
Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Azmin Ali has changed party membership, AGAIN

Muhyiddin has just announced Azmin Ali has joined PRIBUMI (PPBM), a status which we have long predicted and anticipated.

Azmin's amazing slithery political affiliation has been as follows:

(1) UMNO

(2) PKR


and speculating as to his future affiliation,

(4) UMNO???

Though he has been very friendly to PAS, (especially when he needed the Islamic Party's MPs and ADUNs to support him, he may not be able to join PAS as PAS is said to be out of bounds or him. Why? 


Azmin was born in Sing but lived with and was brought up by the sister of Uncle Mahathir. T'was Mahathir who recommended him to work with Anwar, who took him on as an aide.

The rest you will have to ask Haziq Abdullah Abdul Aziz. Wakakaka.


  1. Maybe it was planned like this all along.Now Mr Moo,the PM of new "Malaysia Mesti Boleh" is asking for forgiveness from Mahathir.The PM asking for forgiveness publicly in the eyes of the whole world?Of course Mahathir will say I will remain as chairman of Bersatu.And blue eyed girl Ms Semburit gets to inherit the PM'ship from Mr Moo later on.

    1. "blue eyed girl Ms Semburit" - wakakaka, that's a damn good one, matey - I have added a suffix phrase to Ms Semburit, namely, "Bum-Boy" wakakaka again coz she's a bitch not a butch

  2. Haziq Abdullah said finally it has come full circle.A very happy home coming family reunion.God father,god daughter and god uncle,Mr Moo.
