
Sunday, March 01, 2020

Goodbye Azumu - Just Eff Off

FMT - Perak MB wants to form new govt with Umno, PAS:

Ahmad Faizal Azumu says he is seeking an audience with the Sultan of Perak today 

KUALA LUMPUR: Ahmad Faizal Azumu says he has enough support to remain as Perak’s menteri besar and will set up a new government with Umno and PAS.

He said he wants to meet with Sultan of Perak Sultan Nazrin Muizzuddin Shah today to inform him of the latest developments in the state government following the formation of a new government in Putrajaya under the leadership of Muhyiddin Yassin.

Azumu was originally from UMNO, frogged across to join PRIBUMI to follow Atuk.

He became MB Perak in 2018 by fiat of Atuk even though PRIBUMI only won 1 single seat in Perak. That showed the power of Mahathir and the uselessness of Lim KHAT Siang, considering DAP won 18, Amanah 6 and PKR 4.

His already dodgy loyalty to Pakatan was exposed during the Tanjung Piai pre by-election campaign, when he revealed to his PRIBUMI mates (not aware he was secretly taped) that as Pakatan MB in Perak he battled regularly with his own Pakatan colleagues the DAP, but "fortunately" with the support of the Perak Opposition, his ex mates from UMNO - thus was proven that he was a treacherous traitor right from the start.

Thus why should we be surprised, shocked or even angry that he has chosen to rapidly "move" his allegiance back to UMNO when his heart has been ALWAYS with UMNO.

Besides he's a PRIBUMI member and we know that in reality all PRIBUMI blokes (except for naive innocent virgins like Syed Saddiq) have always been UMNO people.

Don't waste venting your anger or time on him. Let him return to UMNO.


  1. Well,the corrupted,mildly corrupt and soon to be very corrupted are now back in power.Now Ms Semburit aka traitor Azmin do not need to spread her legs in Semburit in the near future anymore.Maybe in six stars hotel in the capital?Of course only for pleasures and freebies only.

  2. Democrats are willing to pay the low cost flight for Donald Trump to come rape these traitors.He will humped them kow kow.Miss Semburit will have to have her pussy stitch by the vet,after the Donald have done with her.

    1. wakakaka, matey, you are off your normal scale, but like you, I'm pissed off with Ms Semburit on principles, because of 'her' seditious treachery to 'her' own party and own party boss (and supposedly good friend)

    2. Lee Kuan Yew prediction on Malaysian politics :

      In his book One Man's View of The World, he wrote...

      " Malaysia is unlikely to change. Even if it succeeds, everything will only return to the original point, because the issue of racial conflict cannot be resolved. Even if the opposition party is in power and wants to overthrow the original policy of favoring indigenous people and promote the new Malaysia Malaysians, that accounts for the population, a higher proportion of the Malays will be incited by the opposition to racial sentiment to teach the government with votes. In the end, they will only last at most one general election, and they will have to pay a heavy political price. Moreover, I see that these various opposition parties ( Pakatan ) are allied just because they want to seize power. In general they do not have clear direction on how to lead and manage the country.."

      So in just about 2 years into this so-called New Malaysia, we see the tikam belakang at its "best". Backstabbing (betrayal) is part and parcel of the Malay political culture. That trio Razak, Mahathir and Harun betrayed Tunku, Hussein Onn was betrayed by Mahathir, Badawi was betrayed by Mahathir, Najib betrayed everyone and in turn betrayed by Muhyiddin who now betrayed Mahathir with Azmin playing a huge role, who betrayed Anwar, the latter who had turned his back on the Islamist when he opted to join Umno at the irresistible lure from Mahathir.

      Behind this Muhyiddin cum Azmin coup, is that glowering dark force of the Deep State of senior government officials former and current, the senior judges former and current, the yellow robes, the former IGPs and top police seniors....all quietly watching this past 2 years and been in cahoots since almost day one when they lost their Ketuanan power, or what they perceived as having lost. Even without Mahathir as the odd man out in this coalition, Lee Kuan Yew had put his finger so accurately on the spot.

    3. if u do read some chinese language forum, even those kids know better. the only way for dap/ph to overcome this is good governance n result. the problem is dap really lack talented technocrats, n not dare to reform the govt structure n culture, they leave this to mahathir, but mahathir strength is politicking, mahathir is never a reformist, n i think he is too old, both age n mindset. the coup would not that easy if the politicians know the rakyat is firmly behind ph, but fact is most r actually tired n lose heart.

      my point is be it malay chinese or whoever, good result is the ultimate judgement, which ph fail miserably.
