
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Mahathir soon to be Chair of PRIBUMI - consequences?

Let me start off with a brief extract from RPK's article, as follows:

..... they keep repeating the mantra that the Perikatan Nasional government is a backdoor government. They know this is not true but it makes them feel good and offers them comfort by saying so.

To give them hope, in living up to the name Harapan, and to avoid from committing suicide, they tell themselves that on 18th May 2020 they are going to be back in power. If they do not do this, and if they lose hope, they would slash their wrists to end their misery of no longer being in power.

What they cannot accept, and which is eating away inside them like maggots in a month-old corpse, is that fact that their downfall is due to their own stupidity. They thought by attacking Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in that presidential council meeting they could force his resignation and replace him with Anwar Ibrahim. They never imagined in a million years that Mahathir would resign and bring down the Pakatan Harapan government together with him.

Uncle, I'll hold the fort until you come over to PN as its head
Good lad, and watch out for that mob - some will want to 'love' you 

To add insult to injury, they were forced to crawl on their hands and knees and beg Mahathir to withdraw his resignation and continue as prime minister until he breathes his last breath. But before Mahathir could say yes, Muhyiddin Yassin stole the march by getting sworn in as Malaysia’s eighth prime minister.

A disaster had now turned into a catastrophe and Pakatan Harapan cursed the day they were born. But it was too late. The rice had turned to porridge and there was no way you can turn it back into padi.

Wakakaka, okay, RPK has a tendency to twist the knife in after stabbing Harapan's backside (not backdoor government), but stripping away his exaggerated sneers at Harapan and supporters, it's true that Harapan's downfall has been due to the party's own stupidity.

Mahathir's unexpected but deliberate 'resignation' as both PM and PPBM's Chair caused the Harapan government to collapse because with his abrupt departure from the Harapan's apex (temporarily, as we were to soon discover) allowed nifty shifty dirty footwork by Ms Semburit who was waiting for the 'correct' moment, though we knew all along he she it had been 'waiting, waiting and waiting' for a long long long while to get the better of Anwar Ibrahim.

Don't be a gullible guppy to believe Mahathir didn't know all that - t'was a lovely opportunity to get rid of his Harapan's obligation to hand over power to Anwar (which he has no intention of doing right from Day 1), and to re-unite with his all-Melayu UMNO Baru (and eff DAP and Anwar's non-pribumi PKR), though preferably without his bĂȘtes noires, Najib and Zahid. His only slip was that Muhyiddin moved faster and daringly than he had imagined Moo-Moo was capable of doing, wakakaka.

But Muhyiddin has already been reaching out to the Mafulat Mahafiraun, knowing he himself lacks the devious cunning to handle a now-aggressive UMNO in PN.

PPBM will soon be holding its party elections - guess what? Mahathir is the ONLY candidate for the party's Chairperson, whilst Mukhriz is challenging Moo-Moo for the presidency, wakakaka. Muhyiddin has left the Chairman's post uncontested for the Old Devil.

It doesn't matter whether Moo-Moo wins or lose the party's presidency, because Mahafiraun will definitely re-assume the seat of PPBM's Chairman.

The questions we have to ask in that sure-soon-to-be scenario are:

(a) with Mahathir as PPBM Chairman, will the all-pribumi (all-Melayu) party remains as the so-called core of the Perikatan Nasional (PN) government, with naturally Mahathir back as PM (of PN) - I am not sure of the correct denomination by now (still 8th or 9th or WTF ... wakakaka).

Mahathir will undeniably use that pending position to "suck" as many UMNO MPs away from the Najib-Zahid faction into his PPBM (or UMNO Baru-er), assuming his UMNO bĂȘtes noires allow him to do so - wonder who has the 'deeper' pockets, wakakaka.

Yes, will the current PN accept Mahathir as its head? If the major component parties in PN, UMNO and PAS, refuse to accept Mahathir as their new boss, then a general election has to be held (after approval by the Agong).

(b) will Mahathir pull his PPBM (inclusive of Ms Semburit, a 'pure Aryan' member by now) out of PN to rejoin Harapan, and back to not only happy days but 'happier' days, because with such a move, he'll eff his obligation to hand over to Anwar.

But will the DAP and/or PKR fall in line with such a possible move by Mahathir? Will they have the guts, gonads and gulis to tell Mahathir, "Eff Off"?

hooray, Atuk is back
dei Guan Eng, remember, you told Khalid that you were quite ready to give up the FM post


  1. y ph is stupid when they dare to tell mahathir to get lost? not everyone is running dog n parasite, backdoor is backdoor no matter how one twist it or who spin it.

    kt is okay with liar n now okay with backdoor govt, not that diff with lge.

  2. Rpuki tells lies like he breath in air...without telling lies, he won't be able to live.

    He knows full well that Mamak Anaconda had plotted and planned for this day almost right on Day 1. Talking as though he was pushed to resign..what a hoot. Timing is everything and Old Man sure knows how to time his resignation.

    But padan muka la...his dedak master Jibby the Klepto won't get off the hook...the trial is not abandoned...karma is a hot bitch coming now panting for Bossku, hehehehe

    And timing is so right for PN...the moment they took over, oil plummeted to 30-ish and going down, Covid19 goes on overdrive, ringgit going down, down and down, and best of all, DAP is not around to get the blame...silver lining ? wakakaka

  3. People like Rpuki and his disciple absolutely have zilch regards for ethics or anything remotely decent.

    The constitution does say the person whom the Agong determines to command confidence of Parliament becomes PM. There doesn't seemed to be any guidelines or criteria of selection, just a subjective "one who commands confidence ". One would think the easiest way is to refer to a vote of confidence in Parliament where protocols are already in place to establish quorum and counting votes. Any other mechanism such as one used recently is open to suspicion of motives and hidden agenda.

    So could one just merely by reconfiguration and re-grouping, and by bypassing the rakyat, anyone with sufficiently deep pockets and machiavellian overwhelming ambition, a new government can be formed any time ?

    Ya, not surprising Rpuki now comes crowing from his pathetic Manchester coffee shop to insist how front door entry this PN gomen is. Nothing less is expected from that Mabuk Liar.

  4. Rpuki has been caught peddling fake news so many times, I am very surprised there are still people who distribute what he writes as credible.

    Like the fake news about Lim Guan Emg's son's arrest in Singapore.

    Rpuki keeps being exposed as a liar, and Ktemoc keeps treating him as credible.


    1. Looks like Rpuki just won't give up. He now tweets :

      "Sources in Bukit Aman say the story regarding Lim Guan Eng's son getting arrested smuggling US$2 million into Singapore is NOT fake news and that the reason the IGP said so is because he retiring in May and DAP-friendly towkays have promised him a job in the private sector."

      Chibai Rpuki is still peddling his puke quoting his imaginary sources, hahahahaha
