
Sunday, April 26, 2020

Dr Quack bin Kerbau Raksasa merajuk


Trump says briefings ‘not worth the time’ after disinfectant blunder

President Donald Trump has used daily briefings to promote his administration’s policies and fend off critics

AP pic

WASHINGTON: President Donald Trump tweeted Saturday that his daily coronavirus briefings were not worth his time, two days after sparking a furore by suggesting patients might be injected with disinfectant to kill an infection.

He appeared to confirm media reports that he was considering halting the briefings, which dominate early-evening cable television news for sometimes more than two hours, out of frustration with questions about his handling of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“What is the purpose of having White House News Conferences when the Lamestream Media asks nothing but hostile questions, & then refuses to report the truth or facts accurately,” Trump wrote.

“They get record ratings, & the American people get nothing but Fake News. Not worth the time & effort!”

On Thursday the US leader stunned viewers by saying doctors might treat people infected with the coronavirus by shining ultraviolet light inside their bodies, or with injections of household disinfectant.

“Then I see the disinfectant, where it knocks (the virus) out in a minute. One minute. And is there a way we can do something like that, by injection inside or almost a cleaning?

“Because you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs,” he said.

After a strong rebuff of his suggestion by top medical experts and disinfectant manufacturers, Trump on Friday claimed he had been speaking “sarcastically”.

But he limited that day’s briefing, which usually includes himself, Vice President Mike Pence and members of the White House Coronavirus Task Force, to just 19 minutes, and did not take any questions from reporters.

And on Saturday, after 50 briefings over two months, the White House did not hold one at all.

Trump has used the briefings to occupy television screens and promote his administration’s policies, fend off critics and attack political rivals – from opposition Democrats to China to the US media.

But after more than 53,000 Americans have died from the novel coronavirus, the briefings, opinion polls suggest, have not bolstered Trump’s popularity among voters as he gears up to battle Democrat Joe Biden in the presidential election in November.

An AP-NORC poll published Thursday showed that most Americans – and a crushing majority of Democrats – don’t believe Trump when it comes to the health emergency facing the country.


  1. At least the "Air Suam" Minister has a partner in the realm of talking nonsense

  2. The problem is Trump's opponent in November will be Biden, a very experienced politician but his age is his biggest drawback.

    Malaysians know all too well what happens when you elect someone politically experienced but way past the use-by date...ha ha ha...

    If Biden wins in November he will be the oldest elected President at 77.
    The person holding that record now is Trump, who was elected at age 70.

    Even Ronald Reagan was a spring chicken at 69 when elected, and he finished his two terms at 77, same age as Biden now, and Biden has not even started yet.

    Biden however can increase his chances of winning by choosing an Obama as running mate to be VP. Either Barack or Michelle will do, and I lean towards Michelle. Barack can then be a "pillow talk" VP ha ha ha....or Biden can select Barack as Secretary of State.

    1. What's the point of this blooming Carrot being 7 years younger than Biden ? He's talking and acting like he's been sipping Clorox as a nightcap, his brain cells couldn't be any better than Biden. Heck, at one time, I even thought there's a glimmer of hope that he's willing to talk to that Fathead Boy in N Korea without any conditions attached.

    2. The Yankees' ONLY hope after the 3rd wave of covid-19 is Andrew Cuomo!


    3. CK absolutely spot on with Cuomo. But unfortunately he's not interested.

  3. trump must be very jealous of his brother xi, not only no briefing, even hv, no questions asked, or if there is a slight chance wrong answer given, the reporter will voluntarily report the "correct" one, or else nobody know his whereabout for the next 2 months.

    1. Mfer, such a simple lies AGAIN!

      Xi DOESN'T need those news exposures. Just work behind the scenes - as a true leader does!

      When the African swine fever decimated the pork industry of China, there were tons of stories openly 'flying' around ALL the social media in China.

      Many of these posts blamed Xi!

      Bcoz Xi was willing to buy more expensive pork from Russia then buying the cheaper one from US! That's the legacy of that ongoing trade war.

      Russia, especially those areas in his Far Eastern border, were under the threat of the African swine fever then.

      With the approved purchase of the Russian pork, the African swine fever was imported into N Eastern China!

      How truth is that story? Nobody knows.

      Instead, no one - person &/or media within China proper were silenced/prosecuted etc etc as would so frequently fabricated by those China haters.

      Of course, not many people would know about the later part of the story - the never happened intimidating actions. Rather the 1st part of the story was picked up by some western media & quickly went into the dustbin for none news worthy.

      Now, how many of u, China haters/bashers, evil China mongering f*ckheads heard, read about this WHOLE story?

      Bet - NONE of u!

    2. Who owned the media in the so-called free West ? As George Carlin ( may he rest in peace ) said about the US :

      You have 23 flavors of ice cream but only 3 oil companies (prior fracking, hehe ) and 2 political parties. It’s pepsi and coke... you have the illusion of choice, but actually you have no choice. They are all funded by the same people who owned the land, the media, the telecoms, the military...its the same group of billionaires and corporate interests that influence and control everything. Including your political candidate....yes you can vote 1 man out of office, but you can’t vote out the system.

      One comment here struck a cord, with his unique way of expressing about CCP and China :

      "Censorship is the secret sauce why Chinese government is quite successful at managing China.

      The key to governing success is to have a feedback mechanism to gauge government performance, and know what the people want and deliver that.

      If there is freedom of press, then the rich elite will have the money to take control of media to have the power of discourse. Is the interest of the rich elite aligned with that of the majority of citizens? Obviously not.

      So it is important to remove the freedom of PRESS but allow the freedom of speech of citizens. Since the majority tend to be silent, especially when they are well satisfied such as in China (Chinese government approval rating is 84%, and 90% Chinese say China is on the right track), it is only after having removed a few loudest voices from the money-controlled media and the press masquerading as representing the people, only then the rising murmur of the silent majority be able to reach the ear of CCP".

      And he went on further to say that Election is the Enemy of Democracy ! hehe

      "Election is the enemy of democracy. It permits democracy to be hijacked by the 1% to turn the government into corporate oligarchy.

      Through elections, money gains control of politics. A successful election campaign costs a humongous amount of money. The political donors have to be rewarded by those voted into power. Legislatures and government policies will favor the rich at the expense of the rest. Eventually the government becomes corporate oligarchy that allows the tycoons and the lords to devour the working class and middle class.

      When most citizens neither approve their government nor think their country is on right track, do you think it is a democracy?"

      But in our beloved tanah air kita ini...PM after PM keeps on mouthing..we are a democratic country, we hold elections every 5 years.
