
Saturday, April 25, 2020

BERSATU becomes BERDUA but still a race party


Anwar: Bersatu in government and opposition a ‘new normal’

PKR president Anwar Ibrahim today said having Bersatu elected representatives sitting on both the government and opposition benches would be the "new normal" in Parliament.

Responding to his followers on Facebook, Anwar in a live session said this was after former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad's recent announcement that he would be sitting on the opposition bench during the May 18 Dewan Rakyat session.

"This is a new normal. We have the prime minister from Bersatu, and then we have Mahathir who is not with Pakatan Harapan but on the opposition bench, also from Bersatu.
"So now they are berdua (split)," he quipped, referring to the faction aligned with Muhyiddin as Bersatu president and a smaller group who follows Mahathir as Bersatu chairperson.

The Bersatu bloc in Parliament is currently split between the bulk of its MPs who joined Muhyiddin in late February to form the Perikatan National government and four others who remained aligned with Mahathir.

Commenting further, Anwar said it is up to Bersatu to resolve its current situation.

"We will see whether the party will be able to resolve its apparent split. People used to talk about a split in PKR, but now PKR remains as one solid unit.

"So I hope that it will be the same for them (Bersatu)," he said.

In the aftermath of the Sheraton Move which split Bersatu and sparked Harapan's downfall from government, PKR lost 11 MPs led by former party deputy president Azmin Ali.

This was followed by the current leadership's move to sack its members who had allegedly betrayed the party.

'Don't lose our humanity'

On a separate matter, Anwar reiterated his call for Malaysians to not lose their humanity in dealing with the Rohingya refugee crisis, amid a perceived targeted attack against the community here.

"We (Malaysia) should strive to protect them within our capabilities, while we put pressure on the government of Myanmar," he said in noting an urgent need for a more long-term solution to the humanitarian crisis.


  1. berdua maksud pintu depan ada, pintu belakang pun ada, wow, both frontdoor pm n backdoor pm from the same party.

  2. Madey is just putting his finishing touches to his great wayang lah. It could be quite amusing really, if it is not so tragic for this country.

    Isn't it ironic...of all the name to choose from, it had to be Bersatu, which house all manners of double tongued double headed snakes, all manners of buayas, all manners of hyenas, all manners of such a seething cauldron of perpetual backstabbers, betrayers, pretenders and double crossers, the founder dare to even broach the idea of Unity. Pordah la
