
Saturday, April 11, 2020

Dangerous Trump making monumental decision soon

MM Online:

Trump says when to reopen US economy ‘biggest decision’ of presidency

Trump is keen to get the US economy back open after weeks of tough measures that shut down businesses and dramatically cut down on transport across the country to slow the virus’s spread


WASHINGTON, April 11 — President Donald Trump on Friday said his decision on when to reopen the US economy, shuttered due to the coronavirus pandemic, will be the toughest he has ever taken.

“I’m going to have to make a decision and I only hope to God that it’s the right decision. But I would say without question, it’s the biggest decision I’ve ever had to make,” Trump told a press conference.

Trump, who faces a tight reelection in November, is keen to get the US economy back open after weeks of tough measures that shut down businesses and dramatically cut down on transport across the country to slow the virus’s spread.

The previously strong economy was the biggest selling point in his campaign platform.

However, he also faces warnings that a premature opening would put lives at risk by allowing the virus to take a new hold.

“I have to make the biggest decision of my life,” he said.

With current federal guidelines on social distancing set to expire at the end of the month, expectations are growing that Trump will tell Americans they can start resuming normal activity from May -- at least in parts of the country.

The decision will be partly based on medical data, but also heavily swayed by political considerations and advice from the business community which has been devastated by the shutdown, with an abrupt drop in revenues and mass unemployment claims.

In what will mark an important step in the process, Trump says he will be announcing members of a new task force on Tuesday.

“I call it the opening our country task force or opening our country council,” he said.

The group will include “very great doctors and business people,” as well as probably governors of states.

In a sign that Trump will seek broad support for what could be a politically dangerous decision, he said he wanted bipartisan representation from politicians on the council.

“I want to put on both parties,” he said.

Reassuring critics who say he risks rushing, Trump insisted medical opinion will be key.

“We’re looking at a date, we hope we’ll be able to fulfill a certain date, but we’re not doing anything until we know this country is going to be healthy,” he said.

“We don’t want to go back and start doing it over again.” — AFP

The most dangerous man on Earth, known for his bias for big business, and arrogant apathy towards scientific advice and humanitarian considerations, will soon make the Most dangerous decision for the USA.

I shudder for BOTH the Americans and the rest of the World in wondering what that decision may be. We all can only hope for the best, a miracle in the scheme of dealing with Donald Trump, because if the USA suffers badly from this pandemic and its ensuing consequences, the rest of the world will invariably also suffer.


  1. unfortunately trump dun enjoy xi privilege to report whatever number ccp wish. n not surprised at all the most dangerous man on earth r the president of a country that r victim of a benevolent dictator that export their virus worldwide.

    this piece worth more than 2.50 rmb.

    1. Keep farting lah!

      Just liken to mfers, like u, shamelessly showcasing demoNcratic hangers-on to the world using whatsoever diarrhea that has been regurgitated umpteen times.

      Remember, monkey show from a genuflecting moron?

      This piece IS free!

    2. dedak eater 2.50 per article, one can find many in tis blog, cari makan type 50 hmmm now 70 cents one jerking comment, n everyone know little pinky is foc.

    3. Judging from the way that the current clueless govt spending the money (source don't know yet), I'm 200% prefered to be paid in RMB in oversea.

      五毛 per article,right?

      WRT yr perverted personal enjoyments, tell that to yr dangdut pals. They r religiously incline to play with u. Just make sure u clean yrself up properly. It stinks!

  2. The best models from the University of Washington show that New cases in the US have peaked, and should be falling going forward, provided controls are still in place.

    That does not mean opening up the country now, but any responsible government must start thinking now of how to reopen the economy, safely.
    Don't be like the idiots who attack Trump on everything and anything, like an automatic reflex action.

    1. Do advising yrself while looking into yr cracked mirrir, old moneyed mfer!

      Don't be like the idiots who attack CCP China on everything and anything, like an automatic reflex action.

      Or is it the ultimate idiocy if don't do what I do, just do what I say…

      Pariah… indeed!
