
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Tabligh clusters remain a major & dangerous problem

Extracts from finance-twitter:

With the promotion of Muar district from orange to red zone, Malaysia now has a total of 27 red zones, categorised as districts with more than 41 cases of Covid-19. Like it or not, it’s too early to say the pandemic is being contained, even with the latest drop of confirmed cases.

It certainly didn’t instil confidence when Dr Noor Hisham also reveals that the Health Ministry has identified 8,616 tahfiz madrassah students that need to be tested and screened for the pathogen. He said – “So far, we have screened 1,736 students at the schools, while many of the others have already gone back to their homes.”

Apparently, 217 of the 1,736 students screened have been tested positive – a staggering 12.5% rate – involving four Coronavirus clusters of four madrassah schools in four states (Pahang, Penang, Selangor and Melaka). While the primary Tabligh cluster has shrunk from 60% to 40% of the total cases, other sub-clusters connected to the religious gathering have slowly but surely emerged.

Just 3 days ago, The Health Ministry has identified 25 clusters and sub-clusters of the Covid-19 disease in the country. Now the total number of clusters and sub-clusters has increased to 28. Make no mistake. The main Tabligh cluster at the Sri Petaling Masjid Jamek mosque has not stopped spreading. Dr Noor unveiled that the Sri Petaling cluster had an increase of 20 new positive cases as of Wednesday.

There has been silence from police over the remaining Tabligh religious members who refused to come forward to be tested. For example, what’s the status of the 3,800 Tabligh members whom Senior Minister Ismail Sabri Yaakob announced that the police was still tracking down, not to mention a conflicting figures from the Health Minister that 5,084 had yet to step forward for tests?

In the same breath, the state of Johor police chief Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay said recently that of the 2,086 Johor participants who attended the Tabligh gathering, only 1,220 of them had undergone screenings in hospitals. To the remaining 866 attendees, the police chief – like a broken record – merely warned that they would face strict action by the authorities.


  1. The police shouldn't wait
    Giving advice to the tabligh attendees
    They refuse to get treatment or test
    What the police do now?

    Still playing the same advice
    The officers do not want to step on religion
    Advicing the group to come forward to screen
    The broken records keep airing out in their statements

    God will not help any one
    If we refuse to help ourselves
    The donkey people will pay
    By then it can be too late

    Covid19 will attack the men
    As reported in US then the women
    The virus not only attack the lungs
    It will also attack the testes of men

    Even if the men recover from it
    They may face a life long ED issue
    By then whom are they going to blame?
    The wives or girlfriends or the government?

    Why part of thetabligh attendees refuse to screen?
    They don't want to get a stigma on it
    They want to hide their skins
    The police should move in now

    Covid19 picks no race or religion
    It will pick those who refuse to listen
    It will pick those who refuse to obey rules
    In the end lives will be lost for nothing

  2. Tahfiz as well as Tabligh only fear Allah.
    No need to fear the CCPA virus.

    1. Bcoz yr CCPA virus is man-made.


    2. By the Wuhan Virology Institute ?

    3. n draw from a yunnan bat?

    4. full name is corona virus with chinese characteristic, short name is of course wuhan virus.

    5. Hehehe...we have right here our very own Virus Tabligh different are they from the Jamaat Tabligh ? Sama sama degil dan kepala keras...all these scums need only their faith, facts are unnecessary.

    6. Wakakakakaka…

      A pair of cocooned democratic f*ckheads doing their required monkey rant mah!

      Just wait & see lah, who IS going to be nametaged CORRECTLY based on their continued puked as demanded by their 'oversee-ed' master!

      Bravo… where's the popcorn?

    7. y popcorn? its very american, u 2 take bat soup la.

    8. Popcorn - it's very American!


      Bloody nonchinese trying to fart about things Chinese!


      Mfer, has yr uncle Sam existed during the Song Dynasty of China?

      The Song dynasty was an imperial dynasty of China that began in 960 and lasted until 1279.

      Yr uncle Sam's founders great granddaddy (those Indian natives robbers) most probably were still not been formed as a sperms yet!

    9. Hahahaha...." Yr uncle Sam's founders great granddaddy (those Indian natives robbers) most probably were still not been formed as a sperms yet!"

      This is really a good one ! LMAO. Great one, CK !

  3. When will the Malaysian authorities take action over the Seri Petaling Tabligh gathering and the refusal of the attendees to surrender and subject themselves for testing?

    Anyone arrested or charged yet?

    Coronavirus in India: Tablighi Jamaat Markaz chief booked for culpable homicide, arrest likely.

    The Delhi Police has charged the chief of a Delhi-based Tablighi Jamaat Markaz, Maulana Muhammad Saad Khandalvi, under stringent sections for culpable homicide not amounting to murder, officials said.

  4. dun limit to tabligh, put test on foreign worker or else we will be another spore, n oso ccp chinese as well, they might not only a wuhan virus carrier, their brain oso infected with ccp virus.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      China has managed to minimize the fatality with unswerving efforts & total commitments from/by ALL the Chinese (台毒 minions, HK 废青 & genuflecting nonChinese excluded).

      What have yr demoNcratic masters had done so to uphold their gold-plated WEF pandemic preparedness?

      With administrative mismanagement, nonexistent health preparedness as paraded so unashamedly. The results paid for by the hundreds of thousands of 'wasted' deaths have proven yr diarrhea

      So CCP virus er!

      If that's what yr 'CCP virus' has done to China/Chinese vis-a-vis yr demoNratic virusvdone to u & yr masters, SO be it!

      Ain't u terbalik in yr fart in yr confused mind yet!

    2. 6 vs 3k? yr way of doing assessment is pretty interesting, with chinese characteristic element again kah?

      trump is as useless as that lifetime president, i wholeheartedly agree with u.

    3. 6 deaths has been tallied & told to the world by yr helicopter godmother mah!

      Only a nonchinese would believe a highly adulterated number by his helicopter godmother.

      Ooop… btw, not many other countries in the world believe that figure too. Many actually consider it as a number fitting into the same mould as those US tally in Jan2020 - based on no serious syndromes, no test. All deaths counted as flu mah!

      That's yr assessment done with Yankee Doodle characteristics, right?

    4. Lap dogs of the Yankee will get a pass...Japan, Taiwan can even report zero death and these Yankee Doodle will just smile and put the thumbs up, hehehehe
