
Friday, April 24, 2020

More lions in US than in whole of Africa

Star Online:

Hung dry over wet markets

By Wong Chun Wai.

This photo taken on April 15, 2020 shows a man wearing a face mask while walking at the Wuhan Baishazhou Market in Wuhan in China's central Hubei province


Little knowledge is dangerous, and the way the west wields it makes it damning for the rest of the world.

THERE’S growing outrage in the West following a report that China is re-opening its wet markets. Though erroneous, in the eyes of westerners, these places are inextricably associated with wild animal markets.

Most of the discontented have never been to a wet market, which is just a place for fresh produce. In fact, this is probably the first time they’ve even heard of the description.

So, when they stumble on the term “wet markets”, their minds immediately race to the infamous Wuhan market where Covid-19 was first reported.

The news involving these wet markets have added fuel to the fire of China bashing, courtesy of the killer virus.

Wet markets are commonplace all over Asia, especially in South-East Asia, because consumers know the produce at these places is fresh.

Unlike the farmers markets in the West, wet markets in Asia mostly have wet floors, hence the name. The climate in this region necessitates the use of copious amounts of ice to maintain food freshness, and coupled with the use of fresh water to keep the place constantly clean, wet markets can seem a chore to navigate.

Markets in the West, even those with street stalls, don’t deal with live, fresh seafood. There are no tanks or tubs filled with live fishes, shellfish or crabs.

Basically, “fresh” sea food in the West comes dead. In fact, most times, prawns are already boiled even. This doesn’t sit well with Asians in general, especially the Chinese.

Asians prefer wet markets over supermarkets for fresh seafood because the difference of their freshness and choices is stark.

In Hong Kong, most wet markets – located on the ground floor of flats – are clean, and they sell an impressive array of Asian seafood.

In China, I’ve even seen live stingrays, squids and octopuses in tubs, which isn’t a sight here.

The largest choice of sea food in Malaysia can probably be found at Sabah’s markets, which have fishes I’ve never seen before in peninsula wet markets.

Yes, I agree sanitary is a concern in wet markets all over Asia, especially at the poultry sections. The pong and poor hygiene in slaughtering chickens, for instance, needs overdue attention by the authorities in the wake of the pandemic. It should be banned, like what Malaysia and Singapore have done.

But the bottom line is – wet markets are not animal markets. Most wet markets don’t sell snakes, dogs, cats, wolf cubs or baby crocodiles.

And certainly, most mainland Chinese, and ethnic Chinese elsewhere, don’t dine on these animals. In fact, as China becomes more affluent and tuned in with the times, there is growing pressure to ban dog meat because it’s simply cruel and unacceptable.

It’s poor argument when some Asians resort to the “culinary tradition” defence to justify their consumption of these animals. Pets are not food for human beings. It’s uncivilised – period!

Thanks to some bizarre food shows on TV, the perception formed is that Asians consume a lot of exotic meat, which is furthest from the truth. So, likewise, not all westerners eat rabbit meat, pheasants or garden snails, either.
And Foie gras – the liver of duck or geese fattened by being force fed corn via a feeding tube – surely can’t be staple food, too.

I’ve always enjoyed visiting wet markets in the Asian countries I’ve been to, because I like the feel and smell of these places. It’s a meeting place for people who go about their lives and a melting pot of local culture and charm.

But young Asians prefer the cleaner and air-conditioned supermarkets, as they regard these outlets healthier and more sustainable.

Affluent Asians find supermarkets more comfortable and in line with their lifestyles. Besides, parking is also more organised than at the often-congested wet markets.

The supermarkets’ ability to buy food produces in large volumes directly from farmers has also made their prices more attractive than those at wet markets.

According to a Euromonitor International report, supermarkets now account for about half of all grocery spending in China, going up about 36% from 1995.

“Add in convenience stores and the like, and so-called modern grocery has about 68% of China’s retail wallet, giving wet markets less than a third.

“Still, that store-based spending is overwhelmingly concentrated in packaged, rather than fresh produce. Foreign retailers that once hoped to dominate China’s staple goods sector such as Carrefour SA and Metro AG have struggled and sold out of local ventures – but wet markets are still going strong.”

Research by N. Chamhuri and P.J. Batt, from Curtin University of Technology Perth, Western Australia, on Malaysians’ preferred source for fresh meat in the Klang Valley, uncovered startling results. Despite the increase in supermarkets and hypermarkets, traditional markets have ably coexisted with modern retail formats and remain the choice for fresh meat.

But Asian governments must clean up their wet markets, even if they aren’t animal markets, since past virus outbreaks have been linked to these places, where the potential for zoonotic transmission (disease that can spread from animals to humans) is gravely higher.

What’s deplorable is that the confusion over wet markets and wildlife markets has led to xenophobia among some US leaders, celebrities and the media, who are all calling for the closure of these food resources in China.

They have ignored, or missed, reports that since Jan 26, China has banned the trade and consumption of wild animals for food, but with news of wet markets being re-opened, old pictures depicting the sale of these animal meats have been recycled as visuals to accompany the news reports.

The truth is, it’s easier to buy wild animals online. Go figure.

And this may come as a surprise, but international wildlife trafficking is worth an estimated US$10 - 20bil (RM44bil - RM88bil) annually, with the US a chief consumer of wildlife products (legal and illegal).

Yet, a poll commissioned by WildAid found that 80% of Americans know little or nothing about illegal wildlife trade within the US.

Perhaps, after watching Joe Exotic in Tiger King on Netflix, Americans would know better, and be stunned to learn that there are more lions in the US than in the whole of Africa.


  1. say all u wan but the outbreak is either from a wuhan wet market, transmitted thru a yunnan bat, tat boil with hot water, add in gaoliang turn into a very yummy bat soup. or, a leak from wuhan virus lab.

    nothing to do with lion, africa or usa. n of course when people say to close wet market, they means the wet market that serve bat soup, not the one selling fresh meat n vege.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      Say what u want about the links between SARS-CoV-2 virus, bat & wet market.

      Its origin is the smart-alecky idea of finding a cure for the US flu by genetic engineering a bat coronavirus genome with US flu dna.

      The variant1 causes lung disease & is category disguised as a national outbreak of e-cigarette, or vaping, product use-associated lung injury (EVALI).

      Variant2 is the 2nd stage mutation that escape from the b4 lab due to mishandling of the test vials during transportation!

      & unknowingly brought to Wuhan by a carrier who took part in the world military game.

      Definitely nothing to do with eating bat, wet market!

      Better than yr demoNcratic infused story, NO?

  2. Did the CCP virus come from lions?

  3. Wong Chun Wai talk cock, as he usually has, for decades now.

    The key word is "Live Animal Wet Markets"
    There are no Live Animal Wet Markets in West Malaysia, no legal ones anyway.

    Fish and seafood are a totally different matter.

    East Malaysia traditional natives have been allowed as an exception , to accommodate their customary lifestyle.

    1. You always criticise authors when their writeup don't fit into your prejudiced mentality, wakakaka

    2. Going terminal due to MCO mah!

    3. I have Hentam Wong Chun Wai kau-kau for the last 20 years, him being a lap dog for whatever regime serves his personal advancement.

      I hardly consider Wong Chun Wai a journalist, merely a propagandist his entire career at Star.

    4. typical of you - people have a right to own different views from yours - eg. you love capital punishment, I oppose it, doesn't mean you're an cold blooded asshole (though I love to think to you that way, wakakaka) - so it's wrong to criticise Wong CW so severely because he's MCA

    5. Wasn't MCA a willing accomplice and active participant in the decades long rotting of the country's governance, integrity and rule of law; the plundering ?

      Wong Chun Wai, The Senior Regime Propagandist masquerading as a journalist, not a lowly foot soldier , deserves a special dose of opprobrium.

    6. MCA was ALWAYS in a relative position of minority via-a-vis UMNO, unlike DAP with a 45 seat strength vis-a-vis a PRIBUMI of only 13 seats, yet Lims knelled down to suck Atuk

  4. Change:

    "You always criticise authors when their writeup don't fit into your prejudiced mentality, wakakaka"


    "You always side-step write-ups by authors when their writeups don't fit into your hateful mentality, wakakaka"

    and it describes KT to the dot ha ha ha.

    and change:

    "typical of you - people have a right to own different views from yours - eg. you love capital punishment, I oppose it, doesn't mean you're an cold blooded asshole (though I love to think to you that way, wakakaka) - so it's wrong to criticise Wong CW so severely because he's MCA"


    "typical of you - people have a right to own different views from yours - eg. you love capital punishment, I oppose it, doesn't mean you're an cold blooded asshole (though I love to think to you that way, wakakaka) - so it's wrong to criticise Toonsie so severely because he's Toonsie"

    and describes KT again...ha ha ha....same same and no different...

    So please stop naming people kerbau because they don't agree with your views.

  5. Not funny to make lousy jokes about President Trump. Should have more respect.
