
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Sistem Yahudi Melayu (M'sia) memiskinkan orang, terutama sekali orang Melayu

OutSyed The Box:

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Harga Beras - Yahudi Melayu Lagi Mencekik Darah Melayu

There are so many things that I would like to share with my readers here, especially the Malays. There are some economic and business issues that I must cover.

1. Yes I intend to write about PNB, ASB, Dasar Dr Mahathir Untuk Memalaskan Korporat Melayu etc. That shall be one posting. A reader reminded me about this the other day.

2. I have to reply my old friend Willie Lim who asked (weeks ago) how I propose to abolish corruption in Malaysia in 24 months. It can be done - easily.

3. I have some comments on unemployment, economic inactivity and banking sector reform.

4. I have already drafted some more thoughts about our purchasing power parity, using motor vehicles as my comparison. Will be posting it soon.

Today I want to say something about how Dr Mahathir's policies (particularly the New Economic Policy) has made all of us poorer especially the Malays. This is with reference to the price of rice - our staple food.

I will write this in Malay.

Salam tuan-tuan dan pembaca lain.

Baru ini saya telah melawat ke Eropah selama lapan hari (United Kingdom, Belanda (naik kapal dari Harwich ke Rotterdam), Belgium dan transit keretapi balik ke UK melalui Perancis dan Chunnel).

Di UK saya sempat melawat ke beberapa tempat termasuk shopping di kedai runcit dan supermarket mereka seperti Sainsbury dan Marks and Spencer.

Sainsburys dan Marks and Spencer adalah syarikat supermarket kepunyaan orang Yahudi.

Di sebuah Sainsbury's saya telah jumpa Basmati rice atau beras basmati yang dijual dengan harga 29 pence atau 29p bagi satu beg 250 gram (atau 1/4 kg).

Serupa dengan seratus sen jadi satu Ringgit, begitu juga seratus pence jadi satu pound sterling.

1 Pound Sterling pula sama dengan RM5.42.

Inilah gambar beras basmati long grain berat 250 gm, jenama Golden Sun yang saya telah beli di supermarket Sainsbury's itu :

Harganya untuk satu paket 250 gm adalah 29p atau 29 pence.
Jadi harga bagi 1 kg beras basmati ini adalah about £1.16.

Actually kalau kita beli beg 1kg atau 5kg mesti harganya lebih murah tapi buat sementara kita guna saja harga £1.16 / kg.

Dalam duit kita adalah sama dengan 1.16 x RM5.42 = RM6.28.

Jadi maksudnya di United Kingdom mereka mampu beli 1kg beras basmati long grain dengan harga RM6.28 sahaja.

Di Malaysia pula 1kg beras basmati berharga antara RM8 - RM12 setiap kg atau lebih. Sila lihat gambar di bawah. Basmathi 'specially selected' pula maksudnya gred campuran.

Jadi di UK harga beras basmati adalah jauh lagi murah daripada harga beras basmati di Malaysia.

Kenapa pula begitu? Padahal mereka tidak mempunyai satu ekar pun tanah sawah padi di UK.

Di Malaysia pula duit RM6.28 itu hanya dapat membeli 1kg beras putih biasa, gred elok sikit - itu saja.

Bagaimana pula perbandingan harga antara UK dan Malaysia untuk beras putih biasa?

Sila lihat harga beras putih biasa di Tesco di UK :

Di United Kingdom, beras putih biasa long grain rice pula harganya 45p bagi setiap kg. Harga 45p itu sama dengan RM2.43 satu kg.

Tuan-tuan dengar baik-baik ok - di United Kingdom mereka bayar RM2.43 sahaja bagi 1 kg beras putih long grain rice.

Tuan-tuan orang Melayu - di seluruh Malaysia ini tidak ada sebarang jenis beras pun yang di jual dengan harga RM2.43 satu kilo.

Paling murah pun adalah beras putih kualiti murah dengan harga RM2.90 / kg di Tesco.

Saya pernah melihat orang Cina yang menjadi volunteer di animal shelter beli beras murah RM2.90/kg ini untuk dimasak diberi makan kepada anjing.

Tetapi di United Kingdom mereka hanya perlu bayar RM2.43 /kg untuk beli beras putih biasa jenis long grain.

Di United Kingdom mereka hanya bayar RM6.28 /kg beras basmathi long grain.

Jadi tuan-tuan orang Melayu dengar baik-baik ok.

Sebenarnya dari segi pendapatan, dari segi gaji bulanan, dari segi pendapatan wang dan duit, tuan-tuan semua sudah boleh menandingi purchasing power atau kuasa membeli yang sama tanding dengan United Kingdom dan Eropah.

Sebenarnya tuan-tuan sudah lama mampu membeli dan memberi makan beras dan nasi yang berkualiti (seperti beras basmati dan beras putih long grain) kepada anak bini dan seisi keluarga. Dari segi financial capacity, tuan-tuan dan anak bini serta seisi keluarga sudah lama mampu merasai standard of living atau quality of life yang jauh lebih baik.

Kenapa saya sebut begitu? 

Sebab you are already paying the same prices as the UK.

Di UK mereka pun bayar kurang lebih RM6.28 sen untuk beras.

Di Malaysia tuan-tuan pun membayar kurang lebih RM6.00 untuk beras.

Tapi RM6.28 di UK boleh dapat beras basmathi.

Tapi di Malaysia RM6.28 tak boleh bau pun beras basmati.
Beras kualiti kokak boleh lah.

Realitinya tuan-tuan sudah berpendapatan tinggi tetapi hidup low quality.

Realitinya walaupun berduit tuan-tuan hidup macam orang miskin.

Realitinya tuan-tuan dipaksa menjadi pengemis.Kenapa? Why?

Sebab dalam negara kita segalanya dimonopolikan kepada golongan kaya.

Segalanya di oligopolikan kepada syarikat GLC kepunyaan kerajaan.

Segalanya di AP-kan, dilesen-kan, dipermit-kan kepada golongan orang kaya.

Perniagaan beras di kawal ketat, diletakkan berbagai syarat gila.

Kononnya untuk 'menghapuskan taukeh Cina orang tengah yang menghisap darah orang Melayu'.

Kepala bapak penipu depa.

Mereka hanya membohongi tuan-tuan.

Tuan-tuan kena bangun tidur.

Taukeh Cina orang tengah niaga beras sudah tidak ada.

Perniagaan beras sudah berpuluh tahun dikawal oleh kerajaan Melayu dan kroni businessman Melayu.

Tuan-tuan orang Melayu perlu bangun tidur ok.
Negara kita ini susah dan tuan-tuan hidup susah sebab tuan-tuan ini susah nak faham banyak perkara, termasuk perkara kecil yang sepatutnya mudah difaham, seperti membuat perbandingan harga barang dengan negara lain.

The Malay people seem to have serious difficulty in making simple money calculations and money comparisons.

Sebab itulah orang Melayu begitu mudah ditipu oleh golongan kaya Melayu, golongan politik Melayu, golongan korporat Melayu, golongan ostard penipu Melayu, geng Dr Mahathir dan kroni2 nya.

(Satu lagi contohnya harga RM5.3 BILLION untuk memasang 30,000 tiang lampu di sepanjang lebuhraya Utara Selatan. 

Maksudnya kos bagi setiap batang tiang lampu adalah RM176,000.00 !! 

Padahal kos sebatang tiang lampu (Made in China) hanya sekitar RM1,300 sahaja. 

Kenapa orang Melayu tak faham dan tidak tahu membuat perbandingan harga yang simple macam ini. Please wake up.

Tuan-tuan akhir kalamnya adalah begini :

Di UK gaji minima adalah kurang lebih £4.00 bagi satu jam. 

Maksudnya dengan bekerja selama satu jam sahaja, seorang pekerja gaji minima atau minimum wage worker di UK itu mampu membeli 3.5 kg beras basmati atau 9.0 kg beras putih biasa.

1 kg beras boleh dimasak untuk dimakan oleh 10 orang (saya tahu sebab saya pernah niaga katering nasi briyani).

Jadi gaji minima satu jam sahaja boleh memberi makan 35 orang (beras basmati) atau 90 orang (beras putih).

Inilah sistem ekonomi negara Barat yang kononnya dikuasai Yahudi yang sering dikutuk oleh Dr Mahathir.

Di negara Barat, sistem Yahudi membenarkan mereka merasai standard of living atau kualiti penghidupan yang jauh lebih baik tetapi dengan harga yang jauh lebih murah.

Di negara kita pula sistem Yahudi Melayu mengemiskan dan memiskinkan orang, terutama sekali orang Melayu, yang menzalimi manusia dengan harga yang jauh lagi mahal bagi kualiti hidup yang jauh lebih rendah.


  1. most of the changes made is cosmetic, i really cant believe ph is that slow n compromise in almost everything, if comparison made, the thief did much better.

  2. But don't get the wrong idea...orang Yahudi bukan tamak. They are very humble.

    All they ask for is a sliver of land called Israel. Muslims already occupy the entire region from Morocco in Africa all the way to Pakistan in the east. Bangladesh, Indonesia and Malaysia too.

    Orang Yahudi in Israel is but less than 0.5% of the Muslim land area, maybe only 0.1%

    That oso Muslims cannot give.

    Where is the Compassionate Islam, the Shared Prosperity?

    1. you should tell this to the Palestinians who were ousted from their land since 1948

    2. Yes let me tell them.

      1.8 billion Muslims worldwide. Nearly one in four worldwide. Only 15 million Jews. Less than 0.01%

      What's there to be afraid of? Like the proportion of orang asal /asli in Malaya. Are we afraid of them?

      Even Christianity is dying.

      To overcome Islamophobia, Muslims must be gracious, generous, forgiving and humble. To gain respect don't be like Trump.

      Instead of rounding up the wagons to isolate yourselves, trade amongst yourselves, use Islamo-crypto-currencies etc etc
      this sounds like Islamo-trade-war, like Trump trade war. Don't listen to Toonsie either. He says he does not understand Trump, then he goes and follows Trump's trade war policy.

      Instead DO THE OPPOSITE.

      Open your economies, trade freely, show compassion and share your prosperity, yes, even your oil. Be friends with Israel, don't fight over 0.01% of your land. The Jews don't have any other land to go to. New York is not theirs.

      Open your borders to immigrants and refugees. Look at EU countries like Germany and Scandinavia. They welcome so many Muslim refugees, open arms.

      If you do this Islamophobia will disappear. Even more people will convert to Islam, willingly.

      For Muslims The Temple Mount in Jerusalem is only the THIRD most holy site. Muslims have so many holy sites. So Blessed by Allah. To Israelis Jerusalem is their most holy city.

      By the way, same God, same father Ibrahim/Abraham.

      And if this sounds childish, it is child-like. Allah loves little children.

    3. The Palestinians left, they were for the most part not ousted.

      The small numbers of Arabs who chise not to leave continue as Israeli citizens, still own their property in Israel and vote in Israeli elections.

    4. From Wiki:

      The Deir Yassin massacre took place on April 9, 1948, when around 120 fighters from the Zionist paramilitary groups Irgun and Lehi killed hundreds of Palestinian Arabs in Deir Yassin, a village of roughly 600 people near Jerusalem.

      The deaths became a pivotal event in the Arab–Israeli conflict for their demographic and military consequences. The narrative was embellished and used by various parties to attack each other—by the Palestinians against Israel; by the Haganah to play down their own role in the affair; and by the Israeli left to accuse the Irgun and Lehi of blackening Israel's name by violating the Jewish principle of purity of arms. News of the killings sparked terror among Palestinians, encouraging them to flee from their towns and villages in the face of Jewish troop advances and it strengthened the resolve of Arab governments to intervene, which they did five weeks later.

      For TS (above):

      Israelis have the mighty USA behind and under their YHWH-ish thumb

    5. The Shinto-Japanese and Christian USA/Britain/ANZ fought a terrible war and committed terrible atrocities in the Pacific campaign. USA even dropped two atomic bombs on Japan. Today they are all good friends.

      Nazi Germany killed 6 million Jews.

      6 million. That was the entire population of Malaya in 1957.

      Yet today Israel and Germany are good friends. Jews can forgive Christian Germany and move on.

      So can Muslims and Jews forgive each other and do the same? Allah/Yahweh would be so pleased. Toonsie should have invited Israel to the KL Summit.....ha ha ha....

    6. Old enmities don't forget nor forgive - they only appear civil

  3. There is another side to the story, though I certainly support the dismantling of the rice monopoly frontier in Malaysia.

    For key food security reasons, Malaysia has to protect , aid, and yes, subsidise its rice farming and farmers. This includes ensuring a minimimum price at which farmers get to sell their produce. Otherwise, fewer and fewer or even nobody will plant paddy in Malaysia.
    All this pushes up the price of rice in Malaysia.

    Britain has zero acres of rice farming, and rice is not considered an essential strategic food commodity, will simply allow rice to be traded at the best possible market price.

    The more appropriate comparison is with the essential agricultural produce that stems the staple for the majority White European population.
    Then you see the farming is protected, and prices are high.
