
Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Muhyiddin, how despicable can you be?


A Disgraceful PM – Despite First Death From Coronavirus, Muhyiddin Discriminated Opposition States From A Covid-19 Meeting.

In his first address to the nation after sworn in as the 8th Prime Minister, Muhyiddin Yassin said – “I am a brother to the Malays, the Chinese, the Indians, the Sikhs, the Ibans, the Kadazans, the Dusun, the Murut and those of various ethnicities. I am your prime minister. Even if you are a farmer, a fisherman, a trader, a civil servant or a private sector employer, I am your prime minister.”

Mr. Muhyiddin, arguably the first prime minister of a backdoor government, made that pledge on March 2, 2002. Less than 3 weeks later today (March 17), the 72-year-old prime minister, who was a pancreatic cancer patient, has shown his true colour. He is definitely not a statesman who deserves respect, despite his 40 years of experience in politics and government.

In spite of the horror first death registered in Malaysia today from the Coronavirus pandemic, PM Muhyiddin has chosen to play UMNO’s trademark cheap politics when he chaired a special National Action Council meeting with all the chief ministers – except those from the states controlled by opposition Pakatan Harapan, namely Selangor, Kedah, Negri Sembilan, Penang and Sabah.

No matter what could be his excuses or grudges, in times of crisis and as a leader of a country, Muhyiddin should work together with rivals to combat a common enemy – Coronavirus. After all, the 5 states under the leadership of opposition parties contribute to 40% of the infection cases. Was the premier trying to say that people under those 5 states are not the citizens of Malaysia?

Perhaps Muhyiddin can learn from the United States. Despite fierce political rivalries between the Republican and Democratic, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and President Donald Trump managed to strike a deal on an economic stimulus package to address the Coronavirus, providing paid sick leave for workers and pumping billions of dollars to states for food programs and unemployment benefits.

That’s what mature politics is all about – putting public interest, namely the Americans, before everything else. But as far as Muhyiddin’s policy is concerned, the public interest is divided into two groups – those who support him will be taken care of while those who criticize him will be punished and ignored completely. For Muhyiddin, you’re either with him, or against him.

The prime minister of the backdoor Perikatan Nasional coalition government appeared to be clueless about the importance of bipartisan politics in times of a crisis. The way he deliberately left out the chief ministers of the 5 opposition states in a critical meeting to streamline a nationwide lockdown exercise is not only irresponsible, but also illustrates his despicable behaviour.

In the same breath, Muhyiddin has shown clear disrespect for Sultans of head of states of Selangor, Kedah, Negri Sembilan, Penang and Sabah. That’s because the premier has treated the people of those states as if they were second-class citizens or pariah who did not deserve the attention from the federal government. Did not the people of the 5 states also pay taxes?

Yes, the country has just reported its first two deaths from the Coronavirus pandemic on Tuesday (March 17) and the confirmed cases has reached 673. Yet, PM Muhyiddin whose government is barely 1-month-old has shown arrogance – even vengeance – after opposition Pakatan Harapan leaders blamed the rise in the pathogen cases on the incompetency of Muhyiddin administration.

The first victim of the infectious virus was a 60-year-old pastor from the Emmanuel Baptist Church in state capital Kuching, Sarawak. The second victim was a 34-year-old man from Johor who had attended a mass religious gathering by the “Tabligh” missionary group held at a Sri Petaling mosque – Masjid Jamek – in Kuala Lumpur from February 28 and March 1.

Apparently the massive gathering, which was attended by an estimated 16,000 people, has transformed the country as the epicentre of the Coronavirus when more than half of the infection cases have been traced to the event. Thanks to the religious programme, Malaysia has the highest tally of infections in South-east Asia, forcing Muhyiddin to declare a lockdown.

Perhaps the disgraced Muhyiddin wanted the outbreak to spread beyond control in the targeted 5 states so that opposition Pakatan Harapan would lose in the next general election. Heck, even the disgraced former PM Najib Razak said that everyone should be united and no state should be discriminated due to their pro-government or pro-opposition political alignment.

Amusingly, after public backlash against Muhyiddin’s childish and cheap politics, Chief Secretary to the Government Mohd Zuki Ali suddenly came forward and apologised for not inviting the Chief Ministers of the 5 state governments under opposition Pakatan Harapan to the top-level meeting. Mr. Zuki insisted that it was his mistake, and not the prime minister.

Seriously? As the Chief Secretary to the Government, who has served the civil service for 28 years, what were the chances that Zuki could make such a silly mistake? We’re talking about a man who had previously served in the Finance, Education, Home and Natural Resources and Environment Ministries, not to mention previously attached to Istana Negara (Palace).

If indeed Mohd Zuki Ali could do such a sloppy job, he should either resign or be fired. It would be more believable if he had accidentally missed out some of the chief ministers of the opposition states. To miss out all the 5 Chief Ministers means there was a clear instruction to exclude all the opposition states of Selangor, Kedah, Negri Sembilan, Penang and Sabah from the meeting.

Besides, the Chief Secretary to the Government is the most senior officer in the Malaysian Civil Service. He is secretary to the Cabinet of Malaysia and is also the secretary-general of the Prime Minister’s Department. He would consult his boss – PM Muhyiddin – before finalizing the attendance list and sends out invitations. He acts on behalf of the prime minister.

To say that the Chief Secretary to the Government has acted without the knowledge of the Prime Minister means he was either plotting against PM Muhyiddin or was a traitor to the country and Agong (King). Either way, he should be investigated and sacked. Obviously, his apology was a drama to fool the people that the prime minister was not involved and therefore, not to be blamed.

The Chief Secretary has been made a scapegoat to shield the backdoor government of Muhyiddin Yassin. Get real, if Muhyiddin, who pronounced Covid-19 as “Kobis-19”, could backstab and betray his former boss Mahathir Mohamad without blinking an eye, do you really think he would not dare give an instruction to exclude 5 Chief Ministers from the opposition camp in a meeting?


  1. Whether Muhyiddin's government is backdoor or not has nothing to do with what His Majesty decided.

    What the Agong did when he "determined" that Muhyiddin was likely to command the support of the majority in parliament was constitutionally correct. His Majesty was presented with the problem by the traitors and what He did was legally proper.

    However, what happened in the months and days preceding that, the secret meetings between UMNO-Bersatu-PAS-Azmin, the backroom plotting, denials etc, culminating in the Sheraton Move was treason. That is why this government is backdoor. Nothing to do with the Agong.

  2. Well,Mr Moo should think like a moo moo.Moo moo's think like moo moos.So be it.At least we know who he is.A moo moo.

  3. It is impossible to believe "Backdoor" Moo did not notice that 5 states Menteri Besar and Chief Ministers were not in the meeting.

  4. The PN supporters got what they desperately wanted - power and position to govern. Now please govern. But they have not made a single noteworthy move yet.

    The Movement Control Order is turning out to be a disaster. Mass Balik Kampung last night. COV19 clusters will now pop up nationwide.

    When Wuhan implemented lockdown, it was 100%. All public transport stopped and roads leading out were closed except for essential goods. Airports, busses and trains all stopped/closed.

    However in Malaysia the Jaga Kereta Minister Wee KHAT Siong (was he even invited to the meeting?) said and did nothing, not even a poop or peep. No direction given. He wants to count how many fights into KLIA have been cancelled, what an incompetent idiot, even if he has a PhD in Transport. He should have closed all public transport and got the Home Ministry to restrict movement out of the city.

    Wee KHAT Siong and Wee Jerk Seng make up the 2% of the Malay-Muslim cabinet, supposedly to represent the Chinese. Both Johorians. But they have done nothing to help 300k Malaysians (mostly Chinese if you are racially inclined) are in danger of not being able to go to work in Singapore. Many may lose their jobs as the Singapore economy contracts.

    Tens of thousands of Malaysian students live in Johor but study in Singapore. What happens to them? Wee KHAT Siong, you were so critical of your fellow Johorian Nie Ching before now you are in charge, what can you do to help these students?

  5. PN - Reap What You Sow. The rakyat in GE14 told you to be a good opposition but you wanted to be government so badly, now you got it. Please govern.

    Other countries are writing blank checks, handing out free money, guaranteeing loans to small businesses, 1 trillion stimulus, 20% unemployment forecast.

    But here PN starts a COV19 Tin-Milo fund and puts in starter donation of RM1 million. What a Joke. Trying to duplicate the Tabung Harapan which reached 200 million. Ask Malaysians to donate, Malaysians who may soon lose their jobs....

    PAS can start by donating all their Mercedes in Kelantan.
    Jibby and Rosmah can donate all their jewelry and Birkins
    Ku Nan can donate some pocket money.
    PN MPs can donate all their salaries and allowances, since they have other jobs or incomes

    The new FM is a banker - there is no way he can manage or control the political pulls from all quarters for the limited funds. His wish for no political interference is naive and dumb: The FM is the most political minister of all. And the Minister in charge of Economy Tok Pa is from PAS-Kelantan. That makes it worse.

    This will result in Malay-Muslims getting the most assistance, the nons will suffer. The anger will grow.

  6. Mihyiddin is getting rave reviews for "acting decisively" to contain the Coronavirus epidemic....😋😋😋hahaha

  7. They are all despicable: Muhyiddin, Jibby, Zahid, Ku Nan...

    I am sure KT will not find this news interesting...but I have a better suggestion than Jibby....he is asking the rakyat, many of whom will be losing their jobs, to dig into their EPF retirement savings when he and Rosmah sat on tons and tons of jewelry, Birkins and cash which they did not declare or pay tax on...

    Jibby suggests EPF allows contributors to withdraw from their Account 2. Mind boggling.

    Jibby did not declare or pay income tax. Now kena sued by LDHN. Please pay up Jibby, and donate to the COV19 fund. And plead guilty to all the charges, then the US will return many billions more from the recovered 1MDB funds stolen by "everyone else but me".

    RM1.69 billion tax suit against Najib could be country’s biggest, says lawyer

    PETALING JAYA: The civil suit filed against former prime minister Najib Razak by the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) to recover RM1.69 billion in additional taxes is probably the largest imposed against an individual in the country, a lawyer says.

    “These arrears in tax against an individual are very likely the largest, although companies have also been asked to pay to the tune of billions,” said tax and customs law practitioner S Saravana Kumar.

    LHDN filed the suit on June 25, asking Najib to pay RM1,692,872,924.83 allegedly owed between 2011 and 2017.

  8. How incompetent can this PN government be?

    Movement Control Order is supposed to restrict movement but universities and colleges ask all students to balik kampung - what NONSENSE.

    Senior Minister of Education Jidin is an academic, forensic auditor, there is no way he can manage this crisis. Deputy Education Minister Mah Hang Soong of MCA, what happened to your TARUC students? Did the MCA university ask all students to go home too, and spread the virus?

    And not a poop or peep from the Higher Education Minister Noraini. No Eye Dear.

  9. UK promises 330 billion pounds to support businesses....
    France has "declared war on the virus", promises 50 billion dollars....
    US government stimulus 1 trillion dollars...

    PN government only "implementing" the RM20 billion package that was put together by the Harapan government, Guanee in particular, while Muhyiddin and Azmin were busy plotting a coup de etat.

    After the coup the only initiative by PN is to start a Tin Milo Kosong donation drive, with 1 million startup donation, asking poor Malaysians to chip in. Meanwhile thousands of B40 workers will lose their jobs and thousands of SMEs will go bankrupt.

    MAS will run out of cash by mid-year. What is Wee KHAT Siong going to do about this?

    When will the Health Ministry appropriate critical equipment from the private sector? Or at the very least integrate them into the impending crisis management? Private hospitals and clinics have much more equipment and resources than the public hospitals and clinics. Health Minister so quiet? Totally lost.
