
Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Why I prefer a new general election

What will HM the Agong do after he has interviewed all 222 MPs?

According to Sin Chew Daily News via Malaysia-Today, HM asks three questions, namely:

1st: Do you still stick to the Statutory Declaration (SD) you signed before? 
2nd: Do you think Parliament should be dissolved or a new government should be formed? 
3rd: Do you choose Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, Anwar Ibrahim or Muhyiddin Yassin as the prime minister?

So, there are three options open to the Agong.

First is allow Mahathir to continue as Prime Minister uninterrupted until GE15.

Second would be to replace him with someone else.

And third would be to dissolve parliament to make way from a new general election or GE15.

PAS and UMNO have already stated they have both withdrew their support (and thus their support SDs) for Mahathir, indicating they prefer a fresh general election. These two parties have a total of 60 MPs (18 and 42) between them.

It's likely most of others like PRIBUMI Bersatu, DAP, Anwar's PKR (Anwar's of course as Azmin and Dwarfs totalling 11 have already been expelled), Amanah (26, 42, 36, 11) with 115 will want Mahathir to continue as PM.

PRIBUMI Bersatu knows it will be wipe out in a fresh general election so will cling on to the status quo for dear life.

most PRIBUMI members are frogs 

While PKR, DAP and Amanah aren't so worried, they most probably expect to lose (or even win) a few seats here and there in a new general election, so the status quo, with Mahathir as their PM, will be best for them to remain in a ruling government.

It's likely our Pakatan Harapan and most-kiasu PRIBUMI Bersatu will win in the Agong's private polling, especially when Mahathir wants to remain as PM with less obligation to Anwar Ibrahim or anyone else, and eff the PH mandate.

Bet you if Mahathir becomes the new 8th PM, Lim KHAT Siang won't have the balls to ask Atuk about fulfilment of the PH manifesto as he so bravely did today, questioning (moronically if I may again say) if the 42 BN and 18 PAS MPs would openly declare their support for Pakatan Harapan’s 14th general election (GE14) manifesto. [A most moronic question given it had been PH and not BN which issued the manifesto].

But then that's Lim KHAT Siang with his volte-face hypocritical double standards.

IMHO, the best option will be to dissolve parliament and hold a fresh general election.

The 1st advantage will be getting rid of 'Old Man of the Sea' Mahathir and his racist Parti Pribumi once and for all, wakakaka, as they will likely be wiped out a la Tanjung Piai. Mahathir with his 1980-1990 mentality has been a horrible millstone around Malaysia's neck.

The 2nd advantage will be a second chance for the Malaysian voters to vote on facts, clinical assessment without the emotional hatred aroused, fake news from both sides, and rubbery manifesto promised in GE14.

The 3rd advantage will likely be a less unstable government formed after GE15, whoever the winner may be, and thus more effective and efficient in its output.

The 4th advantage will likely see, regardless of who is the winner, a return of the more practical GST instead of a dodgy (full-of-loopholes) SST.

The 5th advantage will likely see post-election a lessening of the current very racial rants and insinuations pumping out of racist political parties.


  1. The next best thing to do is to have a new GE.A new and strong mandate is the best medicine for a new administration.The next government has to win big to govern.It is up to Malaysians to think carefully whom they want.And to go all out,because a big majority for either party is needed to govern.

  2. To avoid power struggles, horse tradings and unprincipled compromises, I would prefer dissolving the parliament and accelerated GE15.

  3. If parliament is dissolved and a new election is called,Azmin will lose big time.Then he will have to go back to Semburit to spread his legs.

  4. The biggest winner in GE15 will be Covid-19.

  5. What, the person who boycotted GE14 and stayed home to play mahjong now wants GE15 less than 2 years later? Who will he vote for I wonder?

    The side that has Guanee & LKS (multi-racial) or the other side?

  6. Why dance to the tune of the conspirators?

    The best, most stable, path right now is to return (as far as is possible) to the governing status quo.

    Trying to conduct a general election campaign now in the midst of a likely global pandemic , with a health and economic crisis will be disastrous.

  7. When China first realised the danger of Covid-19 back in January they cancelled the Lunar New Year celebrations, locked down major cities and house quarantined hundreds of millions. And even with these drastic steps the virus "escaped".

    And we want to have GE15? That would be most irresponsible and downright dangerous and stupid. We already have the virus under control.

    All persons having contact with a positive case must be quarantined for two weeks, or more. Imagine if we had thousands of infected persons.....half the country would be under quarantine, the country paralysed. If even one MP is infected (like the Iranian deputy Health Minister), parliament and cabinet would not be able to sit.

    I say let's respect the Mandate given by the People in GE14. That mandate was for 5 years. Sure there were setbacks, but that was caused by the Bersatu and Azmin-PKR traitors in the cabinet. Now that the cancer has left Harapan, Toonsie (for however long he lasts as PM) will be stunted by a cabinet full of DAP, PKR and Amanah ministers. The Harapan Manifesto still stands, we hold the remaining government responsible for delivering those promises. Watch out Lynas....

    Let's be honest. If we have GE15 now there will be more politicking, horse trading and treachery, before and after, whoever wins. Don't dream that whoever loses will willingly accept the results.

    So my suggestion is re-appoint the previous ministers and just fill in the Bersatu and Azmin-PKR posts. That should take one day to do. Then let's see how the Old Fart will control his cabinet.

    Let this Harapan government be in charge to deliver their Manifesto till the end of their term.

    UMNO-PAS rejects the Unity Government. They wants GE15. Will they accept responsibility if it results in deaths?

  8. Our Agong has shown care for his people, as demonstrated by His Highness stopping to help road accident victims, belanja them KFC and McD etc. These are simple acts but they are meaningful and says a lot.

    His Highness would be well advised on the possible health dangers of having GE15 now.

  9. To the Chinese Malaysians who are still bitching about Lim Khat Siang and so-called "Greatest Traitor" I will say this.

    Pakatan is flawed, but consider that on from Sunday afternoon to Monday, Malaysia came very close to getting a government of 100% Reactionary- Fundamentalist Malay-Muslims, with a few MCA Running Dogs as collaborators.

    So get real, understand what's at stake, and ignore those bitching from the safety of liberal, free, democratic First World Sydney , Australia.

  10. In many countries sports events, music concerts etc have been postponed, schools and universities remain shut, exams in limbo....the list goes on and on....and in Malaysia we want to hold election rallies and thousands of ceramahs....?

    New clusters are popping up everywhere: South Korea, Italy, Japan etc. Singapore is still struggling to control local spread. Indonesia is suspiciously free of cases....

    So if there is GE15 and there is another Race Home to Vote by Malaysians residing overseas (led by KT ha ha ha....I wonder who will he vote for? ha ha ha again) only Allah knows what will many infected people will unknowingly bring the virus home?

    The Rakyat's Mandate was given, Loud and GE14, for 5 years. Respect and Follow it. The Rakyat accepted the Harapan Manifesto. The New Cabinet led by Toonsie (for however long he lasts) must be held accountable to deliver it. Bersatu chose to leave Harapan. It's their choice. They have forfeited their cabinet positions. But Harapan is still intact. DAP, Anwar's PKR, Amanah and Warisan (as far as we know) were not part of this treachery. Let them keep their cabinet positions. Let Toonsie control this mob without the 6 Bersatu Ministers and Azmin/Zuraidah/Saifuddin to support him.

  11. Thank you Azmin.

    You have now made DAP the strongest political party with 42 seats. Sikit sikit lama lama dapat DPM......ha ha ha...Anthony Loke or Gobind Singh as DPM please....
