
Monday, March 09, 2020

Moo-Moo and his cabinet

No DPM - perhaps held in abeyance for (a) Mukhriz, (b) Ahmad Zahid, or (c) Pak Haji Hadi when the cooling down has been achieved, wakakaka.

But Semburit Bum-Boy is in the new cabinet - alas, Muhyiddin still needs his numbers.

My fave Rina Harun (wakakaka) is the new Women, Family and Community Development Minister - phew, thank goodness she hasn't been made the Sports Minister and to perform the 100 metres sprint.

The Kipas Menteri of previous government has been made Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Special Functions), where Moo-Moo no doubt will keep a beady eye on this bloke.

MCA and MIC have the traditional ministries respectively - Transport and Human Resources.

And KJ has been made Science and Technology Minister.

Somehow, Muhyiddin left out two of the brightest Malaysians, not-Chinese Lim GE and un-Chinese Tony Pua - hmmm, maybe in the next round?

The rest aren't bloody interesting at all, wakakaka.


  1. I'm going to be a contrarian (as far as "Non" Malaysians go)
    This Cabinet is actually not too bad, it may actually get the job done. Doesn't matter what color is the cat, if it can catch mice.

    However, the current macro-economic situation facing Malaysia is Very Ugly.

    These guys may not deliver, but the Malayoo are much, much, more willing to give them leeway.

  2. Melayoo first Cabinet... the Race and Religion types are having orgasms.

  3. Mr Wee Ka Siong got his money's worth for bodeking.Good for him.

  4. For the time being Ms Semburit can stay in the capital.At least no need to spread legs for a living.Only for lust and pleasure.

  5. can tis new govt pn now telling us they need more time to solve the shit left by bn n ph?

  6. According to one comment in M'siakini....about the new Finance Minister formerly of CIMB Chief, Tengku Zafrul Tengku Abd Aziz :

    "Zafrul Tengku Abdul Aziz as Finance Minister? Are you joking Muhyiddin???

    Isn't this the same Zafrul, the CEO of CIMB Bank, who closed both eyes and kept quiet as the very same bank received and paid out stolen 1MDB money to corrupt kleptocrats?

    Isn't this the same Zafrul who is good buddies with Nazir Razak and was hand-picked by Nazir himself as puppet CEO after Nazir had to step down following the 1MDB probe?

    Isn't this the same Zafrul who was chosen because he takes instructions from Nazir Razak, the brother of MO1 Najib, so that Nazir can remote control CIMB even when he's no longer there on paper?

    Isn't this the same Zafrul who is the good friend of 1MDB fugitive Jho Low, the very person who stole the rakyat's money through 1MDB? In fact, aren't they still talking on the phone every other day?

    WTF Muhyiddin? You are basically appointing a puppet of Nazir Razak, brother of MO1 Najib Razak, to be in charge of our money! Talk about asking a monkey to guard a banana. Where is the justice in that? Now that we know who Zafrul is, an actual monkey might just do a better job in keeping our coffers safe.

    So internally Muhyiddin has appointed the coffee boy of Nazri Razak and MO1 Najib. Most likely to wipe the 1MDB financial records slate clean and move on to 1MDB version 2 and 3 and 4.

    Externally, Muhyiddin has appointed the cousin of MO1 Najib as Foreign Affairs Minister. Most likely to decide where to park the billions due back to us from the US and Goldman Sachs, and continue the spending on Berkin handbags, pink diamonds, etc that we the rakyat had put a stop after GE14.

    Muhyiddin, just resign lah. After seeing your chosen Finance Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister, no one will object if you hand in your resignation letter tomorrow."

    1. Bhai...22 months in power and what kind of witnesses brought forth by AG? Not even 2nd grade...3rd grade oso can argue...and the bungalow and tunnel...chaittt

  7. Azmin's Kartel did exceptionally well in Cabinet appointments.
    Almost all appointed to cushy jobs, including the rich Christian Tamby now "associate" member of Bersatu.

  8. Several names which was listed in Mahathir's 115 supporters are now appearing in the new cabinet line-up. Hoo hoo...habis la for PH,..MooMoo for all his slow-loris-inertia did move fast enough to hook in these frogs to give an offer/s they simply can't refuse. MooMoo for sure will sail through the parliament testing in May, and meanwhile he will set out more fishing lines to ensure his majority is not so wafer thin.

    Soon we will see Madey coming back to Umno after "much persuasion" as Senior Mentor of PN in the name of Malay Unity. His coup is actually quite a success, albeit a bit of a drama erupted when he was thwarted in his bid to be PM8. Now we all know why he uttered nary a word about the tikam belakang activities of could he when that BumBoy was his very own handpicked henchman.

  9. Why Azmin appointed as senior minister?...This guy got many baggage behind his back which still not cleared. This going to cause this temporary govt when comes to GE or even earlier than that during parliament sitting.
    This new gov won't last.

  10. 60 years of shit is quite a different pile from a shit pot of only 21 months PN will not be screaming about needing more time to clear the shit left behind. In fact, PN will dive eagerly back into the 60 years of shit pile where most the manure are quite intact due to the recalcitrant old fox. To clear the 21 months is a simple matter of hiding the red files again or burn off all the red files hidden by Jibby, ensure all the charges are dropped against most of the Umno big wigs ( although it might tread a bit more softly where the Chief Pirate and wifey are concerned since the trial had gone on quite a bit ), reverse all tolls decisions, ensure student loans remain unpaid since they will be its next big voters' bank, and just reverse the decision for MPs to declare their assets ( such a pity Ku Nan missed it by a mile..his almost 1 billion assets sudah di bongkar, hehe )...what else..mmm...khat will be made compulsory ? what a nice rollicking time we will be facing the Chinese said...may you live in interesting time, hehe

  11. Disappointed Moo Moo named 70 people yet my name isn't there. Hmmn
