
Monday, February 24, 2020

Barisan Melayu (cum Cina & Hindu?)

Extracts from MM Online:

IGP said RMP couldn't identify participants in gay sex video, as such, the case is still unresolved

Azmin's Team 11

PPBM 26 (including Maddy)

BN 42

PAS 18

GPS (Sarawak) 18

Total 115 > 112 for majority rule

Looks like the Barisan Melayu has the numbers to form majority rule, even without Sabahans and independents, but Sarawak's GPS (Peh Mor's PBB party plus allies) is necessary. 

FMT just reported that "PBB information chief Idris Buang said GPS should remain independent and be a master of our own fate" though that could well be just PBB raising its own stakes in a new coalition.

But if true than Barisan Melayu may well just number 97, requiring another 14. Warisan has 9, GBS (Sabah) 3, Others 2 and one Independent, an additional 15, wakakaka.

Mind, though it's a Barisan Melayu, there may be Cinapeks from Azmin's faction in PKR but this is not yet certain; and then there is Sarawak's PDP (from GPS Sarawak) with Tiong King Sing and Anyi Ngau.

The nons in PKR, example: Indians like Sungai Buloh MP R Sivarasa, Petaling Jaya MP Maria Chin Abdullah, Tebrau MP Steven Choong Shiau Yoon and a close ally to Azmin, Tian Chua, have not yet made their move. Of the lot I suspect Tian Chua and Maria Chin will follow Azmin though Tian Chua is not a MP - I just don't trust these two, wakakaka.


  1. Shafie Apdal will not join PN.I do not think that he wants anything to do with Umno.So Sabah is not in the group of traitors.Shafie may support Mahathir,but I do not think that he is a fan of the gay sex participant.

  2. I think the dwarf can join Donald Trump in the cesspool.They can have gay sex in the shit hole.

  3. It now seems clear that it was Azmin and Muhyiddin,not Mahathir,who was behind this treacherous acts.

    1. too early to credit the Old Devil matey, wakakaka

  4. I had another fantastic dream last night.....

    Toonsie the Interim PM, homeless, partyless, now have to work for Anwar and Guanee; LKS is pinching himself silly, can't believe it, never in a month of blue moons, my Chye-Chye is pulling the strings on my Great Tormentor......ha ha the tables have turned.

    Toonsie has no choice but to fill the interim cabinet with PKR, DAP and Amanah MPs, ok-lah plus a few kwai kwai opposition who may crawl begging to his doorstep.

    UMNO and PAS will have a meeting with the Agong today. They will make the case that THEY have more than 112 MPs. But the Agong will be wise enough to ask....."but did the Rakyat not vote you OUT in GE14..?"

    But let's not be fooled by the Old Fart. Toonsie knew very well there was a coup going on. He just kept quiet and was ready to jump and join the winning side. If Azmin had got the required number of MPs Toonsie would have flashed over to the Sheraton claiming victory. But since Azmin's coup de etat failed, Toonsie went home and cried that he had been betrayed and the following morning met with Anwar and Guanee with a sob story that be had no part in the plot and handed in a resignation letter (with an ambiguous and curt note from the PMO) just in case the Agong sacked him in the afternoon.

    So besides being the Great Tormentor he is.....

    And Anwar and Guanee grabbed the opportunity to finally put a leash and muzzle on the Old Fart. For Toonsie it is the better of two evils, to retire as a puppet Interim PM than a homeless partyless rejected politician who could have been charged with Treason and branded a Traitor.

    The next PM must be Anwar, with Anthony Loke or Gobind Singh as DPM and a second DPM from East Malaysia. The New New Malaysia: Democracy (DAP), Justice (PKR) and Trust (Amanah).

  5. MCA's 2 MPs will be the most influential Chinese politicians in the country.

    Hidup MCA ! 😁😁😁

  6. Poor Wee KHAT Siong was seen wondering the empty corridors of the PMO on Monday morning, looking for Toonsie.

    "I have a very important meeting with the PM today regarding TARUC matching grant" he had proudly declared to the media.

    "Toonsie sudah resign-lah" the jaga told him.

    Wee KHAT Siong and MCA are so irrelevant that Toonsie made an appointment for Monday morning, when he knew very well that a coup was in the plan the days before.

    Dr M agrees to meet MCA over Taruc’s matching grant request
    Sunday, 23 Feb 2020 09:25


    Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong speaks to reporters in Parliament, Kuala Lumpur
    KUALA LUMPUR, Feb 23 — MCA is to meet Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad over Tunku Abdul Rahman University College (Taruc) allocations for a matching grant.

    The Star quoted MCA president Datuk Seri Wee Ka Siong as saying the meeting, slated to take place in Putrajaya tomorrow, is aimed at defending what the higher learning institution should have received.

    “'He is clear about the intention of this meeting and following his agreement to meet, MCA is looking forward.

    “We are also fully prepared for it,” he was quoted saying by The Star.

  7. Muhyiddin and the rest of Bersatu must be feeling betrayed by Toonsie.

    How could he say he was not part of the coup de etat plot to kick out DAP and Amanah from Harapan and join with PAS & UMNO?

    He knew every detail, he even met with PAS and UMNO leaders, for talk about coronavirus?......but at the last moment when it became clear that Bersatu could not muster the support Toonsie suddenly declares he was not part of the coup and instead goes crying to Anwar and Guanee, claiming he was betrayed and used.

    But actually Bersatu and Azmin were betrayed by Toonsie the traitor and coward.
