
Friday, March 20, 2020

Cardiologist or Lawyer Buruk? But definitely an Idiot

Sun Daily:

Cardiologist argues with police in public park, defying MCO

PETALING JAYA: A video is going viral showing police officers advising a man claiming to be a cardiologist defying the Movement Control Order (MCO).

The man who looks like he was working out at the park was approached by police who then asked him to leave the park. However, the man argued the MCO wasn’t a curfew and wanted clarification from the local council whether parks are prohibited places.

When approached by the police, the man seemed anxious asking them to maintain social distancing. The police, however, responded, “If you’re scared of being close to people, then go home.”

He was also asked by the police if he can read and told off despite being highly educated he wasn’t being as such

I saw this on FB and was really riled by this 'lawyer buruk'. The scene was in Penang, my hometown - blast!

The police were very patient with our barrack room lawyer whereas I would have arrested him after a couple of futile minutes advising him to 'balik rumah'.

Cardiologist? Wakakaka, Lawyer Buruk, yes. But more of an Idiot.


  1. being selfish has nothing to do with level of education, the diff is we know this highly educated one r truly selfish, not ignorant.

  2. Taking outdoor exercise in a park with no crowd in sight is not posing any risk for the person, or anyone else.
    He should have been allowed to continue.

  3. This man asked the this a curfew ? Nope, this is definitely NOT a curfew.

    Is this a 100% lockdown ala Hubei Province in China? Nope, it is a MCO whereby people can still go to shop for food and go to restaurants for takeaway food, and go to pharmacies for supplies and to Hospitals for any health issues.

    Advice was dished out that people should practise social distancing, staying apart by at least 1 meter apart.

    So what's the issue with this man taking a brisk walk or light jogging in a park which is deserted or sparsely occupied ? Instead of wasting time and energy finding fault when there's absolutely none at all, these 2 cops should be out there in Ayer Hitam teeming with these Hokkiens busily having sit-down dining cheek by jowl having their usual partake of their koay teow or laksa or whatever which they wouldn't dream of missing even for a single day, not even for Covid19...their motto seems to be..die die also cannot miss out on my koay teow, hehehehe

    Good of this man...stand up to these petty napoleon strutting about in their uniform trying to push their petty weight around, gesturing threateningly. Legally too, these mata mata have no leg to stand on, hihihi.

    1. if u grant one to walk in the park, then the rest thousands will want to do the same, remember its now a holiday for almost 30 million msian. the same excuse can be used in cinema, mall, bar n any public space, many want to walk in klcc park.

      years back i didnt use the pedestrian bridge, pass by a offender arguing with the police, mengapa dia orang semua tak guna jambatan police tak tangkap, the police said saya semua mahu tangkap tapi kamu nombor satu... i run forward in full speed, many behind me turn back to the jejantas.

    2. that's why I described him as selfish, self-centred (egoistic) and an arrogant lawyer-buruk

    3. There's no call for "what if-ism". On that particular day, this doctor was in the park walking briskly in an almost deserted park, not loitering or milling about in a group. Should it come to a situation when one day within this 14 days of Movement Control when the park is full of people, even this doctor himself would have avoided this park, seeing how he kept asking that show-off napoleon cop to keep his distance.

      See the actual situation for what it is. A man briskly walking in a quiet park, not even remotely endangering anyone one with virus infection since he is like 'miles' away from anyone else. Polis with Napoleon complex hanya mau caripasal.

  4. Nobody stopped Muhyiddin and Tony Fernandez from playing golf on 14.3.2020.

    Why different standards?

    1. MCO started 16 March 2020

    2. While Rome Burns Emperor Nero Plays Golf.....

      Ah yes the golf was 14.3.2020, as if Muhyiddin didn't know what was coming, the Big Announcement on Monday 16.3.2020. NSC could have convened on Saturday 13th, but no, got golf appointment on Sunday 14th. Day of Rest. But for Sheraton Coup work on Saturday, Sunday no problem.

    3. People had been waiting and waiting prior to 16th March for some decisive action by this backdoor government. By 14th March, even cow brain MooMoo would know that social distancing is critical, heck, even way BEFORE 14th, like 2 months ago ! As though the virus would start attacking right on the dot of 16th March..porrdahhh la

    4. Incorrect, actually the MCO took effect 18 March, 2020. He only made the announcement on the 16th.

      Muhyiddin then promptly broke his own MCO on the 19th when he balik Johor to visit the Sultan.

      Why nobody stopped him?

      Muhyiddin briefs Sultan of Johor on Covid-19

      March 19, 2020

      JOHOR BAHRU (March 19): Sultan of Johor Sultan Ibrahim Almarhum Sultan Iskandar today granted an audience to Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin for the latest development on COVID-19.

      In a posting on his official Facebook page, Sultan Ibrahim said that he was informed on the latest development on COVID-19 by Muhyiddin during the audience, which lasted for almost an hour.

      Sultan Ibrahim granted an audience to Muhyiddin, who is also Pagoh Member of Parliament and Gambir assemblyman at Istana Pasir Pelangi here.

      This was Muhyiddin's first audience with Sultan Ibrahim after being sworn in as the 8th Prime Minister on March 1.

      Also present were Johor Menteri Besar Datuk Ir Hasni Mohammad and Johor state secretary Datuk Azmi Rohani.
