
Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Man with feet on two boats


Welfare Dept to distribute food aid in Cheras according to MP's recipient list

CORONAVIRUS | The Social Welfare Department (JKM) had agreed to distribute food aid to just 250 recipients named by Cheras MP Tan Kok Wai in his constituency.

This is from the 1,000 Covid-19 government-sponsored food packs for the B40 lower-income group which had been allocated for each constituency.

On Monday, the DAP lawmaker had said JKM had taken the 250 packs but he was unsure who the intended recipients were.

Tan (photo) claimed that the department requested for a list of names after repeated queries from his office.

“After our complaint, JKM is now willing to give the food aid to the names (of recipients) provided by us,” Tan said to Malaysiakini today.

However, Tan, who is also DAP chairperson, said it was not clear if his team would be allowed to help distribute the packs and they have not been issued any approval letter.

“Initially, JKM told us we can help to distribute the aid, as we know the families who need help, we can speed up the distribution

“Although they now promise to give the aid to the names on the list that we provide, they still have not answered us on whether local MPs can help to distribute (the aid) or not.

“Without the approval letter from JKM, we can’t simply distribute the aid. Yet they are not willing to issue is the letter to us till now,” he added.

On Monday, Tan revealed that up to 750 Covid-19 food packs, which included groceries and rice, for the lower-income group have been left undistributed at the Bandar Tun Razak Sports Complex for two weeks.

He alleged he was denied his share of the food aid to distribute as he was an opposition lawmaker, while the 1,000-bags allocation for Bandar Tun Razak constituency - held by Deputy Foreign Minister Kamaruddin Jaafar - were already distributed.

Last Friday, Segambut MP Hannah Yeoh had claimed that at least 54 opposition parliamentary constituencies had yet to receive the food aid allocation for their respective constituencies.
Yeoh, who previously served as women, family and community development deputy ministry Minister alleged that Segambut itself only received 250 packs.

It was reported the only opposition-held constituency to receive its full quota of 1,000 was Langkawi, which is represented by former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, while Kangar and Kubang Pasu had received 900 hampers each.


kaytee notes:

Why has it been that the ONLY so-called opposition-held constituency which received its FULL quota of 1,000 packs is the one held by Mahathir?

Coincidence? I think NOT!

Yesterday, when asked where he would sit Mahathri said he'll be on the opposition bench whilst other PPBM (PRIBUMI) MPs would sit on the government bench, acknowledging that PPBM (PRIBUMI) may be on both sides.

I smelled a rat, knowing it's Mahathir kerbau-ing.

From Malaysian Gazette, we read (via Malaysia-Today blog - extracts only):

... menurut peguam, Datuk Mohamed Haniff Khatri Abdulla pula, walau apa pun ‘faction’ dalam Bersatu, Ahli Parlimen Langkawi yang juga bekas Perdana Menteri ke-7 sebelum ini tidak boleh dianggap sebagai pembangkang.

The Old Devil is keeping his options open, pretending he'll sit with the Opposition whilst the majority of his PPBM will be on the government bench.

He's probably just waiting for the "invitation" to return to PPBM-UMNO. And of course they wouldn't dare withhold the food packs for his constituency.


  1. great, both front door n back door welcome this conman.

  2. The key governance issue here is the politicization of aid for the needy by the Backdoor government.
    Constituencies held by DAP, their perpetual enemy, will obviously bear the brunt of such deliberate discrimination.

    But this blogger can get beyond his perpetual fixation on his Bete Noire.
