
Thursday, April 09, 2020

Sound medical advice vs Shaky political desire

MM Online:

Medical group calls for MCO to be extended beyond phase two

Personnel from the Emergency Response Team screen members of the public at KL Sentral March 20, 2020

Picture by Yusof Mat Isa

KUALA LUMPUR, April 9 — A group of medical professionals led by the Academy of Medicine Malaysia (AMM) today urged the government to extend the movement control order (MCO) beyond phase two which ends on April 14.

The group warned that the mass exodus of people during the Hari Raya season poses a risk of spreading the virus beyond control, and that it was too soon to resume a state of normalcy with no cure or vaccine available just yet.

“The risks of spreading the virus particularly to the elderly, in the case of a balik kampung exodus are very real.

“Risks associated with crowding at R&R stations and failure of social distancing by travellers during this exodus and their subsequent return to urban areas will also need to be taken into consideration,” AMM said in a statement.

“Responsible behaviour in adhering to social distancing measures is required of everyone until a vaccine is made available. For this year at least, be it Ramadan, Aidilfitri or even Haj gatherings — there is a need for control, monitoring and possible banning of these gatherings.”

Malaysia is still seeing a rise in positive cases on a daily basis and to date, there have been 4,119 positive Covid-19 cases, with 65 deaths.

Most of the deaths are made up by the elderly with a history of medical problems.

A premature withdrawal or excessive relaxation of MCO restrictions will potentially undo all the good that has been achieved by staying home these past four weeks,” the statement continued.

“The war against Covid-19 is far from over — many sacrifices have and will continue to be made this year.”

The Academy of Medicine of Malaysia, embracing 11 Colleges and 15 Chapters, is a registered body representing all the medical specialists in Malaysia.


  1. For many of the poor, the choice is risk of dying fromCovid-19 or dying from poverty and malnutrition.

  2. For this year, there should be no congregational 'Solat Tarawih dan Aidil Fitri'. Hari Raya should be observed amongst close family members only. No Hari Raya open house.

    MCO/EMCO can subjugate the spread of the virus. Screen everyone and save lives first. Return to normalcy, second.

  3. Listen to the Saintologists. They are the prophets of the new religion Saintology.

    Imams, priests and alamaks are all hopeless and helpless. All fakes.

    Extend the MCO till end of May, not April. One shot. Past Ramadan, past Raya, no Open House. Duduk Rumah.

    And screen everyone at the 577 tahfiz schools before letting them balik kampung for Raya. They are the breeding ground, the incubation hubs for the virus. Be forewarned...

    Who will win I wonder....the Saintologists or the race and religion based politicians of PN...

    We Shall See...

    P/S but let us have our beer...Wee KHAT Siong.....finished playing Sudoku in the toilet yet...? Alreadt 96 hours have passed....

  4. Listen to the Saintologists. They are the prophets of the new religion Saintology.

    Imams, priests and alamaks are all hopeless and helpless. All fakes.

    Extend the MCO till end of May, not April. One shot. Past Ramadan, past Raya, no Open House. Duduk Rumah.

    And screen everyone at the 577 tahfiz schools before letting them balik kampung for Raya. They are the breeding ground, the incubation hubs for the virus. Be forewarned...

    Who will win I wonder....the Saintologists or the race and religion based politicians of PN...

    We Shall See...

    P/S but let us have our beer...Wee KHAT Siong.....finished playing Sudoku in the toilet yet...? Already 96 hours have passed....

  5. If the moolayoos had not stolen so much through all these decades, our country is rich enough to handle this crisis by feeding those unemployed and the poor for at least 6 to 10 months.

    Is it too late to force those 200 billionaires and the 30 super billionaires to cough up just only 20% of the loot now ? But unfortunately this is not likely as the supposed enforcers are also the thieves themselves. Ahhh...nevermind, let's go quietly into the night, or not that quietly at all.

  6. The Race & Religion (R&R) based PN government must take the advice of the Saintologists (ie MOH), now the Masters of The Universe.

    No Ramadan Bazaars, even drive through, because the food preparation involves people to congregate, how to practice social distancing when you mass produce rendang, apom balik and nasi kukus.

    And how can all those sweet air sirup be good for your diabetes. Many Covid-19 patients who die also have diabetes comorbidity, sweet food and drink should be banned during MCO, like beer, not essential. F&N and Coca Cola must be shut too.

    Yeo Hiap Seng soya cincau kurang manis boleh.

    Some more no breaking fast prayers, except with family at home, no Balik Kampung for Raya (after all the Chinese in China canceled their re-unions, and Christians no Easter sob sob, no problem) and after that No Raya open house, online saja boleh. Put video on Instagram.

    So UMNO-PAS-Bersatu government, the ball is in your court tomorrow when you make the announcement.

    Sorry Wee KHAT Siong, you have no role to play, wrong race wrong religion ha ha ha just keep your head down, Buat Tak Tahu and Work on your Sudoku......
