
Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Don't play play with Covid-19

Malaysiakini (extracts only):

Pastor, 60, and tabligh event attendee, 34, succumb to Covid-19

CORONAVIRUS | Malaysia has recorded its first two deaths due to the Covid-19 virus outbreak.

Health Minister Dr Adham Baba identified one victim as "Patient 178", age 34, who attended a religious event in Kuala Lumpur earlier this month.

This patient displayed symptoms on March 5 and was treated at a hospital in Johor Bahru. He was placed under intensive care on March 12.

Adham said there was no comorbidity factor in the death of "Patient 178".

"Comorbidity means other illnesses... He died purely due to Covid-19. No (other illnesses)," he added.

The Tabligh group held a mass gathering at Masjid Jamek Sri Petaling on the outskirts of Kuala Lumpur between Feb 27 and March 1, involving some 16,000 people 

The other victim was identified as "Patient 358", which the Sarawak Health Department said was a pastor based in Kuching.

According to Adham, "Patient 358" started showing symptoms on March 7 and began treatment at the Sarawak general hospital on March 14.

He said "Patient 358" has a prior heart ailment.

Separately, the Sarawak Health Department said the pastor, 60, passed away at 11am.

The Health Department is still attempting to identify the source of the pastor's infection

Don't play play, as we see in the tragic case of Patient 178. Unlike the other death, of an old man with heart problems, Patient 178 was ONLY a sprightly young 34 years old, with no comorbidity factor in his death, meaning he died purely due to Covid-19. He had no other illness.


  1. Today KT says don't play play with COV19. But just a few weeks ago he wanted a General Election. Why? Read his hilarious and rubbish "5 advantages of having a GE" below:

    KT's QUOTE
    Why I prefer a new general election

    IMHO, the best option will be to dissolve parliament and hold a fresh general election.

    The 1st advantage will be getting rid of 'Old Man of the Sea' Mahathir and his racist Parti Pribumi once and for all, wakakaka, as they will likely be wiped out a la Tanjung Piai. Mahathir with his 1980-1990 mentality has been a horrible millstone around Malaysia's neck.

    TS QUOTE: Note KT's HATRED for Toonsie stands out clearly in this statement, but he still denies it....ha ha ha put on your clothes KT

    The 2nd advantage will be a second chance for the Malaysian voters to vote on facts, clinical assessment without the emotional hatred aroused, fake news from both sides, and rubbery manifesto promised in GE14.

    TS QUOTE: KT please don't patronise Malaysian voters. We got it right the first time, in GE14. We were not stupid. We were not fooled. Emotional hatred? Look in the mirror please, note my comment on your 1st advantage

    The 3rd advantage will likely be a less unstable government formed after GE15, whoever the winner may be, and thus more effective and efficient in its output.

    TS QUOTE: So KT is saying if they win PAS-UMNO-GPS-MCA-MIC will be a better government than PKR-DAP-AMANAH? OK now they are in power. Let's see shall we?

    The 4th advantage will likely see, regardless of who is the winner, a return of the more practical GST instead of a dodgy (full-of-loopholes) SST.

    TS QUOTE: Simply mind boggling. Reckless. When KT made this silly statement thousands of people had already died in Wuhan, and all he is interested is to re-introduce his beloved GST. Well now PN is in power they can introduce it, go ahead.

    The 5th advantage will likely see post-election a lessening of the current very racial rants and insinuations pumping out of racist political parties.

    TS QUOTE: Don't talk rubbish. Racial rants won't go away just because we have an election. Racial rants come from Race based parties. Get rid of them and you will reduce racial rants.

    1. was Covid-19 then that bad? don't cakap ayam lah, wakakaka

    2. "Was Covid19 then that bad?"

      That's exactly the thinking of the organizer of the mass gathering of the Tabligh prayer too. Podah la
