
Monday, February 24, 2020

Malaysia cursed kaukau

you all tai-seow lah 

Wakakaka - just two months on leave and I come home to read all these, wakakaka again. So Rais Yatim has been correct all along, despite all the dung thrown at him - last laugh to him, wakakaka.

From Malaysiakini 20 Feb 2020:

"News about cornering Tun M (Mahathir) to give a definitive date of goodbye to his premiership is hounding all,” he tweeted this afternoon.

"By saying November 2020 seems not good enough to other PH (Harapan) prefects."Something may happen before November. The prefects may not know what hit them then. There are other powers and factors at work," he added.

Coincidentally, on my way home to Oz, I passed through Malaysia, met a friend, was informed that Car No 3 has long been GUARANTEED, no one can stop the project if you know what I mean and what's at stake, wakakaka.

NST 17 Mar 2019:

SEPANG: The move to launch the third national car project is to enable Malaysians to gain knowledge in automative engineering technology, said Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

He raised concern over Malaysians’ lack of knowledge in the automative engineering industry.

“We know nothing about automative engineering, that is why we are introducing the third national learn and please learn.

Wakakaka, so Malaysians have learnt f-all from building Proton and Perodua

Too bad mateys, Malaysia has been cursed by an evil Old Man of the Sea Kerala, an evil Mafulat-ish Machiavellian Mamak with more than rancid nasi kandar up his 6 o'clock.

The monstrous Old Man of the Sea (Arabic: شيخ البحر‎, romanised: Shaykh al-Bahr) was said to trick any guileless (or more probably, clueless) traveller (eg. Malaysian people, wakakaka) into letting him ride on his shoulders while the traveller transported him across the nation's stream of wealth. However, the Old Man would then not release his grip, forcing his victim to transport him wherever he pleased and allowing his victim little rest. The Old Man's victim eventually died of this miserable treatment

Coupled this accursed Evil with the power lust of a "New" DAP, the treachery of Señor Semburit, and Malaysians will just have to continue to endure the sufferings already endured for 22 previous years including the humongous loss associated with Proton, but certainly inflated by now.

Cina tamak-untuk-kuasa memang mudah lupa



  1. Kaytee Matey,Long time no see.Welcome back from your hiatus with the Donald.Cheers.

  2. This time Mahathir and Azmin will be cursed by all Malaysians and forever be remembered as pariahs.

  3. Bagus lah...For those who believed in Mamak. Padan muka.

  4. the return of favor (curse)to Mr ManManLai 916 project. (我没有笑)

  5. DAP, Anwar’s PKR and Amanah played the game beautifully. They publicly “bagi jalan” to Toonsie all the way. They were expected to publicly rebel against Toonsie but even to the very end, after the Harapan conference last Friday, Anwar was publicly supportive of Toonsie. Then Toonsie’s side ran out of patience. Their treachery was exposed.

    It was a poker game all along. Who had the most patience. Anwar and his supporters or Toonsie and his supporters. In the end Toonsie's side blinked first. They ran out of patience, greedy for power, so they converged for treacherous meetings last weekend while Anwar's side went about their normal weekend.

    In the eyes of the Rakyat DAP, Anwar’s PKR and Amanah are the good guys. They can hold their heads high. They did not waver from their GE14 manifesto; Toonsie, Azmin’s PKR and Bersatu did. They were the quiet opposition from within the government. But Toonsie, Bersatu and Azmin scuttled Lynas, UEC, Anwar succession within 2 years etc etc etc.

    The choice for voters is now very simple:

    On one side we have the Malay-Muslim parties (plus a few awkward sore thumbs lost sheep like MIC, MCA and East Malaysian parties.

    On the other side we have a multi-racial inclusive coalition standing for Democracy (DAP), Justice (PKR) and Trust (Amanah).

    Simple choice no?

    Let’s have GE15 now. I hope the King will dissolve Parliament. Whoever wins wins.

    I hear Toonsie already handed in his resignation letter to the King.....KT is feeling a little nauseous.....ha ha ha....Toonsie will say "someone pushed me into a corner and held a gun to my head"

    Finally we have a rollicking democracy. Bring It On. I’m Lovin’ It.....!!!

  6. KT always jump the gun, too smart arse....

    If Toonsie's resignation is confirmed then Harapan must quickly nominate Anwar as PM, and someone from DAP as DPM, Anthony Loke or Gobind Singh should do nicely, Guanee will be too much of a lightning rod....and a SECOND DPM from Sabah or Sarawak. That should lock up 90% of the support of non-Malay non-Muslim votes.

    As I said all along....sikit sikit lama lama dapat DPM....ha ha ha...

    Azmin has dug his on grave.

  7. If it is true that PKR will lose 11 MPs then DAP will be the biggest party in Parliament. The King must offer the post of PM to Guanee, just like the previous King offered the post of PM to Wan Azizah after GE14.

    Guanee may decline and graciously offer the post to Anwar instead, just like Wan Azizah did to Toonise.

    That's the convention.

    And as quid pro quo DAP must be given a DPM post; my vote goes to Anthony Loke or Gobind Singh, plus a second DPM from East Malaysia.

    See, good thing DAP didn't quit Harapan like what many people insisted. Stick around, stay the course, sikit sikit lama lama dapat DPM...ha ha ha...

    Democracy (DAP), Justice (PKR) and Trust (Amanah)...the New Harapan.

  8. All the rats and mice MPs will be grovelling and flocking to Anwar's PKR, DAP and Amanah, as they are the strongest block most likely to have more than 112 seats. Take your time, pick and choose.

    Oh how the mighty have fallen. Allah is Great. He is So Merciful and Kind.
