
Monday, April 20, 2020

Trump incites supporters to ignore lockdown

Guardian (Australian Edition):

Trump calls protesters against stay-at-home orders 'very responsible'

Donald Trump has posted highly incendiary tweets stoking protests against physical distancing and other coronavirus stay-at-home measures in three states led by Democratic governors.

The rightwing groups behind wave of protests against Covid-19 restrictions 

“LIBERATE MINNESOTA!” the US president wrote in capital letters on Friday. “LIBERATE MICHIGAN!”

He followed up with a third tweet: “LIBERATE VIRGINIA, and save your great 2nd Amendment. It is under siege!” – a reference to Virginia’s governor, Ralph Northam, last week signing into law new measures on gun control.

Trump has repeatedly ignored his own entreaty to put partisan politics aside during the coronavirus pandemic. His latest provocative interventions followed demonstrations against stay-at-home orders in Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia and other states that have drawn elements of the far right.

Some protesters have carried guns, waved Trump and Confederate flags and sought to frame the debate as a defence of constitutional freedoms. They have been egged on by conservative media hosts such as Fox News’s Jeanine Pirro, who said: “What happened in Lansing [Michigan] today, God bless them: it’s going to happen all over the country.”

At Friday’s White House coronavirus taskforce briefing, Trump played down fears that by crowding together, the protesters themselves could spread the Covid-19 illness. “These are people expressing their views,” he told reporters. “I see where they are and I see the way they’re working. They seem to be very responsible people to me, but they’ve been treated a little bit rough.”

In 2017 the president was condemned for reacting to a deadly clash between white nationalists and counter-protesters in Charlottesville, Virginia, by observing that there “were very fine people on both sides”.

On Friday, Trump also stood by his criticism of the Democratic governors, even though they are following his own federal guidelines. “I think some things are too tough,” he said. “And if you look at some of the states you just mentioned, it’s too tough, not only in reference to this but what they’ve done in Virginia with respect to the second amendment is just a horrible thing ... When you see what other states have done, I think I feel very comfortable.”

Asked if he believed Michigan, Minnesota and Virginia should lift their stay-at-home orders, the president added: “I think elements of what they’ve done are too much, just too much ... What they’ve done in Virginia is just incredible.”

Trump, known to watch Fox News closely, has offered mixed messages. On Monday he claimed “total” authority to order an end to the stay-at-home measures, but on Thursday issued phased “guidelines” that passed the buck to governors to make decisions on the ground about when and how to reopen. His tweets on Friday appeared to undercut his own experts’ warnings and drew sharp criticism.

Jay Inslee, the Democratic governor of Washington, tweeted in response: “The president’s statements this morning encourage illegal and dangerous acts. He is putting millions of people in danger of contracting Covid-19. His unhinged rantings and calls for people to ‘liberate’ states could also lead to violence. We’ve seen it before.”

Beto O’Rourke, a former Texas congressman who like Inslee ran for the Democratic nomination, said: “Republicans will turn a blind eye [and] too many in the press will focus on ‘tone’. But history books will say: in April of 2020, when the pandemic had already claimed 35,000 lives, the president of the United States incited people to storm their statehouses with AR-15s and AK-47s.

Michigan has taken big hits in both coronavirus cases and job losses and will be a critical battleground state in the presidential election. Wednesday’s “Operation Gridlock”, a demonstration against strict stay-at-home policies ordered by Michigan’s governor, Gretchen Whitmer, attracted the Proud Boys and other far-right groups who have been present at pro-Trump and gun rights rallies in Michigan.

Most protesters stayed in their vehicles and circled the state capitol building in Lansing, but a small group stood on the capitol steps to flout physical distancing guidelines. They brandished signs that included “Trump/Pence”, “Recall Whitmer”, “Heil Whitmer” and “Stop the Tyranny”, and briefly chanted “Lock her up!”, echoing Trump campaign rallies’ targeting of Hillary Clinton.

Whitmer, who dismissed the stunt as “essentially a political rally”, has emerged as a possible running mate for the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden. Ronna McDaniel, the chairwoman of the Republican National Committee, said at an online “Women for Trump” event Whitmer had “turned this crisis into a platform to run for vice-president”.

The protests have earned comparisons with the Tea Party movement of a decade ago and more are expected in coming days, with the tension between public health and economic reopening viewed through an increasingly partisan lens.

The Washington Post reported: “Uncertainty and fear over the economic impact of stay-at-home orders is fueling a sort of culture war between conservatives, whose political strength now comes from rural America, right now less affected by the virus, and liberals, whose urban strongholds have been most affected by it.”

Last Saturday, for example, the Republican senator Ted Cruz, a Trump ally, tweeted that he was going to the beach with his children. “Fortunately, I live in Texas – where we protect public safety, but aren’t authoritarian zealots – so they won’t arrest me!” he wrote.

According to Pew Research, 81% of Democrats and Democratic-leaning independents say their greater concern is that governments will lift restrictions too quickly. About half (51%) of Republicans and Republican leaners say their bigger concern is that state governments will act too quickly.


  1. In the November presidential election Americans will have the opportunity to kick Trump out. The problem is the alternative is Biden.
    Like having to choose between Jibby and Anwar.....ha ha ha.

    If he is smart Biden will pick Obama as his VP. The US constitution says nobody can be elected President more than twice. Silent on VP. Silence Means Consent...ha ha ha.....

    Worst case scenario if Barack cannot Michelle also OK lah. Many Americans feel bad a woman (Hillary) didn't win the last round.

  2. The Guardian article is a completely negative slant on events.
    A large chunk of the press has completely given up straight news reporting, instead the news section is now actually an opinion section, purveying a biased set of views.

    1. wakakaka, your criticism is true to form and expected

    2. Typical TrumpAss Kisser, hehehehe

  3. trimp got full authority or no? y many 8gnore his full authority n he got to resort to partisanship? very confusing.

  4. USA is a huge country, land area even bigger than CCP-land.
    The badly hit areas are half-dozen cities.
    There are over 100 districts ( counties as they are called) with ranging from less than a dozen to Zero CCP Virus cases.

    The one-size-fits all lockdowns are enforcing a halt to all economic activity even in areas where the CCP Virus is well under control.

    That is where the protests are coming from, and THAT you will not read about in the press that no longer knows the difference between Opinion pages and straight news reporting.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      U write as if u r the virus!

      The virus infection is a geometric progression with the population density. ie how close is yr next person.

      Nothing to do with county land area.

      One can have a county A of 100sq mile with 10 people or B 100sq mile with 100 people. If the 10 people always congregate within a small area, like a cottage factory, A would likely having a covid-19 outbreak higher/sooner than B when the 100 r working individually at their respective sparingly spaced farms!

      U r right about one-size-fits all lockdowns are enforcing a halt to many economic activities.

      But the truth is most of the human economic activities require close proximity.

      This is a challenge of economic cost vs health cost!

      Right now, no where in yr USofA has ANY areas where the SARS-CoV-2 Virus is well under control.

      The dickheaded trump supporters r more afraid of not having a paycheck than the covid-19 threats. Their false sense of security, induced by the lack of widespread testings, vis-a-vis the apparent low covid-19 incidents in their localities WILL cost them dearly when that 2nd wave hits due to they ignoring the wise advice of strict social distancing!

      THAT you will CERTAINLY not read about in the press that no longer knows the difference between Opinion pages and straight news reporting - INDEED, when the blaming game starts!
