
Tuesday, March 03, 2020

Who's the one crazy to become PM?

Straits Times (Sing) - Mahathir places blame on Muhyiddin and Anwar for Pakatan Harapan's downfall:

Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad has apportioned blame on Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, the president of his Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia (Bersatu) party, and his Parti Keadilan Rakyat ally Anwar Ibrahim for the fall of the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government.

Speaking to Bersatu members in a closed-door meeting on Sunday (March 1), Dr Mahathir said Mr Muhyiddin, who was sworn in as the country's Prime Minister earlier in the day, wanted to leverage Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim's desire to be prime minister and create a political crisis, The Star reported. [...]

Dr Mahathir said at Sunday's event that he had resigned with the thought that Mr Anwar could have taken over his place. But he said, there were people who wanted him to stay on.

“If the people want me to contest, I will. If I get more votes, then I will come back. But Anwar thought that he would get it instead," he said.

Dr Mahathir also said that Mr Anwar had scuppered his plans to be reappointed as prime minister by initially refusing to back his candidacy.

"I was sad that I lost, because Anwar asked Pakatan to nominate him. He had 92 votes. I had 60, or even more. If Pakatan voted for me then I would have gotten the majority," he said.

"He wanted to be the prime minister, even though he knew he couldn't get the majority," said Dr Mahathir.

Dr Mahathir added that Anwar had always been "obsessed" with becoming prime minister. "In the past, he had a lot of support. But now, people support me," he said.

Throughout his very long political life Mahathir has been a sore loser, right from Day 1. He likes to blame everyone except himself - all have been his 'victims' of scorn, namely, Tunku, Ku Li, Musa, Anwar, AAB, Najib and now Anwar again plus of course Muhyiddin.

eat your rotten heart out Maddy 

For example, in 1988 the Tunku in an interview recounted Mahathir's 1969 open letter against him.

In the 1969 letter, Mahathir blamed Tunku for that year's May 13 racial riots, a move that analysts said effectively killed the latter's political career and forced him to resign.

In the interview Tunku said of his status following Mahathir's open and poisonous letter:

"I was hated by all Malays, hated by all the government officers, the Malay soldiers, police and so on."

"It was clear that the goal was to make everyone hate me, to get rid of me and change the Malayan administration."

"He (Mahathir) said I was pro-Chinese, I did things for the Chinese, all sorts of things he said. His treachery was evident."

Tunku added that his only course of action was to sack Mahathir from Umno.

"But if it was him (being the subject of the letter) he would have surely acted as he does now (in 1988) and put everyone in jail,", referring to the crackdown known as Ops Lalang.

Now, refer to the Straits Times' report above, specifically the following sentence which says:

Dr Mahathir said at Sunday's event that he had resigned with the thought that Mr Anwar could have taken over his place.

Wasn't he tokking ayam (again), saying he thought Anwar could have taken over his place after he resigned.

WTF, was there any proper handing/taking over of the PM position?

The Old Devil just resigned without warning and had his Parti PRIBUMI pulled out of Pakatan abruptly, causing the ruling coalition to collapse.

Of course he blamed Muhyiddin for pulling PRIBUMI out of Pakatan. But if we refer to a number of news sources, eg. finance-twitter, Zaid Ibrahim's article, Dr Xavier Jayakumar, etc, we read differently, as follow:

(1) The biggest giveaway that Mahathir was the hidden hand behind the recent coup to topple his own Pakatan Harapan government is that he now says he can accept if Muhyiddin wants to work with UMNO en bloc. Exactly how could he return to his party after allegedly being betrayed by Muhyiddin, let alone endorsing his lieutenant’s plan to join forces with UMNO?

(2) In the eyes of another erstwhile ally, Zaid Ibrahim,

“…it is my considered opinion that Dr Mahathir Mohamed is indeed a selfish man, unmatched in the history of the country. Why did he resign as prime minister?"

"Not because he has decided, at long last, that he no longer wants to be a prime minister, but because that’s the way to remove all the ministers in the cabinet in one swoop. When a prime minister resigns, then the cabinet ceases to exist. That’s selfish. He should not use the resignation as part of his Games of Thrones. We don’t play games with public office, we cherish and honour the opportunity to serve and do good." [...]

“He chaired the meeting when the decision for Bersatu to leave Pakatan Harapan was made, thereby rendering Harapan in a bind, especially when the number of Harapan MPs in Parliament will be affected. He obviously did this to deny Anwar Ibrahim the chance to be prime minister. Another selfish decision and betrayal on those erstwhile partners of his, who made him prime minister,

(3) PKR vice-president Dr Xavier Jayakumar alleged that Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad had all along planned the formation of a unity government. He claimed Dr Mahathir did nothing to stop the purported coup led by former PKR deputy president Datuk Seri Azmin Ali over the weekend and chose to stay at home instead.

“Looking back during the past few days, it is now quite clear there was a plan to form a unity government without PH,” he said in a statement today.

Instead of calling the elected representatives to resume administration, Xavier said Dr Mahathir seemed to have different ideas of forming a unity government with technocrats and also opted to clearly side-line PH leaders. To him, it seems there can be only one leader with full unchecked authority in making a swift decision with technocrats … No party involvement, no party leaders for checks and balances.

On top of that, Dr Mahathir also refused to attend the PH council meeting and was adamant on his unity government proposal,” he said.

“The question is why can’t Dr Mahathir now hand over power to Anwar and retire peacefully? Why did he supposedly pre-empt the Yang di-Pertuan Agong over a special parliament sitting announcement?” he questioned.

“All Dr Mahathir had to do was to sack five cabinet members, reappoint and move on. Why did he allow the collapse of a legitimately elected government and now say that he wants to save the country?” he asked.


But as Karma wanted it, he didn't realise that while he was plotting against Anwar Ibrahim and his idiotic gullible purportedly-allies in Pakatan (DAP etc), Muhyiddin and Azmin were plotting against him in turn, wakakaka. Padan muka.

Of course he has been furious with the unexpected betrayal ('unexpected' for him) by Muhyiddin and Azmin, and Mahathir being Mahathir, still can't let go. He continues to rave, rant and rail against his 'enemies' (virtually everyone including Pakatan people), wakakaka.
He even has the bloody demented cheek to describe Anwar as 'being crazy to be PM', when that's precisely the exact description for himself.

Mahathir has been aptly described as toxic, selfish, and a man with NO honour. He has also shown himself to be the MOST disagreeable, destructive & disruptive political leader.

Everything he touched/touches, be that FOREX, Maminco, Mukawasa, Perwaja, MAS, PROTON, Crooked Bridge, UMNO I and II, Pakatan, etc, Malaysia's hallowed institutions (Judiciary, Senate, Civil Service), even Malaysia's once-harmonious society and its friendly foreign relationships with many countries, he has destroyed or mutilated them.

That's why, with his destructive and bad feng-shui touch, I can only name him "King Minus" (not Midas).

Today he wallows in rage, tears and self pity as he realises he may not be able to achieve his three chief aims, namely:

(1) His dynastic ambitions,

(2) His vengeance against Najib (to see Najib jailed), and

(3) His grudge against the Chinese Malaysians, realised in slowing down their advancement.

And that's why he wants to remain as PM until eternity.

Frighteningly, analysts say he may yet be back, but that's only possible if Pakatan Harapan (or what's left of it) still allows him to head the coalition.

Is Pakatan Harapan still that gullible? I suppose we can't tell about the stupidity (and greed) in some people.


  1. Mahathir made the ultimate sacrifice.
    In one fell swoop he took care of the sodomite and the evangelical party.
    Brilliant. Brilliant!

  2. A lot of people who are not Moo / UMNO / PAS supporters are nevertheless glad that DAP has been kicked out of the Federal Govt.
