
Sunday, April 12, 2020

Lucrative beer industry marginalised

Extracts from finance-twitter:

While the government deserves a round of applause for its courage to gradually allow certain industries to operate under an extended lockdown, the move can also be seen as a sign that the country is in financial difficulties so much so that quite a substantial sector have been allowed to operate, especially factories and construction companies.

It’s perplexing to learn that the government allows electronic retail shops and construction workers to resume working but not beer brewery Heineken. Exactly why Heineken and Carlsberg factories were stopped from operating, despite the brewers only ran with 10% of its workforce, but electrical appliance shops and construction sector can run at 100% capacity?

Did Muhyiddin and his racist and extremist buddies UMNO and PAS realise that Heikenen paid close to RM100 million (RM98.2 million) in tax while Carlsberg splashed RM74.5 million in tax for the financial year 2018 to the national coffers? The same tax money will eventually be used to pay the fat salaries, allowances and other perks of the almost 100% “Malay-only” Perikatan Nasional government.

The “sin tax” to be paid by non-Muslims on alcoholic beverages in Malaysia will also be utilised to pay the salaries of the 1.71-million bloated civil servants. If the government cannot see the big picture, but continues to play up racial and religious issues, the country will hit a recession – even depression – before they could get rid of the nasty Coronavirus.

Yes, it appears that while the country was desperate for business and commerce to run again, the backdoor government had decided to win people’s hearts by throwing cash at them, money that it didn’t have. Hilariously, it had to flip-flop with an initial permission to beer makers to operate. Did barbers and hair stylists together with laundry shops pay RM174 million in taxes to the government?

If the country had a mighty financial strength, Muhyiddin government didn’t have to announce the relaxation of the lockdown. It could pay every worker RM2000 for the next 12 weeks and waits for the Coronavirus cases to disappear, or at least wait for the current 3-digit infection cases to drop to 2-digit. New taxes, like GST, could be re-introduced to recoup cash given to the people.


bekas MenHEN, sekarang Menteri Diam-Diam



  1. LKS is sparing MCA a second embarrassment over Beer. Remember the Oktoberfest Better Beer Festival?

    Liow Tiong Lai, then MCA President kowtow-ed to BN government decision to ban the Festival.

    Spineless. Like Jellyfish.

    Here is the Ulangkaji:

    Kit Siang: Beer fest stance reduced MCA to a party without principles
    21 Sep 2017

    DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang has slammed MCA over its stance on the Better Beer Festival 2017 after its president, Liow Tiong Lai said that the party had accepted Kuala Lumpur City Hall's (DBKL) decision to reject an application to organise the event.

    "MCA has been reduced to a political party without principles, as well as a thoroughly indisciplined one, by the proposed Better Beer Festival event in Kuala Lumpur next month," Lim said in a statement today.

    He said Liow seemed to be taking his double role in the short video "Citizens" seriously when he first opposed the ban on the event but endorsed it after a cabinet meeting yesterday.

    Liow respects decision to call off beer fest
    20 Sep 2017

    MCA has accepted the decision of the Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) which rejected an application to organise the Better Beer Festival 2017 in the federal capital for security reasons.

    According to Bernama, MCA president Liow Tiong Lai said he raised the issue to cabinet today and was informed that the decision was made for security reasons as advised by the police.

    "I am satisfied with the information given during the meeting and as a responsible party and government, the safety of the public has always been our top priority," said the transport minister when met by reporters after attending the cabinet meeting.

  2. Construction sectors, hardwares, electrical appliances, workshops, spare parts... are mostly Nons. Barbers are mostly from India. No objection. For the meantime the beer industry could perhaps extract the alcohol and make hand sanitizers. No objection.

  3. I like the last sentence...but why wait, the PN government must table the motion on May 18 to re-activate the GST Act, to re-coup the Bantuan Prihatin Nasional.

    Countries being devastated by GST like Italy, Spain, Germany, France, UK all have GST/VAT at 20% or more, and there is no talk of removing it.
    GST must be good.

    So in Malaysia Just Do It.

    New taxes, like GST, could be re-introduced to recoup cash given to the people.

  4. The extremist discrimination carried out by the Racist Backdoor government, abetted and acquiecesed by the Complete silence of its allied bedfellows MCA.

    This deranged blogger chooses to attack Lim Kit Siang instead.

    1. no nid to criticise the current useless pack of ministers

      better to show Lim KHAT Siang's hypocrisy as to why he's studiously avoiding (in words of Commander S Thayaparan) 'spooking the Malays' on Heineken/Carlsberg beer

      to show his 'sellout' of his former DAP supporters who are disgusted by his belakang pusing cringe to mahathir

      The enemy within is far more dangerous - musuh dalam selimut
