
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Suing China is Western kerbau raksasa


Lawsuits For Trillions Of Dollars Against China Over Spread Of Coronavirus – Here’s Why It’s A Waste Of Time.

Donald Trump warned China last week that it would face consequences if it was “knowingly responsible” for the Coronavirus pandemic. During his daily White House briefing, the U.S. president said – “It could have been stopped in China before it started and it wasn’t, and the whole world is suffering because of it.”

However, Trump did not elaborate what type of actions that his administration would or could take against Beijing. Even if the U.S. could prove that the Chinese was fully responsible, which they can’t for the time being, it’s hard to imagine the Trump administration would dare to slap an economic sanction on the world’s second biggest economy.

As of now, the United States has close to 1-million Covid-19 cases and death toll of over 52,000. Trump has been accusing Beijing of not telling him earlier what was happening so that he could prepare earlier. The president has also cut funding to the WHO (World Health Organization) for allegedly promoting Chinese “disinformation” about the virus.

Blaming China for the pandemic in the U.S., Trump was instrumental in sparking anti-Chinese sentiment in the country through his constant “Wuhan Virus” and “Chinese Virus” mantra. As a result, a growing outrage over Beijing’s handling of the Coronavirus outbreak has seen increasing voices around the world demanding China to compensate for the damages incurred.

In the U.S. alone, lawsuits seeking damages for deaths, injuries and economic losses have been filed in the states like California, Florida, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Texas. Joining the bandwagon is the state of Missouri when its Attorney General Eric Schmitt filed in a federal court this week a lawsuit against the Chinese government over its handling of the outbreak.

Due to China’s response which led to devastating economic losses in the state, Missouri complained that its residents have lost tens of billions of dollars, hence demands cash compensation. The complaint said – “The Chinese government lied to the world about the danger and contagious nature of COVID-19, silenced whistleblowers, and did little to stop the spread of the disease.”

All the lawsuits filed by the American states against China are class-action suits filed on behalf of persons and businesses in the United States. And that’s precisely the problem. The U.S. courts do not have jurisdiction over private class action lawsuits brought against the Chinese government defendants for their alleged misconduct in allowing the Coronavirus to spread.

China’s Foreign Ministry spokesperson Geng Shuang said a lawsuit like the one brought by the state of Missouri not only “has no factual or legal basis”, but will only “invites ridicule”. Yes, like it or not, these suits will most likely to be dismissed because foreign governments enjoy immunity from suit in U.S. courts under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA).

Even if there is concrete evidence, which there isn’t, that China had deliberately allowed the virus to spread across the continents into America, the U.S. courts have zero jurisdictions against a foreign country. It was also a silly attempt by the Missouri’s Attorney General Eric Schmitt to argue that the Communist Party of China (CCP) is not covered by the FSIA.

Several members of the U.S. Congress have even drafted new legislation that would strip a foreign government of immunity for any acts intended to conceal or distort information about the existence or nature of the Coronavirus, in what appears to be an attempt to treat the virus outbreak as an act of terrorism (under U.S. law, a country that sponsors terror can’t claim sovereign immunity).

But the Coronavirus outbreak is not the same like September 11, 2001 terror attacks where 15 out of 19 of the four plane hijackers were citizens of Saudi Arabia. Even with overwhelming evidence that Saudi was sponsoring the hijackers, the U.S. government has not dared confiscate Saudi assets in the country, despite passing the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA) in 2016 to do so.

Forget about class-action suits filed by the U.S. states. They were non-starter to begin with. Punishing China is the job of President Donald Trump and Congress, not state governments. But even the world’s most powerful man has to be extremely careful in unilaterally and recklessly slapping lawsuits against a powerful country like China. That’s because it involves foreign policies.

Sovereign immunity is based on reciprocity – a shared and respected understanding that we will not allow our people to sue you if you will not allow your people to sue us. In fact, a British court held in 1894 that even if a foreign ruler (Sultan of Johor) enters another country (England), uses a fake name and conceals his true position, and enters into a contract, a lawsuit against him for breach is still barred.

If the U.S. under Donald Trump opens the floodgate of breaking the principle of sovereign immunity, which has been enshrined since 1976, China will similarly retaliate and allows lawsuits against the U.S. government or its officials in China. With the exception of going to war, what else can the Congress and President Trump does if China refuses to pay any compensation?

It would be interesting to see how the U.S. collects evidence in mainland China to prove that the Communist Party of China (CCP) had covered up the Coronavirus outbreak, arrested whistle blowing doctors, hoarded personal protective equipment (PPE) and did not put enough steps to contain the pathogen. Would Beijing entertain the idea of American lawyers interrogating Chinese officials in China?

Of course, U.S. states were not the only one eagerly wanted to sue China. Henry Jackson Society, a British conservative think tank, claims that the UK could potentially claim a whopping £351 billion (US$434 billion) from the Chinese government, arguing that China is bound by international law to report crucial public health information in a timely, accurate and detailed manner.

Claiming that China’s failures have breached at least 2 clauses of the International Health Regulations and that Beijing could be sued for compensation in the International Court of Justice, the British think tank also suggested that the U.S. could claim £933.3 billion (US$1.15 trillion), Canada £47.9 billion (US$59.2 billion) and Australia £29.9 billion (US$37 billion).

Heck, the think tank even said the G7 nations could sue China for £3.2 trillion (US$4 trillion). But the Chinese social media rubbished and mocked the British efforts to seek monetary compensation, with the Global Times reported – “Before asking China to cover the losses incurred by the COVID-19 pandemic, the UK should consider how much it owes China and the world for its colonial activity.”

Similarly, the German tabloid Bild, the most-read newspaper in Europe, published an “invoice” for China demanding 24 billion Euros (US$26 billion) for lost tourism revenue in March and April, 50 billion Euros (US$54 billion) for small business and a further 149 billion Euros (US$161 billion) – if German GDP falls by 4.2% in 2020 as projected.

Besides the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the Henry Jackson Society also suggested that China could be dragged to the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague, Netherlands. Sure, what could go wrong? The last time Philippines dragged China to the arbitral tribunal at The Hague and won the case, Beijing did not even bother to entertain the verdict.

Also known as the South China Sea Arbitration, the Philippines had challenged China’s “nine-dotted line” claim as invalid. The tribunal ultimately found that China had violated the Philippines’ sovereign rights in its exclusive economic zone by interfering with Philippine fishing and petroleum exploration, constructing artificial islands and failing to prevent Chinese fishermen from fishing in the zone.

When the arbitration started in 2013, China declared that it would not participate. When the Philippines finally won the arbitration case at the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague in 2016, China simply said it will not accept the ruling. President Xi Jinping said China’s “territorial sovereignty and marine rights” in the seas would not be affected by the ruling. Not even the U.S. can enforce the ruling.


  1. The South China Sea case simply proves the CCP's complete disregard and contempt for international rules and behaviour.

    1. What & who's international rules and behaviour?


      Or as defined under yr uncle Sam's?

  2. Aaahhhh...after side-stepping Financetwitter for one day (because yesterday it was about Jibby and 1MDB, which KT says he is not a subject matter expert on, likely story ha ha ha).....

    China is obviously the bigger bully in this part of the world so we should welcome the presence of counter-balances like the Evil Empire US.

    China has built SEVEN military bases in the SCS with territorial claim over the entire area, they have intent to rampas the oil, gas and fisheries. Soon they may charge toll for passing shipping ha ha ha...

    What can we do.....where are our tin can Scorpenes, if not for territorial defence the what...?

    The US has no territorial claim in SCS. Even their military presence in Japan, South Korea etc is with the permission of those countries, and they have no territorial claims there either.

    The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend.

    1. najib is a very complicated thief so cant tell if he is a thief, this backdoor govt is very complicated backdoor so cant tell if it is really backdoor.

    2. I thought you normally assume the worst with regard to CCP, PN and of course you know who? Wakakaka...

    3. When uncle Sam was roaming the South Sea before the rise of China, none of u (oooop… many of u r still not been formed as sperms yet!) gave a fart about bullying & who's the bully!

      Now, u welcome the presence of counter-balances like the Evil Empire US.

      Ain't it MORE appropriate to say the presence of a counter-balances like benevolent China?

      Nooooo…… I know. I KNOW.

      It doesn't jive with a minion's mindset. He only knows how to serve his master purposes via yrs of living inside a demoNcratic fart chamber. All he breadths, eats & dreams r just those exhibited (allowed) by the single champion of the 'free' world!

  3. the china dream is to fight the whole world, with support from ccp propagandist living in both msia n australia.

    cant we chinese accept a simple right values like telling truth?

    1. "we chinese " ? " telling truth" ? hehehe

      James Bradley the author of " The China Mirage" said here so eloquently : The US for more than 30 years have said...'Hey, look at the billions of Chinese in the Mainland China, they are NOT the real Chinese, look at the small rock over here, Taiwan, these people on this tiny rock are the REAL Chinese, the American-loving Chinese who love Christians and are mostly Christians too'

      Bradley then went on to talk about Chiang Kai Shek who married the 2nd daughter of Charlie Song, Mei Ling....he has a way to sketch such a picture of the corrupt General and the conniving Song family who according to Bradley, conned the US wholesale...and the Theodore Roosevelt he painted with his Opium dealing Grandfather....really eye popping :

    2. R u a Chinese?

      Of what species? The bat kind, mfer?

      U want the truth?

      Where's yrs, w/o repeating umpteen times those 台毒 lies that u help to spread?

    3. pity la u ah jerk can only read westerners version pertaining to anything chinese. go round our chinese village n u can still see the many plaque above the front door, u rarely see this nowadays at a communist cadre home in ccp china. we preserve our chineseness but yr type embrace a western marxist, read anglo language n attend anglo school now wanna tell me yr version of chinese. tak boleh ini macam.

    4. i am chinese living in msia, unlike the yunnan type, i dun fly to california from time to time. i dun take bat soup, so i dun spread virus. u did?

    5. pn is backdoor, but less harmless compare to that conman. ccp cant say one, today they base on nine dash line, tomorrow they might use zheng he line then we all become one ccp. ccp utilised of history is very flexible one.

    6. Actually, CCP eat Ang Moh Sai, called Marxism.
      A German Kwai Lou who spent much of his time in England.

    7. though the only truth, whatever the 'truth' according to a funn-kuat fella, can only come out from one who speaks and writes in Chinese. How profound, hehe. Bradley is saying that the China mirage that got stuck in the Americans' mind had played a large part leading to the current situation between them and China.

      These Americans are afflicted with this disease of insisting that everyone in the world should be "like us", since "we are the best, the most civilized, the most moral, the most humane and human...we have the best governance, the best system...bla bla bla". Those not quite in agreement and not too accepting...why, we will just threaten them, sanction them, bomb them. Nice !

    8. Mfer, u have forgotten WHAT u had so loudly proclaimed before that u r not a Chinese!

      What makes u change yr mind NOW?

      Zombified maruah?

      The plaque up hanged at the front door of the many Chinese households in many parts of the SEAN villages IS to remind(strongly)/inform the inhibitors/visitors respectively about their ORIGINAL root in motherland China!

      For a laugh, WHY should those back in the China villages doing such thing when they altrady know deep down in their heart where r their original roots?

      Root is where home is, nonchinese mfer!

      But I strongly believe u r ACTUALLY concealing a secret meaning for that word.

      "a sticky deposit on teeth in which bacteria proliferate."

      Those dowelled of the house r bacteria!

      Haven't I told u times & again about yr level of England usage & comprehension?

      But what do u know, a nonchinese with shameless display of demoNcratic 'gallantry'?

      Simply bcoz I transit frequently on US on my way to SA that I come to know many uncle Sam minions on those flights. Almost all of them r from Formosa travelling on yearly pilgrimage to their fake altruistic & showcased self-righteousness demoNcratic US.

      Thus, I have heard ALL those f*cked arguments u so frequently used while twisting yr lies about CCP China. I have shot them down ALL single-handedly. Their last cries were always 套帽子, just like what u did when losing a debate!

      U, mfer, is just a genuflecting pygmy filled with 台毒 styled Yankee Doodle indoctrination w/o even realising that's the most toxic kind of anglophile leanings. So, ANY special about yr read 台毒 styled Chinese language & attend 台毒 styled Chinese school? It produces demoNcratic minion!

      Nine dash line was drawn up with US geopolitical manifestation with Chiang's Taiwan as a puppet at that time. This US legacy only serves as a convenient demarcation for China's claim on 南沙群岛 based solely on historical records.

      Indeed, Zheng He line existed as indicated by the maritime route his mighty fleets transposed on the ancient maps. But China was no expansionist then & now!

      Those who know the REAL Chinese history will not twist these historical FACTS like u!

      Didn't u say "utilised of history is very flexible one."?

      Bcoz only a scumbag is willingly doing that despite the facts that the real records r there for ALL to see/investigate!

      Mfer, u r forgetting rule (1) of lying with twisted fact le.

    9. Now the old moneyed dickhead wants to leak his fart chamber foul gases too!

      Oooop… mfer, do u know what r the difference between Marxism & Communism?


      CCP China practices communism with Chinese characteristics. It has most of the basic derived from socialism BUT with many painful & hard knocked modifications from feeling-the-stones-to-cross-the-river. It's a pragmatic & practical approach to fine tune a sopo experiment w/o resolving to pure Marxist theories.

      So how western is CCP China?

      If u insist, then what do u called yrself?

      An real anmokausai, who knows zilch about his root & yet want to champion a spurious evil western human concept known as demoNcracy!

      BTW democracy wasn't alien to the ancient Chinese.

      杨朱思想 is the core of the Chinese democracy school during the The Warring States period (战国时代) ∼≥2000yrs ago. But 杨朱思想 was even in tune with the 儒家思想 & was eventually faded from the Chinese history!

      Learn yr Chinese history before u fart like that nonchinese, OK?

    10. the chinese character on the plaque is to indicate family name, our ancestors brought it along from not ccp china, u half bucket water learn chinese history feom ccp weibo n tencent, no wonder.

    11. Indeed, half bucket shit!

      Where yr nonchinese ancestors brought in this ISN'T my concern.

      So, if yr name is 蛙, that Chinese character should be written as 井蛙!



      How about some secret code used to indicating the original ancestral place instead?

      But, there r some bastardized version now - instead of ancestral origin, surname anagram is used.

      Most likely is these users have forgotten their ancestral origin. Thus resolving to use just the surname anagram - to hide the taboo of openly declaring the surname of a commoner for houses!

      In ancient China only the rich & famous do that in naming their residences. But not necessarily using surname. Nobody do that in modern rural &/or urban China.

      In m'sia context, those from 广西 origin is the group that practices frequently such self declaration. Some 客家 & 广东 families follow too. Seldom in the 福建.

      Why? Nobody know!

  4. Some countries in Europe and the US trying to sue China for trillions of dollars.

    China ( pulling out n abacus ) : Good ! Let's start from 1840

    1. ccp is now busy hiding all the yunnan bat, some r being shipped to california using liaoning carrier, pass by the belong to ccp china south sea.

      ccp under lifetime president xi is ever ready to fight the 80 nation alliance, to realise his/yr china dream.

    2. Hurray~!!!

      Sign of nth degree of delirium.

      Mfer, see, u don't need to drink yr bat concoction yet r still getting the bat virus.

      Know why?

      Same like nipah lah. No need bat, just an intermediary - like yr dangdut drinking pals.

      Just DON'T forget about zombified hemlock - a free advice!

    3. Exclusive: She's been falsely accused of starting the coronavirus. Her life has been turned upside down

      google the above n see what u jerksssss did.

    4. Mfer, such an old news!

      She SHOULD have come clean earlier instead of now when the real truth of covid-19 is fast becoming clear.

      Google the lies that u have been peddling ALL these yrs & see what u jerksssss did lah!

      Especially those unnecessary deaths of young impressionable HK youths during the riots!

      Did u give a f*ck about them as u try to play snake oil seller AGAIN?

    5. its a prove u people spread fake news. n below i show u whats ccp value, so cheap.

      "Australi last week called for all members of the World Health Organization (WHO) to support an independent review into the origins and spread of the coronavirus, and is lobbying world leaders.

      China's foreign ministry has attacked the proposal.

      "Maybe the ordinary people will say 'Why should we drink Australian wine? Eat Australian beef?'," Cheng said in the interview published on the front page of The Australian Financial Review.'

    6. Australia sees she has no choice but to support US - it's her foreign policy. Oz had/has gone in every war the US had/has been in since the Korean War - she has to show her fealty to Tai Koe. As a White nation amongst Asians in this part of the World, Oz sees danger all around and believes the US is her only hope if China, Indonesia or even Vietnam fucks her up - which has been why Oz slavishly sucks on the US' balls.

    7. whats wrong with independent review? a push for independent review render chinese to boycott australia wine n beef? sound like those that alwaya threatened to boycott kafir goods.

    8. nothing wrong other than Oz was just pushing the line for the US rather than having her own thoughts on issue

    9. Nonchinese mfer, has u NOT noticed that CCN has not repeated ad nausea on air about this news u so quickly quoted?

      CCN knows what it's playing!

      A simple question based on yr f*cked logic.

      Mfer, would u allow an 'independent' investigation into the origins and spreads of the yr paedophilic adventure based on fraudulent claim?

      Do what u have proclaimed (I see it as yr self admission of been a nonchinese) lah!

      "its a prove u people spread fake news."


      U don't know what it means at yr level of intelligence!

      Oz under Morrison is just like Formosa under yr 蔡妹妹 - doing her uncle Sam's betting. Enuff said!
