
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Why Muhyiddin sacked Marzuki Yahya


Marzuki removed because, not in spite of, Covid-19

"Cambridge-USA" educated 😂😂😂 

I wish to respond to news questioning why Bersatu president Muhyiddin Yassin had removed party secretary-general Marzuki Yahya. Firstly, I am only an ordinary Bersatu member in Ipoh. While I do not hold key posts in the party, I wish to offer a grassroots’ view about what has transpired, in hopes of the media getting a fair assessment of the whole debacle.

A key contention was the timing of Marzuki’s removal. According to critics, Muhyiddin, who is also the prime minister should have focused on fighting Covid-19 instead of strengthening his grip on the party.

My response is, Marzuki’s sacking is not in spite of Covid-19, but because of this national crisis. The country is at war.

The prime minister needs everyone to be a team player. The last thing Muhyiddin wants is to continuously watch his back when a “war” is taking place.

Marzuki, as we know, is aligned to former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad and has been sniping at his boss.

jangan ikut contoh Ms Semburit yang bagitu khianat 

If Marzuki cannot agree with the party president, he should just resign, not continue to attack Muhyiddin who has his hands full battling pandemic.

In Bersatu, the secretary-general is a key post, junior only to the chairman, president and deputy president.

A general at war needs to ensure all his key lieutenants are on the same page as him. Anyone who is not, rightfully should be given the marching orders.

Lest we forget, Dr Mahathir was also fighting an equally daunting enemy in 1998. It was the Asian financial crisis that took down one economy after another in this region.

Back then, Dr Mahathir’s deputy, Anwar Ibrahim, who was also the then finance minister could not see eye-to-eye with the prime minister on key economic policies.

Anwar was in favour of an International Monetary Fund (IMF) package, but Dr Mahathir preferred capital controls. In the end, Anwar was given the boot and Dr Mahathir’s policies saved the day.

hatred of Anwar still runs deep & strong 

Marzuki’s sacking is not about politics. This is about being a team player. Whether in politics, on the battlefield or in the boardroom, there is a need for cohesion, especially in time of crisis.

If a senior finance manager of a company continuously shows insubordination to the CEO, the latter has the right to sack him or her, especially when times are bad.

Otherwise, the company will be in turmoil, possibly out of business, and the staff may soon be jobless.

Muhyiddin is facing a national crisis in the form of Covid-19. He needs all the backing he can get.

The least we can do is not to throw dirt at him without first getting the full picture of what is really going on. – March 22, 2020

* Abdullah Yunos reads The Malaysian Insight


kaytee notes:

I opine it's the pending PPBM party election, where Marzuki Yahya (if he continues being PPBM Sec-Gen) will be wielding immense disproportionate powers on behalf of his Atuk and Boi-Boi, who BTW, is challenging Muhyiddin for the party presidential post

can't protect Boi-Boi forever 


  1. y the backdoor pm dun sack mahathir n his son? r they both good team player?

  2. Moo apparently still has plenty of free time to play politicking

    -constituency funds for Pakatan MPs have been cut off, just at the time when the common working class people need help the most.
    MPs and ADUNs often have much closer informal ties to local communities than the government bureaucracy, and can channel badly needed help rapidly.
    - the invisible missing Home Minister has been out trying to buy PKR MPs over to PN, as exposed by Anwar.
