
Saturday, April 11, 2020

DG MOH disagrees allowing barbershops to operate under MCO


Haircuts and returning to ‘normal’: Plan now but implement later, says Noor Hisham

Menteri MITI is now in PPBM (PRIBUMI) so what can you expect of his ministerial decisions other than alike PRIBUMI's MENTERI Hazmat & Doraemon 

CORONAVIRUS | While Health director-general Dr Noor Hisham Abdullah agrees that the government should be planning on how to slowly return life to normal for Malaysians after the movement control order (MCO), he feels it should postpone allowing barbershops and hair salons to operate.

“Of course we agree in terms of planning but in terms of implementation, there should be a postponement of at least two weeks."

Dei Menteri Sembu---nyi
Balik kampong Sandakan lah

“At least we can see in a week whether we can control the Covid-19 disease among the urban community,” he told reporters after a press conference at the Health Ministry in Putrajaya today.

He said the ministry will review the data in a week and see how the situation is like then.

He warned that things will not return to normal in one day and it will require planning and perhaps implementation in stages.

“We have to see for us to start (going back to normal) in stages. We cannot return (to normal) immediately. For example, the moment Phase 3 is over, we go back to normal.

“The implementation will have to be done in stages. For example, if we cannot reopen our schools straightaway, maybe we can do it in stages,” Noor Hisham said.

There definitely needs to be planning from the ministries on how to implement policies and rulings to eventually return Malaysians back to their normal way of living, he said.

“We have discussed this in terms of implementation. We encourage planning because otherwise if you do not plan, suddenly at the end of the MCO, you do not know what to do, everything will not go back to normal.

Dei Menteri Sembu---nyi 

“So the planning starts now, the implementation maybe in a week, two weeks, or maybe after the MCO,” he said.


  1. the only thing this pn did good is kick out the 95 years old conman, other than this, its really a bunch of stupid idiot.

  2. Menteri Hazmat, Menteri Air Suam, Menteri Bizzare, Menteri Mewa, Menteri Doeraemon, Menteri TikTok, Menteri Jaga Kereta, Menteri Cap Buruh, Menteri Pak Unta...

    Dulu he was Mentri Ekonomi, powerful, in charge of all the big GLCs.....
    now he is Menteri Dobi, Dandan Rambut, Char Kwat, Happy Ending...?

    Take your pick...ha ha ha.

  3. If Menteri Char Kwat say can cut hair then Jellyfish Menteri Wee KHAT Siong should make a case for beer drinkers.....still waiting for him to come out of the toilet, 5 days already.

    He must hit Sudoku high score by now...

    Carlsberg and Heineken have only 1 factory each, run by small teams of people, they distribute using their own lorries and sell via supermarkets and convenience stores that are allowed to open anyway.

    Same for Coca Cola, Pepsi, F&N, Yeo Hiap Seng.....

    WHY BEER CANNOT...????
