
Saturday, April 11, 2020

At least 26 doctors & 9 nurses have died from Covid-19

Star Online:

Doctor’s death exposes risks of virus battle

When Indonesian doctor Ratih Purwarini (pic) was buried at dusk in a Jakarta cemetery, only her son Firos saw her plastic-wrapped coffin used for coronavirus victims lowered into the grave.

The rest of the family, instructed to keep a safe distance, watched the proceedings from afar.

Two weeks earlier, the healthy 46-year-old mother of two was laughing at a family outing in Bandung.

Now she is a number on a growing list, one of 26 Indonesian doctors killed by Covid-19, the respiratory disease caused by the new coronavirus.

“I regret asking her to go to medical school,” said Bambang Purnomo, her devastated 72-year-old father. “I honestly still cry whenever I think of her.”

A month after recording its first case, Indonesia, with 3,293 infections and 280 deaths, has the highest death toll in Asia after China, where the virus emerged late last year, although health experts fear it could be much higher.

The deaths of 26 doctors and nine nurses battling the pandemic in Indonesia has fanned anxiety about a healthcare system ill-prepared to tackle it.

“Indonesia was not well prepared at the beginning, and we also didn’t have much personal protective equipment (PPE),” said Prijo Sidipratomo of the Indonesian medical association. “That is why so many doctors have died.”

President Joko Widodo offered condolences and praised the dedication of the doctors who died.

He announced financial incentives for medical professionals and payouts for the families of workers killed by the disease.

But Widodo has resisted strict lockdowns, instead urging Indonesians to adopt social distancing measures and stay home.

“The country was already exposed to the virus, but no one realised until March,” Sidipratomo added.

Now the world’s fourth-most populous nation is racing against time to contain the spread.

Hospitals across the archipelago are chronically ill-equipped, lacking beds, medical staff and intensive care facilities, forcing some doctors to fashion makeshift gear, using raincoats and their own masks.

“The government has asked all industries to make PPE in Indonesia, but now we are competing with the virus itself,” said Sidipratomo. — Reuters


  1. many people died due to xi cover up, tedros play politics n ccp propagandist spreading fake news.

    1. Pathetic monkey kena cilipadi!


    2. hubei leader said wuhanvirus was informed to xi much much earlier, tedros claim he is a proud negeo (he think he live in 1950 usa), the 3 propagandist r the one that makan cili. see, all my assertion is substantiated with facts.

    3. U called that - 'assertion' is substantiated by fact是! ???! (ooop… farts they r.)

      Thousands of sorry - forgetting mfer, like u, has poor England & minimum understanding of rational deductions!

      Where's the original sources for reference?

      Known 台毒 diarrhea excluded. Apple daily spinnings excluded. Sky oz CCP twistings excluded… heiya… no need to waste my time!

      Mfer, nobody WOULD by a one-liner chant by u.

      Or u don't understand about facts presentation? They MUST not present as what u said - remember that & tell yr 台毒水炮 to bear that in mind too!


      wuhan mayor said already informed ccp central committee, xi buat tak tahu now wanna blame him. either mayor or xi is a liar, who u think is one?

      didnt tedros said he ia a negro? u pekak or bodoh buat tak dengar?

      hv u ever see kt publish one article that condemn china? how many time he talk abt tabligh when wuhan chinese hv mass greeting that involve more than 100k, didnt he publish a news that accuse usa spread the virus which zhao now response as merely a reaction to american stigma? i might be wrong he is just bias n not a paid propagandist but who knows? as for u, just a cheap foc little pinky.

    5. As expected, source from yr favourite 台毒 mouthpiece (ntdtv)!

      R u selectively literature blind or u have a mental block to good advice - DON'T quote non irreproachable rumours &/or malicious lies?

      "wuhan mayor said already informed ccp central committee, xi buat tak tahu now wanna blame him. either mayor or xi is a liar, who u think is one?"

      Wakakakaka… when was that infos been passed up to the CCP central committee, mfer?

      Was the infos been diligently scrutinized for medical factualities?

      Oooop… sorry! Mfer, like u & all those 台毒 morons having sixth sense (incubated/cocooned by chronic CCP China hatred) to be able to give sensible 'advanced' warning!

      Just like those 台毒 'medical experts' announcing to the world about the human-to-human transmission in Dec2019, w/o any decent virus toxicology investigations of a NOVEL virus!

      They were ACTUALLY trying to do that fear-mongering announcement to create expected early chaos in Wuhan.

      Fortunately, CCP central committee has more rational & objective senses in crisis management. & the Chinese, at large, have more faith in their govt administration process!

      An early hysterical trepidation & large scale exodus from a millions inhabitants city was prevented. Resulting in China been able to control the covid-19 pandemic so swiftly & reduced death toll - compare to the current virulent projections all-over the world even after China has sacrified so much to provide them with a contagious preventive windows!

      Mfer, if the similar situation happened in Taipei/NY or any major populated cities in the world with such an early medical findings & premature announcement, the expected scenarios WOULD be riots, lootings & mass exodus.

      The exodus would spread the contagion faster & wider, making the eventual disease controls/preventions almost impossible! With the eventual result of sopo-economic collapses & untold human lifes sacrificed!

      America is having to pay for that WASP folly NOW!


      U r just a mfer, who likes to shotfromthemouth to vent yr cocooned personal hatred. The causality effect to the world outside yr foul-filled lair is of zilch consequences to u.

      Perhaps, that's what demoNcratic ideology has been incubated in mfers, like u.

      "tedros said he is a negro"

      So, what? He is BUT stating a FACT in the contextual rule for a race. But those 毒台 morons were saying 'negro' with racist intonation to foul him.

      Then, again, what do an England deficient mfer know anything about figure of speech?

      Wakakakaka… tabligh vs Wuhan mass gathering!!!

      Wow! Wowx2!!!

      Typically a know-nothing 'logic'!

      Wuhan mass gathering happened in an early pandemic stage when NOBODY (except those 台毒 coronavirus incubators from ft belvoir - wakakakaka…) knew about the deadly virulence of SARS-CoV-2.

      Tabligh happened during a known pandemic with those religious zombies playing onemanup-ship about the omnipotent of their god!

      Wakakakaka… (I'm getting choked with laughing if I have to read more of this diarrhea!)

      "zhao now response as merely a reaction to american stigma?"

      Mfer, go back to that sentence about yr tak bolih England & restudy repudiation with Chinese characteristic. OK?

      U r definitely a 台毒 cocooned know-nothing & shotfromthemouth racist who hates negro! QED

      PS, now that yr racist tendency is been exposed, just be extra careful whenever u r having yr dangdut happy hours with yr zombies, ketuanan freaks drinking mates. The Jack Daniel they offered COULD be lethal - be warned!

    6. The CCP’s hierarchical authorization system ignores the fact that disease prevention cannot be divided by geographical boundaries and administrative regions. When Wuhan Mayor Zhou Xianwang (周先旺) was interviewed by China Central Television (CCTV) on January 27, he explained that according to the “Law on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases,” the Wuhan government needed to first report to the central government and obtain “authorization” before it could disclose relevant information to the public. Due to the lack of the CCP Central Committee’s unified handling of the situation and unclear policy instructions, local governments could not limit the movement of the large numbers of people traveling during the Chinese Lunar New Year. As a result, local cover-ups and national bureaucratic inefficiency also allowed COVID-19 to spread to other provinces in China and other countries around the world.

      dun tok kok n give us fake news, the above clearly shown that ccc know, ie xi know, but no action taken.

      u been calling malaymuslim zombie in thousand of yr comments, u represent me or chinese or taiwan or ccp? so tell us again who call tedros a negro?

      like u said, danang only hv 6 case, 6 imply no problem rights? malaysia as a whole at that time is oso very few case, is it not the responsible of the organiser to accountable, in this case, both msia govt n ccp for allowing such event to proceed, how is that diff?

      no wonder foc, u not even worth 5 cents.

    7. Wakakakaka…

      A lengthy write (ooop… diarrhea again as usual!) from a confused mfer.

      "disease prevention cannot be divided by geographical boundaries and administrative regions."

      Mfer, where did u learn this piece of fart?

      Just look at the current world map of covid-19 infested countries. What r those individual countries doing diligently with a draconian border movement control NOW?

      This is bcoz to successfully control a contagious disease to spread, prevention MUST be divided by geographical boundaries and administrative regions!

      Truly know nothing!

      "When Wuhan Mayor Zhou Xianwang (周先旺) was interviewed by China Central Television (CCTV) on January 27, he explained that according to the “Law on Prevention and Treatment of Infectious Diseases,” the Wuhan government needed to first report to the central government and obtain “authorization” before it could disclose relevant information to the public."

      Nothing wrong with such policy!

      In crisis management, upward hierarchical reportings r imperative to arrive at a firm decision.

      At that early stage of a novel (know anything about this word yet, mfer?) virus, everything about the unknown toxicology of the cononavirus MUST be studied in details by the scientific professionals.

      Only when enough knowledge about this novel coronavirus is gained, the CCP Central Committee then can come to a decisive action.

      This was DONE conclusively in 23Jan2020 for a painful Wuhan lockdown. Mfer, that date was the first day of the traditional lunar new year that nonchinese couldn't appreciate & treasure!

      Mfer, u have confused the time taken in due diligence to exercise mass influential decision of the CCP Central Committee as acting blurred/uncared!

      What about the consequences of a premature decision?

      Or u DON'T know what is a premature decision & its subsequent happenstance of calamity or happy ending.

      Maybe u have an inbred inclination, like those 台毒 'medical experts', about shotfromthemouth about what u don't know but just shoot to prove yr stupidity!

      Have the above-mentioned proven enough of yr fake news & egoistic tok kok YET?

      Mfer, I stand to prove that when I name-tagged zombies, ketuanan freaks & blur-sotongs, they r my PERSONAL opinion.

      Have I claimed any of yr farts about represent u or Chinese or taiwan or CCP?

      Trying to blackgoating me with yr 台毒 tactics?

      Truly 台毒 mollycoddled moron! Go check what's the covid-19 scores of Da Nang then (when yr uncle Sam's coffin boat docked there) & now. Also, what's the bolihland corresponding scores.

      STFU lah… u r getting more & more incoherent with yr kind of England!

      Typically, a terminal case of irrationality & non objectivity.

      Go, confuse yr dangdut pals lah.

    8. conclusively is yr type chinese characteristic, my type chinece call it a delay n conceal of truth.

      did tedros show any evidence taiwanese n taiwan govt call him a negro? he claim taiwan govt never distances themselves from such racial slur, which govt did that when a idiotic citizen label other as zombie or negro? n tedros language claerly want to pull in entire world black community, what is tis if not politicking?

      roosevelt testet positive is 550/ 4800, n of course u wish to tell us the sailor infected by new york virus. look at all the result, whats diff btw all those govt or carrier chief that downplay the virus?

      western govt make many wrong judgement, however the diff is they never tell lies, thats exactly what ccp did.

      taiwan informed cho on 31 dec there is human transmit to human, either cho did nothing, or they did check with ccp but no response. even until 14 jan still claim no transmission among human. either ccp a liar, or cho a liar.

    9. Mfer, U R NOTl CHINESE! Don't u forget!

      "did tedros show any evidence taiwanese n taiwan govt call him a negro?"

      Mfer, haven't u checked the latest finding by yr beloved 台毒 govt's kangaroo investigation team about that accusations?

      In fact those brain dead morons claimed that it was the Chinese hackers using spurious Facebook & Tweeter a/c to launch that racist attacks!


      無银三百两! What a kiddy play!

      Mfer, roosevelt testet positive with 550 out of 4800. & the sailor infected by American virus. Bcoz the virus genome variant is all type A!

      Next time, get yr 台毒水炮 to double treble check the info before u all fart to kingdom comes!

      "western govt make many wrong judgement, however the diff is they never tell lies"

      U should make VERY sure to tell this bedtime story to yr girl. She is definitely easily impressible by yr farts at her age. Exactly like to those HK 废青 been brain inundated with demoNcratic farts.

      "taiwan informed cho on 31 dec there is human transmit to human, either cho did nothing, or they did check with ccp but no response. even until 14 jan still claim no transmission among human. either ccp a liar, or cho a liar."

      Mfer, u can't twist this fart!

      Based on what scientific evidences that WHO must accept 台毒 misinformation?

      Through 天马行空?

      Obviously u haven't digested my earlier take about this 台毒 urban legend or yr England lets u down kau2. I strongly believe it's the 3rd kind - 死鸡撑饭盖!

      U know no shame - exactly like those 台毒 morons!

      Who's the liar AGAIN, mfer?

    10. Mfer, watch this repudiation video from Formosa about yr urban legend fart of Taiwan informed WHO on 31 Dec about there is covid-19 human to human transmission.

      Mfer, u r a liar that doesn't know what shame is. For u, everything goes!

  2. Jokowi's grand plan for the new capital of Indonesia in East Kalimantan may have gone up in smoke. His dream of leaving a legacy may have vapourised.

    How to raise money...USD30 billion. The country faces a depression. Mounting unemployment. Millions may be coming home from Malaysia....hungry mouths to feed.

    Who has money to splurge? Foreigners will invest in their own countries.
    Local Indonesians need the cash themselves, for their own survival.

    But fortunately in Malaysia we already built Putrajaya and KLIA 25 years ago.....thanks Toonsie, your legacy.....we owe you...but KT never want to highlight this it blind hatred?....ha ha ha....
