
Monday, March 30, 2020

Matthias Chang: Why Tun M has lost all his credibility


Matthias Chang Reveals Mahathir’s Political Blunder And “Grave Mistake”

Dear Good People (MP),

For Khairuddin Abu Hassan, my cellmate in Sungai Buloh prison, to be the corner man for Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is most revealing. Ugly truth, spoken and written plainly and bluntly hurts.

But TRUTH must be told. Many have complained to me about the filthy state of affairs and to do something about it but they have have no platform. So, I am their voice. This is democracy at its best.

But, unfortunately, Khairuddin lacks the intellectual honesty to face head on, the issues raised with rational and objective analysis. Pure rant. Pathetic!

In summary, Khairuddin’s rant reflects his infantile mind set that Tun M who had apologise for collapsing the PH government by the miscalculation of resigning is UNTOUCHABLE.


Matthias Chang: I Tried To Warn Mahathir About Kit Siang And Guan Eng

When someone apologises, as Tun has done for his resignation and the subsequent mess, it is an admission of a grave mistake. It was a public admission!

If as Khairuddin says, my experience in politics is nothing compared to Tun’s experience, I have no quarrel with the statement. But to commit such a ghastly blunder by such an experienced politician is not something to be defended. God forbid.

It is sad that Khairuddin did not and or could not advise Tun not to commit the errors giving rise to the mess which the entire country had to suffer. If truth be told, Khairuddin is also part of the mess. He was up to his eyeballs in this cesspool of political mess. An ARSEHOLE.

Khairuddin must have been an honourable man to offer himself as a candidate in the constituency of Jasin. He was never the less rejected. Now he has all the time to waffle on pseudo politics. A pity.

The election court dismissed an election petition by Pakatan Harapan GE14 candidate for Jasin constituency Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan against Jasin Member of Parliament Datuk Seri Ahmad Hamzah

Unfortunately, he has left behind the principles of being truthful to power in the proverbial dumpster. It is such people, like Khairuddin who is doing a disservice to the country and to Tun for not speaking the ugly truth to power.

Had Khairuddin bothered to “go to the ground” he would have discovered that people are disgusted with the state of affairs, the political flip flops, leading to the current mess. It on public record.

So, be wary of the sinister man waving the false flag of loyalty. Such loyalty is bogus and an insult. Only fools would fall for such theatrics.

My advice to Khairuddin is that he better read every word published on the reasons given by Tun M why he had to resigned inter alia, that he wanted to keep his promise to the power hungry Anwar (“obsessed to be PM) because of the alleged pressures from his colleagues. Then days later, the flip flop that Anwar wanted to be DPM and more flip flops that Anwar is not fit to be PM etc. Holy smoke!!! From an experienced politician?

Khairuddin should explain as the corner man for Tun, why the pretense and WAYANG KULIT for nearly two years that Tun and Anwar were buddies but simultaneously sharpening their swords to destroy each other for power. For sure, I refuse to indulge in such filthy politics and for sure I will turn my back on such sordid politics.

This kind of trash is not the experience that any decent and honest person would like to have. Period!

Then another flip flop – the unbecoming and uncouth attack on the decision of none other than the AGONG for appointing Tan Sri Muhyiddin as PM. But, ironically Tun accepted the AGONG’s decision that he be appointed as Interim PM.

Even a school boy would laugh or snigger that if one has vehemently resigned as a matter of principle and agreed as a matter of principle to be ONLY A INTERIM PM, how can anyone flip and flop and demand an audience with the AGONG for the sole purpose of convincing the AGONG that he NOW WANTS TO BE PM AGAIN. This is new Bollywood theatre!

This goes to the root as to why Tun M has lost all his credibility. It was a rather painful sight to behold and I had said it many times. Fell on deaf ears.

Adding insult to injury, Tun echoing the PH chorus, vehemently vilified Agong’s appointment of Muyhiddin and his government as a “Backdoor Government”. But, all the 222 MPs were interviewed by the AGONG and expressly agreed to be bound by any decision of the AGONG. This is on public record.
It is also seditious!!!

And an incitement to disrespect the Agong and to bring the august office of His Majesty to ridicule. And the AGONG was acting within the powers conferred by the Constitution. Till today, Tun has not revealed or clarified why he has not advised the AGONG to dissolve Parliament under article 55(2) of the Constitution or prorogue parliament as advised by me to resolve the mess.

Rais Hussin (Bersatu strategist)

Bersatu leader drops bombshell; says Pakatan will lose GE15 if held in near future

Why? Khairuddin, for God’s sake, please enlighten us before you let go another misdirected slingshot to a wrong target. OOOPS!

My final advice and warning to Khairuddin. Stop your arsehole infantile defence of Tun M as it will back fire on Tun. Guaranteed!

Why focus so much attention to a “inexperienced nobody”? Not clever. Checkmate yourself in one move. What kind of chess are you playing??? Backdoor chess??

Khairuddin says, Tun is a former PM and a politician par excellence. Surely Tun M does not need a fly to battle on his behalf against a nobody. Wrong chess move again, buddy. You are in fact digging the “political grave” for Tun.

And be assured, Tun’s enemies would be laughing at this WAYANG KULIT. How stupid for such an experienced politician as Khairuddin, to get involved in this kind of slug fest. I suppose Khairuddin needs an ego boost, the man who took on MATTHIAS, the nobody!

Khairuddin, don’t try to be a champion. If Tun wants to blast me in my face, all he needed to do is to message me via our agreed conduit to face him in person as he has often said to me, “better to talk face to face than over the phone”. He has my mobile number as well.


Your infantile mumbo jumbo is not even a pin prick. But, I will say ouch, just to satisfy your misplaced ego.



  1. Matthias Chang,this dude has always been a water carrier and a di-ckhead.The bodek kaki types.He will be a good partner for Miss Semburit.

  2. mahathir got credibility? dun make me laugh la.
