
Sunday, April 19, 2020

Hong Kong trouble makers arrested


Hong Kong: High-profile democracy activists arrested

Jimmy Lai (C) was also arrested in February

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Police in Hong Kong have arrested 15 of some of the city's most high-profile pro-democracy activists.

The group includes 71-year-old media tycoon Jimmy Lai as well as a number of prominent lawmakers.

They are accused of organising, taking part in or publicising unauthorised assembles during last year's mass protests in the Chinese territory.

They are due to appear in court next month.

The government has not explained the high-profile arrests but they come days after Beijing's most senior official in the city called for a new security law to deal with dissent.

Before the coronavirus outbreak, Hong Kong had witnessed almost weekly demonstrations against a proposal to allow extraditions to the Chinese mainland.

While that was later abandoned, the protests morphed into demands for greater democracy and less control from Beijing, and anger against the government remains.

Who was arrested?

Media tycoon Jimmy Lai runs the Apple Daily newspaper, which is frequently critical of the Hong Kong and Chinese leadership.

Mr Lai, who was estimated by Forbes in 2009 to be worth $660m (£512m), was also arrested in February this year on charges of illegal assembly and intimidation.

Democratic Party founder and barrister Martin Lee, 81, was another prominent figure to be detained.

The 81-year-old - who is known as the father of Hong Kong democracy - said he was "very much relieved" by his arrest, according to AFP news agency.

"For so many years, so many months, so many good youngsters were arrested and charged, while I was not arrested. I feel sorry about it," he added.


kaytee notes:

In Malaysia, being arrested by the police or chased away from protest rallies have been considered as political 'merits' to some DAP politicians. They actually revelled in experiencing such situations, as if being arrested or chased away by police as a golden (not black) mark or a gallantry medal, wakakaka

It's those politicians version of military salad bars (campaign & gallantry medals).


  1. A badge of honour and courage of those willing to stand up to the CCP.

    Salute !

  2. China was deeply embarrassed by HK's success in controlling Covid-19. Even till today there have been only 4 deaths in HK and their Health system managed to cope very well. This is despite the fact that HK has the highest density of population in the world....ideal breeding ground if you are a virus.

    HK learned well from the 2003 SARS experience. Beijing did not.

    Very early on (in late January and early February), HK closed its borders with the mainland. Beijing was pissed. How dare they. This little red dot dared to show it's "independence".

    So now Beijing wants revenge, punish the rebellion in that snot down south....

    And to rub salt into the wound for Beijing, the other rebellious state Taiwan suffered only 6 deaths, another success story.

    1. Wakakakakaka…

      "China was deeply embarrassed by HK's success in controlling Covid-19. Even till today there have been on 4 deaths in HK and their Health system managed to cope very well."

      China was deeply embarrassed???

      HK is only a tiny SAR of China proper! If u want to use the covid-19 fatality record as a guide, then have u looked at the similar records of the other provinces/municipalities/SAR?

      How about Macau, for a start!

      Embarrassment NEVER arises as the central govt gives leeways for individual state administration to function individually (u will never understand/believe in yr demoNcratic cocooned thinking) as long as basic China principles r not ignored!

      If Beijing was pissed by that little red dot dared to show its "independence" in closing the borders, Beijing CAN just cutoff the water & power supplies that HK so relying on from the mainland.

      The central govt ISN'T as inconsiderate as u f*cked about!!

      Do keep reading & repeating ALL those demonization farts lah. They can keep u to sleep in peace for yr spurious altruistic humanity thinking!

      The SAR govt wants to punish those WASP minions & rebels instigators NOW bcoz their WASP masters have no time/efforts to financially supporting them due to their own making of home crisis! Those blurred HK 废青 r too busy finding jobs to be mollycoddled by these alpha instigators, too.

      Formosa will see her uncle Sam's earlier covid-19 showcase repeating SOON. Herd immunity mah!


      A badge of 'honour and courage' for those sell-out mfers for them to remember for the rest of their miserable lives!

  3. The Hong Kong judiciary is infested with Kwailoh judges and Hongkees who are very pro-Dem..they will let off these rioters and illegal protesters with a small fine or just postpone the cases to months later before declaring 'no case'.

  4. CCP and their apologists have zero concept of an independent judiciary.

    The CCP is Almighty and the Almighty is the CCP.

    So a judge who dismisses a case brought by the prosecution due to lack of evidence or errors in law get tarred as pro Dem.

    1. Judges are human too, all too human...see our judges here and those judges in that 'great' US of A whose pervasive propaganda have obviously overtaken all you white-ass kissers completely. What's the difference between you and those Trumpsters who mindlessly clapped and cheered whatever spewed out of that Orange Buffoon's loudmouth in those rallies, to such an extent that the Buffoon once boasted that if he were to take out a gun to shoot dead someone right in front of these mindless 'cheerleaders', they would still have cheered and find no wrong with him.

      Pordah lah, hehehehe. They said with age comes wisdom, but now we get evidence that age comes alone. Wa ka ka ka ka

  5. hker cant escape the oppression regime, its a crackdown like operasi lalang by a dictatorial govt, but at least mahathir is chosen by people, with mandate, unlike ccp n pn.

    thankfully twn preserve a strong army, can kick ccp ass anytime.

    1. HK 废青 can continued to panegyrize their uncle Sam & untie pommie to help to ship them out!

      Will their godparents recognize their long mollycoddled puppets who play their demoNcratic tunes, that's another story.

      SAR govt will be more than willing to provide transportation to ANY others countries too.

      Oppression regime?

      Then WHY the hell these 废青 rush, demand, crying father mother wanted to come back to HK during this time of pandemic?

      They have become 丧家犬. Thus have to shamelessly begging the motherland whom they long despised for clemency for a place to hold up during the pandemic.

      Formosa has army BUT how many of them will die for yr 蔡妹妹?

      武统 is definitely coming soon - Xi has said that the China problems of the 50s CANNOT be procrastinated any further. Xi is strong willed & will do that 中国梦.

      PLA will be merciful as most of these Taiwanese r Chinese!


      Better run with yr tail between yr legs & ask yr dangdut pals for a place lah.

    2. msian r good in fighting communist, kt have all the list how chinese hero fight communist, let em in, kt uncle will bury them in putrajaya lake.

    3. my family, my uncles, cousins, and even me (wakakaka) have served Malaysia

      I respect you too for serving Taiwan, wakakaka again

    4. Wakakakaka…


      Can he understands yr underlying messages?

    5. Oooop…

      "msian r good in fighting communist"


      The early Malayan were pommie watchdogs. Thus were the sacrificing lambs of the pommie in fighting MCP!

      The later m'sians were handicapped due to the ketuanan narrative even though they had sacrificed their lifes.

      Expecting high nationalistic caliber in current m'sian army to fight ANY invaders is asking for miracle!

      That type of spirited soldiers r HARD to find now - as proven in the sulu ragtaged invasion of Sabah. The zombieism also messed up their loyalty.

      There r also too many tok kok self-serving mfers superficially wanted to defense the putrajaya lake!

      Is that why u expecting kt's uncles to fight for u? BTW, I doubt kt's uncles r still in active serving.

      Enuff said!!!
