
Saturday, March 28, 2020

Donald Trump, Xi Jinping, & Covid-19

A poster I obtained from a FB matey's page to share with you - too bloody good to just pass by, wakakaka.

Enjoy! 😂😂😂


  1. chinese virus politically incorrect, the precise term is wuhan virus or ccp virus.

    1. This wasp kneeling mfer is still up in his demoncratic cloud!

      Time will come to him, as the Chinese (the real one) know so well through their long history!

    2. the whole world hear clearly the poor wuhan inhabitants cry out "its all fake"

    3. what makes you think so, considering you're anti mainland and very pro taiwan? wakakaka

  2. what i wrote is mostly base on news reporting with logical inference i dun simply say something refer to conspiracy written by liar like rpk.

    just curious, do u believe the virus originated from usa as claim by ccp?

    1. no, but I ma still open-minded, wakakaka

    2. typo above - *ma should be *am

    3. news reporting with logical inference



      Typical Formosa trained & painted face! Too thick le.


      Remember yr f*cked quote of the closing of the Huanan Seafood Wholesale Market (Chinese: 武汉华南海鲜批发市场) as a way to remote the contagion evidence?

      Wakakakaka… talk about know nothing about contagion prevention to fill yr f*cked conspiracy!

    4. show me the evidence wuhan virus wakaka is from usa. it is china that tell the world the virus might be from huanan market, not me or usa said that. n i am pretty sure no one can find out where the virus come from since they now close this huanan market, n a ccp dog doctor spin that wuhan virus might not originated from wuhan, so its a logical inference if one look at the series of event, meanwhile ccp narrative is either wuhan virus wakaka originated from usa, italy iran msia etc, or no point to trace the origine, the focal point is authoritarian can do much better in time of crisis.

      open minded is the best bet, neighter here nor there. in fact taiwan dpp govt is pretty open minded, they dun trust a single word from ccp wrt wuhan wirus wakaka n thats y they r relatively save n do much better to protect their people. only stupid believe in ccp liar n their running dog, the who tedros. n if han guoyu won the election, taiwan is just another italy.

    5. Mfer, what about if that question is been asked yr way - show me the evidence covid-19 virus wakakakaka is from Wuhan!

      Discovered ≠ breed/incubated (careful, mfer. Yr word play isn't up to the level of the western medias or swordsmith, wakakakaka…)

      Ooop… yr England is only kindergarten level mah!

      There r amble worldwide evidences proving NOW covid-19 DOESN'T originated from Wuhan.

      One of the latest:

      "Japanese and Taiwanese epidemiologists and pharmacologists have determined that the new coronavirus almost certainly originated in the US since that country is the only one known to have all five types – from which all others must have descended. Wuhan in China has only one of those types, rendering it in analogy as a kind of “branch” which cannot exist by itself but must have grown from a “tree”.

      Larry Romanoff's "China’s Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?" gave the scoop here :-"

      (Thanks JJ)

      Read my take sourced from the DARK WEB & George Webb's YouTube on covid-19 patient R0!

      Mfer, closing down Huanan market WAS contagion containment. Standard crime scene investigation procedure. Not contagion trace elimination. In fact, the closing helps to protect original virus traces w/o been distorted by any subsequent actions (intentionally or unintentionally). This WILL help for epidemiological investigation!

      Bloody know-nothing, shoot from the mouth mfer!

      Open mind, right! But yrs f*cked cocooning mind? It's CCP bashing any each way.

      BTW, Taiwanese epidemiologist contributes FACT to trash yr egoistic wuhan virus (台毒 favourite term of the month! But what r u? A 2ndary genuflect moron quivering under yr 蔡妹妹 who is worshipping uncle Sam).

      "taiwan dpp govt is relatively save n do much better to protect their people"

      Count on it lah!

      Wait for that 2nd wave lag & make very sure u rush back to help contributing to that 'transpatent' toll number, though it's just one figure of a placarding statistic mah.
