
Thursday, April 09, 2020

Covid-19: China bought time for the world; many governments squandered it


Why China is not responsible for pandemic

Beijing bought time for the world with its draconian lockdown of the city of Wuhan, the epicentre of the outbreak, but many countries, notably Britain and the United States, squandered it

In early February, The Wall Street Journal published the by-now infamous opinion piece titled “The real sick man of Asia”, by Walter Russell Mead, an international politics professor.

If you read it now, its scientific ignorance is far more illuminating than its “analysis”. But it was a myopia shared by many people around the world: they thought the epidemic was mainly China’s problem. Medical authorities, though, knew by then that it would be a global problem.

Mead knew as much about epidemiology as the next taxi driver. That may be why he thought, like many pundits at the time, that the global impact of the outbreak in China would be on the supply chains of international companies.

“The likeliest economic consequence of the coronavirus epidemic, forecasters expect, will be a short and sharp fall in Chinese economic growth rates during the first quarter, recovering as the disease fades,” he wrote.

“The most important longer-term outcome would appear to be a strengthening of a trend for global companies to “de-Sinicise” their supply chains.”

Trump threatens to cut US funding of World Health Organisation amid coronavirus pandemic
By December 31, Beijing had informed the World Health Organisation about the outbreak.

By January 23, an unprecedented lockdown was imposed in Wuhan. Whatever cover-ups and concealment of cases China was guilty of, by January, the entire world knew about the severity of the Chinese epidemic.

What The New York Times wrote about Spain is equally true of many countries, notably Britain and the United States: “Spain’s crisis has demonstrated that one symptom of the virus … has been the tendency of one government after another to ignore the experiences of countries where the virus has struck before it.”

Yet, in trying to evade responsibility, British and American political leaders such as British cabinet minister Michael Gove, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and President Donald Trump are now claiming: if only China had told us earlier, if only they hadn’t lied about their cases, we would have responded in time.

No, they would not have, and in fact, did not. They had time to prepare but chose not to.

Whatever malfeasance Beijing had committed, locking down Wuhan cut the number of coronavirus cases exported to the outside world by 77 per cent, according to an international study that was led by Matteo Chinazzi of the Laboratory for the Modelling of Biological and Socio-technical Systems at Northeastern University in Boston and published in Science.

China bought time for the world; many governments squandered it.


  1. Who has been parroting China for months.
    12 Jan 2020 · At this stage, there is no infection among healthcare workers, and no clear evidence of human to human transmission.
    23 January - WHO meeting failed to declare Coronavirus a Health Emergency of International Concern.
    Delayed 1 more week, guess who opposed it.
    11 March only WHO declared a pandemic.

    1. Mfers r all alike - choose to twist facts to suit their dark intentions!

      1) like yr co-namesake, u choose to not know what novel virus meant.

      Do u, as an overcountertop virologist know more about the SARS-CoV-2 virus behaviours than those experts who r currently chasing to gain insights about it?

      2) follow yr own f*cked-up timeline, WHY don't u announce to the world about SARS-CoV-2 toxicology when it first emerged in late Nov2019?

      U could have gain fame & money than yr old money sapu-ing business!

      3) typically know-nothing shot from the mouth moron, don't u know about crisis management involving premature emergency disclosure? Again, is that what u make yr fortune out from yr old money way?

      STFU lah!

    2. The spread of covid-19 timeline as detailed by MSNBC

      Virus spread sooner than thought, mostly came from Europe: report -

      Still blaming China?

  2. And Ktemoc unfairly tarred SCMP as anti-China.
    I told Ktemoc SCMP Carrys a lot of pro-China articles.

    1. SCMP is like The Australian (owned by Robert Murdoch), mixes up the news but with a 90:10% ratio in favour of right wing stuff

    2. There is also the possibility of CCP experimenting with editorial leniency in HK.

      Just prove to the world further about the truthful application of one-country-two-systems!

      摸石头过河 mah! Quick… get hold of Google translate - it does translate accurately.

      Be warn, don't get that England tak pakai, Mandarin 台毒 style f*ckhead to tell u what the phrase means. He will feed u regurgitated 台毒 shits.


    small brother iran oso doubt ccp china number n info.

    give time or tell lies? i doubt ccp lover know the diff.

    1. Wakakakaka…

      Of all news sources from Iran, u quoted i24news!

      Bravo! Yr 台毒水炮 has been feeding u shits AGAIN le.

      Didn't they tell u i24news is CIA outfit with heavy Israeli inputs?

      Better quote those sources from FOX news. At least there is a minute semblance of 'independent' news reporting.

      U r continuing yr monkey shows. That's OK except all yr scripts r drafted by 金丝🐒 who is leading u to 荷兰.


    2. did iran officer said that or they didnt? google la bodoh.

    3. U said i24news quoted!

      U back up with the official Iran quote lah.

      Google for i24news? Or other f*cked-up media (fox news, sky news!!) just simply quote i24news whom other reputed news media WOULD NOT touch.

      Truly dickheaded, using one-sided argument! Is that the Formosa primary 3 syllabus for morons like u?

  4. Wakakakaka…

    A coming uo notable blast from that know-nothing shot from the mouth moron:
    KT is a paid CCP propagandist!

    SCMP has been arm-twisted by Jack Ma to come out with this piece of trash.

    Wakakakaka… AGAIN!

    1. but kt is a ccp propagandist, thats y he pick only article that side ccp.

      apple daily shown 19 countries first patient r all from wuhan/china.

      so u ccp lover n propagandist hv to work harder, ccp no problem paying ot.

    2. Wakakakaka…

      Now Apple daily!

      May I suggest shotfromthemouth mirror?

    3. whats wrong with apple data? they fake it?

    4. Don't u know as in the cases of the HK 废青 riots?


    5. but this open for all to see n chk, tell me which one is fake. in fact msia first case oso get it from meeting with a wuhan virus spreader in spore. so shd be 20.

    6. Mfer, read & check AGAIN lah!

      Bcoz it's unsubstantiated fake news hence no other reputed media want to repeat/quote!

      Apple daily is a trashy tabloid that NO other news media would DARE to quote what it carried!

      Oooop… perhaps except mfer, like u, who is searching the bottom of the shit barrel for CCP bashing news.


    7. nope, its something entire world know, apple daily just compile it for yr type.

    8. Get yr Apple daily to lay down the official sources of it's compiled 19 tabulation lah!

      That's what open, transparent meant.

      Oooop… in demoNcratic they carry yr kind of twisted farts. No?

  5. Apple Daily owner is tycoon Jimmy Lai who was charged over August 31 march and alleged intimidation of a reporter at a 2017 vigil event in Hong Kong. He is one, together with Anson Chan and Martin Lee who became known as the infamous 'Gang of Four' who lead and instigated from behind the so-called leaderless rioting students and youths by providing finance and critical resources thus enabling those 'front-line' unemployed youths to be sustained in their rioting activities for months on end. However, the US NED too played a huge role in the financing as well with the critical coordination and 'training' by the CIA agents embedded in Hong City itself.

    Jimmy Lai was recently interviewed by Fareed Zakaria of CNN and the world gets to see this gang of four and its minions feted in Washington by the likes no less than US congressional leader Nancy Pelosi and extreme right wingers like Robert Lighthizer, Peter Navarro and Senators Marco Rubio and Tom Cotton. This machiavellian Gang of Four is the main architect pushing for the Democracy Bill which was recently passed by the U.S. Senate unanimously.

    The advent of an invisible adversary named Covid19 seems to put a spanner to this unsavory cohort's scheming...the CIA agents in Hong Kong ferreted out of its lairs running for home to the US, the rioting boys and girls stopped dead in their murderous tracks cooling their heels in quarantine/lockdown in their pigeon hole hovels called home. Hong Kong now is officially in recession and with the property prices tumbling drastically these black-hands tycoons, post Covid19, might get their cue to make a run to their foreign mansion, abandoning Hong Kong and leave their rioting soldiers of young boys and girls in a lurch.

    1. shoot the messenger, rpk style.

    2. Hehehe...kena butthurt ke ? This is background infor to reveal that Jimmy Lai is just scum of the earth, another sama-sama OCBC, another useful idiot to be used by the kwailohs who would discard him like used toilet paper once his usefulness is over. But this idiot is too consumed with his own agendas that he revel in his role of Si Kitol, using his Apple Daily publication for massive blatant propaganda with skewed reporting and slanted, distorted articles. The young ones there were fed a daily diet of rotten apples from this selfish egoistic Pied Piper leading the way.

      As to Rpuki's style...he's notorious for fabricated 'news' and outright lies, the more wild and ridiculous, the better as his servile brainwashed readers will swallow anything from this unscrupulous man.

      You yourself seemed unable to to differentiate the wheat from the chaff, as illustrated amply in your most of your comments here. To unburden your angst and whatever the devil is eating you, best you stick to dangdut karaoke, wakakakaka

    3. Shot the messenger that carries fake news!

    4. but primary 3 shd able to tell if the news is lie or not, both u cant?

    5. Walau-eh!

      Formosa trained primary 3, like u - right?

      No wonder that island is in such a sorry state now!

    6. of course i can, i know u both cant, just see how u both citing all those laughable conspiracy is if there are with proven facts. so tell us again how the 5 american soldier carry the virus all the way to wuhan, n do shoping in that wet market, further spread it to everyone using fragrance sprayer, oh gosh.

    7. Wakakakaka….

      Conspiracies abundance for mfer like u, I'm just debunking yr spins & twists fabricating out from all those CCP bashing gangs.

      U can? Can WHAT?

      U have not even justify ALL those farts that I have been laid bate for all to see.

      Now u want to mention about that 5 American soldiers carried the virus all the way to Wuhan, do shopping in that wet market, further spread it to everyone using fragrance sprayer, oh gosh.… indeed!

      Wakakakaka… the easiest proof is to get yr uncle Sam to provide blood samples of those 5 soldiers lah. Why yr uncle Sam so quiet & dare not to do the INE right thing to resolve this ongoing conspiracy?

      So use yr 'CAN' of whatsoever ability to put this myth to rest lah.

      Is yr know-nothing shot from the mouth's mouth getting to big? Bigger than that liar, mom?
