      "CCP Emperor Winnie the Pooh"!!!??

      Tell that to yr pommie master as what Piglet used to say to Poon:

      “The things that make me different are the things that make me, me.”

      U won't know that Piglet is Yr CCP Emperor's favourite daughter mascot!

    3. cnn: The President does not have "total" authority over coronavirus restrictions. Without seeking or requiring Trump's permission, governors, mayors and school district officials imposed the restrictions that have kept citizens at home and shut down schools and businesses, and it's those same officials who have the power to decide when to lift those restrictions. There is no legislation that explicitly gives the President the power to override states' public health measures. In addition, Trump said last week that he prefers, because of the Constitution, to let governors make their own decisions on coronavirus restrictions.

  2. i think even marlon brando n ronald reagan hv to concede trump is a better actor, n a thick face one.

  3. In fact, the real power to open up the economies belong to the State Governors, not Trump.

    Just as the Primary responsibility to prepare for the virus belonged to State Governors. That one they have been trying their best to evade and pin it all on Trump.

    Authority and Responsibility works both ways, as it always does.

    1. So if all responsibility belongs to the State Governors, then the POTUS ought to relinquish his power to them to seal off the country's border as well as the state's border, the power to activate the Production Act and as well as right to open up the economies. The Orange Buffoon when under pressure to ramp up the supply of ventilators and PPE and other desperately needed medical devices, set his wrath upon the Governors, pushed this responsibility to them, retorting peevishly if these Governors deemed the Federal govt as mere office supply clerk. Hehehe...what a riot watching these kwailohs assholes tembak each other every which way for all the world to see and poke fun at them, LOLOLOL.

      At least the Chinese Govt is smart and wise...they wrestle their problems behind closed door without the need to pander to the people's approval or votes...collectivism in this case save the bacon in times of dire emergency.

    2. Primary responsibility (as I stated) us not the same as All responsibility.

      USA carries out it's non-military government business out in the open.

      CCP's smart government shoots China people who disagree with Beijing.

      The governor of Hubei province , who very gently disclosed that he was constrained from publicising CCP Virus dangers by the Central Government has disappeared.

      I doubt if anyone will see him alive again this side of the grave.

    3. Walau-eh!

      "The governor of Hubei province , who very gently disclosed that he was constrained from publicising CCP Virus dangers by the Central Government has disappeared."

      Fake news generated by u!

      Or u read 台毒 farts too?

      The governor of Hubei province was replaced, demoted & striped if ALL official posts for his incompetency in handling the early stage of the Wuhan/Hubei covid-19 outbreaks!

      His claimed of constrained from publicising CCP Virus (wakakakakaka…) dangers by the Central Government is just his excuse for not able to handle a crisis while following general official guideline in disclosing premature findings.

      His incompetency was glaringly disclosed when he couldn't quote the fatality numbers correctly, 3 times, when questioned by Chinese reporters, in a press questioning time!

      Mfer, has the economic impact of the covid-19 ruined yr old moneyed business such that u r acting like that nonChinese to spread yr farts to venting yr frustration?

  4. The Chinese Govt shoots people who disagree with it ? Where's your verification ? You are exactly like the NTD 'reporters' you so admired.

    And the 'gentle' Hubei Governor...any proof he had disappeared ? Likely killed as you have hinted ? Remember how CNN and NTD reportng that a relative of Kim Jong Un was shot dead by the dictator himself? Well, we don't get to see any apology when the relative appeared hail and hearty in public later on.

    Podah la people who are so brainwashed that they will swallow any shit coming out from these scums.
