
Tuesday, April 07, 2020

NZ Health Minister self-confessed he's an IDIOT

The Courier:

Lockdown blunder costs NZ Health Minister

Jacinda Ardern 

NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has decided to retain David Clark as the country's health minister.

David Clark will continue as New Zealand's Health Minister, despite labelling himself an 'idiot" and offering to resign his position for a second blunder during the country's lockdown.

Days after Dr Clark was caught mountain-biking near his Dunedin home in spite of the lockdown, he revealed he also took his family on a coastal walk on the previous weekend.

The first charge breaks the lockdown's rules as a potentially dangerous activity, the second does so as the walk was not local; it was 20 kilometres away.

Dr Clark said "as the Health Minister it's my responsibly to not only follow the rules but set an example to other New Zealanders".

"At a time when we are asking New Zealanders to make historic sacrifices I've let the team down.

"I've been an idiot, and I understand why people will be angry with me. I've apologised to the Prime Minister for my lack of judgement and offered her my resignation."

However, Jacinda Ardern has kept him in his position owing to the crisis.

"Under normal conditions I would sack the Minister of Health. What he did was wrong, and there are no excuses," she said.

"But right now, my priority is our collective fight against COVID-19. We cannot afford massive disruption in the health sector or to our response. For that reason, and that reason alone, Dr Clark will maintain his role."

It remains to be seen whether Dr Clark will remain in the position beyond the coronavirus outbreak.

Ms Ardern has punished the 47-year-old by stripping him of his Associate Finance Minister role.

"But he does need to pay a price. He broke the rules," Ms Ardern said.

"I expect better, and so does New Zealand," she concluded.


  1. Similar case in Scotland, when the chief medical officer broke the rule of lockdown.

    Her resignation was accepted.

    These wasp have a tendency to play double standard - do what I say, but don't do what I do.

    1. better than the one that still insist he is right after did wrong, yr type wakaka.

    2. Oooop… sorry u mean yrs!

      Dare to spread fake news bcoz of thinking that WWW is anonymous.

      When demand for proofs, busy tak tau!

      Typical shameless demoNcratic minion.

  2. But our Menteri Air Suam has no shame. No apology, no resignation. Muhyiddin should have sacked him.

    Scotland's chief medical officer resigns over lockdown trips

    6 April 2020

    Scotland's chief medical officer has resigned after making two trips to her second home during the coronavirus lockdown.

    Dr Catherine Calderwood had apologised for her actions, and initially said she planned to continue in the role.

    She was backed by First Minister Nicola Sturgeon, who said Dr Calderwood had made a mistake but should stay in her job.

    But Dr Calderwood released a statement later on Sunday saying she had quit.

    She said she had done so after speaking again to the first minister, and had agreed with her that the "justifiable focus" on her actions risked distracting from the pandemic response.

    Dr Calderwood had earlier been given a police warning for breaking the lockdown rules after the Scottish Sun published photographs taken on Saturday of her and her family visiting Earlsferry in Fife - more than an hour's drive from her main family home in Edinburgh.

    The chief medical officer had fronted TV and radio adverts urging the public to stay at home to save lives and protect the NHS, and took part in daily televised media briefings alongside Ms Sturgeon.

  3. Malaysia is not the only country with idiot Ministers...

  4. we yet to here anyone calling himself a idiot for concealing truth, instead this culprit of spreading virus now telling us they gonna save the world, by selling al kind of defective testing kits n mask.

    1. Mfer, DON'T use any of them when u r in need of them!

      Be true to yr f*cking defective words.

    2. i adhere to cho guideline. so no need mask.

    3. Keep saying & make sure u tell yr 台湾水炮 too.

      BTW, Formosa face mask can now be exported subject to prior application with 蔡妹妹. Make sure u stock up kau2. Oooop… don't forget to check for completing with MS (bolihland standard).
