
Sunday, March 22, 2020

Wee KS slammed critics of face masks saga


Putrajaya bought face masks from China, says minister

Retailers have reported having run out of stocks of face masks 

PETALING JAYA: Malaysia made a direct purchase of face masks from factories in China, said Transport Minister Wee Ka Siong today.

He described as slander an accusation by Putrajaya’s critics that the government was profiting from a donation of 10 million face masks from China by selling them at ceiling prices through Pharmaniaga.

He said the government had bought the masks from China as local manufacturers were unable to supply them.

He said Malaysian exports of face masks were banned shortly after the minister for domestic trade and consumer affairs took office.

“Local mask suppliers had no capacity to produce enough,” Wee said, and Malaysia had to import the masks from China, which had enough supplies, despite prices increasing globally after the Covid-19 outbreak.

He said the transport ministry would try to ship the face masks by air cargo in view of the needs to face the Covid-19 pandemic.

Wee said the Finance Ministry had exempted face masks from import duties and sales tax from tomorrow.

Wee said this was a long-awaited decision by many parties, so that face masks may be supplied at reasonable prices. “By exempting import duties and sales tax, we hope that it will ease the financial burden of all especially the rakyat.”


Sun Daily - Give 10 million donated face masks to Malaysians, says Kit Siang.

Lim Kit Siang, when will you resign as you promised to do so if Mahathir refuses to hand PM position to Anwar Ibrahim?


  1. which part is slander? didnt the backdoor govt increase the ceiling pr to rm2?

  2. Let me quote LKS verbatim, look it up yourself:

    DAP veteran Lim Kit Siang told Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan today that he was willing to bet his political career on Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad’s pledge that Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim will be the next prime minister.

    In a statement today, the Iskandar Puteri MP said that the process will also go on smoothly, without the need to call for fresh elections, and gave Mohamad two days to take up his challenge.

    Lim promised to retire from politics, and not contest in the 15th general election, if Mohamad wins the bet.

    It was a bet, LKS's political career vs Mat Hassan's.

    Firstly, Mohamad Hasan did not take up the bet. Coward.

    Secondly, even if there was a bet and LKS lost, it is not GE15 yet.

    Why KT so excited and adamant to see LKS resign? Must be blind hatred ha ha ha..admit it, no shame you know, your gonards might shrink a little but no shame...

    1. the lady (you, wakakaka) doth protest too much, methinks

    2. Typical of this KT-mock ! Hehehe...unable to rebut BUT die die also must have the last word...hmmm, air muka mesti jaga sampai mati but then his buntut was exposed, wakakakaka.

  3. If KT is so adamant that LKS quit politics over a bet (that never was) he should insist his tag-team-partner RPK quit blogging (ie telling lies) or pay up 100k because he lost a bet with cilisos over the result of GE14....

    Admit it KT, you hate LKS and love your matey RPK. No shame, your gonads might shrink a little but no shame.

    My RM100,000 Challenge To Cilisos.My
    By MT Webmaster Last updated Apr 7, 2018 can name the lawyer to act as our trustee for this bet and once it places its RM100,000 bet with that lawyer I will also do the same and the day after Polling Day the lawyer can pay that RM200,000 to the winner.

    Raja Petra Kamarudin

    Pro-Opposition website has given seven reasons why Pakatan Harapan is going to win the upcoming general election expected some time in May 2018 or thereabouts (7 CONVINCING REASONS WHY PAKATAN WILL CONFIRM WIN GE14).

    Although may feel its seven reasons are convincing enough, I am not convinced. And I have my own set of seven reasons why Pakatan Harapan is NOT going to win the upcoming general election.

    1. You cannot offer the disease as the cure or the problem as the solution, which is what Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is — the disease or the problem.

    2. Everyone knows, even those in Pakatan Harapan, that Mahathir is not motivated by his desire to save Malaysia, as he claims, but by his lust for power and desperation to install his son as Prime Minister so that he can perpetuate a political dynasty.

    3. We do not know what documents PPBM submitted to the Registrar of Societies (RoS) on Friday, 30th March 2018, but unless it was the Minutes of the branch and division meetings, then PPBM is dead meat and Mahathir will no longer have a party to lead.

    4. Mahathir has yet to get PKR, DAP and/or PAN to agree to ‘absorb’ all the PPBM candidates and to allow them to contest the general election under a PKR, DAP and/or PAN flag.

    5. Once Barisan Nasional’s election manifesto is revealed it is going to turn Pakatan Harapan’s election manifesto into a joke.

    6. The voters know that Pakatan Harapan’s promise of abolishing the GST, highway toll charges, and much more, cannot be met because that is just like promising that once Pakatan Harapan comes to power Malaysians will be able to walk on water.

    7. Pakatan Harapan’s only election weapon is to play up the 1MBD and GST issues and nothing more than that and they hope that by playing up these issues they can make the voters hate Barisan Nasional. Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak, instead, is focusing on how to put more money into the pockets of Malaysians.

    So those are my seven reasons why Barisan Nasional will win GE14 versus’s seven reasons why Pakatan Harapan will win GE14. And I am placing a bet that I am right while is wrong. can name the lawyer to act as our trustee for this bet and once it places its RM100,000 bet with that lawyer I will also do the same and the day after Polling Day the lawyer can pay that RM200,000 to the winner.

    I also invite anyone who wants to make easy money to join me in that bet and walk away with 100% profit in just five or six weeks or so.

    1. very childish - tho' RPK is my matey (for more than 15 years) he is his own man, as I am - we speak for our own individual selves, unlike you who laps up LKS' dictates, wakakaka

    2. RPUKI has Zero credibility lah.
      He's been caught lying so many times, I think he himself doesn't remember which he says is true , and which is not.

    3. Similarly LKS speaks for himself, why attack him but not RPK?

      Because you hate LKS...? Must be lah....ha ha ha....

  4. China did donate about 15,000 masks to Malaysia last week.

    The 10 million in the pipeline was bought at commercial terms. The worldwide price for masks has more than doubled.
    The government didn't make that clear earlier. Don't just jump and accuse people of slander.

  5. Lim Kit Siang same as Mahathir. They will die in office. 2 X 5.

  6. Wee KHAT Siong, relak lah, jangan marah, Menteri Jaga Kereta sekarang diberi tugas penting - Menteri Topeng Muka.

    Better you worry about the impending job losses in MAS, Air Asia, Malindo. Cathay Pacific and SIA already ground 96% of their planes. KLIA now like a car park, for planes.

    Pasal topeng muka, senang aje, bawak masuk bagi Kementrian Kesihatan. Habis cerita.
