
Friday, April 10, 2020

The deceitful virus and MCO loopholes

My Sin Chew:

The deceitful virus and MCO loopholes
By Lim Sue Goan, Sin Chew Daily

But today Taiwan keeps very quiet on the issue, w

hilst accepting comprehensive IAEA safeguards and the measures of the Additional Protocol to verify that its nuclear program is entirely peaceful.
After two long months of battling the virus, the world has come to the realization that defeating the virus is by no means an easy job. Even a contained outbreak could be revived.

So far China is the only country that has managed to contain the virus relatively successfully, with the lockdown on epicenter Wuhan now lifted.

That said, there are still quite a lot of imported cases as well as locally transmitted ones and caution still needs to be exercised to prevent a rebound.

Other countries have so far done badly, including Singapore which used to be commended by WHO for its exceptional containment of the virus is implementing a measure similar to our MCO with effect from April 7.

When the first case was reported in Singapore on January 23, the city-state instantly initiated its COVID-19 testing mechanism while the authorities were closely tracking down contacts of infected cases.

The problem with the outbreak in Singapore is the emergence of locally transmitted cases of unidentified sources, and this speaks volumes of the toughness of fighting the virus.

Meanwhile in Japan, seven cities have so far declared a state of emergency, while South Korea is stepping up its control of foreign arrivals.

There are two main factors that give rise to this: the deceitfulness of the virus and a severe lack of preventive facilities and measures.

COVID-19 spreads not only much faster than SARS, but is also much tougher. In addition to transmission via breathing, sneezing and coughing, the virus can also be attached to objects and survive for four hours up to ten days, for example on banknotes. A shopkeeper in Taiwan was suspected to have contracted the virus through contact with contaminated banknotes.

WHO has warned that an infected person can infect others one to three days before presenting the symptoms, possibly resulting in many getting infected without their knowledge.

As if that is not enough, there are more and more asymptomatic cases being reported now, including 1,095 cases reported in China so far.

In Italy, 40 of the 60 plasma donor have tested positive for the coronavirus without showing any of the symptoms. Based on the current examination requirements, individuals not presenting any COVID-19 symptoms are not required to go for testing, putting many people around them at risk of infection.

Additionally, the longest incubation period recorded is 27 days. A genetics coding company in Iceland has identified 40 mutations of the coronavirus, with one particular case carrying two different variants inside the body, one much more aggressive and infective than the other.

Another factor that adds to the difficulty in containing the virus lies with the fact that a recovered individual can be reinfected, such as in a 51-year-old case in Korea who tested positive again after recovery and release from quarantine.

Some countries around the world are facing an uphill task in battling the virus. For example in Mumbai's Dharavi slum -- one of India's largest with one million inhabitants and a population density of 280,000 per square kilometer or almost 30 times that of New York City -- bathrooms are shared by many households. How do we expect the people there to keep a safe social distance?

Some other countries lack COVID-19 test kits and many have died because of this even as the number of confirmed cases remains relatively low, such as in Indonesia.

Another issue is the difficulty to prevent large scale religious activities such as the massive religious gathering in Lahore, Pakistan, attended by some 100,000 people between March 10 and 12. The authorities have only managed to quarantine 20,000 of the participants with many, many others being unidentified. Here in Malaysia, two of the infection clusters have been linked to religious activities.

It is impossible for any country to impose the lockdown forever because people to have incomes to meet their day-to-day needs while the agriculture and manufacturing sectors need to go back to production to satisfy the needs of the people. As such, the lockdown exit strategy is yet another major challenge facing governments worldwide.

Lifting the restrictions may trigger irrational retaliatory gatherings for people who have been subjected to very rigorous lockdowns for so long. For example, some 20,000 flocked to the Huangshan scenic areas in China's Anhui province, forcing the whole place to be closed at one point.

Such "retaliatory" travels must also be prevented after the MCO is eventually lifted, especially shopping malls that are expected to draw massive crowds.
With six more days to go for the four-week MCO, we are still registering more than a hundred confirmed COVID-19 cases every day. With more and more areas placed under total lockdowns, a complete lifting of the MCO is impossible even if the green zones are allowed conditionally to operate as normal.

Some 97% of the inhabitants in the two blocks of flats locked down by the government in KL are actually migrant workers. The pathetic living environment linked to these foreign workers constitutes a major concern in the government's effort to contain the coronavirus. It is too late now for the government to identify places with large concentrations of foreign worker populations.


  1. The point about illegal migrants is no one authorised them to come here. They knew well they are illegally here.
    No point crying Achi Achor about how bad conditions are for them.
    If they are infected, they should be given medical care and put on the next boat home.

  2. Wakakakaka…

    Formosa currently has 23.8M people of all kinds.

    The covid-19 data (as officially disclosed as of 9Apr2020):

    Total confirmed cases: 380

    Death: 5

    Total tested: 43,886 (with 38,780 excluded?)

    Deaths per 1-million population: 5÷23.8=0.21 (wow!!! But… why the west r so quiet about this Formosa achievement?)

    In comparison, NZ's similar deaths per 1-million population in the country was only 0.2 – a remarkable achievement as praised no end by many western nations!

    The MOST likely problems of mistrust about those Formosa numbers r

    1) Number of tests done (43,886)

    2) Number of tests excluded (38,780)

    As of April 9, NZ has conducted 51,165 tests or 10,610 tests per 1-million population, more than the U.S., UK, Spain and France.

    The similar number in Formosa is 1,844 per 1-million population. If the excluded number(38780) is removed, the result is just a pathetic 5,106÷23.8=215 per 1-million population!

    Any wonder why the western nations ain't praising & quoting Taiwan as a glaring example of covid-19 prevention.

    Wakakakaka… some people die bcoz of been conned. Some r ignorance. The most useless waste is been cheated & yet still ampu-ing the head cheaters.

    Sama2 liken to those ketuanan freaks, zombies & blur-sotongs of the bolihland.

    1. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern also said her country was “going to follow, pretty closely, the Taiwanese model.”

    2. Wakakakaka…

      Keep spinning & twisting lah!

      When did she say that? Before or after the disclose of the true analysis?

      台毒 morons r silently activating herd immunity to hide his covid-19 scores. That's WHY there is such number for tests excluded.

      Those with no severe syndromes, no need to go through the tests!

      Same demoNcratic procedures as originally championed by Trump, wanted to be adopted by Boris & silently done in Sweden.

      Formosa is in the same category as Japan before postponement of the Olympic 2020. To safeguard the Olympic game, the Jap go all out to suppress the number of covid-19. Now, all the explosive contagious figures r out.

      Formosa will follow her adopted godfather, uncle Sam. Once the lips can't be covered anymore, the US trend of humongous infesteds & deaths will surface!

      Tell yr 台毒上水炮 to make up enough stories to pacify the Taiwanese. Meanwhile get ready yr 蔡妹妹 to beg for helps across the strait. Uncle Sam is too busy putting his own raging house fire to care about a genuflecting minion.

    3. death data : twn 6 vs ccp china 3k (asymptomatic exclude, chronic health conditions exclude, no reporting to hospital exclude, report but no time to register exclude, died on the road exclude, died at home exclude, old one exclude bec old sure die with or without wuhan virus etc etc)

      like tat oso wan to argue who did better. betui otak primary 3.

    4. Truly England deficiency!

      Baca betul2 before u fart lah.

      Formosa is concealing true infection data in the same way as uncle Sam in late Jan / early Feb 2020. What u have spinned about CCP China concealing the infection data r actually what yr uncle Sam & 台毒 f*ckheads r CURREN deploying now.

      Look at what uncle Sam is facing now? Soon, the Formosa too will share his fate!

      Herd immunity mah! A big flu that will disappear miraculously when the summer comes. No syndromes, no tests!

      Otak primary 3? Wakakakaka… u better go back to chant yr stupidity labelling lah. U give primary education a bad name.
